Metro Labyrinth Chapter 78.2: [Barrier]

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(If it’s the current me, I can do it. I can win.) (Shuu)


(I—will squeeze it all out.) (Shuu)



 Sharpening my nerves. I let my brain perceive every bit of feedback from [Sensory Spores].



“Huh—” (Shuu)



 Bishop swings its staff. At the same time, I kicked the ground.


 The scenery flows backward at high speed, and the rain of hypha balls that pours down is felt slowly, like a frame-by-frame feed.



 A pair of [Great Shield] wrapped in light burst overhead. My lower body pushes forward my upper body is pushed by the impact. I crossed [Iron Fist] in front of my head and threw myself into the path with the least amount of damage, regardless of being scraped.



“Ooooh!” (Shuu)



 The last distance is covered with [Leaping], and with the same momentum, I punch  with [Iron Fist].


 Bam! And the translucent wall cracks. Can I go in?



“Ohhh!” (Shuu)



 With all my weight, all my energy, and all my force, I unleashed my fists.


 The [Barrier] cracks into pieces and dissipates. However, a new [Barrier] is born from where it vanished.



“So cunning!” (Shuu)



 Even so, I continued to attack with all my might. Bishop cannot counterattack during this time.



“It’s about time, I’m at my limit—” (Shuu)



 Five shots, ten shots, fifteen shots, twenty shots.


 I’m out of breath, my shoulders are creaking, and I can’t turn my arms.


 I want to catch my breath. I want to stop. I want to take a bath.



“—this.” (Shuu)



 My hypha arms wrap around the [barrier]. In my hand, I hold a white cannonball about ten centimeters in diameter.



“—is the end.” (Shuu)



 A full straight punch hits the bottom of the cannonball along with the mycelium arm.


 At that moment–a line piercing the [Barrier] pierces the left chest of Bishop.



 The stony look on its face does not change. Still, the expression on Bishop’s face as it stumbles a step and puts its hand over the hole in its chest seems to say it can’t believe it.



 The mycelial arm was prepared to show that I was desperately trying to break the [Barrier] with the [Iron Fist].


 [Accumulation] enhanced [White Bullet] was like a cannonball and could not be shot with a flick of the finger.


 It is difficult to aim, but its penetrating and destructive power are the strongest of all the long-range attacks I have at my disposal.



“I didn’t finish, but I have one more shot.”



 The right mycelial arm, which was the launching pad for the enhanced [White Bullet], is burnt and the fingers are shredded. Instead, the left mycelial arm, which held the other bullet, is set in front of me.



 Bishop raises its cane. At the same time, I laughed.



“—eat my, bullet.” (Shuu)



 A white cannonball is fired straight as if drawn with a ruler.


 The barrier shatters, shimmering like a scattering of glass.


 The white line is sucked into Bishop’s gut, and then pierces through.



 Bishop’s entire body convulses violently. Thread-thin tentacles and bodily fluids spill from its mouth, from the holes drilled into it , from the cracks all over its body.



 And then the cracks spread to the rest of its body.



“… I’m sorry, senior.” (Shuu)



 The face of the [Master Threadweaver] who once descended upon this land crumbles to the ground with a dry, rattling sound.





“Abeshuu!” (Tamiko)


“Mr. Shuu!” (Noa)


“Mau!” (Makko)



 Three girls come running up to me as I fall on my butt.



“Oh… you saved me in the end. Thank you.” (Shuu)


“We can only do so much! I’m glad you’re okay! That was also a new Fungal Skill!” (Noa)


“That was a close call, squeak! You should have done it earlier, squeak!”



 While the two of them were excitedly pounding at me with their hands, Makko was removing the spikes from my body. The Chihuahua girl is showing her concern like a kind wife.



“Well, I can’t hit it if I don’t get close to it. I can’t aim and shoot like before. I guess that will depend on my future training.” (Shuu)



 And since it requires a launching pad, it comes in a set with [Asura]. It’s a powerful special move, but it’s difficult to use.



“Wait, it has suddenly become quiet.” (Shuu)



 Before I knew it, the sound of fighting on the east side had stopped. The zombies have stopped functioning.


 If the controller dies, the zombies will return as corpses. As we first suspected, this ability is like an enhanced version of an [illusionist] [Puppet] ability. In any case, this should have nullified the forces that were concentrated on Giran and his group.



 No more zombies will be born on the 31st floor.


 The Xolotls and the other Metro Beasts can breathe a sigh of relief.



(… I still have one more job to do.) (Shuu)



 I look up at the huge altar. Rook, who was supposed to be lurking there, still showed no sign of its presence, even after such a loud clash nearby, or even after two of its companions were killed. I too, have felt its presence only once.



(I’m sure it’s there, but why hasn’t it come out?) (Shuu)


(Well, it’s not like I would like them to come out right now, it would be terrible…) (Shuu)



“…I’m not sure if I should eat Bishop’s sporangia, but I’d appreciate it if you’d take them out for me.” (Shuu)


“Oh, yes.” (Noa)



 Soon after, Noa brought a black sporangium.



“I’m sorry, but can I have one?” (Shuu)


“Since it’s Mr. Shuu’s accomplishment, I’d rather say that you should take both.” (Noa)


“I’d like to try one too.” (Tamiko)


“Mau.” (Makko)


“Honestly, you guys.” (Shuu)



 So, I ate one of them, and the other one was divided into three equal portions.



“Munch munch, the usual taste, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“I thought it would be more like a stinky type, but it’s normal.” (Noa)


“Mau.” (Makko)



 Regardless of the taste, with each mouthful, the fatigue and pain that weighed heavily on our bodies eased away. No level up or acquisition of Fungal Skill occurs—but it feels as if a warm flame has been put into your muscles and bones, and your body is invigorated. I look down at my palms.



(…perhaps, like a status increase?) (Shuu)



 I have heard sometime ago that there are cases in which the body is strengthened by eating sporangium, apart from the level-up. I wonder if this is the case. It does not seem to be a drastic change like Parasite Items, but I would be grateful if it is still one step stronger after a life and death fight.



“S-squuee!” (Tamiko)


“Aah!” (Noa)


“Mauw!!!” (Makko)



 All three girls pulled themselves together at almost the same time. It seems that they have also improved together. Tamiko is now 42, Noa is 28, and Makko is probably 41.



“Even though they’re boss level, were they just that much high quality… or are their black sporangium something special?” (Noa)



 Noa is more surprised than delighted.



“The Knight was the same way, but I knew it was quite the monster. I’m not sure if that means that the ones that are affected by the ‘Demons’ turn black or not. The only way to know for sure is if the woman is really a demon.” (Shuu)


“…it wasn’t written in my great-grandfather’s memo…” (Noa)




 Noa and I made thoughtful expression. In the meantime, Makko, who has become the third sister of the Leftover Sisters, is so overjoyed that she is flipping her older sister and licking her stomach. “Ah… what a beast… so rough…!”



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