Black Cat Chapter 178: The Royal Family

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 In the afternoon, Curtis took me to the royal castle.


 I immediately put on my newly finished leather armor.



 With the Viscount Lagart family crest designing every piece, no matter if I am a catkin, nobody will think I am suspicious.


 The magic carriage was parked on the streets of the Royal Castle, and I was the first one to get off… being held by Curtis.



 Bufufuftt… Clang, clang…



 The kingdom knights in full plate metal armor had all their shoulders shaking.


 Yeah, it’s okay for us to come and go… I guess I am being toyed around too much.



“Hmm, let’s go, Nyango!” (Curtis)


“Yes…” (Nyango)



 I don’t think I have the right to veto it since I’m being held back.


 Curtis walking with his chest held high while holding me, and the knights in armor shaking… What kind of picture is this?



 After all, catkin adventurers are the toys of aristocrats… Just as I was thinking that Curtis suddenly stopped, retreated to the side of the passage leading to the entrance, and knelt down.


 At the same time, he knelt down next to me and also pushed my head down.



 I could only see my own feet now, and I almost activated my detection magic, but I remembered what had happened at the knight’s facility and stopped myself.


 I heard the sound of the knights all posturing in unison, and then I heard the footsteps of someone approaching.



 The sound of steady steps on the marble of the passageway came closer and stopped in front of us.


 In sight were shiny polished boots, and from the size of the boots, it appeared to be a large man.



“The son of the Lagart family, huh?” (Man)


“Yes, Your Highness Ernest, it is an honor to be remembered…” (Curtis)


“Hmm, there’s any reason for that… now, what about that inferior race…” (Man => Ernest)


“He’s my escort, Your Highness.” (Curtis)


“Hmm, nonsense… Don’t get too full of yourself from your ancestors’ achievements.” (Ernest)


“Yes, Your Highness…” (Curtis)



 Curtis knelt motionless until a man named Ernest, who seemed to be royalty, and several people who appeared to be his servants passed by.


 In the end, all I could see was the back of what looked like a lionkin.



“Phew, the future is worrisome…” (Curtis)



 Curtis watched Ernest as he started walking away, shaking his head and saying, “Come on, let’s go.”


 Yeah, not being held up was a bit boring as it was, so I followed Curtis at a height by floating with [Step].



 If I flashily walked, it would look even more suspicious, so I walked proudly with my chest out.


 Naturally, the eyes of the knights guarding the passageway were drawn to me, but they were more curious than alarmed.



 A catkin wearing leather armor with the Viscount’s crest on it and walking around floating in the air… Isn’t it quite amazing?


 When Curtis noticed the knight’s presence, he turned around and smiled.



 Entering the front door, I was ushered into the reception room by a maid, who had probably already received word.


 The sheepkin maid was not dressed in a frilly maid’s outfit like those found in Akihabara, but was outstanding in both appearance and style, about a moon’s difference from my childhood friend Ines.



 In the reception room, I was seated next to Curtis again today, but all the maid prepared for me was tea.


 That’s right… I was told that they would prepare a different cake for me today…



“Don’t worry, Nyango. It’s only just past lunchtime, so the fun stuff will be ready in a little while.” (Curtis)


“Huh…” (Nyango)



 It’s embarrassing that they saw through my worries about the cake, but I was relieved to hear that it had been prepared properly, and drank my tea. [T/N: Nyango, you are such a glutton, lol.]


 As expected, since it’s served in the royal castle, it has a wonderful aroma and taste.



“Um… Mr. Curtis, what about the person from earlier?” (Nyango)


“His Highness Ernest is the first prince… In other words, he is the one closest to the throne.” (Curtis)



 I didn’t expect the first prince to come calling me an inferior species… It’s natural for Curtis to be worried about what’s to come.


 Or rather, since there are people in the royal family who think like that, isn’t it natural for the Anti-Noble Faction to appear?



 It is unacceptable to use violence to break the status quo and to take advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime “Nest Leaving Ceremony” for children, but if the royal family itself is promoting discrimination and prejudice, it may be necessary to consider how to deal with them in the future.



 I was about to ask Curtis why he did not condemn Ernest for using the word “inferior,” when Fabian appeared with Princess Elmerine and her escort Giselle.


 Fabian looked at my leather armor and narrowed his eyes



“Huh… You’ve already made your move, Curtis?” (Fabian)


“I was hoping that Nyango wouldn’t be taken by the royal family, but it seems His Highness Ernest didn’t have the same idea.” (Curtis)



 As soon as Fabian heard Ernest’s name, his expression clouded.



“Nyango, if he has offended you in any way, I apologize.” (Fabian)


“No, it’s okay. I’m used to it, so don’t worry…” (Nyango)


“No, that’s not good enough. It is wrong to get used to a situation where people are unreasonably oppressed. I will make my own protest to my brother.” (Fabian)



 Surprised at the difference in character between him and Ernest, Princess Elmerine also nodded with a stern expression.


 I still don’t know which of them is the mainstream among the royalty, but it seems that there are royalty who do not consider discrimination based on race to be a good thing.



 At the very least, Princess Elmerine is probably a royalty worth protecting.


 Her fluffy blonde hair and soft, gentle expression make her look like a picture-perfect princess, but she seems to have a strong core.



 I am sorry, but compared to Princess Elmerine, Aida is about two steps less sophisticated.


 I heard that after the “Nest Leaving Ceremony,” she will study at a school in the Royal Capital, so I wonder if she will become a little more polished.



 We settled down on the parlor sofa and confirmed my plans for tomorrow.


 Aida will be meeting Princess Elmerine at the venue, while I will be in a place where I can keep an eye on her as much as possible.



“The time when the security will be at its lowest is during the ceremony. After the prayer announcement is the beginning of the ceremony, Elmerine will be the first to perform the ritual, perform the magic, and then leave the room. During this time, the knights cannot be near her. It won’t be for long, but I would like to ask Nyango to protect her during this time.” (Fabian)


“Yes, Your Highness.” (Nyango)



 The venue, the cathedral, and the other Fatima facilities associated with it have been thoroughly inspected and are being guarded during the night to ensure that no unauthorized people enter.



“Thanks to Nyango, there is almost no longer any need to worry about attacks using pulverization magic. Now all we have to do is prevent attacks from offensive magic or blades.” (Fabian)


“It’s during the ritual, but it’s difficult at the ritual of unsealing or when the magic is performed, for example, I would like to keep a shield around the princess while she walks to the place where the magic is performed after the ritual is over, however…” (Nyango)


“I don’t mind, I’d rather ask… is there a problem?” (Fabian)


“Yes, actually, the other day I escorted an attacker to the Knights’ facility…” (Nyango)



 I explained how I had been singled out for using detection magic and told them that if they deployed [Shield], I might be mistaken as an attacker.



“I see. Certainly, it is natural for those who perform detection to be on the lookout for any movement of magical elements.” (Fabian)



 According to Fabian, there are knights who can sense the movement of magical elements and detect the activation of magic.


 Naturally, they will be assigned to the venue for the “Nest Leaving Ceremony”, and if I deploy [Shield], it will definitely be noticed.



“I don’t want my deploying the shield to interfere with the detection of other magic, Your Highness.” (Nyango)


“That’s right… I think it would be better to actually discuss that with the Knights. Okay, let’s go and see the Knights.” (Fabian)


“Brother…” (Elmerine)


“What is it, Elmerine?” (Fabian)


“Before you go out, wouldn’t it be a good idea to fulfill your promise to Mr. Nyango?” (Elmerine)


“Ah, that’s right. It’s true that it will be quite late if we go to the Knight Order and have a meeting and then come back.” (Fabian)



 There’s no need to think about the promise you made to me…


 When Fabian gave the signal, the maid prepared tea and cake.



 Today’s cakes are a nutty tart, a millefeuille filled with custard, and a roll cake with lots of berries.


 To be honest, it was hard to decide which one to choose.



“Come on, Nyango, feel free and eat.” (Fabian)


“A-are you sure?” (Nyango)


“Oh, I don’t mind if you taste everything.” (Fabian)


“Thank you for everything, Your Highness…” (Nyango)



 The first thing I chose was a nut tart.


 At first glance, there are about four types of nuts on it.



“Yummeow! The nuts are fragrant and crunchy, yummeow! The taste is different depending on the type, and the bottom has chestnut cream, yummeow!” (Nyango)


“Hahahaha, I’m glad that you liked it.” (Fabian)



 Aida is not here today, Giselle is giving me an icy stare, but I am completely helpless in front of the taste of these exquisite cakes.



“Millefeuille, yummeow! The crust remains crispy even though it’s sandwiched between rich custard, yummeow!” (Nyango)



 Fabian and Curtis are staring at me warmly, and Princess Elmerine, who has waggling fingers, is staring at me suspiciously, but I can’t stop myself anymore. [T/N: Fluff-maniac found.]



“Yummeow! The rich cream and berries are sweet and sour, and the sponge is moist and fluffy.” (Nyango)



 In the end, I enjoyed all the types.


 Hmm… I’m satisfied, so I won’t mind letting anyone fluff me just a little bit.



 If anything, Ms. Leila’s cleaning techniques in preparation for tomorrow’s “Nest Leaving Ceremony”… She will probably be angry though… 




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