Dream Life Vol II Chapter 63.1: “Zack Quartet”

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 July 9th.



 That night we had a party to celebrate our homecoming.


 When Rob, the hunter, heard I was back, he brought all of today’s catch.


 It was a rabbit and a few wild fowl, which Molly seemed to have cooked with great zeal.


 Normally, it would be just the family, but today, Mel, Dan, and Sharon were also around the Lockhart family table for a special occasion. Probably, my father or mother had arranged it.



 While eating, I talked about our time in Doctus.


 I tell them about how my level rose through hunting monsters in the forest, how I became a fifth-rank adventurer, and about Professor Ruspede’s classes.


 The dinner time passed happily, as they nodded happily or were surprised by my stories.



 After dinner, I told my father and grandfather about Byron.


 I told them that we met a year ago, that he wanted to serve the Lockhart family, and that neither I nor Guy would help him.


 My father listened quietly, but my grandfather’s expression hardened as if he was somewhat reluctant that I had not intervened.



“No matter your recommendation, if I don’t approve of the man’s character, I will not allow him to serve the Lockhart family.” (Govan)



 I nodded in earnest.



“Of course, Grandfather and Father will be able to make a decision based on a person’s character. But for a man of Byron’s stature, I thought that he would be able to serve, with or without my help. I also thought that if I didn’t interfere, he would be able to settle into our family more quickly.” (Zack)



 My father nodded with a smile at my words.



“It would have made him happier to hear that he had won your father’s trust single-handedly.” (Matt)



 My grandfather’s face relaxed as if he understood what I was thinking.



“But I have done wrong to Guy. I only told him not to meddle, and I thought he could tell Grandfather and Father when he came to serve…” (Zack)



“I know. That’s the kind of man he is. I don’t mind, but I’ll talk to him later.” (Govan)



 I bowed my head and headed back to my room.


 Then my father stopped me.



“Do you still want to talk about Byron?” (Zack)



 Father laughed and said, “It’s about Miss Beatrice.”



“Mel’s been quite concerned about you. She seems to think you’ve found a new woman for yourself without her.” (Matt)



 I wondered what to say to that. Then my father’s expression clouded a little.



“I was just joking…” (Matt)



 I chuckled, shaking my head.



“I don’t know. Beatrice is certainly an attractive woman. And she likes me. But I have Liddy… and I don’t know what to do…” (Zack)



 When I made a troubled face, my grandfather started laughing out loud.



“Fuhahaha! Oh, no, I’m sorry. I thought even you would make a face like that. That’s what’s so funny—Fuhahhaha!!!” (Govan)



 After a round of laughter, my grandfather’s expression turned serious,



“You’re good at everything, but you’re clumsy in this. By the way, have you told your secret to Beatrice?” (Govan)



 I nodded and told him honestly that I had told her at the beginning of the year.


 My grandfather and father were silent and thought for a while. Then my grandfather spoke up slowly.



“If you decide that you can trust her, I will support you. If Lydia approves, she will not betray you. Right, Matt?” (Govan)



 When my Grandfather talked to my father, my father nods and answered.



“As far as I can see, Miss Beatrice is a woman worth trusting. She may be a little clumsy, but I think she’s just right for Zack.” (Matt)



 Then, looking at me,



“Aside from Lydia, you should think carefully about Mel and Sharon. Especially talk to Mel as soon as you can. She’s been so excited for the past month or so because you’re coming back.” (Matt)



 I was puzzled as to what expression to make, but I gave a small nod to cover it up.



“I understand. I’ve just called Dan and Mel over. I’m going to give them a souvenir. I’ll talk to Mel directly then.” (Zack)



 Then my grandfather began to speak with a serious expression on his face.



“I remember the story of the world you were in, but this is not the peaceful world you were in. Your mind is close to my age. You are always planning ahead. I-I am saying that it is bad. However, it’s not good to do all the time.” (Govan)



 He broke off and looked at me intently.



“In this world, men and women do not know when they will die. Even the elves, with their long lives, do not know what the future holds. So don’t put things off and regret it. In a peaceful world, it would not be a problem to say things tomorrow… but that is not the case here. It is full of monsters, bandits, disease, and all kinds of dangers… We are prepared to die sooner or later. Then you should be able to understand me.” (Govan)



“Yes… I think I understand what you are saying. But…” (Zack)



 My grandfather interrupted me,



“I’m sure you understand what I’m saying. You may regret it. But don’t just keep waiting and regret. That’s all I can say.” (Govan)



 He seemed to be looking back on his past and giving me advice.



(I think he is trying to tell me not to put things off, including Beatrice, and not to have regrets. I understand what he’s trying to say. But still…) (Zack)



“I understand what you are saying. But isn’t it unfaithful to love more than one person? In the world I was in, that was the norm. So…” (Zack)



 My father, not my grandfather, answers that question.



“I love Tanya. I love Tanya so much that I don’t want any other woman. But I’m not going to force you to do that. …So, I’m going to tell you a slightly different story, okay?” (Matt)



 I nodded, and he continued.



“When you say unfaithful, do you mean loving multiple people at the same time? Then why don’t you think about it this way? Is it unfaithful for a parent to love multiple children at the same time? Loving other family members? Is that being unfaithful?” (Matt)



 My father asked me that question. But I felt it was sophistry.



“Isn’t that a sophistry? A family with blood ties and a husband and wife who were basically strangers. It feels strange to treat them in the same way. It’s the connection between people that makes them family. Is this connection of the heart possible for more than one person? No, I don’t know if it is allowed to be done…” (Zack)



 My father laughs, “I still can’t beat you in logic.”



“But if you can give your love generously to more than one child, can’t you do it between the opposite sexes as well? If that’s what they want, and they believe you can do it, I think it’s worth a try. Well, it’s not for me… Hahahaha!” (Matt)



 I am left speechless by my father’s laughter.



“Father, are you saying that if I can love Beatrice, Mel, and Sharon …… as well as Liddy, then I should love them without thinking too much about it?” (Zack)



 Father nods, “Yes.”



“But if that makes Mel, Sharon, or Beatrice unhappy…” (Zack)



 My grandfather replies on my father’s behalf, “Then that will be the time.”



“If you insist on it, of course, I will oppose them. But the three of them still want to be with you, don’t they? If that is the case, then that is the path they have chosen. If they are unhappy with it, they will not regret it.” (Govan)



 My father nodded in agreement with my grandfather.



“Mel and Sharon are like daughters to me. Of course, so are the other squire’s children. So, I want them to be happy. No, I want them to win their own happiness. Besides, I know you can do it.” (Matt)



 I never expected my father or grandfather to express such an opinion.


 Not trying to be manipulative, but my grandfather has never remarried because of my dead grandmother, and my father, as he professes, loves my mother with all his heart. I have heard that my father once love-bombed my mother, who was also in love with him at first sight, and they were able to get married. Since then, there has been not a single story about another lady, of course, there is no such thing as a story in Rathmore Village, and I had thought that he would definitely oppose the idea of surrounding oneself with multiple women because he is devoted to my mother.



(It’s not my grandfather’s words, but it’s not good to procrastinate. At least I’ll be honest with them about Mel and Sharon. They’re also like daughters to me. Not possible romantic partners… Then there’s Beatrice. It’s hard to organize my thoughts…) (Zack)



 I left my grandfather and father with these thoughts in my mind and headed for Mel and the others.



 Mel, Sharon, and Dan were waiting in my room.


 Only this time, there is only the “Zack Quartet” and there is no Liddy in sight.


 At first, Liddy wanted to be with us, but I asked her not to.



 I was going to tell Mel and Sharon how I honestly felt. So, I asked Liddy to refrain. Of course, at the time I had intended to tell them only about Liddy, but after hearing what my grandfather and father had to say, I decided that I needed to tell them about Beatrice as well.



 When I return to my room, I am greeted by Mel with a big smile on her face, and Sharon Dan with equally big smiles.


 I say, “Thanks for the wait,” and then proceeded to give Mel and Dan their gifts.




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