Otherworld Company Chapter 10.2: I Believe That Work Is A Process Of Progress And Fulfillment

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It wasn’t a complete victory.

I was covered in soot from the multiple blasts, cuts from the flying debris and the bandages I had wrapped around my body were torn off in the process.

“Damn, I don’t want to grow old. I don’t want to move anymore.” (Jiro)

It’s not that I was young, it’s just that when I do something reckless, even with my strengthened body, I unconsciously put a hold on it, which makes me feel the recoil when I go all out.

It’s true that what I could do when I was young, I can’t do when I’m old.

“Good work.” (Jiro)

Then I slung the Mineral Tree on my shoulder after the fight.

It is a metal that is said to be alive.

You can drag it across all the floors and carry it always. However, you shouldn’t overwork the blade

“That’s crushed.” (Jiro)

And when I reached out for a cigarette, I found that the box of cigarettes had been distorted and crushed by the combination of the blast and the rolling and everything else.

It was obvious that if I pulled on it normally, it would tear, so I struggled to get one out to smoke, and it soaked into my body.

“I don’t know whether to be relieved that nothing was left behind and I didn’t lose my footing or saddened that all my loot was wiped out by the explosion.” (Jiro)

By the time I finish inhaling half of it, my thoughts calmed and I looked around, The benefits of the experience and the results made me put on an expression of dismay.

“Well, of course, I’m prepared to be in a deficit, and I’m glad that I got through safely, so I’ll find something good and let myself be comforted.

In the end, the cash I lost in the process shaped my expression more than the security I won in the end.

To inspire myself, I decided to collect a small amount of remaining magic stones and climb the stairs, then watch my status as I snack and drink something better.

“This should get me out of here, but you’re quite merciless Fantasy.” (Jiro)

However, if ever, and just in case, I climbed the stairs slowly so as not to make any loud footsteps, and it seems that the answer was correct.

I peered past the stairs, I wondered where the word “safe zone” had gone. Even after the boss battle, the battle area is still strategically placed. It’s exactly what I’d expect from a dungeon.

From the looks of it, the types of monsters seem to be the same as in the first layer, but the numbers are different.

In addition, there is a mid-boss Wood Golem among them, so the level of the boss has surely been raised.

“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to use that with the demons around.Well, I guess I can’t. But I’d like to bet on the possibility that I might be able to. I’ve worked hard enough today that nobody will complain if I reach for a beer.” (Jiro)

A device with a crystal-like sphere on a waist-high pillar was set up against the wall in the opposite direction from the stairs as if to say that it was the exit. I’m sure that if you touched it, you would be transported and escape with a time lag of a few seconds, as we were taught in the training class.

If you think about it normally, there is no way you can use it with dangerous things around you.

So, naturally, I knew what to do.

“Please try to make the dungeon design a little kinder.” (Jiro)

It goes without saying that there is no way to create a safe zone in a dungeon that is meant to repel the hero and support the other party.

However, I wanted them to be more careful with regard to the current situation where I was exposed to explosion after explosion.

Stopping myself from sighing, instead, I grab the handle of the Mineral Tree.

It’s like the feeling of giving up, reopening the door, and heading to work with inertia.

“Daaaaa! Damn it all!!!” (Jiro)

And then, with a sense of desperation that somehow resembled a busy day at work, I charged in.

“So, are you alright?” (Suela)

“If I’m okay with the fact that I made it through the floor alone, then I’m probably okay.” (Jiro)

As far as the result is concerned, I was able to escape safely.

The assault was repeated, and the first battle of the assaulted two-tiered battle was finally over by repeating reinforcements three times.

I somehow managed to activate the escape device, the transition circle, to get to the entrance of the dungeon, and then bumped into Suela as I was moving to the infirmary for treatment.

“Did you break through a floor by yourself!?” (Suela)

“Yes, I was really surprised by the pinballs.” (Jiro)

“Are you injured? Rather, if I look closely, I can see that you have injuries all over your body!?” (Suela)

I don’t know if the person worrying about the injury is in more of a panic than the injured person, but I’m glad they’re honestly concerned.

“…Honestly, I’m tired. Nevertheless, I’m still far better than when training with the instructors. So much so that I want to hit myself who didn’t run away at that time. Probably there’s no problem if I go or not go to the medical office.” (Jiro)

The fact that the training is harder than the actual battle may be a good measure, but I think it’s wrong somehow.

But I can’t complain because I’m still alive because of it.

But it seems I’ve chosen the wrong words.

“In the infirmary? You’ve been injured that badly! Shall I lend you my shoulder? Where’s the stretcher? It’s faster to use levitation magic, no, it’s faster to use transfer magic to move directly.” (Suela)

I didn’t have any medicine, so I was going to reassure her that there would be no problem if I used a small amount of medicine, but she thought I was seriously injured.

Well, I’ll leave it at that for now, I just want her to calm down for now if possible.

Maybe it’s because she’s good at her job, or maybe it’s because she can come up with many ways to transport me even when she’s in a hurry, but the stares from the people around us are getting more and more intense.

Perhaps it’s because of my notoriety, or perhaps it’s because of my bad reputation, that her response seems to be favorable to me.

In addition to that, Suela’s appearance also made the men’s gaze much more intense.

“No, you don’t have to do that much. I can walk.” (Jiro)

“I can’t rely on your own judgment! We should move faster! Let’s go!” (Suela)

“Hey!?” (Jiro)

But she took my hand and started to walk away as if she didn’t notice the stares around her.

The difference in height between me and Suela is about half of a head, and I’m bigger in terms of physique, and I’ve gained a lot of muscle from my recent exercise.

So it should not be so easy for her to pull me, but she easily dragged me to the infirmary.

I could tell from my senses that she was using magic to strengthen her body.

Then it occurred to me.

I wondered why she was being so kind, so frantic.

When I was in the midst of puberty, I would have thought that she might have a crush on me, but unfortunately, I had gotten out of that mindset a long time ago, and the idea never occurred to me.

But unfortunately, I had gotten rid of that idea a long time ago and it never occurred to me.

I don’t think it’s right for me to shake off her actions because of my own personal embarrassment.

The stares of the people around me became even more intense, but I decided to take advantage of the fact that I was being led by a beautiful woman.

After arriving at the infirmary, walking a little fast, but no faster than I normally walk, Suela treated me more quickly and efficiently than I could have acted.

That is, faster than the resident doctor in charge.

“That should do it. There were bruises, burns, cuts, and fortunately no broken bones, but you may find it difficult to sleep today because of the heat left in your body due to the acclimation of the Magic Crest.” (Lizard)

The doctor in charge here, Lizard (Lizardman), who is standing behind me, is glancing at the paperwork, which is obviously not changing pages at all, and looking at me alternately.

I want to ask if I can still go to work.

“Well, Mr. Jiro, can we talk a little?” (Suela)

However, she closes the first-aid kit with a sharp thud and smiles, and she talks to me while smiling.

I got goosebumps and straightened my back out of reflex.

“It seems that we were a little short on training, and yes, it seems that this injury was caused by that lack of knowledge and crisis awareness. Of course, this was our fault, or rather my fault, and we will take care of the medical expenses. In the meantime, I’d really like to give a lecture here to prevent this from happening again in the future.” (Suela)

I understand.

No, a living being can understand it by survival instinct.

It’s a polite, questioning tone, but it’s one where the only options are ‘yes’ and ‘yes’.

It’s not like a yes to an order from your boss, but more like a yes to an order from your superior in the military, with no questions asked and no answers given.

“Look, moving alone in a dungeon is dangerous in the first place. That’s why you need a party.” (Suela)

The lecture that began in the infirmary continued until Suela’s colleague came to call on her, and by the time it was over, I had no desire to do anything, let alone eat dinner, and my body was filled with the desire to rest…

“You’ll be on absolute bed rest tomorrow!” (Suela)

That was the last thing I did after seeing her off. I said no to Dr. Lizard’s question if I wanted to rest, went back to my room, haphazardly took off what I could, and fell into bed.

All I had to do was to close my eyes and my consciousness would fall in a flash.


Tomorrow is my day off, and I promised myself that I wouldn’t wake up until noon.


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