Mid Boss Chapter 46: Pig

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“In the first place, I am not a Diva…!” (Diva)



 Diva cried while sunk into the ground.


 If this is an act to catch us off guard, she should promptly submit her resignation and become a stage actress.


 Her sorrow was so sincere that it made me think so.



 Her beautiful face was stained with tears, and her clear voice was dry and raspy.


 We were bewildered by the sheer misery of her actions.



“Is this the harpy’s leader…?” (Alraune)


“Oh, you have a runny nose, do you want to use my handkerchief?”


“Narugoa, did you notice this?” (Alraune)


“… The words of the harpy lying there caused her to hesitate slightly. Above all, when I saw such a useless attack, I realized that she was bluffing in front of her subordinates… But honestly, this level is unexpected.”



 The pressure and problems of those who stand on top are painfully understandable.


 That’s why I tried to get rid of my subordinates’ gaze by half-*ssed means, but by no means at this level…



 She burst into tears and began to speak with a hiccup.



“Hic… Waa, I just like to sing songs, and I just accidentally added an arrangement to the Siren Song that my friend taught me… Why is this…” (Diva)




“Naru-chan, a migratory harpy… said she learned it from a Siren settlement in the Shakua Sea…” (Diva)



 I see, it’s a Siren Song.


 She was very good at it, and… What the?


 Even though we called us so many invaders, they can talk to us normally.


 What were they thinking?



“Hic… So you guys just got lost… right?” (Diva)


“You knew!?” (Alraune)



 Alraune raised her voice in surprise.


 Diva who is in return surprised was shaking like a lead.



“I know nothing, that’s until I saw… that boy said… you were just tourists who got lost, and that what you did was just self-defense…” (Diva)


“Then why did you attack!?” (Alraune)


“Don’t shout too much, ooh… ! I don’t really like it, but I have to do it…!” (Diva)



 Alraune’s accusatory words made her cry again.



“I just taught everyone the Siren Song, and suddenly I was called ruthless without realizing it. Then I was enshrined as Diva…!!! I really don’t want to fight, and I just want to live and sing…! Uhhhh!!! I’m quitting this job!” (Diva)



 In the end, she started rolling over and over on the ground.


 She’s the definition of pitiful.



“… What are you going to do, Narugoa-san?” (Sergeant)


“I’m sure you can understand that we have no intention of fighting, so this is fine…”


“… Do you plan on leaving it alone? This.” (Diva)



 She’s still crying, with her multi-colored wings covered in mud.



“I understand the situation, but this is just a matter of yourself and this dungeon…”


“We can’t help it then. I’m hungry let’s go to the next town.” (Kyuuketsu)


” is so harsh…”


“No, oh, okay! I just want to go home!” (Kyuuketsu)



 What a tension-free scene.


 What was the fierce battle that had just taken place…?



 That’s when it happened.


  shrugged her shoulders and then suddenly started sniffling curiously.



“What’s wrong .”


“Hmm? Well, something strange has entered the forest.” (Kyuuketsu)




“Yeah, it’s different from the harpies, it’s also not human… it smells really unhealthy.” (Kyuuketsu)



 Then the diva, who had been crying like a little child, looked up as if she had finally come to her senses.



“I can’t hear anything…?” (Diva)


“‘s ears and nose are very special.”



  sniffed, then raised her eyebrows quizzically.



“…Pigs?” (Kyuuketsu)



 —Diva stood up as if a switch had been flipped.


 Her face is paler than before.



“It’s them…!” (Diva)



 Her reaction was swift from there.


 Spreading her muddy iridescent wings wide, she kicked the ground hard, and she flew like a falcon.



“Hey! What’s wrong!?”


“I’m sorry we suddenly attacked you! If you go straight east from here, you will pass through the forest and you will soon see the town of Canal! Goodbye everyone!” (Diva)



 With that said, she didn’t wait for her reply and slipped through the gaps in the trees and disappeared into the depths of the forest.


 The place where she was headed was apparently the place where we had just engaged in a battle with a group of harpies.



 Left behind, we looked at each other.


 In the silence, Alraune opens her mouth.



“… What are we going to do, Narugoa?” (Alraune)



 The day was already setting.





~3rd Person Perspective~



 One ominous premonition occupied the Diva’s mind.


 Hopefully, it’s just a groundless fear.


 I hope that the woman who was called Kyuu-chan was mistaken.


 She ran through the sky with that one thought in her mind.



 However, bad premonitions usually come true.


 Diva once again realized the credibility of this theory when she saw her subordinates rolled on the ground.


“—Diva-sama!!” (Harpy)



 A Harpy, who was tied up with both wings in a rough rope, shouted her name.


 In response to this, the other harpies all looked towards her at once.


 They were all tied up very painfully and were lying on the ground.



“You…!” (Diva)


“–Oh, she’s finally here with us, your Diva-sama.” (Voice)



 And the one who created this scene.


 The chief of the uninvited intruders said in a rather theatrical manner and smiled lowly.


 –A pig.


 A herd of pigs, not metaphorically but literally, surrounded the crawling Harpies on the ground.



 And she knew that herd of pigs.



“Orcs…!” (Diva)



 Diva said viciously, and they all bared their tusks and chuckled.





 Orcs look like something between a pig and a human, but they are half-human, half-pig monsters that walk on two legs and have the intelligence of a human.


 They were a group of about 30 thugs who repeatedly acted like bandits in the mountains behind the forest where Diva and her friends were living, and they had clashed with Diva and her friends on more than one occasion.


 Each time, they were chased away with the usual “Siren Song”…



“Hey, what’s with that blatantly disgusted face?” (Orc)



 The Chief of the Orcs, one with a particularly huge body—the High Orc shrugged.


 They wore the tacky aristocratic clothing that had once been the spoils of war, and they liked to make theatrical gestures as if they were members of the intellectual class.


 However, their barbaric nature that exudes from within is hard to conceal.




“–I’m thirsty after finishing a job, you should serve tea for the time being.” (High Orc)




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