Drawn Mochi Volume 6 Chapter 8.1: Forest, Village, And Wall*7

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 When I woke up, it was already night. And just because I woke up, it didn’t mean that the gate was finished; it was just there, nothing but a gate.


 Once again, I am disappointed.


 What was missing? Was the drawing crazy? Are the colors not being reproduced properly? Not enough expression? …The more I think about it, the more I don’t understand.


 As I was thinking about it, the bird’s head suddenly thrust into my neck from behind.






 I was surprised because a fluffy head suddenly hit my neck. The bird shook its head and tickled me with its fluffy feathers, which tickled my neck.



“Oh, stop. It’s ticklish.” (Tougo)



 I tried to raise my voice in protest, but the bird’s fluffiness did not stop. Instead, the Houou began tickling the other side of my neck, and the Pipe Fox slipped through the gap in my shirt and began tickling me. The Alicorn also pretend to be relaxed, while tickling me with their tail. The red dragon and the Ryuu are looking at me from a distance, but they seem to be amused.


 …Once I was tickled like that, I felt a little more energetic. Hmm, maybe I’m just that simple.



“…I guess you were trying to cheer me up. Thank you.” (Tougo)



 But it sure lifted my spirits, so I decided to thank them. Then I saw the bird’s very proud face. Yes, you are always so confident, aren’t you? You are always so self-satisfied. I envy you a little.



“I’m home.” (Tougo)



Then I went home. The delicious smell of the dinner Lila was cooking was wafting outside the house, and that cheered me up some more.



“Oh, welcome home… If you came back on your own, that means you didn’t finish it today, right?” (Lila)



 Lila asked while stirring the inside of the pot with a ladle. I have gotten used to it, and said…



“Well, it was completed, but I failed to materialize it.” (Tougo)



 When I explained that, Lila tilted her head in shock.



“…Does that happen, at all?” (Lila)


“Hmm, this is my first time failing like this.” (Tougo)



 I’m a little disappointed if I say so myself, but Lila’s tone says, “Hmm, that’s just how it is.” …When I look at her, I feel a bit more energized, or rather, I feel less depressed.



 After that, everyone gathered around and listened to me talk while eating.



“I tried painting a picture of the gate, but it didn’t materialize. It just became a picture, and it didn’t move at all.” (Tougo)


“…Well, that’s different.” (Laocles)



 That’s true in the sense of it being an ambitious project, and it’s certainly true in the sense of recreating ancient magic. However, since I was able to materialize the red dragon and a Ryuu, I think it would be great if I could materialize it this time as well.



“You’re trying to recreate lost magic. It won’t be that easy.” (Laocles)


“……yep.” (Tougo)



 The way Laocles said it was not very kind, but the point was that he wanted me to cheer up and not worry too much, so I’ll accept it gratefully.



“Does that picture make sense to you, Tougo?” (Croix)


 Then, when Ms. Croix asked me that, I… I nodded a little vaguely. Yep. Very vague.



“…You look like you don’t even know what it is.” (Croix)


“Yep……” (Tougo)



 Ms. Croix chuckled as I turned my attention to the painting placed on the wall.



“I still think it’s a great accomplishment.” (Croix)



 …Hmm. I do not think so. I certainly put a lot of effort into it. I concentrated on the details and layered the colors over and over again… Even the smallest of details were drawn with great care. But even that isn’t enough, so I’m leaving it as a painting without materializing it…



“Hey, what do you think, Lila?” (Tougo)


“Huh? Me?” (Lila)



 I couldn’t resist and asked Lila,



“Since you are also a painter, I wanted to ask you… what could be missing in this painting? I’m not understanding it myself.” (Tougo)



 In fact, I am not sure. I don’t know what is missing in this painting.


 Lila is a painter, so she might be able to tell me something. I thought so and asked her about it, but she said…



“Well, even if you say that… well, if it didn’t materialize, then maybe… it’s the materials?” (Lila)






“Look, if it’s watercolor, maybe the colors are a little too light. It’s very transparent, and the outside of the gate is very good. …But that may be why the inside of the gate doesn’t look that dark.” (Lila)



 I see.


 It is true that this time, the oil painting might have been better suited than the watercolor… After all, watercolor is not really suited for heavy and profound expressions.


 I see. Then, I should practice oil painting as well. I’ll hurry up and practice, and somehow, I’ll be able to paint the way I want to paint…


 …That’s what I was thinking.



“So, why don’t you try magic painting?” (Lila)



 …Eh, that one?



“You can draw what you imagine, right? Then, wouldn’t this be perfect with your ability?” (Lila)



 Hmm… well, that’s certainly true.


 …Magic painting is essentially about moving magic stone powder paint using magic to create something on the canvas that matches my imagination… but I’m just not very good at it.



“You seem to have a lot of magical power, so I think you’ll be better at it than watercolor once you get used to it! Hey, why don’t you give it a try?” (Lila)


“Hmm…” (Tougo)



 …Yep. I think I’ll give it a try since it’s a good idea.


 Because I can’t think of any other solution. If I do something, I can distract myself, and if I do that, I might feel a little more energetic…



 …So, I am making magic stone paint.


What I’m going to use is a magic stone. Magic stone. I mean… uh, the gemstones that I painted and materialized.



“We have a lot of jewels in stock…” (Fay)



 Fay sold the jewels that he could sell. So, the farmer’s salary was secured for the time being… But I have jewels that I can’t sell just stay with me for a long time. I was told that these gems have too much magic to sell, so I thought they would be good for paint.



“Are you going really going to crush this!? Are you really going to destroy this!?” (Lila)


“Huh? Yeah. I thought it was just right…” (Tougo)



 In the cardboard box that contained the cookies I had bought as a gift for Ms. Croix before, there is a good number of jewels that I just materialized and never used. When I took some out, Lila’s face twitched.



“Th-this seems like an expensive magic stone… it’s not something you should use as paint, you know?” (Lila)


“Well, No, even if you try to use it for something other than paint, you can’t really use it …” (Tougo)



 Yep. It can’t be sold anyway, and if it’s a jewel for a summoned beast, I’ll make something better. So, these are just useless gems.



“…Um, then, Lila. Do you want to have this?” (Tougo)


“What? I don’t need the jewelry. It doesn’t look good on me, and it’s a little too expensive for me… and it’s not really my style…” (Lila)



 …I don’t think it’s because it doesn’t suit you. But I can understand your hesitation, so I won’t force it.


 But the clear blue jewelry seemed to suit Lila somehow, so I put it away in another box. Someday, when Lila gets used to jewelry, I’ll give it to her as a gift.



“What about you, Ms. Croix?” (Tougo)



 I thought, “If it’s jewelry, I’ll give it to Ms. Croix,” so I brought some to her.



“…I can’t afford such a ridiculously expensive jewelry, but anyway, I guess I’ll take it.” (Croix)



 Ms. Croix chuckled and picked up a green gemstone. She puts it on her chest and asked, “Does it suit me?”, as expected it looks great on her.


 Oh, yes. I’d like to design some accessories for Ms. Croix to wear. Maybe I’ll paint some and give it to her next time.



…I’m feeling a little more energetic again.



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