Otherworld Company Chapter 58.2: Ok, But First, I Need a Cigarette Break

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Fortunately, or unfortunately, there seem to be enough heroes available.



“The first Demon King was a man who wanted to make peace but was killed by humanity’s trap, losing his wife and child before being sealed away. In addition, even if there were a hundred level one heroes, would they be able to defeat a trained Demon King?” (Barth)


“I don’t think they can… Okay, Memoria we’re going home.” (Jiro)


“I wish I could, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen, does it?” (Barth)



Even if there are a large number of baby birds that will become great eagles in the future, there is no way they can beat a mature wolf.


It is useless to expect good humor and mercy from a Demon King who will move with revenge instead of a wolf who will hunt within reason.


Naturally, a future in which they will be overrun awaits them.


The inhabitants of this world have unleashed a Demon King who can only be called a disaster, not a demon king who is similar to a calamity that drags everything in their vicinity.


What are you doing, flipping the doomsday switch by yourself?


There was no way I could continue my business trip under these circumstances, and I suggested that we leave early, but it was Barth who answered, not Memoria.



“Additional information. I found out why those guys went to the trouble of summoning the heroes using the magic power of the sacred mountain.” (Barth)


“What?” (Memoria)



He shook a sheet of paper and showed it to us.


Memoria received the paper from Barth and looked at its contents with me looking from Memoria’s side.



“…” (Jiro)


“…” (Jiro)



After a few seconds of silent reading, I silently take out my cigarette, and Memoria shakes her head as if trying to stave off a headache.



“This is not even close to funny.” (Jiro)


“I don’t really understand how humans think.” (Memoria)



I let out a puff of smoke, and Memoria, whose headache had subsided, simultaneously let out her thoughts after reading the contents of the paper.



“The Kingdom of Eclair and Theocracy of Thoris have formed an alliance and summoned heroes in order to defeat the empire that created an evil golem made from the corpse of the demon king thousands of years ago. So, what do they say but, ‘let’s work together to fight’, right?” (Jiro)



The document we read was, to put it bluntly, a proclamation.


The content of the text is written in a more difficult style, but if I were to summarize it roughly, it would be something like this.


Let me be frank.


It’s a three-sentence piece of theatrics.


The sense that the other side is evil and they are justified is too obvious.


I don’t know how many generations of the Demon King’s corpse there are, but I wonder if the first Demon King or the current Demon King himself can be used in such a simple and easy way.


The alliance has not presented a solution for what to do with the first generation’s spirit body.


There is also the question of whether the empire really possesses such a golem.


The lack of foresight stands out like a sore thumb.


For the alliance, I guess they think they’ve made up the good and bad dynamics about the Empire building up a completely dangerous puppet to attack them…



“I wonder why, it’s easier to imagine a story about a monstrous battle than a tale of heroism.” (Jiro)



The title would be the first Demon King (spirit) vs. the Demon King Golem, right?


The first Demon King who destroys the alliance next aims for the Empire with a golem made from the body of the Demon King who also has the Demon King’s power, villages being burned, people fleeing in fear, what will become of the future of Ithar!?


I think about it myself, but it has the content that smells something similar to a B movie.


Also, the demon king is in the movie, but the heroes are the underdogs.



“I’m the one who’s about to get caught in the middle of such a scheme in action, but I do feel sorry for those heroes who were summoned.” (Jiro)


“I’m sorry you feel sorry for them, but your way home has been rendered unusable for the time being in the aftermath of the summoning of any sympathetic hero.” (Memoria)


“…” (Jiro)


“Well, summoning heroes who exceed the capacity of the world, they should know that will happen.” (Barth)


“Typically, it is necessary to pay close attention to transfers across worlds, since if you forcibly use summoning magic like this, the path will collapse in the aftermath.” (Memoria)


“Damn them!” (Jiro)



What a perfect disaster.


If they’re going to do this, do it in a way that won’t cause trouble.



“Besides, with the war on the horizon, people are starting to leave the city.” (Barth)


“No way.” (Jiro)


“This is a city surrounded by four countries. What if a war breaks out there? They will send their armies to secure their strongholds. No one is stupid enough to stay here when they know they will be involved in a war. They’ll abandon their stronghold here.” (Barth)



I’m really bummed that we have to move out of this city as soon as we get here.


Barth patting my shoulder pitying me for coming at a really bad time.


If you’re going to pity me, give me peace, I thought.



“What is the plan, Memoria?” (Jiro)


“It will take at least a month for the roads to recover, but we will use that month to make arrangements for your immediate return.” (Memoria)


“I guess we’ll just have to do that, huh?” (Jiro)



This is the situation.


As expected, there would be no punishment for interrupting the business trip.


Naturally, our next move would be to return home first.



“Can we return from here?” (Jiro)


“We can’t. We have to head for the base where the ley lines flow to.” (Memoria)


“Is that where we originally planned to go?” (Jiro)


“It would be best if we could use that.” (Memoria)


“Is there a chance it won’t work…” (Jiro)



It’s been a series of mishaps since I got here.


I vowed to myself that I would definitely go to a shrine to pray when I returned to Japan.



“I’ll gather information, so for now, I’m going to take a holiday today. I’ll gather information for you, so why don’t you take the rest of the day off?” (Barth)


“But-” (Jiro)


“Let’s go, Jiro, you should take a rest now.” (Memoria)


“…yeah.” (Jiro)



Just because you have decided on a goal does not mean you can move immediately.


The world is changing rapidly, and you can’t walk across it without preparing for your journey and gathering information.


I was almost reluctant to follow Barth’s instruction that I should rest for now, but Memoria took my hand and led me back to the room to stop me from thinking that I could do something more.


We leave the room, listening to Barth’s voice as he sends instructions to the members of the group gathered behind us.



“That was a disaster.” (Memoria)


“I wish I had won the lottery instead of this.” (Jiro)



I returned to the room I had been assigned and went to the bedroom without hesitation and lay down on the bed, Memoria sitting near my head, uttering words of comfort, but I jokingly reply.


I had heard somewhere that the odds of meeting a terrorist are lower than the odds of winning the lottery.


If that’s the case, I wonder what the odds are that I’m about to get caught up in a war in this other world.



“What are you worried about?” (Memoria)


“Yeah, why don’t you tell me what you’ve been trying not to think about… sorry, it’s not like you wanted to get dragged into this.” (Jiro)



I was trying to drown it all with jokes, but I was about to use Memoria as a scapegoat, who read my mind and stepped in without hesitation. But I had agreed to come here, even though it was my boss’s order, and I had been told it was dangerous…


After halfheartedly staving off the irritating line, what came out was regret.


I know it’s not cool to be angry with my girlfriend, but as Memoria pointed out, I’m anxious.


The trouble came one after the other, and finally, a war.


The way home was blocked off, and no one could guarantee my safe return.



“It’s nothing.” (Memoria)


“…yeah, thank you for everything.” (Jiro)


“It’s fine.” (Memoria)



I smiled in relief at the fact that I was grateful rather than give an apology.


Apparently, Memoria was worried for me.


And the reason I was going to take some action was to drown my fears, but maybe Barth could see through them.


Maybe he was trying to give me a break to calm someone that was about to jump into danger.


He’s not completely wrong…



“I guess we just have to do what we can.” (Jiro)



If I calm down, I can see what needs to be done.


It was a good thing that I had my mind changed.



“Then, first of all, you must fulfill your promise to me.” (Memoria)


“You say that at this point in time?” (Jiro)



Even now that there’s an emergency…



“If we miss this timing, it may not be possible for a while, so-” (Memoria)



I, as a man, can’t help it if she shows me an anxious expression as she peeks at me from above, asking if it’s no good.


I shut up and lock her in my arms.


I don’t think they said to take a break in this sense, but that can be a broad interpretation.


If you know that you are going to be busy from now on, you might as well take a break.



Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Has Girlfriends

Girlfriend(s): Suela Handelberg (Dark Elf) & Memoria Tris (Vampire)

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Eight (General Class)

Job Title: Warrior


Note for the Day

“Well, let’s see what we have to do first, shall we?” (Jiro)


T/N: So, the smoke break became a “coffee break”. 



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