All-rounder Healer Chapter 317: Let’s Go And Talk To The Priest

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A/N: Sorry for the delay.

I’m sorry for the delay in updating this series due to various reasons.



 I part ways with the two and leave the Adventurer’s Guild.


 The street in front of the Adventurers’ Guild was crowded with people passing by.


 It seems that the fighting was particularly fierce in this area, and the store in front of the Adventurers’ Guild has a collapsed wall, and a man who looks like a mason is re-stacking the wall stones.


 It had been several days since the revolution, but it seemed as if there were still traces of it everywhere in the town. However, there is no hint of gloom on the faces of the residents. Rather, I see hopeful expressions.


 As a result, this town is probably heading in the right direction.





“Ah, Sir Priest.” (Rook)



 When I visit Stella Church, I spot the priest for the first time in several days and call out to him.


 I’ve been trying to visit the church every day since the revolution, but I haven’t been able to see the priest at all, perhaps because he’s been busy.



“Oh, Rook. How have you been?” (Sadiq)


“I’m glad that you’re safe, Sir Priest.” (Rook)



 After a brief exchange of greetings, I got straight to the point.



“So, what happened with those suspicious men and John? Are there any progress?” (Rook)


“Yes, well……” (Sadiq)



 The priest lowered his eyes and seemed a little hesitant to speak.


 What is it? Is there something that’s hard to say?



“Now, how much should I tell you? No, it might be better for you to only know things just to a certain extent, Rook.” (Sadiq)



 It’s kind of a very subtle way of putting it, or perhaps it’s a subtle premonition of a story that might be troublesome…



“The true identity of those suspicious men… I’m ashamed to say that they were members of a secret organization unofficially affiliated with the shadows of the Great Church.” (Sadiq)


“A shadow organization under the Great Church…” (Rook)


“Yes… Before – when I belonged to the Great Church, such a thing should not have existed, but it seems that some priests had created it to carry out their own illegal activities behind the scenes…” (Sadiq)



 Hey, wait… So, those men were members of the church…


 The fact that the church had organizations that carried out such violent acts.


 The information is so confusing that it’s hard to put into words.


 I’ve never met anyone associated with the church that I didn’t like, but I still wonder if it’s dangerous to completely trust the church forces.



“So… what will become of us?” (Rook)



 There is no doubt that I found us confronted with forces affiliated with the church, even if unofficially.


 Depending on the circumstances, John, I and the others may have to leave this town immediately…



“Please rest assured about that. The organization has already been dismantled and they and their associates have already been captured. We are in the process of replacing the church administration with a new one, so you don’t have to worry about them anymore.” (Sadiq)


“Are we really safe?” (Rook)



 After the trust in the church organization had been shaken, it was hard to decide how much to believe these words.


 Was the organization really dismantled? How much can we trust this priest in the first place?



“You are understandably worried. However, you have no choice but to trust me on this matter…” (Sadiq)



 Well, the truth is, in a world without a clear police force, clear laws, reliable forensics, cameras, or recorders, in cases like this, you ultimately have to trust someone’s word, and that’s as far as I can go, not having any particular authority.


 The only thing left is for me to make my own decision based on what I hear.



“I understand.” (Rook)



 For the time being, I decided to accept it and asked the priest for more information.


 What will happen to John in the future? What will happen to the church?


 Then, after listening to the whole story, I asked him about something that had been bothering me for a long time.



“So, what was the significance of the altar at the back of that abandoned mine in the end?” (Rook)



 The altar with a unicorn painted on it appeared from behind a collapsed wall at the end of the abandoned mine, and the place where the “Gate of the Holy Horse” was located, as I had seen it during my mystery analysis.


 What I was curious about was why the church had looked for that altar.


 I think it is probably related to Saint Stella, and it is natural that the church would be interested in ruins related to the saint, but I can’t see why they would use a shadowy organization behind the scenes to force their way into the matter.


 The church should have just investigated the matter officially from the front.


 The priest began speaking after prefaced his remarks by saying, “This is based on my own speculation, but…”



This is a bit of speculation on my part, but I am certain that that place is the legendary altar where the Saint, Stella, from whom the church got its name, prayed to the unicorn. Its existence was mentioned in literature, but we have been unable to locate it for many years. …Perhaps they thought it held the key to the mystery of the Saint.” (Sadiq)


“The Saint’s… Mystery?” (Rook)


“…Yes. The Saint is a holy being chosen by God, but sadly, there are some within the Church who have doubts about this. These people find the Saint’s birth a mystery… Some of the more extremist among them believe that if they can analyze and unravel how a Saint is born and raised, they may be able to artificially create a Saint.” (Sadiq)



 Intentionally creating a saint?



“Um… so they thought that by studying Saint Stella’s footprints they would be able to find out how to create a saint?” (Rook)


“I think so. They questioned the fact that saints were born of all ranks, of all faiths, of all levels of nobility. And – and this is something that only a few people in this country know – some traditions say that Lady Stella was born in the slums of this town. In other words, they must have thought that Lady Stella, who was born and raised in a disadvantaged environment, must have had some unknown reason or chance to awaken as a saint somewhere in her life.” (Sadiq)



 First of all, what is the definition of a “Saint”?


 Being able to use sacred magic… isn’t that it?


 …No, Elena is called a saint even though she can’t use sacred magic.


 I was curious, so I asked the priest about it.



“What exactly is a Saint? Elena is called a Saint, right?” (Rook)


“…A saint is someone who has been chosen by God and recognized by the Church as possessing the Goddess’s authority. So, Elena is not officially a saint. Of course, I think her actions make her worthy of being called a Saint.” (Sadiq)



 Possessing the authority of the Goddess…


 Is that really a sacred magic?


 The priest continues speaking.



“And Stella isn’t strictly speaking a saint either.” (Sadiq)


“Eh? But she’s ‘the’ Saint Stella, right?” (Rook)



 This is starting to get complicated.


 She’s a saint, but she’s not a Saint? What’s going on?



“Originally, a saint is born in the Holy Tessretia Church and is guided by the church to become a saint. Therefore, Lady Stella, who was born in this country, has not been recognized as a saint. Therefore, she is not officially a saint. However, Lady Stella’s actions led people to call her a saint. Yes, just like Elena is now.” (Sadiq)



 The priest gazes at the statue of Tessretia at the back of the church.



“And so, this Stella Church was built by the people who loved Lady Stella. That’s why this place is not officially recognized as part of the Holy Church.” (Sadiq)



 The priest continued, “Because of this, we don’t receive any support from the church and are always short of money.”


 Ummm… So, am I right in recognizing that there are the original professional saints recognized by the Church and the amateur saints that arose on their own in the general public?


 …Maybe an unaffiliated idol group?


 Well, I don’t think Elena can use sacred magic. But Saint Stella should be able to use sacred magic.


 In other words, it doesn’t matter if one was born in the Holy Tessretia Church or recognized by the church, those who can use it can use it, and those who can’t, can’t use it.


 I, too, can use sacred magic, even though I have nothing to do with the church.



“For those who love Lady Stella, including myself, discovering that altar was a long-cherished wish. The place that so many believers have been searching for has finally been discovered… I’m sure that many believers will tremble with joy…” (Sadiq)


“……I suppose.” (Rook)



 Certainly, it’s nice to discover a famous site related to the object of your worship.


 It’s probably like the hometown of a popular idol.


 I wonder if that place will become a sacred place in the future. Not in the original sense, but as a new tourist destination.



“But what is that transparent wall that exists to cover the altar? It is because of that thing that we cannot investigate the altar! None of the literature ever mentioned the existence of such a thing…” (Sadiq)



 Hmm? The barrier-like object that existed to cover the altar did not exist in the past.


 Something just feels off…



“Wasn’t that transparent wall there before?” (Rook)


“Yes, that must be the case. It was written that in the past, ordinary people would also climb onto that altar.” (Sadiq)



 Wait a minute.


 In the time of Saint Stella, there was an altar but no barrier.


 In other words, the barrier appeared after that, and the place itself was buried, so people lost track of its location.


 If that’s the case—




“Then did Saint Stella made that barrier?” (Rook)






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