Mid Boss Chapter 81: Shadows in the Underworld

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~3rd Person Perspective~



 “Ouch!” (Sharluel)



 The Power of God, Sharluel, who failed to take a defensive stance and was slammed face-first into the ground, let out a small scream.


 Now, she lost even the divinity of flying in the sky.



 Her Angel’s [Authority]—[Shimmer] vanishing now struck her a “pain” that she hadn’t felt for a long time.


 As she endures the pain she clenched her teeth, that an unpleasant noise becomes audible and the feeling left a bitter taste in her tongue.



“…This humiliation…!” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel raised his body with enough force to dig into the fingernails.


 Her once clean face is now slathered with mud and shame.



“Because of those dingy demons, I…! The Power of God, Sharluel, to end up licking mud…!” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel stands up, her voice shaking to the point of crying.


 Her sacred garment, the once silky delicate golden hair, and her pure white wings are now all covered in mud and there is no shadow of how she looked before.


 Her halo that was shining brightly on top of her head has disappeared.



 The Anchor has also disappeared. Her [Authority] was also sealed.


 Her rage is about to erupt.



“Those cancerous old relics… you won’t get away with this for free…! Especially that kid…!” (Sharluel)



 A boy’s face flashed through her hatred-ridden mind.


 A boy named Narugoa who uses four “Hands”.



 The Guardian, the Keeper Senri was nothing to be afraid of.


 Even her subordinates should have been able to take care of her as long as she and her anchors were there.


 But as it turned out, her plan had ended in failure because of the boy’s insinuations.


 The reason why she was now in the depths of humiliation is solely because of that boy.



“Narugoa… Narugoa…! I will remember, that name…! That person… Before I go back to that man, I’ll make sure to find him and humiliate him even more than I am before killing him…!” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel looked around with eyes full of hatred.


 There was a dense fog.


 The wreckage from the Anchor is still scattered everywhere.



 Sharluel gritted his teeth and walked slowly through the fog.



“I will kill Narugoa, then withdraw and regain my position, I will crush the dungeon of those Keepers…! This is…! This is my path…!” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel goes through the fog while squeezing through unpleasant air that clings to her whole body while she’s in the fog.


 The dark emotions that spring from within her have transformed her face into a truly evil expression far from angelic.



“I’m the Power of God Sharluel… a blessed being…! For me, this degree of adversity is…!”



 After saying that, she stops walking.


 And the corner of her mouth curved up.



“……I see you.” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel trembled from her found luck.


 In the middle of the fog, she found Narugoa directly in front of her.


 Moreover, there are no other demons around, and he is all alone.


 He was all alone, looking around and exposing his defenseless back.



“–I found you!” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel couldn’t contain her excitement and couldn’t help but move her lips.


 Then Narugoa noticed her and his shoulders shake strongly.


 His reaction fueled Sharluel’s cruelty.



 She laughs as she closes the distance to Narugoa.



“As an enemy, I’ll praise you. Not only did you defeat the Anchor, but also sealed my [Authority]…” (Sharluel)





 Narugoa stepped back with a soundless scream, but that was it.


 He can’t stand up, call for help, or even run away, he can only tremble like a frog stared at by a snake.


 Sharluel’s smile grew uglier and crueler.



“I’m going to pay my respects to the filthy demon race and your shallow wisdom, and I’m going to kill you out of respect Narugoa.” (Sharluel)




“Fufufu, don’t be so scared, it’s through the hands of a Holy Angel, rather be glad and look up to me and die.” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel collects the remaining divinity that remains in her body at a single point on her finger and aimed at Narugoa.


 Narugoa still doesn’t move as if he was under sleep paralysis.



“It’s boring just to tremble, why don’t you say one of your nifty comebacks?” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel’s fingertips give off a divine light.







“—Yes, the time has run out.” (Sharluel)



 A cruel beam of light from Sharluel shoots through Narugoa’s forehead.


 A bundled light of divinity became a laser, the natural enemy of the demons.


 It was supposed to be a deadly blow that easily pierces the skull and burns their brains to ashes.



“This is the end!” (Sharluel)



 For some reason, Narugoa screamed stupidly and only held his forehead with both hands.


 Far from being fatal, the rays of light emitted by Sharluel only created a tiny bruise on Narugoa’s forehead.



“…eh?” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel’s thoughts halted from the unexpected situation.


 —What do you mean? Did how did he block it? No, it should have hit directly! Then it’s even more stupid! The demons should not be able to receive this and remain safe—!


 In front of the bewildered Sharluel, Narugoa complained while in tears.



“Ouch, this sister with a scary face suddenly doing that…!? Who are you anyway…!?” (Narugoa Boy)


“Wha—” (Sharluel)



 Here, Sharluel notices the true nature of the situation.



 (The light of divinity should not be able to pierce the boy in front of her—if he’s human!) (Sharluel)


 (Just a normal human who doesn’t even have magical power as thin as hair!) (Sharluel)


 (They looked the same, but they are different! What’s inside is different! This is not Narugoa! ) (Sharluel)



“—It looks like an angel is having fun bullying a child.” (Voice)



 Sharluel’s shoulders trembled.


 A cold and chilling voice came from the bottom of the Netherworld.


 Soon he emerged from the fog.



 A male demon with a huge body that could reach up to 2m, clad in heavy armor and his real face is covered with a demonic mask.


 There are four unusual “Hands” floating around him as if following him.



 Sharluel is truly speechless.


 The reason is that the presence she felt from Narugoa’s soul at the beginning and the presence emitted by this man was exactly the same.



“…It’s an interesting phenomenon, I thought my soul was completely integrated with this body, but… it’s separated beautifully, is the boundary blurred because of this pseudo-underworld? …… Or is it because of the Yapani parade…” (Demon Man)



 The man walks up to Narugoa (boy), talking to himself without really talking to anyone.


 Narugoa (boy) asked the man, with a teary face.



“Who are you uncle…?” (Narugoa Boy)


“Uncle?” (Demon Man)



 Once the man smiles, he crouches down and matches the height of his eyes with Narugoa Boy.


 Then the man ruffled the boy’s hair to reassure him, who was quivering anxiously.



“I’m sorry I woke you up when you were sleeping comfortably… Have you recovered from your crying yet?” (Demon Man)


“Uncle, do you know me…?” (Narugoa Boy)


“Oh yeah, I haven’t told you my name yet, my name is– ” (Demon Man)



 The next moment, Sharluel threw something.


 They were four pure white chains.


 The chains scattered as if they had life in their own right, tying the four “hands” floating near the man tightly.



“Fufufu…! It doesn’t matter who you are! It’s my hidden hand! These are mythical chains that hold the heavens and the earth apart! Now your “hands” are sealed!” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel smiled triumphantly.



 The man looked back slowly.


 Is it an angry or desperate expression? Sharluel was brimming with expectations of tragedy, but neither was true.


 The man resolutely said:



“—My name is Narugoa, the Thousand Hands, and I’m back from the bottom of hell once again to drag an angel-like thing into the Netherworld.” (Demon Man => Narugoa)



 A new “hand” appears from the other side of the fog to respond to the voice of the man.


 It’s not one or two—but a plethora of “hands” have crawled out of the fog.



“What…!?” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel screamed at the terrifying sight.


 Tens or hundreds are not enough—thousands.


 A literal thousands of hands emerged from the fog that now envelops Sharluel.



“…I usually only command four, since it becomes bulky if there are more, and it’s hard to control them while in the body of a child, that’s the reason I don’t use the thousands of hands.” (Narugoa)


“Hiiii…!” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel’s shaky eyes are staring at Narugoa, the Thousand Hands.


 This time it was her turn to become the frog glared at by a snake.



“However here is my turf… There’s nothing wrong with fighting a lost angel all alone.” (Narugoa)


“No way, you are…!” (Sharluel)



 Sharluel began to concentrate divine light to her quivering fingertips, then she said in a tense voice.



“You are the last one that that person mentioned—! The King of the Underworld, Na—!” (Sharluel)



 At that point, Sharluel finally recognized him and forgot to even breathe.



“Ah……” (Sharluel)



 Thousands of hands from the fog appeared… Now there is a huge shadow overlooking Sharluel.


 Huge—that’s it! A much larger shadow than the Anchor is right there behind the fog.


 An overwhelming terror that freezes her insides licked Sharluel’s whole body.


 The concept of “death” itself stood in front of the immortal angel Sharluel.



“…Oh, there was another reason why I don’t use my thousands of hands, I don’t know why, but when I summoned all my “Hands”—That strange person sticks to me.”




 …That was the last sight that the Power of God Sharluel saw.



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