Drawn Mochi Volume 5 Chapter 3.2: Painting Excursion*2

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“So, you took my name because you wanted reputation?” (Tougo)



 As soon as I said that Lucien glared at me.



“…Is that wrong?” (Lucien)


“Well… I don’t think it’s a good thing though.” (Tougo)



 If I have to answer whether it’s good or bad, I think it’s probably bad. Yep. No, he hasn’t caused any trouble to anyone so far, so I don’t think it’s a big deal… but eventually, Fay and the others might get in trouble, and they’ll have to walk somewhere with my name. They might end up getting into trouble and not being able to do anything about it, so from that point of view, it’s bad. Yep.



“Um… Did you want your painting to be appreciated?” (Tougo)


“I didn’t care what it was! But if it’s a painting, it’s kind of elegant, isn’t it?” (Lucien)



 Is that so? …Is that what it is? Hmm, elegant…?



“…Would you like to draw a picture together?” (Tougo)


“I can’t paint! Are you kidding me?” (Lucien)



 No, I was being serious, but I wonder why he would get that angry. …For him, I guess it made him angry.



“But if you say that drawing is somehow more elegant, then I think you should draw…” (Tougo)


“That’s why! Anything is fine! Paintings, music, hunting results, anything! As long as it leads to my recognition!” (Lucien)





 It seems like Lucien really wants to be appreciated.


 However, it seems that this is not “I want my paintings to be appreciated.”


 …Does the appreciation of the picture become his appreciation? Does he want to be appreciated? Not his painting?


 Hmm… No, I don’t really understand…



 As I was thinking about it, Lucien began to fidget, and finally said in a slightly hoarse voice,



“W-what are you going to do? Money? Are you planning on asking for money? Since we are talking alone in a place like this… Wouldn’t it have been better to talk it over with my friends? Or are you going to tell everyone after this!?” (Lucien)



 I realized that the reason he raised his voice was probably because he was scared. Somehow, I can see the color of fear.


 …I guess he doesn’t want his friends to know. That is what he’s afraid of.



“No, I thought it would be hard for you to talk if your friend was with you, so I thought we should talk alone…” (Tougo)



 So, when I say that, he looks relieved. And yet, his expression said, “Is this alright?”



 I sip on the straw and finish drinking the juice. The carbonation’s fizz is delicious. When I finally absorbed all the juice that was in the gaps between the ice cubes, I felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction. This was delicious. I want to take it back to the forest as a souvenir. …Do horses like carbonated drinks? I feel like the fairies will enjoy it.


 …I was satisfied with the juice, but Lucien didn’t touch his. Is he too nervous?


 He looks like he’s trying to say something and doesn’t even touch the glass, his gaze swimming.


 In that case, should I ask instead?



“…So, do you plan on continuing to work as ‘Tougo Uezora’?” (Tougo)



 There was no point in continuing to think twice, so I decided to ask him.


 Lucien looked at me in surprise, and our eyes met… Then, Lucien looked frightened, looked down, and shook his head.



“…I’ll stop now.” (Lucien)



“I see.” (Tougo)



 Then, okay. If he decides to do that and he does, I feel like that’s the best thing in my mind.


 If it’s true, it might be better to avoid damaging his reputation or help him gain the reputation that he wants… But I’ll discuss that with Ms. Croix and Fay.



 After that, Lucien kept his head down, but eventually, he looked up and appealed to me with a desperate look on his face.



“…I’ll stop using your name. I’ll even give you the money too. That’s why about suing me…” (Lucien)


“I have no intention of doing so. Also, I don’t need money.” (Tougo)



 When I answered, Lucien looked depressed and slumped back into his chair.



“…Well, my parents, family members, and friends too.” (Lucien)


“I won’t tell them.” (Tougo)


“Really, are you really not going to sue me? Are you not going to tell anyone?” (Lucien)


“Yeah. It’s fine. If you say you’re going to stop calling yourself ‘Tougo Uezora.’ Oh, and just in case, I’d like you to let me know the extent to which you’ve announced your name. I don’t know what kind of repercussions it will have. It’s necessary you would want to match it, right?” (Tougo)



 When I answered that, Lucien looked like he didn’t understand.



“…If you sue me, you’ll get money.” (Lucien)


“As I said before, I don’t really need the money.” (Tougo)



 Lucien always tries to solve things with money. Is this how city-dwellers interact?



“But…” (Lucien)


“If you’re interested, treat me with a glass of juice, from there we’re even, how about that?” (Tougo)



 If that’s the case, I’ll take the opportunity to become a little obsessed with money. I’m sure Lucien is more used to this kind of interaction.



 In the end, Lucien agreed to pay for my juice. I decided to give him a break, so I think he was able to get his mind off of it.


 I also found out how far he called himself “Tougo Uezora,” so I’ll check back later to see if there are any problems in that area. …If there’s no trouble, that’s fine. I’m sure I’ll be able to find out more later.



 After parting ways with Lucien and walking for a while, I was able to meet up with Laocles. Apparently, he was waiting for me.



“How was it?” (Laocles)


“He said he is not going to call himself ‘Tougo Uezora’ anymore.” (Tougo)


“…Is that all?” (Laocles)


“Yeah. Was it bad?” (Tougo)



 When I asked, Laocles chuckled and shook his head.



“It was a lie told by a child to satisfy his self-esteem that is enough. They already know that a lie is a lie anyway.” (Laocles)



 …Has it been found out yet? Oh, that’s… Ah, I see. I guess that’s why Lucien’s friends behind had a troubled look on their face.


 Maybe the reason Lucien came to me was because his friend said, “The real one is in the plaza.” Maybe it was because his friend said something like, “I already know you’re lying, so why don’t you just admit it?” No, I wish they would have said it in a kinder way.


  Maybe I am thinking this way because no harm has been done to me yet, but I don’t want Lucien to be punished too much for his lie.


 Am I being naive? Is it because I don’t know the value of evaluation?


 I have a lot of things to worry about, but… Well, it can’t be helped. I’m happy with the way things are going with Lucien. That’s all I can think of.



 I have more worries, but it is a weight off my shoulders. At any rate, this means that Tougo 1, is no more. Yes, that’s right. The load on my shoulders has been reduced by two-thirds.


 So, I decided to resume painting again. When I finish what I’m painting, I’ll move to a new place. Ms. Croix seemed to know some of the best spots for painting. Yep. I’m looking forward to it.



 …While I was drawing a picture in the square thinking this, I suddenly heard the sound of a horse.


 When I hear the sound of horses, I tend to look in that direction, and there I found four horses pulling a carriage… the carriage parked.


 The carriage was beautifully crafted, and somehow… It had a design that made me want to draw it.


 And there was someone staring at me from the window of the carriage.



 But before I could get a good look at the person’s face, the carriage started moving again.



 …I wonder who it was. I’m not sure what to think.



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