All-rounder Healer Chapter 281: Becoming a Healer Instructor

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“Excuse me.” (Receptionist)



 I enter the room after the receptionist enters.


 The room was like an office, with a large desk and a sofa set. There was a large, bearded man at the desk and two girls sitting on the sofa set.



“I brought Mr. Rook.” (Receptionist)


“I see. Thank you for your hard work.” (Man)



 The receptionist, after having that conversation with the man at the desk, quickly walked out of the room, leaving me alone.


 Then the door slammed shut.


 No, I’d like an explanation or something, please…



“I’m sorry you had to come. Please sit down there for now.” (Man)


“Huh? Yes…” (Rook)



 I sat down on the sofa as the man at the desk said.


 There were two girls sitting across from me, and since my eyes met, I bowed lightly and the girls returned.


 But where are these two…



“I’m Hubio, the Guild Master of the Adventurers’ Guild here in Solmar.” (Man => Hubio)



 Guild Master… well, it’s a room in the back of the guild, there’s a magnificent desk, and the receptionist’s attitude is like that, so I figured he must be.


 The man who introduced himself as Hubio, the Guild Master, got up from his office desk chair, sat down on the one-seater sofa, and continued speaking.



“I have called you here this time for no other reason—I wanted to make a special request.” (Hubio)


“A special request…” (Rook)


“The client is–well, let’s I am the client. The request is to teach Elena here some recovery magic.” (Hubio)



 Elena? I’m sure I’ve seen… somewhere.


 I search through my memory.


 I’m sure… uh… not that… no…


 I thought about it, and then I look at the girl in front of me and came up with the memory.



“Ah! The breakup greedy set for one—–Right!” ()



 Elena released a small gasp and squeezed the arm of the girl sitting next to her.


 Dangerous! Was it a mistake…?



“…Did you see that too? Well, that makes things a lot easier.” (Hubio)



 The guild master puts his elbows on his knees, crossing his arms and continued the conversation.



“This Elena has a talent for magic. She also has the light attribute. But she can’t use recovery magic very well. That’s one of the reasons why they broke off the engagement—no, that’s not a problem anymore. Anyway, I want Elena to be able to use recovery magic somehow so that she can have confidence in herself. Can you help her?” (Hubio)



 Elena is on the sofa, looking down and looking small.



“No, even if you ask me if I can do it, I don’t really know how I am able to use recovery magic…” (Rook)



 To be frank, I don’t really understand the magic theory or system of magic in this world. I don’t quite understand how to improve it.


 I don’t feel like I can teach people or something like that.



“In the first place, why me? There are other recovery magicians, aren’t there? If you are a Guild Master, don’t you at least have contacts with higher-ranked recovery magicians? Besides, the church specializes in recovery magic.” (Rook)



 I asked him what was bothering me a little.



“Of course, I have contacts. But it’s one thing for someone to use recovery magic on you, but it’s another thing to have someone teach you. It’s not easy to get a teacher because of the long hours involved. Besides, I’m entrusting this girl to the care of someone I can trust, so I need a decent person to make sure she’s safe. And as for the church… there are a lot of difficulties.” (Hubio)


“…I’m happy to be evaluated highly, but I’ve only just arrived in this town, you know?” (Rook)



 I can’t see why I, who have only been in town for a short time, would be trusted so much.



“I’ve received reports that I’m doing a perfect job with recovery requests and other tasks. And I have a good reputation among the receptionists. They are not just doing their job as receptionists. It’s part of their job to observe and evaluate each adventurer’s personality and character through daily interactions.” (Hubio)


“I see…” (Rook)


“Besides, you are a recovery magician who’s aiming for B-rank at such a young age. Isn’t your daily training different? Even if you can’t do it… I won’t complain, so don’t worry.” (Hubio)


“Well, I am not doing anything special like you think…” (Rook)



 Aren’t I strangely overvalued?


 No, but surely at my current age, if I reach the requirement for B-rank promotion, will I be treated as a normal excellent adventurer? …When I think about it objectively, I feel like this is bound to happen.



“Besides, I’ve also thought about the rewards. If you succeed, I will arrange for you to receive a letter of recommendation.” (Hubio)


“What letter of recommendation?” (Rook)


“For promotion to B-rank. You don’t have one yet, don’t you?” (Hubio)


“I don’t have one, but… Where can I get a letter of recommendation?” (Rook)


“Well–” (Hubio)



 The guild master’s eyes turned to Elena for a moment.



“It’s from someone who has enough authority.” (Hubio)


“I see.” (Rook)



 So, I was able to guess where the letter of recommendation came from.


 And I have a general idea of Elena’s identity. Or rather, I thought she would have a decent social status, with her the engagement being canceled on such a grand scale.



“By the way, what difference does it make if you have a letter of recommendation or not?” (Rook)


“Well, their credibility is totally different, and the time it takes to get a B-rank will be much shorter, you know.” (Hubio)


“I see.” (Rook)



 That’s attractive, but is it even possible for me to teach someone in the first place?



“So, will you do it?” (Hubio)


“Well–” (Rook)





“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you…” (Elena)



 Hearing Elena’s small voice, I replied, “Nice to meet you.”


 Right now, the three of us, me, Elena and Marisa, have moved to the training grounds behind the guild.


 In the end, I decided to accept the request. It was hard to say no, but most importantly, it had a lot of merit.


 I observed Elena.


 She looks younger than I am now, petite, and wears a robe that looks like a school uniform.


 Perhaps sensing my gaze, she looked a little uncomfortable as she squeezed the edge of Marisa’s robe as she stood next to me.


 Marisa is about my height and looks about the same age as me. She wears the same clothes as Elena, but she has a sword from her waist, which makes her look somewhat like Elena’s knight.



“So how should I call you—” (Rook)



 The woman next to Elena, Marisa’s eyes are scary, so I correct my words.



“—excuse me, how should I address you, Miss?” (Rook)


“… please just call me ‘Elena’.” (Elena)


“Then Elena—” (Rook)



 Marisa’s eyes harden again.


 I’m a little scared!



“May I ask you a few questions Miss?” (Rook)


“Of course, Teacher.” (Elena)



 Feeling a little embarrassed to be called a teacher, I asked Elena various things.



“First of all, you can use magic, right, Ms. Elena?” (Rook)


“Yes.” (Elena)


 May I ask which magic you have already learned?” (Rook)


“Light Source and Light Ball… and also Heal.” (Elena)


“…Wait a second, you can already use Heal?” (Rook)



 Huh? If I remember correctly, the content of the request was something like “I can’t use recovery magic, so please help me use it” or something like that.



“I learned it, but I can’t use it properly…” (Elena)


“May I see it?” (Rook)


“Yes. Light healing [Heal].” (Elena)



 A small, weak light appeared in Elena’s hand and disappeared in an instant.



“As expected… it’s no good.” (Elena)


“Elena, it’s alright, it’s alright.” (Marisa)



 Marisa encourages Elena, who has tears in her eyes.


 She has learned recovery magic, but she can’t use it well… could it be…?


 No, when I learned magic with the Orichalcum Ring I had a similar problem, but it also feels a little different than that.



“Then, can you use your other magic as well?” (Rook)


“Yes. Light, illuminate my way [Light source].” (Elena)



 A ball of light appears in Elena’s hand.


 This is not much different from the magic I use.



“Light, shoot down my enemy! [Light Ball].” (Elena)



 Next, Elena activated a light ball, just like mine, and it struck the stone wall at the edge of the training grounds, sending snow flying around it.



“You can use both normally.” (Rook)


“Yes.” (Elena)


“Only Heal can’t be used properly…” (Rook)


“Yes…” (Elena)



 Elena’s voice became quieter.


 I cross my arms and put my hand on my chin to think.


 The only thing that is not working is the recovery magic. The other magic is normally activated. In other words, is there a difference in the same light attribute depending on the magic?





“To begin with, if you can’t use recovery magic, is there… a problem? Like… something about school? I mean confidence-building, or something—” (Rook)


“What are you talking about?” (Rook)



 Marisa took a step forward and opened her mouth.



“If you have the light attribute, you should know that light attribute is not suitable for attacking.” (Maria)


“I know that, but…” (Rook)


“Then you also know that the precious light attribute is expected to specialize in recovery magic.” (Marisa)


“What……?” (Rook)



 So, you’re saying that light attribute users are not valued if they can’t use recovery magic?


 No, I’ve been an adventurer to a certain extent up until now, but there must not have been such an overt atmosphere. So, is that only in schools, or is it a way of thinking unique to this country, or perhaps it is a trend only among nobles or people of high status?


 At any rate, there is no doubt that Elena really needs recovery magic.



T/N: Is this a school arc? Ha! I doubt it. But It’s nice to see that Rook is being more active in the world. I want more battles with Shion. Fluff is life!






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