Drawn Mochi Volume 3 Chapter 2: Strange Creatures and the Bamboo Shoot Observation Team*1

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“Fay! Fay! The mochi I painted didn’t turn out to be a mochi!” (Tougo)


“What? What? What are you talking about!?” (Fay)



 When I went to report to Fay, he was confused. Yeah, because he is a person from another world who doesn’t know what a “mochi” is.



 …So, well, I told him, “I wasn’t particularly aware of it, but the picture didn’t materialize.”


 …Fay was pleased with that.



“Oh, finally! That’s great!” (Fay)


“Is it really such a good thing?” (Tougo)


“The point is you can now stop your magic leaking out without even trying! Isn’t that a good thing?!” (Fay)



 …It’s kind of embarrassing when you say that.



“Tougo, you are growing up fast. I heard that you lost control of your magic when around three and a half years old. Oh, and by the way, Fay used to wet his pants until he was four.” (Van)


“Don’t mention that! I’m sure you’ve heard of the time when brother and I went to a test of courage, and he freaked out and peed!” (Fay)



 …Um, is that really how magic control is treated? Like a little boy who isn’t toilet trained yet? Is that what they’re talking about?



“Hm. I thought I had prepared a sealing tool just recently. This means that we need to raise the level of the sealing tool one more level. If you continue to grow at this rate, I’d better get the next one ready as well.” (Roses)



 When I’m praised with Fay’s brother and father in tandem, yeah, I’m kind of embarrassed. But I’m pretty happy.



“I see. I’m sure your control has improved since you changed the sealing device. Was the old sealing device bad after all? That doctor.” (Fay)


“No, I think it’s because I decided to become a painter. I think that’s why I’ve been able to control my magic so well.” (Tougo)



 I don’t think the sealing tool has much to do with it.


 I have a clear goal, and I have a very strong desire to work hard toward that goal, so maybe that’s when I put myself into the grind.



“I see, you’ll get better with just that… Well, it’s important to have a purpose. If you don’t think you can do something, you won’t improve your magic.” (Fay)



 Fay laughed as I said that suddenly… He then said something that came to his mind.



“So, you should start thinking about having summoned beasts soon!” (Fay)



 Fay said, leaning forward, his eyes sparkling.



“If you can get your magic under control without a sealing device, you’ll be a summoner in no time! Let’s get it ready, your summoned beast!” (Fay)



 …I see. That’s right. Summoned Beast.


 I was a bit… No, very, I was very looking forward to it.



 …While looking forward to a summoned beast, I poured all that excitement into the portrait of the Redgarde family.


 What can I say, they are kind, yet vibrant people. So I wanted to make a lively painting.


 I used transparent watercolor, so it was smooth, transparent, and cool, yet I tried my best to create that kind of expression, as if the sky was clear and sunny.


 The shadows are deep. The light should be pure white with just enough color left in the paper. The shadows were made to be less bluish and more like the people of the Redgarde family… In other words, reddish, and I composed the entire screen.


 Halfway through the process, I had an idea and asked the Red Dragon to join in. The Red Dragon seemed happy to be included in the portrait and seemed to be beaming.


 …However, when the characters are all red like this, each one of them does not stand out.


 That is why the background is a gradation of soft chick-red to green, the color of the trees in the forest.


 Red and green are opposite colors, so when a soft green is used as a background for red, red stands out more. However, to avoid clashing with red, green is mixed with a little yellow to create a gentle, hazy hue.


 The background is only background, so it should be vague. Finally, the people are drawn more strongly, and the colors are adjusted…


 The portrait of the Redgarde family was completed.



“The portrait of the Redgarde family was completed.” (Fay)


“That’s right. I’m about 10% more handsome.” (Roses)


“Hahaha. Then let’s just say I’m exactly as I am.” (Van)


“You’re a cunning man, father! You should declare yourself based on your conscience!” (Fay)



 They looked at the picture and happily said various things to each other. By the way, as far as I’m concerned, I all drew them at zero percent enhancement. But I did my best to memorize the best moment and best expression on each of their faces, and to make a picture of it.


 …I think that I was able to draw them with good expressions, even when I look at them again. This is thanks to them, the models.


 I can tell at a glance that they are a close family because they are a close family in person. And when I see them in front of the painting, talking to each other about various things, I think, “They must be really close. Yes, they are.” It makes me happy watching them. And at the same time, I’m a little envious.



“All right! This is a memorable first! Tougo’s first commission!” (Fay)



 …Yes. This is my first job, right?


 I don’t really feel like I’ve done any work, but I guess that’s just how it is. Hmm…



“I wonder if it would be better to make the second and subsequent commissions after you have a summoned beast.” (Fay)


“No, you don’t have to think about that. I’m going to practice controlling my magic, and that has nothing to do with the commissions.” (Tougo)


“Is that so? Then, for the time being, about your reward. What do you want?” (Fay)



 While waiting for the next request, Fay began to worry about the reward.



“Um, I don’t really care about the reward, either. I do not require money, you know…” (Tougo)



 But as for me, I don’t particularly want to be paid. I’m not hurting for money, and since I’m being told that they said, “provide for you” in the first place, I feel kind of, you know, bad about getting paid for it.



“No, you can’t, Tougo. You have to do it properly! Hey, father!” (Fay)


“I agree. There is a price to be paid for a commission. It’s not only with our family but with others as well.” (Van)



 …Yes. I understand. That’s why I have to do work that is worthy of the compensation, but I don’t have much confidence in that yet.



“But I guess you don’t need a lot of money. …Well, then, I’ll have to think about the reward a little bit.” (Van)



 Fay’s father, perhaps seeing me like this, said this with a wry smile.


 Then, Fay’s brother and Fay approached with an excited looks on their faces.



“Then Father. I have a good idea.” (Fay)


“Oh, me too! I have a good idea too!” (Roses)



 …And so, the parent-child meeting began. Yes, truly….


 They truly are a really close family.



“So, this is your reward.” (Fay)



 Fay came back from a trip to town and handed me… a book.


 Two very thick and heavy books. Two thinner books. What are these…?



“You can’t read, can you? So, well, open them up.” (Fay)



 Wondering, I first opened one of the thicker books… It was an illustrated book. It was an illustrated book of living things.



“Amazing.” (Tougo)


“Right? I knew you’d need something like that!” (Fay)



 It was a book that had a variety of creatures in it, just like the one Carnelia showed me. There are some creatures that are not in Carnelia’s book. New species, I guess. Likewise, there were some creatures that were in Carnelia’s illustrated book but not in this one. Well, it depends on the book, doesn’t it?



“So, this is a mineral encyclopedia!” (Fay)



 And when I opened the other one, I found that it had drawings of many gems. This one is amazing, too.



“It also has some of the summoned beasts’ preferences, so it’s a good reference.” (Fay)



  But I can’t read, you know. I’ll ask Laocles to read it for me when the time comes.




“And this is my idea.” (Roses)



 Fay’s brother then opened a thin book for me.


 I can understand it… even if I don’t understand the letters.



“A picture book?” (Tougo)


“Yes, a picture book. I thought it would be a good way to learn letters.” (Roses)



 Oh… I see.


 If you can’t read, you can study!



 That day, I left the Redgarde house and immediately began studying in the forest.



“…‘the spirit of the forest made the flowers bloom’… is that correct?” (Tougo)


“Yeah.” (Laocles)


“‘The fruit trees will not be lonely anymore’… Is that correct?” (Tougo)


“That sounds right. Amazing how quickly you learned to read.” (Laocles)


“I just memorized it.” (Tougo)



 I had Laocles as my teacher, and I just learned the letters.


 First, he would read picture books to me and I would memorize the contents.


 Then, memorize it by associating things with the character. (Fortunately, the basic writing of this world was a phonetic alphabet!)


 After that, I read the picture book by myself, remembering the contents, and ask Laocles to check if the letters and sounds match. Furthermore, this time I will match the letters and sounds, not the content.


 I think that with this, you will be able to read basic letters for the time being.


 However, as expected, it’s a different world, or rather… there’s no “dakuten” or “handakuten” [T/N: symbols added to characters to change their sound. Dakuten looks like a quotation mark a handakuten looks like a degree symbol] in my world, and each character is different, and things like “small tsu’” are also considered different characters… I think it’s strange that the Japanese language expresses the prompt sound with “tsu”.



“I would like you to ask me questions. If you give me some words from this picture book using only the letters, I will read them.” (Tougo)


“Alright.” (Laocles)



 Then I asked Laocles to ask me questions. After some hesitation, Laocles wrote some words on a piece of paper and gave them to me.



“Um, ‘bird’. ‘sky’. ‘star’.” (Tougo)


“Yeah.” (Laocles)


“…‘raft’. ‘firefly’. ‘trumpet’.” (Tougo) 


“Right.” (Laocles)


“Umm… ‘Tougo’! ‘Fay’! …’Laocles’.” (Tougo)


“All correct. There seems to be no problem. That’s great.” (Laocles)



 Good. At any rate, I’ve managed to figure out these letters. Well, it’s not that difficult, because all I have to do is memorize the shapes and sounds of the letters. For example, in English, you have to remember the spelling, pronunciation, and meaning, so it’s much easier than learning English words.



“But Laocles, I also have to be able to write.” (Tougo)



 When I sign something in the future, there’s no guarantee that it won’t also involve Laocles. I’ll have to learn fast.



“You must be able to write your own name before mine.” (Laocles)



 I heard Laocles say that in a dazed way… and then it occurred to me.



“…Speaking of which, should I change the way you call you?” (Tougo)



“What’s the matter, all of a sudden?” (Laocles)



 I thought… look, I know he has a real name.


 Ms. Intarlia called Laocles “Ed”. Before he was with me, people used to call him “you” or something like that, I was not sure if it was because of my presence, or because he was concerned about my presence.


 …Barclaed Oriens. Apparently, that’s Laocles’ real name.


 In that case, I feel like it would be better to change the way I call him.



“…do you mean my name?” (Laocles)


“Yes.” (Tougo)



 Then, Laocles looked a little stunned.



“Well, I’m Laocles. You’re the one who decided that.” (Laocles)


“But you are Mr. Barclaed Oriens.” (Tougo)



 I called him that as if to insist that I remembered his name, and he looked a little uncomfortable.



“I threw away my name. That’s why I’m Laocles. It’s not something you have to worry about.” (Laocles)



 …Hmmm. Even if I call him “Barclaed Oriens”, he doesn’t seem to hate it, he looks nostalgic, and he also looks happy when he talks while being called that by Ms. Intarlia…



“Um… your nickname. Let’s call it that.” (Tougo)



 So, I decided to make a compromise here.



“Mr. Barclaed Oriens. Your nickname is ‘Laocles’. So I will call you by this nickname out of familiarity, respect, and admiration. Okay?” (Tougo)


“… Well, I don’t mind.” (Laocles)



 Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll just call you that then.


 He is, after all, “Laocles” to me, but he doesn’t have to be to others.


 So, it is his nickname. If we make a decision like that, he won’t feel sorry. Surely.



“…By the way, I understand the familiarity, but what exactly is the respect and admiration for?” (Laocles)


“Physical beauty.” (Tougo)



 It’s Laocles because it’s Laocoon and Hercules. In other words, “honor and physical beauty”.


 …Since it was a good opportunity, I wrote “Physical Beauty” on a piece of paper.



“Oh. It became ‘Necktie Beauty’.” (Tougo)



 …still a bit difficult to write. [T/N: It’s a word play on Nikutaibi or Physical beauty and Nekutaibi or Necktie beauty.]



 I continued to study the letters for a while.


 But it was getting late at night, so I finished my studies.



“I think I can manage to read and write if I keep trying tomorrow. But there are ideograms too, right.” (Tougo)


“Ideograms… Ah, letters that express meaning. Yes. Spells and contracts are often written in those letters.” (Laocles)



 I see. I’ll have to work on it then.


 …it’s just.


 When I was studying letters, I realized something.



“Um, Laocles.” (Tougo)


“What is it?” (Laocles)


“This is going to sound strange, but… am I speaking correctly?” (Tougo)



 I couldn’t read the letters.


 However, until now, I have never had any trouble with conversations.


 …What does this mean?




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