Reincarnated Aristocrat Chapter 265: Walking

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 After reports of Sights’ attack came, an emergency war council was called.



I wanted to attend the meeting, but I was told to give priority to healing my body and stay in bed.



 To tell the truth, I felt uncomfortable, but I was sure that my capable vassals would find the best strategy.



 After a while, Lithia, Ritsu, and Russell came into the bedroom.



“Ars, the military council just finished.” (Lithia)


“I see, thank you for your hard work. I should have joined in too, I’m sorry.” (Ars)


“No, it’s fine.” (Lithia)


“So, what’s the situation? How big is Sights invading army?” (Ars)


“Umm, about that…” (Lithia)



 Instead of Lithia, Russell explained the current situation.



 Sights has sent their elite troops to take the lead, intending to quickly capture Fort Khmer, and they have also spread rumors in Canale that I am dead, to sow unrest.



 The plan seems to be working, as many of my subjects already believe I’m dead.



 Certainly, if the lord dies, the people will be in uproar and the morale of the soldiers will drop.


 There is a strong possibility that simply saying that the rumors are false will not dispel them. It is difficult to change what you once believed with words alone.


 The most effective way would be for me to actually show up.



“How is your physical condition? Can you walk outside? Of course, if it’s difficult, please rest. Ars’s body is the most important thing.” (Lithia)


“Hmm…” (Ars)



 When Lithia asks, I think for a moment.


 It’s not impossible… I think. My physical condition is certainly not good, but compared to when I was at my worst, it’s a lot easier.



 However, I haven’t been walking much lately, so I wonder how it will feel if I actually move.


 If I fall down while walking, it could fan the rumors right rather than dispel them.



“Please do not push yourself too hard.” (Lithia)



 Lithia said with a worried look on her face.



“If the time comes, I will sacrifice my life to annihilate the enemy, so you don’t have to push yourself, Lord Ars.” (Ritsu)



 That was what Ritsu said.


 He might even be willing to sacrifice himself in order to defeat the enemy.



 As his lord, I feel guilty about sleeping here all the time.


 Originally, I was poisoned because I was over reliant on my ability to appraise people. It would have been unbecoming of a lord to let a war break out and send so many soldiers to their deaths because of it.



“I’m fine. I will walk around town.” (Ars)



 I came to a conclusion.





 That day, I hurriedly finished getting ready and walked around town.



 There was not a single advantage to delaying the time, because the later I did, the more rumors would spread and the more my poisoning would progress.


 Once I decided to do it, I knew I had to do it right away, so I went ahead and did it.



 Next to me is my wife, Lithia.


 We walked together as if we were on a friendly date.


 Of course, there are several soldiers guarding us.


 Braham, Zat, Rikuya, Takao, and others who proved their skills.



 Ben should be nearby, mixed in with the civilians, but I don’t know where he is.



 There was a possibility that Sights assassins were lurking throughout the town, so we couldn’t let our guard down.



 To be honest, it was tough on my body.


 The poison was a pain, but I had been sleeping a lot lately, and my physical strength was severely diminished.



 Still, I somehow managed to walk as usual to be noticed by the people of the territory.



 When the people saw us, they became restless.



“What? It’s Lord Ars!” “I thought he had died?” “Oh, that was just a rumor!” (Civilians)



 Reactions varied, from surprise to anger.



 When I got to the square, there were quite a few people gathered there.



 They must have heard the rumors.



 It was a little different from what I had planned, but it might be better to talk to the people here for a while.



 I somehow managed to muster up all my strength and shouted out loud.



“There were rumors circulating that I had died, but as you can see, they were false! My leg was injured so badly that I couldn’t walk properly and couldn’t go to town, but it wasn’t the kind of injury that would kill me!” (Ars)



 When I finished saying this, I was extremely tired, but I also explained why I hadn’t been outside, and if this story spread, it would be certified as a hoax that I was dead and would disappear.



 After that, instead of leaving immediately, I walked around town, showed up, and walked back to the castle after two hours.



 The moment I entered the castle, I felt faint and wobbly, as if I were going to fall down. Somehow, I managed to stand my ground and endure.



“Ah, Ars! Are you okay?” (Lithia)



 Lithia supported me.





“I’m okay… well… to be honest, I’m at the limit of my physical strength. But this will put an end to those rumors.” (Ars)


“Yes, thank you. You did a great job. Let’s get you to the bedroom quickly.” (Lithia)



 With Lithia’s help, I somehow made it back to the bedroom and got into bed to rest.





~3rd Person Perspective~



 Fort Purled.



 Borotz had received a report from his subordinate.


 This is a report on the current state of Canale.



“Rumors that Ars Lovent had walked through the city, killed the rumors of his death. Apparently, Ars Lovent is alive and has been successfully cured.” (Vassal)


“Was it really him?” (Borotz)


“I heard his voice… and I was also able to see his wife, Lithia, and his powerful vassals, so I’m sure it’s him.” (Vassal)


“…Zetsu, you said there’s no antidote… so, that’s a lie.” (Borotz)



 His voice was calm, but his expression was filled with anger. His subordinates were intimidated by his expression.



“Also, a letter came from the Louvent family.” (Vassal)


“A letter?” (Borotz)


“Yes, this way.” (Vassal)



 Borotz looks at the letter that was sent.



 The letter said that Ars was alive and well, that it was not mutually beneficial to fight a war, and suggested that a truce should be made, and finally, that if he withdrew his troops, he promised not to pursue them.



(…I guess the fact that he sends me a letter like this means that he understands that I hired Zetsu and that he understands everything about this strategy. It must be true that they do not intend to fight. Should I withdraw my troops…?) (Borotz)



 Borotz thinks.


 There is no major drawback to withdrawing troops now.


 If he launched a war despite the failure of his plan, he would risk a heavy defeat, so it was safe to take the cease-fire at this point.



 Although he could not achieve his goal of assassinating Ars, it was much better than suffering a second major defeat.



(But… is it too early to assume that the assassination failed in the first place? The detoxification itself may not have succeeded, only temporarily alleviating the symptoms. From Zetsu’s confidence, it is clear that he used a poison that cannot be so easily detoxified.) (Borotz)



 Calming his anger, Borotz calmly pondered.



“I will write a letter of response. Once I have finished writing it, deliver it to the Louvent family.” (Borotz)


“I got it.” (Vassal)



 With that, Borotz took out a brush and a piece of parchment and began to write a letter to the Louvent family.



A/N: The anime will be broadcast on TBS today [T/N: it’s 07-Apr-2024] at 11:30 pm [T/N: 2:30 p.m. UTC]!

I hope you will watch it! Thank you!

T/N: Hmmm… Should I edit the names? But I am at chapter 265. Hmmm… Do I keep the names the same out of laziness? Better live up to my name then.



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