Otherworld Company Chapter 57.1: When the Break is Over, It’s Time to Work, You’re a Member of Society

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Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Has Girlfriends

Girlfriend(s): Suela Handelberg & Memoria Tris

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Eight (General Class)

Job Title: Warrior



“Thank you for your patronage.” (Waiter)



The waiter’s greeting concludes the restaurant’s terrorizing with the unnerving taste and sight of food.


Normally, I would have enjoyed a smoke afterward, but my cigarette smelled and looked conspicuous, so I had to give that up.



“Let’s go.” (Memoria)


“Yeah.” (Jiro)



Feeling the loneliness in my mouth, I left the quiet coffee shop and began to walk through the bustle again following Memoria.


After a few minutes of walking through the crowded streets, intercepting the occasional pickpocket, Memoria stopped in front of a bar that seemed to be her destination.


Naturally, I walked next to her.


At first glance, it might seem strange to say that I could find a tavern anywhere, but from my knowledge of the place, this was a fantasy tavern.



“It’s closed, but you got through the back door?” (Jiro)



It’s strange, or maybe it’s just natural, but for me, it’s odd for a bar to be open in the daytime, especially when there’s a closed sign hanging on the door.



“It is not a problem.” (Memoria)


“Won’t it be locked?” (Jiro)



But Memoria, without any regard for that, put her hand on the door and entered the bar without any hesitation.



“We’re not open yet.” (Man)


“I’m not a customer, so there’s no problem.” (Memoria)


“Oh, it’s you?” (Man)



The man’s words coming from inside the store are a natural response from the perspective of someone within the store.


However, when the man saw Memoria was the one answering, he put down the glass he was polishing and came out from the counter.


The man was a middle-aged man who could have blended in anywhere on our route toward this place.


He also had that kind of atmosphere, too.



“Is this that strange guy?” (Man)


“Yes, he is.” (Memoria)


“Are the two of us treated as strange people?” (Jiro)


“In this world, when a human is in the company of a member of the demon tribe, they’re considered strange, and most of them will go straight to the gallows.” (Memoria)


“What an outrageous thing to do.” (Jiro)



My gut is telling me that’s not all.


The man glanced at me once and asked Memoria as if to confirm.


I can’t help but chuckle at the words he asks with a wry smile on my mouth.



“Tanaka No, my name is Jiro Tanaka. I’m Jiro Tanaka, but over here I’m Giro the mercenary. Please, guide me during my stay here.” (Jiro)


“I’m Barth. I’m the owner of this store and I’m your liaison.” (Man => Barth)



I held out my right hand and he shook it firmly and with more strength than I had expected.


This shows that my intuition is not mistaken.


And then,



“Sorry to be so hurried, but there are good and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?” (Barth)


“What’s wrong?” (Memoria)



Again, I think.


Things haven’t gone well in this world since I’ve been here.


Barth asked us in a mysterious tone, tightening up his expression, which had been slack until a few minutes ago.


It was Memoria who responded.


And her reply naturally prompted me to start with the bad news first.



“Ah, I’ve been hearing some troubling stories in the kingdom lately, and countries are getting restless in response.” (Barth)


“What are the details?” (Memoria)


“No details have been given. The particulars are not in. But judging from the flow of supplies, it’s a safe bet that they are preparing for war. And there’s talk about a Thoris in the shadows.” (Barth)


“…is going to be off schedule, isn’t it, Jiro?” (Memoria)


“I guess so. I’ve had a string of mishaps since I got here, maybe so I could get rid of the tourist mood early.” (Jiro)



The information from Barth about the troublesome situation forced us to drastically change our original plans.


As for me, I’d like to be allowed to go on with our original plan of relaxing without any trouble…


Of course, if there is talk that the country is preparing for war, there is no way we can do that.



“Is that the only bad news?” (Memoria)


“No, and the Inquisition is out there. The reason I mentioned earlier about Thoris being in the shadows is because I got a tip that those guys and the kingdom are working together.” (Barth)


“That’s really bad.” (Memoria)



How unusual.


Memoria rarely expresses strong negative emotions.


This means that the Inquisitor is really terrible news.



“Is it dangerous?” (Jiro)


“Yeah, they are so dangerous that the whole town will be suspicious of everyone if word gets out that they are in town.” (Memoria)


“What kind of person are they?” (Jiro)


“They are the special agent in charge of both intelligence and enforcement for Thoris. They wear many masks and live by grasping people’s hearts and minds, exposing them, and judging them with the authority given to them by the state. He is an executioner.” (Memoria)


“Are they like some parasite or something?” (Jiro)



That’s the worst.


The guy drinking next to him could be the Grim Reaper with a scythe.


That information alone is enough to make it impossible to trust strangers.


The mushroom family Cordyceps sinensis is something similar. [T/N: The author must be talking about the zombie ant fungus.]



“These parasites are even worse because they are also very skilled. You’ve come to us at a most inopportune time.” (Memoria)


“Absolutely.” (Jiro)



I’ve been feeling cursed as of late, that’s all I can say.


I’ve had a string of mishaps since I got here.



“Do you know why they began to move?” (Memoria)


“Well, when the Inquisitor moves, you can be sure that something is going on in the upper echelons of Thoris. But the place is so closed that it is almost abnormal. You can’t get information there easily.” (Barth)



The more we hear about the behind-the-scenes involvement of a top government official, the more troublesome it becomes.


If you summarize what you’ve heard, it sounds like they are a small elite assassination squad that buries in the dark those who are inconvenient and contrary to their doctrine.


It would be impossible to act unconcerned when one hears that such an opponent is on the move.


It is fortunate that the Inquisitor has been informed of the situation.



“By the way, what’s the good news?” (Jiro)



I’ll have to be careful and keep a low profile from now on.


Let’s at least listen to the good news so that it won’t be any darker than it already is.



“How about I tell you that the food here is good?” (Barth)


“I’m glad to hear that. It’s a shame to have to eat bad food all the time, and it’s even better if the drinks are good too.” (Jiro)


“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it.” (Barth)


“That’s great. I’ll have one today.” (Jiro)


“Hey, keep your money where it belongs!” (Barth)


“… It seems that mood has changed, so would it be alright to move on to the main subject?” (Memoria)



It is helpful to be able to joke around and change the atmosphere in such a good tone.


The light-hearted exchange of banter helped me recover from my earlier depression to the point where I could look forward to today’s evening drinks.



“So do you want to know of a nighttime shop catering to men?” (Barth)


“Do you want to be ground or burned?” (Memoria)


“Oh, scary. How can you go out with this one, brother?” (Barth)


“I’m a sucker for cute faces, and I’m still losing.” (Jiro)



Memoria’s disdainful glare makes Barth shrug and says, “just kidding”, but his mouth doesn’t stop.


Whether there is information going around that I and Memoria are dating, or whether he inferred from the sense of distance and atmosphere between us, Barth looked at me and made fun of me further. However, if I get embarrassed here, I will be overwhelmed in the future. So, I just shrugged and deal with it in just the proper steps.



“Well, you’re crazy. The good news is there is a new dungeon was discovered by the Beastmen Union. There are various things about to happen there.” (Barth)



Thanks to this, the conversation proceeded without any further inquiries.


The content of the news was convenient for us, and it was what I would call the best part of the otherworld.


Well, it’s a place I’m used to going to work, but it’s a good opportunity for me to get some information about this side of the otherworld.



“I’m a human, so is there any problem with me going there? Memoria, isn’t that a land governed by beastmen?” (Jiro)


“No problem. There is also exchange, and some adventurers and mercenaries do not settle down because of their profession. And merchants, needless to say, will go wherever there is profit to be made. The Beastmen Union is not exempt from this.” (Memoria)


“There are exceptions, of course.” (Barth)


“Exceptions?” (Jiro)


“Slave traders and criminals.” (Barth)


“Oh.” (Jiro)



Certainly, you don’t have to be a beast to be wary of them.


Unlike Japan, which is a safe country, here it is a common sight.



“The Beastmen Union is a country where there is no slavery. Slave traders are not allowed to enter or leave the country, but there are some who enter the country because they want beastmen slaves.” (Memoria)


“I hear ‘common stories’ like that a lot.” (Jiro)


“Well, I guess it happens in every world.” (Barth)



By “common stories,” I mean those who have such knowledge in Japan, but Barth was convinced that such things happened on Earth as well.


In fact, if you go back in history, there are such stories, so I am not wrong.



It would be tedious to correct him, so let’s continue the conversation.



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