Drawn Mochi Volume 6 Chapter 2: Forest, Village, And Wall*1

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“Do you remember the territory under the direct control of the royal capital? You know, the place where the royal family mistakenly withered the Spirit Vein after the incident with our Spirit Vein.” (Fay)


“Ah… yes. I remember.” (Tougo)



When I say I remember, it may be a little different. I’ve never seen that place. …However, I have heard the story, and I remember it.



“The spiritual veins have completely withered over there, you know? That’s why it doesn’t look like any crops there will grow at all this year.” (Fay)



 I see. What can I say… I feel sorry for them.



“I went to take a look at the land, but it’s just a wasteland. …I don’t think they’ll have the ability to plow it up and plant seeds. Well.” (Fay)



 …What kind of land is it? I’m a little concerned.



“…does that mean the farmers there are wishing to be hired?” (Laocles)



 When Laocles asked that, Fay nodded.



“Yeah. That’s right. The land they live on has dried up, so they are giving up on the land themselves and moving to a more affluent area.” (Fay)



 I see. Is that so? …That’s tough. Many things are suddenly happening.




 When I understood the reason for Fay’s sudden request, she let out a deep sigh.



“…If you farm in a territory directly under the royal family, you will receive a subsidy. I believe their taxes are being reduced. That’s why farmers often want to live in territories under the direct control of the royal family, but… this time… It seems like the people who want to come to our territory want to come here even if they don’t have that kind of preferential treatment. Apparently, the land over there is that bad.” (Fay)


“……I see.” (Tougo)



 Anyway, I have a lot of things to think about. The members of the royal family have been trying to bully Redgarde territory and even started bullying their own territory with theories they don’t really understand, and I don’t think that’s a good thing. If there are people who are inconvenienced because of that, even more so.


 However, the people who are causing trouble… the farmers, this has nothing to do with them. It’s not like they did anything wrong, and I want to help them if I can.



“Then I’ll hire them. I’ll hire them as farmers.” (Tougo)


“Oh, really? If you say that, it will help me too. …We didn’t do anything wrong regarding the Spirit Veins, you know, but we’re the reason the royal family did all sorts of things. I mean, well… I can’t help but think about it a bit.” (Fay)



 Yep. I feel the same way. I don’t think I did anything wrong, but aside from that, I want to take some responsibility. I was the one who sent out the dragon…



 So, I immediately started building a house outside the forest.



“…I understood it from the mochi, but when I look at it again, it’s an incredible scene.” (Lila)


“Isn’t it? Tougo is like this.” (Croix)



 The house is supervised by Ms. Croix and Lila. Also, as another audience, Fay is watching the construction site while laughing out loud. Also, Laocles is a great help when moving furniture.



“I think it’s important to have a unified design because it’s going to be a whole village.” (Fay)


“Yep.” (Tougo)



 The colors are all different but calm. The sizes should be somewhat uniform. Various floor plans will be prepared. The roofs will all have the same design. I thought it would be nice to have an attic, so we decided on a gable roof.



“I thought it would be nice to have some furniture in the house and some in the house with very little furniture. I’m sure many people move in with furniture they love.” (Croix)


“Yep.” (Tougo)



 Incidentally, the furniture we will be preparing is of a rather modest design. It is not as elaborate as when we built Ms. Croix’s room. It’s functional, simple, and maybe a bit lacking.


 …All of the furniture has the emblem of the forest on it.


 This forest emblem is a recent creation. The emblem of the Redgarde family is a crest with a dragon, so this forest emblem is the crest of a tree surrounded by a dragon. Somehow, I thought it would be better to have something like this, so I designed it. It was a lot of fun!



“You can build a cluster of houses, but you have to think about the distance to the fields. Because the purpose of people moving here is the fields.” (Lila)


“Yep.” (Tougo)



 Furthermore, we will also build a field.


 …When I created a field, Lila was stunned. Well, I did draw a picture of the cultivated land and reflected it in reality… “If you can do that, do it from the beginning, idiot!”


 No, but I was able to draw a good picture of the tilled soil because I tilled it myself, and it’s difficult to draw something like this unless you see the actual thing… Yep. Um, sorry.



“Oh, maybe if people are moving in, we’ll need a store here to sell food and daily necessities, right?” (Croix)


“Oh, I think we need a peddler from Redgarde town. Well, maybe it would be better to have a proper store here someday.” (Lila)


“Is this going to become a town?” (Ange)


“Isn’t it possible? Well, if the forest spirit allows it.” (Lian)


“Yep. I think that’s fine.” (Tougo)



 I see. Maybe this place will become a town? I mean, it might be… a little bit fun.



 Next, I decided to think about the salary. …It’s a strange way to say it, but that’s all I can say.


 In order to hire farmers, I need a salary. And of course, it has to be money.


 …Ms. Croix is currently employed with a single house, and Lila is working for free in the name of debt repayment, but the same cannot work for the farmers as well.


 So, I have to make proper money.


 …Well, to some extent, I do have money. I got some money from selling my paintings. However, that is not a stable income, and it would be bad if my income affected the farmers’ salaries, so I thought it would be better to prepare a separate salary.



“…If I were given a house, furniture, and land, I wouldn’t mind just working until I can harvest the crops.” (Lila)


“I just can’t accept that…” (Tougo)



 I think necessary expenses are necessary expenses, not salary. So, I’d like to keep that separate.



“But where are you going to sell that much quality jewelry in that quantity?” (Fay)





 That’s it. What I’m having trouble with right now is that my means of making money are extremely limited.


 …Fay looked at the jewel I took out and said, “You can probably buy a territory in the frontier with just this one.” Hmm…



“It was the same with the magic painting, but I think that because I became a spirit, I am not good at controlling my magic again.” (Tougo)


“Possibly…” (Fay)



 For the time being, I tried drawing a jewel and materialize it, but somehow… it seemed like the magical power was stuck inside. When I first became a spirit, I drew gems like this and took them out to rehabilitate myself, but even then, I ended up with really good-looking gems. Hmm.



“Are you going to have to put the seal on again?” (Fay)


“I already did it…” (Tougo)



 I confirmed and showed the sealing tool to Fay. …Well, I showed him the “remnants” of the sealing tool.



“…I’m sorry. I broke it.” (Tougo)


“No… if you think about it, there’s no way we can seal away the magical power of a spirit with a human sealing tool…” (Fay)



 Yep. It seems that the capacity has been exceeded, and the sealing tool has broken. Even though I got it. I’m sorry.



“Well, we can’t help it. You turned into a spirit.” (Fay)


“Yep…” (Tougo)


“Because spirits do it, they all have different orders of magnitude of magical power. If you materialize the jewels, you’ll be able to create an incredible magic stone, and they have so much magic power that they won’t be able to be sealed with a sealing tool. I guess…” (Fay)



 While listening to Fay’s comfort, I was wondering what to do.


 It would be fine if it was just an inconvenience for me, but that’s not the case this time. This time, my goal is to get the wages to pay the farmers. That’s why…



“Ah. So, why don’t you just draw your own sealing tool?” (Fay)






 I tried it as Fay told me to do, and it turned out great.


 It seems that when I drew a sealing tool myself and materialized it, something matching my magic power came out. When I put it on, it seems like my magic power has finally returned to that of a human being… Thanks to that, I’ve been able to draw a jewel that I don’t think will be a problem even if I sell it. Great!



“This is enough for the salary! All that’s left is… seeds, right?” (Tougo)


“I think we can leave that to the farmers. I’m sure they got at least some seeds from the crops they grew last year in the royal fiefdom.” (Fay)



 I see. Well, that’s right. Well, I’ll leave that to you… Ah, but I like edamame. Having lots of edamame makes you feel happy, so let’s have them grow them for us. I think I’ll just prepare some edamame seeds.



“Also, just in case, how about some agricultural equipment…” (Tougo)


“That’s perfect…” (Fay)



 A hoe. A plow. We’ll draw those things out a bit, and then we’ll build one of those communal barn-like things and store the farm equipment in there…


 …Things like this are fun when you’re preparing.



“If they move here to cultivate land, they will have a farm that has already been cleared and plowed, a house, agricultural equipment, and even a salary. The conditions are good… I think there will be a lot of applicants!” (Lila)



 Yes. If enough people come, we’ll have them work a lot of fields and help out Redgarde territory.


 Also, please create an edamame special zone, even if it’s just one plot.



“Is there really a need for something like a division in the farm?” (Lila)



 The soil is plowed, the field is ready, the house is built, the barn is built, and the farm equipment is ready. Also, some edamame seedlings.


 Now that I’ve found the salary, all that’s left to do is get the farmers to come…


 Is that enclosure necessary?



“Hmm? …yeah, it’s like the royal capital, isn’t it?” (Lila)


“Yep.” (Tougo)



 The Royal Capital is surrounded by a wall that goes all the way around the city. It seems like it’s a precaution against foreign enemies, but if you think about it that way, you’ll be able to build a lot of walls, which will be nice, and I think it’ll be easier to distinguish between land that’s good for farming and land that isn’t. That’s it.


 …isn’t it?


 Ah, that…?


 Wait a minute? Land that is good for farming…



“Why not? Why don’t we enclose the forest or something?” (Fay)



 That’s what Fay said… and I thought to myself.



“Ah, uh, Fay.” (Tougo)


“Hmm? What is it?” (Fay)



 I totally forgot something! This is a forest, and I’m a forest spirit… but the forest is in Redgarde territory, right? But Redgarde territory doesn’t belong to me…



“Would it be okay for me to build a field or a town outside of the forest?” (Tougo)



 Well, this isn’t really my property… right?


 …I cultivated that area without permission!



“What should I do? I’ve already built a house!” (Tougo)



 When I panicked, Fay started laughing.



“Oh, I don’t really care about that. In any case, the area around this forest is land that I couldn’t develop even if I wanted to. If you want, we can build a wall around this forest and call it ‘Tougo Territory’ or something. Would you like to do that?” (Fay)


“I-I don’t like that…” (Tougo)



 As expected, an independent territory is a bit…



“Hahaha. Just kidding. But there’s nothing wrong with that. Even if you surround the forest.” (Fay)



  Hmmm. I’d like to build a wall somewhere someday, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to enclose the forest.



“Well, it’s fine. You can do whatever you want with the area around the forest and the forest. Rather, I’m in the position of being a spirit’s neighbor.” (Fay)


“Even if you say that…” (Tougo)



 …I’ve become a forest spirit, but that doesn’t mean I feel like I’ve become the owner of the forest, and I don’t feel comfortable acting like it…



“If I had to say, I would be happy if there was a road through the middle of the forest, wouldn’t I? But, well, the middle of the forest is where you live, and if the forest has the barrier, it would be better to keep people out of the vicinity of that device…” (Fay)



 I see. Hmm… this forest is right in the middle of Redgarde territory, so it’s a nuisance. I understand that.


 However, as Fay said, letting people pass through the middle of the forest is likely to cause a lot of trouble, but at the moment, that problem is just an inconvenience…



“…Um, can I think about this for a second?” (Tougo)


“Huh? No, you don’t have to force yourself. You can’t just build a road through the middle of the forest, right?” (Fay)



 Well, that’s true… but I’m still curious.


 I have always been helped by Fay.


 That’s why I want to give back to Fay in whatever way I can.



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