Metro Labyrinth Chapter 118.1: Begin

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A/N: 12/29 – Added to the rules, “Using someone else’s mycelial weapon is also not allowed.”



“Now that all the players are here, I will begin by explaining the rules.” (Referee)



 All matches will be single point matches with no waiting. A Referee is assigned, but as a rule, he does not intervene other than to signal the start of the match and during the match.



 If the Referee deems the fighter incapable of fighting, he declares a decision. The same applies when a fighter offers to surrender.



 A decision is valid even if the opponent dies. However, it is a foul to act despite the restraint by from Referee, and if it causes death, a serious penalty other than compensation will be imposed.



 A fighter loses when his body is outside the ring. Aerial attacks are also not allowed.



 No more than two weapons or tools other than basic equipment such as jerseys may be brought into the ring. Prior inspection is required. Certain flying tools and poisonous items are prohibited, as well as the transfer of other people’s hypha weapons. The first time a player is found to be using such a weapon, he or she loses by disqualification.



 The female staff member of the management committee continued to explain the rules in a calm tone… I have no objection up to that point (although I am very scared about the ring accidents). The problem is….



“The problem is that the rules prohibit the use of bullet-type Fungal Skills. Also, the use of long-range attack skills using spores, hypha balls, and similar unique skills, which may cause damage to the audience, must be reported in advance.” (Staff Member)



 This is it.


 Bullet-type skills are [Sniper] skills such as [White Bullet], and there are ball skills like hypha ball skills such as [Fire Ball]. In short, for the protection of the audience, “Do not use abilities that could become stray bullets.”



 A whitish wire mesh fence is set up in front of the seats on the wall. Also, on the day of the event, there will be a few security personnel in the front row who can use the [Barrier] – a spore-type Fungal Skill used by Bishop in the Ougi Depths.



 Even so, however, this will not prevent all stray bullets. It is said that this is an unavoidable rule in order to balance serious competition and public entertainment. In many ways, this would be unthinkable in the former world of martial arts.



 It would be fair to say that [Sniper] and [Illusionist] are at a significant disadvantage in this situation, and that they are not suited for this kind of hard-fought competition. (There are also shooting contests for “snipers” only, rapid-fire shooting contests, and magic dueling contests for “illusionists” only, apparently.)



 And this rule was painful for me. A strategy with the highest chance of winning–the method of creating a large amount of accumulated [White Bullet] and [Fireball] in advance and then completely blowing them off at the start of the match is not viable. Well, let alone disclosing about the Fungal Ability, the venue could be partially destroyed, so it doesn’t change at all.



“—That’s all for the explanation, so if you have any questions, please contact the committee. Yes, then we will continue with the schedule for the day…” (Staff Member)



(Huh?) (Shuu)



 I tilted my head.


 I somehow counted the number of people here, and somehow there are sixteen people. There were supposed to be seven games and fourteen people.



“Ms. Aomoto, aren’t there one too many pairs? Are they an alternate or something?” (Shuu)


“No… while you and I were away, the committee was asked to add one more match. It’s a special match between those who are not in the Sugamo camp. Incidentally, it will be announced later.” (Aomoto)


“I see.” (Shuu)



 An exhibition match, huh? When I looked around to see who it was, my eyes were suddenly drawn to the person standing next to Mr. Giran.



(A woman—no.) (Shuu)



 Standing next to Mr. Giran is a young man, a little smaller than me. I must not have seen him in Sugamo, because once I had seen him, I would have surely remembered him.



 Kure with an androgynous face and good-looking enough to make women turn their heads in the street (though he is a macho man when he is undressed), but this young man has a more soft and feminine face. Were it not for his wide shoulders and flat chest, one might have believed he was female.



 His long green and white hair is tied back, and over his hunter’s jersey he wears a blue Happi coat [T/N: A festival clothing.] with the country emblem–the symbol of a tree with twelve wings—printed on the back. And at the waist, the wrists peeking out from the sleeves are quite slender, looking even more so alongside Mr. Giran, who’s fur makes him look wider.



Ah, there he is,” Aomoto said. “He seems to be the treasured son of Meguro Headquarter. I was surprised when I heard his last name.


“Huh?” (Shuu)



 At a glance, he honestly doesn’t look strong. He doesn’t seem to have the tough job of being a hunter (as do Utsuki and others).



 But – for some reason – I could not take my eyes off him. Under the sunlight that pours down on him, his figure is like a transparent crystal of something, and I can’t quite grasp its substance. It is such a strange sensation.



 And he also turned his eyes towards me. Our eyes meet.


 His eyes are soft and smiling. Shocked for some reason, I hurriedly averted my eyes.



“Um, Ms. Aomoto… What’s his name?” (Shuu)


“Hmm? Oh… he’s Kang Yoshitsune.” (Aomoto)


“Kang? Kang–!” (Shuu)


“The number one ranked hunter, ‘Transcendent’ Kang Jubei—he is his younger brother.” (Aomoto)



 After the explanation, the match cards were read out.



 One by one, the names and affiliations of the fighters were called out, and those who were called out lightly bowed, while the players and staff outside clapped their hands. I, too, was introduced just as Ms. Aomoto had said, and those who did not seem to know me were a little surprised.



 After the main match mine and Hakuou Maria’s cards were read, the venue ended with the closing words, “Please compete fair and square to your heart’s content on the day of the tournament.”



 The players headed toward the exit, calling out to each other. As I was about to return to Tamiko and the others who had been observing the event, I heard the following words—



“–Rookie, can I have a word?” (Maria)



 I was stopped by a velvety voice. I knew who it was, so I looked back cautiously, and as expected, it was Hakuou Maria.



“I’m sorry I was so rude to you earlier. Thank you for accepting my nomination, Abe.” (Maria)


“Oh, no, it was my pleasure as well, Ms. Hakuou.” (Shuu)



 She asks for a handshake, and I comply. The moment I shook her hand, she squeezed me! I am scared of the harassment, but she shakes my hand back in a normal way. Contrary to my impression that she is a strong fighter who has kicked out many enemies, her hands are soft and beautiful.



“I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you. The real thing is… well, it’s a little more than I imagined… but I’m relieved that you’re not an impostor.” (Maria)


“Huh.” (Shuu)


“Ohohoho… So, there’s something I want to ask you–” (Maria)


“Mr. Shuu.” (Noa)



 Noa and Kure approached. Tamiko climbs over Shuu’s body one step ahead and arrives at my shoulder.



“Oh, you’re with your cute little furball… where’s my sister?” (Maria)


“Eh?” (Shuu)



 Hakuou looks around with a fidgety look on her face.



“It’s Sister Sou. I heard from the Sugamo branch that you brought her back and are working with her after I lost touch with her for so many years.” (Maria)


“Oh, right…” (Shuu)



 I’m not sure if that’s correct, but she’s been following me around and staying with me on her own.



“Um… I thought she might be wandering around somewhere.” (Shuu)



 I went home before I came here, but she wasn’t home. I checked the bedroom to be sure, but there was no sign (or none left) that she had brought a man into the house.



“Are you and your sister close?” (Shuu)



 It didn’t sound like that from the way Utsuki was talking. In fact, Utsuki even seemed to be avoiding seeing her again. This may have been one of the reasons why she never once tried to return to Komagome.



“It’s not obvious. Is there a younger sister who doesn’t respect her older sister? There is no such thing as a younger sister who is better than her older sister.” (Maria)



 Ms. Hakuou’s face was very serious. In my mind’s eye, I see a fake loli who drinks, throws up, and slobbers all over a handsome man on the side of the road. If I search from one corner to the other, will I find a respectable side of her?



“I don’t know when it started… but my sister doesn’t open up to me much anymore. We used to be so close…” (Maria)


“Hmm, could it be that you nominated me as your opponent because I have something to do with your sister?” (Shuu)


“No, it was a coincidence. I didn’t know she was with you until after I nominated you.” (Maria)


“Oh, I see.” (Shuu)


“But… it is perfect actually. I have a feeling that if I crush in front of a big crowd, Sister will come back to me… And I’m sure she’ll come back… Very in love with me…” (Maria) [T/N: Black-bellied (yandere?) siscon spotted.]


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” (Shuu)



“Oh, I’m sorry. Anyway, let’s have a good match on the day. The winner will be able to have an audience with the governor of Tokyo… and although it pains me that your request has been fulfilled, there is something that I wish for too.” (Maria)



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