Drawn Mochi Volume 3 Chapter 5.1: Mysterious Creatures and the Bamboo Fruit Observation Team*4

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“What are you drawing this time?” (Laocles)


“A Pipe Fox.” (Tougo)


“…what is that?” (Laocles)


“Um, it seems that it’s a creature that likes to be inside a bamboo tube.” (Tougo)



 While explaining to Laocles, I draw a Pipe Fox.


 I don’t know much about Pipe Foxes. Almost all of my knowledge is from the books I read at Teacher’s house.


 According to the book I read at my teacher’s house, the “Pipe Fox” is a fox, or a monster, or something like that.


 And it is said that it can possess a family that deals with the foxes. …Yeah, that’s a little scary.


 But it seems that Pipe Foxes are creatures that are used by people. I think I read something about it helping the family.


 …but well, it’s a Pipe Fox. A creature small enough to fit in a bamboo tube, light, and smart, and yet useful to people. So, a Pipe Fox.


 And not only in a bamboo tube, but also in a matchbox, or so how I think the legend goes. I also read that one Pipe Fox can multiply to 64 or 75 or something. I wonder if they… Split?


 There weren’t many illustrations in the book at the teacher’s house, so “Pipe Fox” is just based in my imagination. I don’t know much about it, so I’m guessing a lot. I think I put less imagination than “The Houou”.



“Hmm… I wonder what kind of creature a Pipe Fox is.” (Tougo)


“… you don’t know much about it and you make that guy a summoned beast?” (Laocles)



 Laocles has a face like “I don’t know’, but yeah.


 Even if I don’t really understand it, there’s a reason I want to release a Pipe Fox.



 First of all, it is a very important question. …“The one that is good at hiding” is very important.


 It reminds me of the time when Fay was forced to throw away his jewelries containing the summoned beasts. I wouldn’t want to be in that situation either. It would be nice to have someone to call for help before it happens, or to act to save you after it happens.


 …However, no matter how good a summoned beast is at hiding, there is a bit of a problem.


 The summoned beasts of this world are in jewels.



 Fay, too, was forced to throw away his jewels. The point is, they know that a “jewelry is a weapon”. So, the existence of the summoned beast itself cannot be kept hidden. In other words, if you want to get the summoned beast to do something behind your back when you are in some kind of dangerous situation, you have to… uh, get the summoned beast out before it comes to a situation like when Fay was made to throw away his jewelry, and get them to stay hidden…. I guess that would be… I don’t know.


 …that’s not very realistic, is it? Preferably it should be one that would stay with you after you are put in jail, though. So, should I put a jewel in my shoe, like how Fay hid a knife in his shoe? However, wouldn’t you hate that as a summoned beast?



 …The more I think about it, the more difficult the condition of “creatures that are good at hiding” becomes. …Because as long as it is in a jewel, it is difficult to “hide” it before it “hides”.


 So, if there is a creature that is in something that is not in jewelry, it would be very easy to hide it. It is good to have them hide, but it is even better if it is a creature that is easy for me to hide.


 That’s why I thought a Pipe Fox, who lives in a bamboo tube instead of a jewel, would be perfect, but…



“…Foxes are an object of worship, you know.” (Tougo)


“Is that so.” (Laocles)



 I don’t know, I just think it’s a good idea to have a Pipe Fox. There are God Inari and others. I think a Pipe Fox, or rather the foxes, is in a way a mythical creature.



“Also, I think there was a fox with nine tails.” (Tougo)


“Nine tails?” (Laocles)



 I think long-lived foxes had split tails. Was it a strong fox? Huh? Was it about cats?


 Also, a strong fox has nine tails. I think I read something like that somewhere. In other words, if I draw a fox with nine tails, I will probably get a strong and good fox. It is good for the safety of the fox itself to be strong, and if a good fox comes out, we will be able to get along well…



“And then there’s this thing called a foxfire.” (Tougo)


“Do foxes breathe fire?” (Laocles)


“Fire, Or rather, fireballs…?” (Tougo)



 Some say that the phosphorus ignited in the cemeteries came to be known as foxfire, but at least according to legend, foxes use fire. It is supposed to be. Maybe. I’m starting to lose confidence…



“Also, they are white.” (Tougo)


“…a white fox?” (Laocles)



 I think the Pipe Fox was a white fox. Yes, I think so…


 …and what do foxes eat? Is it fried tofu? At least, I don’t think they eat bamboo fruits. Well, maybe foxes are omnivores, right?



 Anyway, that’s why I drew this Pipe Fox.


 White, small, quick, with nine tails, maybe with divine powers, and likes to go inside bamboo tubes. Maybe it likes to be in tight places.


 Then there’s the one that does the work people ask it to do, and it’s a good-natured creature… Yeah, something like that.



“What a lovely creature.” (Laocles)


“Well… I can’t deny that there’s probably some wishful thinking on my part.” (Tougo)



 I kind of want a Pipe Fox to come out that wouldn’t “possess” or something scary like that. That is my wish…


 And then… I wonder if my imagination of a Pipe Fox is correct…



 Just before finishing, I cut down a bamboo tree. It will probably grow back in time.



“I want you to cut it here and make it into a cylinder.” (Tougo)


“Sure.” (Laocles)



 Laocles did the cutting. With a sharp swing of his small axe, he easily cut the bamboo. The cross section is smooth. I was glad I asked Laocles to do it.


 Now that the bamboo tube was made, the place for the Pipe Fox was also made. In the meantime, I decided to prepare several bamboo tubes, because I didn’t know what kind of bamboo tube he would like. But they are amazing bamboo tubes, so I am sure he will like one of them.


 And just in case, I also prepared some jewelry. Quartz and emeralds.


 …Emeralds, because they are similar in color to bamboo. Somehow.



 That’s how I finished drawing Pipe Fox. I was a little worried about what kind of creatures would appear, but more than that, I was looking forward to seeing the unknown creature.


 …I did so and the next moment, when the white tail started to fluff and sway in the drawing paper.


 A small fox was coming out, wagging its big fluffy tail.



“…Pipe Fox?” (Tougo)



 I asked, and the fox puffed its chest out over my hand. It also spread its fluffy tail wide as if to show it off. Yes, it has nine tails. Because of this, this fox has become a fox with tails larger than its body.



 The tail and body are a little unbalanced, which is somehow cute.




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