Drawn Mochi Volume 1 Chapter 20: Scarlet Best Friend

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 After painting some more that day, I took a break there. Both Redgarde and I were still recovering. It’s not good to push yourself too hard. I heard that if you become short of magical power… you will die, so really, overworking yourself is not a good idea.


 In order not to overdo it, I decided to sleep outside today as well. As soon as I stepped out with my blanket, the horses came up to me and said they were waiting for me. Yes, thank you. Thank you for your help.



“I-Is it really okay for me too…?” (Fay)


“Yes, I’m sure you’re fine. I think it’s good since you are a benefactor of the horses. I think that’s why the horses are pulling you.” (Tougo)



 And Redgarde sleeps outside, too.


 When he came outside because “I want to see Tougo sleeping with Pegasi and unicorns because it looks interesting,” he too was pulled and pushed by the horses and brought to the spring tree. So, I drew out a hammock for him as well.


 Redgarde timidly walked through the horses and lay down in the hammock, where he covered himself with a blanket. After a few moments, the horses came over to him and began to crawl under him and stick to his sides.



“Look, you are accepted, see?” (Tougo)


“Oh~ this is amazing. What an extremely generous treatment. Wow, Pegasus and Unicorn near me.” (Fay)



 Redgarde was expressing that kind of impression. Yes, they are. The horses here are all good guys. When the horses are praised, it somehow makes me happy, too.



 The next day, I started to finish the painting.


 I put darker colors in the shadowy areas and more distinct colors in the areas where shadows were lacking…


 Watercolor painting is fun to add layers of color like this. Little by little. All of the strokes are piled on top of each other, and they become one color, one picture. This is fun.


 It makes me feel, for a little while, that what I am doing is not in vain.


 …I was also working on the most important part of the picture, the eyes of Redgarde.


 I’m not sure what to do with it, but I’m sure it’s something I can do. I wanted it to be as detailed as possible, and yet clear.


 I drew the clothes and background quite roughly. The face, however, is a little more rough and ready to be painted. Even though I drew his face… I couldn’t just roughly draw his face.


 Especially the eyes. They are the most eye-catching part of the face. Therefore, I want to draw the most detailed, the clearest, and the most beautiful.





“Which color should I use…” (Tougo)



 I was struggling in front of the palette with the paints out and the paper with the test paints on it.


 No matter what, there is no color that fits his eyes.



 Basically, the more you mix paints, the more they lose their vividness.


 You could call it “deepening,” but it’s not suited for expressing his scarlet eyes that shine so brightly.


 And all of the paints I have are slightly different colors.


 The color of the petals of a red flower is also different. They are not the color of red clay. The color of my blood doesn’t seem right either.


 …That’s why I’m having a bit of a hard time.



“Hey, Tougo, are you okay?” (Fay)


“Hmm…” (Tougo)



 If you say that there is only a subtle difference in everything, that is true. But I don’t want to compromise that “subtle difference”. Especially when it comes to Redgarde’s eyes, I absolutely don’t want to compromise.


 What should I do? Do I go outside to look for paints now? That’s not right either…



 …and when I’m lost.




 A voice came from outside the window.



“Oh, they came too, huh?” (Tougo)



 I went out of the house, and there was the Red Dragon. It landed with its scarlet wings flapping and was being petted by Redgarde, who seemed to make it feel good.



“Oh, I’m sorry, Tougo. I left him at home… but I think he came here.” (Fay)



 I remember he said that there are no good magic stones for the Red Dragon. The thing is a summoner is going to need a gemstone that will be the summoned beast’s dwelling place. Normally, they wear a jewel so that they can summon a summoned beast at any time.


 So, until that jewel is obtained, the Red Dragon is supposed to stay in the garden of the mansion…



“Hey, hey, that’s ticklish.” (Fay)



 …The Red Dragon kept licking Redgarde’s cheek, and then snuggled up to him, looking happy. Yes. Since they are so attached to Redgarde, it’s a pity to keep them apart.



“I’m sorry, Tougo. Can the painting wait a bit? I’ll play with them a little more first.” (Fay)


“Sure.” (Tougo)



  As I watched the Red Dragon and the other summoned beasts, the flaming wolf, and the flaming bird, frolicking…





“Oh? Tougo, what’s the matter?” (Fay)



 I approach the Red Dragon.


 The scarlet dragon seems to have some degree of affection for me, perhaps because I painted it with more than half my blood. I was so excited to see the Red Dragon, and I was so excited to see them.


 I was happy to see such a… Red dragon.



“This color!” (Tougo)



 The color of Redgarde’s eyes! This is it! The color of the Red Dragon’s scales is exactly the same as the Redgarde’s eyes!



 So, I hurriedly take action, I immediately ask the Red Dragon.



“Just one scale, please!” (Tougo)



 Just enough for a tube of paint!



 …in the end. Red Dragon generously gave me a scale. I got a piece of the one on the tail that was almost peeled off.


 I also got permission from Redgarde. He said, “He’s going to molt anyway, so why not?” So, I gratefully took the scale.




 I quickly drew a tube of paint and stuck the scales on the color labels to make… a very beautiful scarlet paint.


 Now, finally, I can finish my painting!



“Redgarde!” (Tougo)



 …just as I thought.



“Oh, sorry, Tougo! Just a little more time!” (Fay)



 Apparently, the Red Dragon and fire spirits don’t want to let Redgarde go. I’ll have to hold off on the painting for a little while longer since I don’t have a model.


 Yeah, I know. It can’t be helped. I can’t help it, but I’m going to try…


 …I can’t wait to paint!



 In the end, the painting was not finished until the next day.


 But the painting is finally finished. Finally. Finally. It had been a long time since I could paint, and it had been a long time since I started painting. Even after I got the scarlet paint, it felt like a very long time!



“Okay, let’s do it.” (Tougo)


“Yes, yes.” (Fay)



 I got ready to fall down (that is, I got my blanket out and settled in a position where the horse could come up to me, and there) and added the last stroke.


 The painting was now complete.



 …at that moment.


 The watercolors trembled and came together with a squeak.



“Woah!?” (Fay)



 The first thing that I saw is that the watercolors are all over Redgarde.



“……yes.” (Tougo)



 He stared at it, moving his hands. With both eyes.



“…Tougo!” (Fay)



 I look at his face, full of joy, and I know I’ve done it. I had done what I had to do. I did what I wanted to do.


 I am extremely happy.



“Woah! Tougo! Hey! Stay with me!” (Fay)



 And I passed out again.


 But I’m okay because I was prepared for it. Good night.



 When I woke up, it was morning. Good morning. Apparently, I fainted in the morning and woke up the next morning.


 I was in a hammock, surrounded by horses. Good morning. Thank you for all your help.


 As soon as I got out of the hammock, I went back to the house. I wanted to make sure. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a dream…



“Oh, Tougo! Good morning!” (Fay)



 …I was deeply relieved when I saw Redgarde, who was reading with both eyes firmly fixed on me and both hands holding a book.



“Well, you really do run out of magic all the time… How can you faint so often? I’m impressed. Usually, it is not possible to run out of magic so quickly, you know. The magic doesn’t activate before the magic runs out, does it?” (Fay)


“Yeah. I’m happy for you. Redgarde, how is it?” (Tougo)



 I can’t quite hear his words. More than that, I wanted to know how he was doing right now.


 When the pegasus’ wings were healed, the wings were moving properly and he was flying in the sky, but…



“Hmmm. It’s perfect. I can move my fingers properly and I can see with both my eyes!” (Fay)



  Good. It seems to have really worked. I’m so glad. It is very nice.



“Um, Redgarde.” (Tougo)


“By the way, Tougo.” (Fay)



 When I was about to say something, Redgarde bent down a little and stared into my eyes.



“Don’t call me Redgarde anymore, Tougo.” (Fay)





 Looking puzzled… He said with a big smile on his face



“Call me Fay. You’re my best friend. I’m not going to be a little bit shy about it. Okay!” (Fay)



“…best friend?” (Tougo)


“Hmm? We’re best friends! We survived death together! We can help each other! And we’re kindred spirits, too! Then it doesn’t matter who we are or where we come from! We’re best friends now and forever!” (Fay)



 Best friends? Is that what we are? Are we kindred spirits? Do we get along? …Yeah, well, we might fit in. The difference in status doesn’t bother me so much because the difference in our worlds is bigger. No, I think it is because he is like that, though.


 But… I can’t really feel it somehow. I’m not sure what this is. I don’t know… but I’ve never had someone I could call a “best friend” before. Oh, except for my teacher. He was a teacher as well as a friend… so he was more than a best friend, he was something else.


 But we’d become best friends before we know it.



“Right? Tougo. Right? Right?” (Fay)



 I was troubled. I’ve never seen his type of person before. I don’t know what to do.


 But he looks at me with hopeful eyes.



“… Fay?” (Tougo)


“Oh! That’s right! Yes!” (Fay)



 …Yes. I thought that calling him “Fay” would be easier than “Redgarde”. You don’t have to move your mouth too much to give the sound.


 No, I still don’t feel it, but…



“So, let’s go to my house right away, Tougo!” (Fay)


“Eh.” (Tougo)


“Breakfast can be after about an hour!” (Fay)


“What… what?” (Tougo)


“Let’s leave immediately! Let’s go!” (Fay)



 I was still in a daze, a head full of fluff, not really understanding what was going on, and before I knew it, Redgarde had grabbed me by the hand and was pulling me outside.


 And then I was put on the back of a flaming wolf.


 …Ah, this could be.



“Well then, Unicorns and Pegasi! Sorry, I’m borrowing Tougo! …Okay! Let’s go!” (Fay)



 Redgarde… no, the moment Fay said that.


 The flaming wolf began to run vigorously.



“Fast! Too fast!” (Tougo)


“Hmm? Is it? Then should I slow down a little?” (Fay)


“Yes, do it—please!” (Tougo)



 It’s a little… no, a hell of a lot scarier when the trees in the forest are drifting backward at a ridiculous rate. And it was even scarier because we weren’t going straight ahead, we were dodging the trees, turning from time to time, sometimes using them as footholds.


 …Still, we slowed down a little when Fay signaled something. I was relieved to see that we were no longer running in a ridiculous manner.



“…Oh, that’s right.” (Fay)



 Fay was running next to me and said as if he suddenly remembered.



“Hey, aren’t you interested in becoming our family painter?” (Fay)



“We’ll talk about it when you get home again! So, think long and hard about it!” (Fay)



 …I slowly ruminated over Fay’s words in my head and realized…


 This must have been a terrible thing, I thought.


 But whatever. I realized that the flaming wolf would not stop. I was so excited to see my “best friend” who was also riding a wolf next to me, and the feeling would also not stop.





 We are becoming one… Perhaps.



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