Friendly Reincarnator Chapter 71: Disappointing Negotiation Result and Strange Sense of Defeat

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 I gave them two conditions for selling the soy sauce recipe.


 First, the workers must come from the slums, and second, the management team must come from the Sinker Trading Company.



“Mmm, from the slums…” (Robert)



 I thought it was probably a matter of the image the aristocrats would have of me, so I changed the conditions a little.



“Let’s change the conditions a bit. I would like to have a manager whom the Sinker Trading Company can responsibly recommend. I would like to hire someone from the slums. If that proves difficult, I will only sell wholesale while I am in the Royal Capital.” (Louis)



 In the end, Robert-san did not think it was a good idea for slum residents to be involved in the creation of soy sauce, prioritizing the image he would receive from the nobles.


 Well, these things happen.



“I see. I’m sorry, but it can’t be helped. Let’s leave it at that. By the way, I would like to buy a large number of soybeans and pre-ground wheat. How much is it?” (Louis)


“Yes, I will prepare as many beans and wheat as you wish, Louis-kun.” (Robert)


“Then, please prepare two wagons each, thank you.” (Louis)



 I was happy to receive it, knowing it could be procured in two days.



 I left the Sinker Trading Company and headed for the church.


 At the church, I asked the priestess Lina-san to let me in and prayed.


 I was able to meet with Jupiter-sama right after I prayed.



“Jupiter-sama, what is the Spirit Light? Are slimes, monsters, more similar to spirits?”


“I am glad you are doing well, Louis-kun. The Spirit Light is a gift I gave you. You should meet with the spirits and ask them directly what it is. Have you appraised yourself? Then you can think of the slime as a being closer to spirits as you imagine it to be, Louis-san.” (Jupiter)


“Ah! Appraisal! I completely forgot about it. I’ll give it an appraisal when I get back, but what can I do with Spirit Light?” (Louis)


“Fufu. It’s a secret. Meet the spirits. It’s time, so I’ll see you again.” (Jupiter)


“Oh, wai—” (Louis)



 I have already returned to the church. I feel like the time I have to talk to Jupiter-sama is getting shorter and shorter.



 I asked Lina-san if I could donate a gold coin and stop by the orphanage to eat, hearing that, she gave two yeses.


 I heard that the children were very happy last time.


 By the way, the mysterious caretaker was not at home today.



 We went to the orphanage behind the church.


 The first one who noticed me was Frederica, the youngest.



“Ah! It’s Fairy Brother!” (Frederica)



 Marlon, Therese, and Brian turned around all at once.


 I raised my right hand and greeted them.



“Hello. Are you guys doing good?” (Louis)


“”””Yes!””””” (Children)



 They all nodded their heads jovially.



“I’ve been thinking of having a meal with everyone. Let’s prepare it together.” (Louis)



 It was just lunchtime, so I decided to borrow the kitchen to cook.


 However, today I plan on having to cook aged venison steak, fresh vegetable salad, and bread, so I ask the children to make fresh vegetable salad.



 First, I had everyone wash their hands and prepare a platter for the raw vegetable salad and a small plate for serving the salad.


 The platter was put out, so I took out tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, and other vegetables from the storage.


 After arranging them on a platter, I poured more mayonnaise from a bottle over them.


 I cut one loaf of bread into eight slices and put them on the plate to complete the dish.



 The venison was cut from chunks out of storage and then I used [Maturation] on it.


 All that was left was to cook the venison in a frying pan, first over high heat and then over low heat for the last half of the cooking time.


 Everyone’s portion was ready, including mine, so we started eating in the dining area.


 We ran out of bread, so I took out additional bread from storage to make sure everyone had enough.


 Everyone seemed satisfied, so we cleared away the plates and finished eating.



 Frederica happily squealed.



“Brother Louis, you’re going to talk to the fairy again, right?” (Frederica)


“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go.” (Louis)



 We all moved together to the zelkova tree, but no fairies appeared.



“It looks like there are no fairies today.” (Louis)


“Yes, I guess so. Yes, there haven’t been many fairies for a long time. I think the other day was special.” (Therese)



 Therese answered in a whisper.



“Well, let’s go back.” (Louis)



 I called out to the children and turned to see a small child, about 30 cm tall, wearing a brown cape.



“Oh, I’m an Earth Fairy. Can I come a little closer?” (Earth Fairy)



 Saying that, I approached it while it kept looking up at me, so I approached it and held it by the armpit, lifting it up like the Wind Fairy the other day.



“Ohhhh. How embarrassing.” (Earth Fairy)



 Contrary to her words, she hugged me tightly.


 What was it? I felt like I was holding a puppy.



“Hey, Earth Fairy don’t you have a name?” (Louis)



 After listening to me, the Earth Fairy shyly answered.



“You have to have a contract with me to give me my name. But if I don’t really like it, I won’t let you name me.” (Earth Fairy)


“Contract? (Louis)”


“yes. A contract. A contract to be with you for the rest of your life.” (Earth Fairy)


“Yes, a contract. Can I also make a contract with a fairy someday?” (Louis)


“I think you can make a contract with a great spirit or a dragon, not a fairy. I’ve had enough of the light, I’m satisfied now. Thank you.” (Earth Fairy)



 There was a word the fairy said that I couldn’t let go. As I silently lowered it, The Earth Fairy became translucent, walked toward the zelkova tree, and disappeared.



“The fairy vanished again! I saw it!” (Frederica)



 Frederica shouted, and the other children looked at me with excited faces, but I answered calmly.



“Oh, one came out again. I’m glad I saw it.” (Louis)


“Why isn’t Brother Louis surprised?”



 Frederica says excitedly as she looked at me.



“Well, I was surprised enough by the Wind Fairy from last time, and I thought there might be others here.” (Louis)



 Therese asked.



“Did you say that today was an Earth Fairy? Was that an earth fairy?” (Therese)


“I didn’t think it was, the fairy told me that it was one.” (Louis)


“You’re able to understand the Wind Fairy and the Earth Fairy. You’re amazing.” (Therese)



 Therese was also looking quite excited.


 Then Marlon asked.



“Hey, Brother Louis, you were asking the fairy  if you could make a contract someday, so what did the fairy answer?” (Marlon)


“The Earth Fairy doesn’t want to make a contract with me. Though they said I can make one with a different fairy.” (Louis)


“Oh? So you were dumped.” (Marlon)






“Well, good luck next time.” (Marlon)



 Brian patted me on the back and started walking forward.


 Damn, what’s this sense of defeat?



 With a strange sense of defeat, I said goodbye to the kids and decided to go to the library.







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