Otherworld Company Chapter 110: OK, Let’s Take a Deep Breath First

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Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Has Girlfriends

Girlfriend(s): Suela Handelberg & Memoria Tris

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Nine (Quasi Demon King Class)

Job Title: Warrior



My own child.


The first emotion that came to my mind when I heard this was surprise, but what came next was joy.



“Really?” (Jiro)


“Yes.” (Suela)


“Oh, I see, I see.” (Jiro)



I confirmed this with Suela to make sure it wasn’t a lie, and she looked straight at me and responded.


When I realized that it was true, an indescribable warmth overflowed from the depths of my heart, and my voice naturally became calm.


After saying the same words twice, as if chewing them over, my gaze naturally shifts to her belly, where life is residing.


I felt a warmth I had never felt before when I thought of my child being born there.



“Jiro, umm, about the future.” (Suela)


“Oh, yes, that’s right. You’re going to have to go to the hospital first for a proper checkup. We can use the hospital over here, can we? The fact that you’re here means that you’ve already had the tests done. I’m not sure if they’ll be registered under a different family register. Oh, we’ll have to greet your parents first, but more importantly, we can get ready for the ceremony later, right? Oh, and I can’t just leave my protective gear on and touch your tummy, can I?” (Jiro)



I thought about what I should do while removing the armor I had on my hands, but I couldn’t organize my thoughts because the shock was too big and I didn’t know what to do first.


I vaguely understand that I don’t have time to take it easy, but what should I do?


Suela asked me about the future with a concerned look on her face.


I think that if we are going to have a child, there will be a lot of things that we have to do.


Fortunately, I earn not only as much as anyone else, but five or six times as much.


I don’t have to worry about money.


First of all, I have to prepare the environment for a healthy child to be born.



“Eh, uhm, may I carry your child?” (Suela)


“Huh? It’s obvious. I’d rather you have the baby.” (Jiro)


“!?” (Suela)


“Wait, Suela!” (Jiro)



I answered honestly and reflectively.


The first time I saw her, I was so confused that a single tear suddenly flowed down her face.


I was unable to get my head around it, and then she suddenly cried, and I panicked, thinking I had done something wrong.



“What’s wrong, did I say something wrong?” (Jiro)



Even if it wasn’t my intention, I thought that I said something that would hurt her, so I gently grabbed Suela’s shoulder and tried to make eye contact with her, but she hugged me, leaning on me, and sobbed, and she did not respond to my question. She just shook her head silently and sobbed.


Confused, I pat her on the back until she calms down.


As I let my gaze wander around, it naturally lands on Memoria.


She looked at me and quietly opened her mouth, softening her expression in response to my question why.



“I guess we were worried because we heard that in this world, there are men who would cut a woman off as soon as they have a child.” (Memoria)


“Huh? I wasn’t trusted?” (Jiro)



I felt nothing but shock.


However, Memoria shook her head lightly to deny it.



“I don’t think it’s the same for you, Jiro, but I read in a book that there are men like that in your world, you know?” (Memoria)



As if to explain the reason why Suela cried, Memoria gently shows me a magazine that she must have ordered through spatial transfer.



“…Isn’t this information too biased?” (Jiro)


“I was recommended by a colleague that this is the best way to get to know a man from your world…” (Memoria)



I could only laugh at the content, which was not wrong but wrong.


Who on earth would have recommended such a thing?


I am somewhat unwilling to be put in front of a magazine that deals mainly with scandals like it is entertainment and to have everyone think that all men in this world are like that.


And if it had affected Suella, it would have been even worse.


Even from a general perspective, the act of bearing a child is a major decision for a woman.


It is beyond the scope of what a man can understand.


Although the information was somewhat biased, it was one piece of information that Suela had obtained when learning about our world, and it was not hard to understand why she felt uneasy about it.


If that is the case, it is the man’s job to remove that anxiety and support it, and from Suela’s point of view, that is my role.


I put my hand behind her back as if to tell her it was going to be okay.



“Also, just like us vampires, dark elves also live long lives. Because of this, as a race they are very sensitive to the topic of pregnancy and birth.” (Memoria)



To help with this, Memoria gently patted Suela’s head.


That face, which was usually invisible even among the changes in her expression, was now overflowing with a gentle smile full of affection.



“I’m sure she’s happy that the person she loves asked her to bear a child. It is a well-known story among us that dark elves are a single-minded race. However, despite the purity of their feelings, we often hear stories of their breakups due to their single-mindedness. Many of them are between two different races.” (Memoria)



Just imagining the “what if” is scary.


I’ve had that experience myself.


The word “what if” can be taken in a positive way, but it can also be taken in a negative way.


That’s probably why Suela was looking in the wrong direction in this case.


I don’t know much about her life as a Dark Elf, but from the looks of Suella, I’d say that based on Memoria’s words, it is personal and more realistic than I imagined.


That’s why I asked.



“Suela, what are we going to name our child?” (Jiro)



I talk about our future while gently stroking Suela’s back as she cried.



“A Japanese name like mine might be nice, but a name that sounds something from Suela’s world would be nice, too. The name will change depending on whether it’s a boy or a girl, so let’s think about it together.” (Jiro)



She nodded in my chest as I spoke softly to her, and I could tell that she was becoming more and more at ease.



“Before that, I’ve got to go say hello to Suela’s parents first, maybe your father will blow me away shouting, ‘What the hell did you do with my daughter?’” (Jiro)


“If he does that, I will blow my father away with magic.” (Suela)


“Oh, that’s very encouraging.” (Jiro)



So, I changed the subject to something a little playful, and Suela finally showed me her face.


She was crying and her eyes were red, but her face was definitely smiling.



“Then let’s talk about the future.” (Jiro)



I sat down on the bed so that I could sit next to her when she calmed down.



“I’m honestly doing my best to understand the situation, but Suela’s body is fine, right?” (Jiro)


“Yes, my body is fine.” (Suela)


“I see, then I’m relieved… if that’s the case.” (Jiro)


“Jiro?” (Suela)


“What’s wrong?” (Jiro)



Seeing me thinking, they ask me.


But just for now, I want you to wait a little bit.


When they asked me what I was going to do, the first thing I thought of was marriage.


I have two girlfriends in front of me.


Suela, a Dark Elf, and Memoria, a Vampire.


I was dating and staying together with them, as it happens.


It is no exaggeration to say that having them next to me has already become a part of my daily life.


I was not able to think of marrying only one of them, which means that I have been poisoned by the common sense of the world of Ithar.


I made no answer, and after a few seconds of silence, I came to a conclusion.


I take the hand of each of the girls who have been waiting for me.



“Suela, Memoria.” (Jiro)


“Yes?” (Suela)


“What is it?” (Memoria)



To be honest, this kind of thing should be done in a more formal manner and with more respect for the occasion and the atmosphere, but if I don’t say it here and now, when will I say it?


I will soon be 30 years old.


Talking about children may be a good opportunity for me.


So, a man has to have guts.


I took their hands, kneeled down on the spot, and looked up at them.



“I’m sorry, I’m so clumsy that I can only say these words. So I’m going to say it clearly. I can’t let you go…. I love you both. So, will you marry me?” (Jiro)



I added words that make it sound like an excuse, but I let the momentum take over and blurt it out.


But this was definitely my true intention.


The location of the infirmary was a strange place for a marriage proposal, and I had not even prepared a bouquet of flowers, let alone an engagement ring.


And proposing to two women at the same time.


Under normal circumstances, I would have been slapped or even kicked.


Still, my heart is telling me to say it now.


My heart, which had been filled with anxiety before going to the doctor’s office, shaken with astonishment after entering the office, and then filled with joy after that, was more nervous than ever before.


I might be rejected.


Still, I didn’t want to leave any regrets.


A proposal with everything in place?


I don’t give a damn!


I couldn’t make the girls wait.



“……” (Jiro)



Feeling the warmth of each of the girls’ bodies radiating from the tips of my hands, I wait patiently for their response.


I looked at their faces without lowering my eyes.


Suella and Memoria looked at each other and nodded.


They gently place their unclasped hands on top of mine, placing them in my palms.



“”Yes.”” (Suela & Memoria)



And I hear their short, but tender and happy reply, full of universal feelings.


If this is a dream, it is in poor taste.


If this is just a convenient dream I’m having while still working at my old company, please don’t wake me up.


Because this is the first time in my life that I have ever felt so happy.


I don’t want to say that this feeling is like a dream.



“”Please don’t let go of us.”” (Suela & Memoria)


“Yes!” (Jiro)



I am sure that the feeling of being loved is what I am feeling right now.


More than anything else, it is something irreplaceable.


It is a warm feeling that fills my heart and I am sure that if I lose this feeling, I will experience a sense of loss that will be hard to fill.


I embrace them.


They hug me in response.


The warmth of the hug connects with the warmth of my heart.


I have now acquired something precious.



“Ah… Pardon me. I’d like to start by saying congratulations, and I know you’re in the middle of emotional development, and I understand it’s tactless, but we’ll be in the doctor’s office. I would appreciate it if you would consider the time and place.” (Lizardman Doctor)


“How rude~ I almost saw something interesting.” (Ogre Doctor)


“Hooray for dark elves! Well done! Good news, Chief! Chief!” (Dark Elf Doctor)


“””Yeah””” (All Doctors)



It would have been good to end here, but there was a Lizardman doctor who appeared from the back of the infirmary looking really apologetic, an Ogre doctor who was cheering with his finger whistle, and behind him, a Dark Elf doctor who was making a lot of noise, sending telepathic a message somewhere that it was good news, good news.



“Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t close the door.” (Jiro)


“No, Jiro was cool.” (Suela)


“It’s going to be a memory I’ll remember for the rest of my life.” (Memoria)


“I’m glad to hear that.” (Jiro)



We could not help but smile wryly at the Lizardman doctor who coughed again when he saw us smiling and looking at each other.



“Well, let’s talk about the future in another room, shall we.” (Jiro)


“That’s right.” (Suela)


“Of course.” (Memoria)




This is not a good place.


Let’s move to a different place and talk about our future.


I ask the lizardman doctor if I can leave the hospital with my eyes on him, and he says yes.


I pull each of them by the hand and leave the doctor’s office.



“Is it my turn next?” (Memoria)


“Yes, next is Memoria. Good luck, Jiro.” (Suela)


“I will do my best to make it fruitful.” (Jiro)



For me, today’s event was an even bigger event than the one I planned and that involved the company.



Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Has Girlfriends

Girlfriend(s): Suela Handelberg (Dark Elf) & Memoria Tris (Vampire)

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Nine (Quasi Demon King Class)

Job Title: Warrior


Note for the Day

I was nervous, but I’m glad it happened.



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