Mid Boss Chapter 45: Diva the Harpy Queen

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 “…Well, Miss Harpy? I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, but I’m going to say it again, okay?” (Sergeant)



 On the outskirts of the forest, Sergeant—Poison Slime speaks with remarkable patience and a soft tone.


 We can’t see the subtleties of the slime’s expression, but I’m sure he’s putting on a perfect smile.



“We’re just going through the forest to the town of Canal to see the sights…”


“—You are still saying that you filthy invaders! Go to hell!” (Harpy)



 But one of the harpies, whose whole body was wrapped in vines, interrupted him with a sharp retort.


 I could almost hear a low growl coming from the back of her throat.


 If we loosen the restraints in any way, she will bite Sergeant with her bared canines without a second thought.


 In short, there was nothing he could do.



“Narugoa-san, I can’t do this, they are too untrusting.” (Sergeant)


“Hmm, even the Cave of Silence’s most experienced personnel officer can’t do it, huh?”



 “Do your best!” Alraune said.


 Sergeant shook his gelatinous body in frustration.



“It would be easiest if they could see that we have no intention of fighting…” (Sergeant)


“If you get into this state, you’ll have to leave it alone, and even if you stimulate it poorly, you’ll just get messed up.”


“Hmm! Then it’s my turn to talk!” (Kyuuketsu)


“? Did you listen to the conversation?”


“The only thing she’s upset about is that she’s hungry! If she drinks my special Rock Moss juice, I’m sure she’ll be in a good mood right away!” ()


“Stop it, the pointless torture of prisoners of war is a war crime.”


“Hmm? Narugoa-san, what does that mean?” ()


“No, nothing…”



 I couldn’t help but look away at the sheer power of her smile.



“It can’t be helped, then I wonder if it’s my turn.” (Alraune)


“Why you, Al-san? After seeing the previous exchange, why?” (Sergeant)


“Is there any plan?”



 Alraune puffed out her chest with pride.



“Nothing, I have a secret grass that I grow in the Caves of Silence, and if you burn it and let people inhale the smoke… they will be enraptured! Even the most hardened of men can become talkative!” (Alraune)



 The three of us, with the exception of Alraune, stopped moving and looked at each other.





“Yeah! One of the fairies inadvertently burned the grass the other day, and it was a big fuss! Everyone got intoxicated…” (Alraune)


“… Alraune, after this, come talk to me later. We have a few things to talk about.”


“Well… What, what, what, what are you doing here all of a sudden, it’s too late for you to realize how good I am!” (Alraune)


“On a different note, do you remember how to write a Settlement Agreement?”


“Of course! I’m that good!” (Alraune)



 I’m not sure what she misunderstood, but Alraune is huffing and puffing in pride.


 I’m not sure if she’s noticed the pitying glances from Kyuu-chan and Sergeant.


 Aside from that.



“–You guys, we have Diva-sama, you are nothing in her hands, she will immediately show how weak and feeble you are!” (Harpy)



 The captive harpy screamed, perhaps because she has finally lost her nerve.






 I ruminate on her words.


 She continued, “Yes!”



“The great one who controls our Harpy village! She is ruthless and omniscient! You guys aren’t even close to her feet!” (Harpy)


“In short, she is the boss of this dungeon? But I’ve never heard of a dungeon named Harpy’s Village.”


“In the hundred years before Narugoa reincarnated, countless dungeons were destroyed and countless new dungeons were created, this is probably one of them.” (Alraune)


“The dungeon industry has also changed rapidly.”



 In the past, a dungeon Bewildering Forest had some trouble, but it continued to exist for more than a hundred years due to the abundance of wood resources that were useful to humans, but that was an exception.


 Demon strongholds, or dungeons that are a threat to humans, are always destroyed after they are “captured” by heroes.


 However, like bamboo shoots after the rain, new dungeons are born one after another, so in the end, it’s just a game of attrition.



“Diva-sama will not tolerate intruders! You will only be torn into eight pieces and fed to the insects and animals!” (Harpy)


“Dismemberment … The conversations are getting more and more intense.” (Sergeant)


“We were just on the way back to work, we just went sightseeing while we were on vacation.”


“Even until now… Stop trying to trick us…!” (Harpy)



 We found trouble.


 Looking back, it makes me embarrassed to say we are just enjoying sightseeing.


 It’s not horseshit at all.


 We should take the safest route possible, for my own health.


 It was something we say, we are heading for the Cave of Silence by making doing a lot of detours, but in reality, it is just a sightseeing trip.



 We were going to indulge in the local delicacies, contemplate the historical buildings, and soak in one of the hot springs.


 Intruders? No way, just a bunch of dumb tourists who got lost.



“How can I make you understand…”



 I scratch my head.


 If I show them one of the creepy dolls I was forced to buy from a street vendor in the town we stopped in earlier, would they believe me…



 Then while I was thinking about that,



“–What are you doing to my subordinates?” (Voice)



 I heard a voice above me.


 We all looked up at the same time.


 There was a woman standing at the end of a tree branch.


 As soon as the captive Harpy recognized her, she cried out her name in a rapturous squeal.



“Diva-sama!” (Harpy)



 Diva is what she was called, and she was an extraordinarily beautiful harpy.


 Her sculpted good looks as well as her slender frame were breathtaking.


 And when I saw her iridescent wings, with their lustrous and intricate shine, I was convinced.


 I see—a Harpy Queen huh?



“Are you the boss of this dungeon?”


“Yes.” (Diva)



 With her amazingly clear voice, she affirmed as if she were singing.



“I am the Lord of the Harpy Village, the Harpy Queen Diva, what about you, you miserable invaders?” (Diva)



 She says flapping her wings once.


 She is calm, but the energy emanating from her body is definitely deadly.



“It’s not going to be a calm discussion…”


“You hurt my companions, isn’t that enough?” (Diva)


“We were just lost tourists, and we were just defending ourselves.”


“Well, then, I’ll give you a song for such poor souls.” (Diva)



 Diva spread her wings wide and moved into a battle position.


 We also readied our whole body in alert and looked at her.



“Diva-sama! I, too, will die for the village! If you can die for the sake of my village, then so can I.” (Harpy)



 The captive harpy shouts with excitement.


 ――At that time, really for a moment, I didn’t miss the hesitant look on Diva’s face.



“–I’ll do it of course.” (Diva)



 Diva flapped her wings widely, and each of the iridescent feathers that scattered as she did so attacked me as if they had a will of their own.


 The tips of the wings were sharpened like needles.


 Alraune tried to protect me, but I controlled my [Thousand Hands] and the feathers ricocheted after being blocked.



“Leave it to me.”


“A summoner child, how barbaric.” (Diva)



 Diva flapped her wings two or three more times, scattering iridescent feathers in the air.


 The feathers stay in the air for a long time, their sharp tips pointing towards me, giving off an inexplicable glow.



“Try it and you’ll see.”


“Well, then, feel free to–” (Diva)



 As if on cue, countless feathers rushed towards me.


 In response to this, I had one of my thousand hands make a fist and shoot it at Diva.


 The cannon-like fist went straight for Diva, undaunted by the onrushing feathers and arrows.


 Diva looks down at me with a cold look, without even making a slight movement even in front of my incoming fist—now.



“, do it!”


“OK!” (Kyuuketsu)



 She didn’t ask any questions, she just replied cheerfully and unleashed an unstoppable attack.


 To Harpy, whose whole body was squeezed with ivy.



“Uh…!?” (Harpy)



 She moans for a bit and drooled.


 When I confirm that, my [Thousand Hands] approached Diva and her eyes were wide as she stood still.


 The wind pressure licked her whole body, and her iridescent wings flew up softly.



 After a moment of silence, she finally changed the statue-like expression.



“–Surrender!!!! I will surrender Uwaaaa…!!!” (Diva)




 She fell on her buttocks and collapsed in tears like a child.




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