Black Cat Chapter 225: Dungeon Map

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 The wind was blowing. At the riverbank where they had parked their carriage to set up camp, the wind had gathered from the surrounding area and was being blown up into the sky.


 The one collecting and controlling the wind is Miriam, the white catkin of Chariot.



“Stronger……” (Shure)


“Yes.” (Miriam)


“Wider……” (Shure)


“Yes.” (Miriam)


“Much stronger……” (Shure)


“Yes!” (Miriam)



 It is Shure, who also has the wind attribute, who is giving instructions from about five meters away from Miriam.


 In this state, Miriam has been using magic with all her might for more than an hour now.



 The reason why she still hasn’t run out of magic is because I’ve been boosting her with magic recovery magic circle.


 The magic that Miriam is using now also seems to be much larger in scale than the previous ones.



 This training method was something Shure came up with when I told her about the magic recovery magic circle.


 Miriam had never eaten a monster’s heart like me and my brother, so she only had a magical power index equivalent to that of an average catkin.



 Although she had learned how to search for enemies under Shure’s guidance, I could not deny the feeling that she was absolutely lacking in magical power.


 Even with little magic power, she is able to search for enemies to some extent, but it seems that her effective range is narrow, and it takes her a long time to finish searching for enemies.



 The only way to increase your magical power index is to keep using magic against your limits.


 Even so, using normal methods, the magic index does not increase very easily.



 If you use magic against your limits, you will run out of magic power, and it will be impossible to continue for a long time.


 Therefore, I use the magic recovery magic circle to let them recover from the exhaustion and use magic against their limits for a long period of time.



 I know this because I have experienced it myself, and although there is no need to worry about running out of magic power with this method, the fatigue of using magic for a long time accumulates.


 In fact, Miriam seems to be nearing her limit, and the wind that had been flowing smoothly just a few minutes ago is starting to get turbulent.



“Concentrate…” (Shure)


“Y-Yes.” (Miriam)


“Spread your consciousness far and wide…” (Shure)


“Y-yes…… Funyaa…” (Miriam)



 Shure quickly came over and caught Miriam’s body as she swayed.



“You’ve done well, that’s all for today…” (Shure)


“Humya…” (Miriam)



 Miriam, exhausted and exhausted, lies in Shure’s arms, like a clothed white cat sleeping soundly.


 When she was first picked up by Shue, Miriam had been a bit timid in many ways, but since Chariot’s policy of challenging dungeons was established, the color of her eyes seems to have changed.



 There are three catkins belonging to Chariot, myself, my brother, and Miriam, but she seemed to feel that she alone was not strong enough when she was considered as part of the dungeon conquer force.


 Miriam’s role is to search for enemies and detect traps, the so-called seeker’s role.



 Of course, Shure can play the role of seeker, but she is also expected to play as the vanguard and guerilla roles.


 No matter how capable Shure was, once combat began he would no longer be able to devote her efforts to reconnaissance.



 Likewise, I can search for enemies using the detection particles, but as a rearguard, if my attention is focused on the attack, there is a high possibility that my search for enemies will be neglected.


 Miriam is expected to play a role in reconnaissance in the event of a battle.



“If you’re done, let’s eat.” (Serge)



 Serge, who was preparing the meal while we were accompanying Miriam’s training, came to call us.


 Gad is setting up the bunks, and Serge and Laius are cooking dinner for us.



 The menu is a dish made from the entrails of the orcs we had killed.


 The liver was sautéed with herbs and salt, and the intestines and stomach were cut into bite-sized pieces and stewed with wine and tomatoes.



 Both Laius and Serge are quite good cooks, so Chariot’s food situation is good.



“Yummeow! The liver is fresh and yummeow! The stew is also tender and yummeow!” (Nyango)


“This time we were able to kill it quickly, so we had time to let it simmer.” (Serge)



 We arrived at the ranch, who sent the request, yesterday evening and began searching this morning, but the orc appeared slowly, so we were able to take it down quickly.


 They’re young orcs that seem to have just become independent from the pack, so we can’t expect to get a good price for each one, but since we killed two of them at once, we should be able to make a decent profit.



“But still, I don’t understand how we killed two orcs just as soon as Nyango came back.” (Serge)


“Nyango is banishing Serge’s bad luck…” (Shure)


“That’s not true.” (Serge)


“Yes, because Serge doesn’t get the girls, but Nyango’s a popular guy…” (Shure)


“Tsk, that’s a joke that’s hard to deny.” (Serge)


“Fufu, it’s not a joke so you can’t deny it…” (Shure)


“Heh, heh, I’m not popular anyway.” (Serge)



 Listening to the dialogue between Shure and Serge, I was reminded by Chariot that I was back in Ibouro.


 The departure for the Old Royal Capital will come after brother’s return from his cooperation in the reconstruction project in the village of Atsuka, but Laius seems to be thinking about six months ahead.



 It was decided that we would take on the dungeon, but since I lack various kinds of knowledge, I takes every opportunity to ask Laius to teach me.



“Don’t dungeons involve a lot of digging?” (Nyango)


“As you probably know, the dungeon is said to be a city from an ancient civilization. The area that has been excavated currently is only a small part of the area of the Old Royal Capital that was developed around the dungeon.” (Laius)


“So, there’s still lots of room left to dig?” (Nyango)


“That’s right. Also, the tunnels that are said to connect to other cities have yet to be conquered. Personally, I’d like to try conquering them someday.” (Laius)



 It is said that large monsters live in the side holes that are said to connect the cities, and they attack when seeing a light source.



“They probably think of light as bait. For the attackers, it is impossible to move without light in the pitch-dark underground space. So, they throw torches into the distance, and then rely on the light to advance, but no one has ever made it to the next town.” (Laius)


“If they are attacking because they are attracted to the light, I could create a light magic circle at a distance to lure them out and attack there, so we can subjugate them.” (Nyango)


“I see, that’s a good idea, but we won’t really know until we get there.” (Laius)


“That’s right.” (Nyango)



 The Old Royal Capital is located further ahead from the New Royal Capital where I accompanied Viscount Lagart the other day.


 Even if everything went smoothly, it would take more than two weeks by carriage.



 It takes time to come and go, and there is no one who would go directly to the Old Royal Capital, so the information that can be conveyed is limited.


 If a major event such as the recent attack in the Royal Capital occurred, stories would be conveyed, but even then, the accuracy of the information would be lost and blurred during the transmission.



 And even then, the daily occurrences inside the dungeon are not conveyed at all.



“Can’t we get any information from the guild?” (Nyango)


“The guild can give you some information, but even then, it is limited. You can get some information, but even then, there is a limit to what you can get.” (Laius)



 Currently, the dungeon’s corridors over seventy floors have been taken over, and the elevators that occupy the shafts are also functioning.


 The main battleground for the attack is said to be the side cave located two levels down from where the elevator descends.



“That’s right, I got the latest map from the guild. Although it’s called a map, it’s just a rough sketch.” (Laius)



 Apparently, the map was something that Laius had requested, and he had received it when he accepted this request.


 When Laius took out the dungeon map, Serge and Shure also came over to peer at it.



“Eh, this is…” (Nyango)


“What’s wrong, Nyango?” (Laius)


“So, is this a dungeon?” (Nyango)


“That’s right, did you think it would be more of a cluttered construction?” (Laius)


“Eh, well…” (Nyango)



 As I gave Laius a vague reply, I couldn’t take my eyes off the dungeon map.


 The dungeon is thought to be an underground city of an ancient civilization, but to me it just looked like a map of a commercial area centered around a skyscraper that I had seen in Japan in my previous life.



 The pit leading underground is probably an elevator shaft.


 The narrow staircase near it is probably a fire escape.



 The corridor leading to the lower level is the skyscraper with a height of over 70 floors.


 The place where the original relic of the magic wheel was left behind is probably from an indoor parking lot.



 And the side hole, which is said to be inhabited by large monsters, seems to be nothing more than a subway tunnel.


 To the northwest of the Old Royal Capital is a mountainous area.



 Although we do not hear of any eruptions there now, there may have been a major eruption in ancient times.


 If volcanic ash and other debris accumulated to the extent that a high-rise building with more than 70 floors could be buried, it is not surprising that the people who built the ancient civilization would have died out.



 If the dungeon is really an ancient commercial area and the side holes are subway tracks, there must be other ruins lying beyond it.


 If we could defeat a large demon like a guardian, we might be able to see the untouched ruins.



 Moreover, it is hard to imagine that a commercial area of this size could stand alone.


 If we dig down to the ground level from that time, we should be able to find another building.



“What are they doing with all this dirt and stuff they dug up?” (Nyango)


“The dungeon wasn’t originally like this, it wasn’t like it was excavated like this.” (Laius)


“Oh, I see, that’s what you mean, they didn’t dig all the way outside…” (Nyango)


“There is a wall around the perimeter of the dungeon, and outside of that there is just earth.” (Laius)


“I see……” (Nyango)



 I suppose the approach is completely different if you excavate thinking it was an underground city from the beginning, or if you excavate thinking it was buried above ground.


Perhaps all that has been found so far is the part connected to the high-rise buildings by underground passageways and crosswalks, and the other buildings are not even considered to exist.



“I want to go there soon.” (Nyango)


“Yes, even if it’s just a rough map, it really makes your heart beat faster.” (Laius)




 If we were to excavate outside the dungeon, it would probably be impossible with just Chariot.


 Should I put together a larger party, or should I just ask the King for help?



 But if I want to move the country, I need to prove that the dungeon is a buried city.


 No way, they would not believe me if I told them that I am a reincarnated person with memories of my previous life.



Either way, going to the dungeon has become even more exciting.



T/N: So is this Earth, like a parallel universe Earth, a post-apocalyptic Earth or maybe it’s not Earth at all? We might lose the Isekai genre tag if this is actually Earth. Or is this just a red herring and Nyango is actually not inhabiting Earth or any parallel Earth.




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