Otherworld Company Chapter 13.4: You Never Know Where Your Talent Lies

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Another Side



~Stranger’s Perspective~



Recently, I have been wondering what life is all about.


I went to elementary school, junior high school, high school, and before I knew it, I was a college student.


Every time my environment changed, my social life changed, and I wondered how long it had been since I had enjoyed it.


Elementary school? Junior high school? I think I cooled off in high school, at least.


When was it that I started to find socializing troublesome, and that too in high school? I think it was even earlier that I started to feel it.


It didn’t take long for me to start spending most of my time in my room, keeping socializing to a minimum.


It wasn’t long before I was spending most of my time in my room, with minimal social interaction, watching the computer screen without any lights on, playing MMORPGs, or internet games as they are commonly called.


If my classmates in the same class knew who I was and what I was doing, they would probably ask me why I am not trying to become a beautiful college girl.


Then again, I try to cover it up with a friendly smile and keep my distance from people.


I feel a sense of disgust that is hard to describe.


Is it really necessary to have a relationship with someone that ends up being a bother?


In this way, I find it easier and more enjoyable to have a face-to-face relationship with people on the Internet.


What a wonderful thing it is to be able to construct a world with a single click and a single keyboard.



“Oh, it’s a rare item, ‘Hey! How many times do I have to tell you that we’re eating? Come out of your messy room!’ KuawsedrftgyFujikolp?” (Gamer Girl) [T/N: “KuawsedrftgyFujikolp” is a direct translation of the gibberish from the novel. Here it isくぁwdrftgyふじこlp.]



The moment I tried to immerse myself more in this world, the door was thrown open?


No, in my experience, kicked in would be a better way to describe his actions.


Surprised by the action, I quickly straightened my posture, but apparently, that was a bad idea.


I was struck by an uncanny attack and fell backward.


I hit my back, it hurts.



“I’ve always told you that it’s fine to play games, but come down when it’s time to eat.” (Trespasser)


“Well, don’t scare me. Thanks to you, I fell off my chair.” (Gamer Girl)


“Shut up, it’s your fault for not being on time!” (Trespasser)


“You used to be so cute. Where did I go wrong?” (Gamer Girl)


“I remember taking care of you, but I don’t remember being raised by you.” (Trespasser)



I look at the person who turned on the lights and brightened the room.


It’s also important to note that a small boy is standing in the doorway with a tray in his hand. I repeat it was a tiny boy standing there.



“Hey, did you just think of something rude?” (Trespasser => Tiny Boy)


“I don’t want to. I would also never think such a thing.” (Gamer Girl)


“When you talk like that, it’s usually when you’re thinking about my height. Is it fine then to have no supper?” (Tiny Boy)


“Not that! Please forgive me. I forgave you for the attack!” (Gamer Girl)


“Woah!! Don’t cling to me!? What if miso soup spills and you get burned!?” (Tiny Boy)


“Mom!” (Gamer Girl)


“Who is your mother!? I am younger than you!” (Tiny Boy)



I, Shiretoko Minami, can tackle as fast as a rugby player, but even so, I consider myself a weak maiden.


A boy half a head smaller than me. This childhood friend of mine is Tokorozawa Masaru. However, even if he has food, on one hand, he can’t really force me to grab it.


After that, he bugged me to make sure I didn’t miss my dinner. He is the kind of person who will tell you to eat well even if you are fighting with him.


I could tell that he was bluffing when he said that.


The point is that this series of actions is also a usual exchange.


As proof of this, when I leave, he puts dinner on a tray with tea on a small table near the entrance, not on the desk where he has his computer set up.



“Hey, how long are you going to stand there? Your dinner’s getting cold.” (Tiny Boy => Masaru)


“Oh, I’m gonna eat Japanese food today—I’m gonna eat something for the first time today.” (Minami)


“A day? You didn’t eat breakfast or lunch?” (Masaru)


“Today was a holiday, so I spent the day playing games as a response to finishing the report, that I previously did. I’m sorry, truly, but I don’t regret it, I really don’t.” (Minami)


“Stop acting like a brat! Oh, you’re making a mess in your room again, you should put away your textbooks, and you’ve accumulated a mountain of laundry.” (Masaru)


“You know, it’s just the way things are, hmmm, this is just the natural order of things.” (Minami)


“This happens because Minami doesn’t do housework at all!” (Mararu)



So we both decided to eat. Masaru and I give thanks for the meal. While I ate my dinner, I watched Masaru busily moving around and started to pick up his chopsticks.



“Really, Masaru is going to be a good wife.” (Minami)


“Who do you think is to blame for me getting better at housework in general! And I’ll say it again, I’m a man!” (Masaru)


“Don’t worry, there are male wives in the world, they exist, truly. Although Masaru is a bit masculine in appearance, you have a relatively neutral face, and with makeup and clothing, you can fool as many people as you wish.” (Minami)


“Hearing that isn’t making me happy!” (Masaru)


“And I want to say, you are the best wife I could have ever wished for!” (Minami)


“Who is the wife!?” (Masaru)


“I’m sure you are? If you look at our current situation, everyone will think so.” (Minami)



Perhaps my words pierced deep, his shoulders shook and he looked at me for a moment and then he put his hands on the wall and covered his face with his hands and a dark expression appeared on his face.


You can see a shadow on his face.



“…you can’t deny it based on the current situation.” (Minami)


“These are only circumstantial evidence.” (Masaru)



Food preparation, cleaning, laundry, shopping, and perhaps if I rummaged the house, I’ll surely find a coupon or sale leaflet on the living room table.


It was probably also properly marked with a red pen.



“In the past, I used to blush when you saw my underwear, but I’m sorry, but I’ve grown out of it.” (Minami)


“How many years do you think we’ve been together? It’s too late for that.” (Masaru)



Well, I’m an open-minded person, so I’ll pretend that I didn’t see the redness in his ears.


While I was eating, the room was being cleaned up, the bookshelves were being tidied, the bed was being made, and the trash was being put into garbage bags.


I am accustomed to the fact that he even took care to prevent dust from mixing with my meal.


It took about thirty minutes, and by the time I had finished eating, Masaru was sipping his tea in front of me.



“It’s not sensible to eat while someone is cleaning.” (Masaru)


“Masaru is the type to nag after taking action.” (Minami)


“I’m telling you to clean up after yourself.” (Masaru)


“Still, I love Masaru who will still clean up after me, truly?” (Minami)



I know I’m making a fool of myself, and I’m consciously choosing the words to avoid voicing what I mean.


A black lump crawls up my throat.


But my childhood friend…



“…So, how’s college going?” (Masaru)



He knew exactly what I didn’t like about college.


It’s a bit annoying to keep changing the conversation, but he’s one of the few people I don’t consider troublesome because he pulls back faster than other people.



“It’s the same as always, I go to lectures, get the required credits I need to graduate, socialize enough, and spend the rest of my time at home. That’s all.” (Jiro)



And like knives, my nerves tingle up my spine.



“In the midst of all this, I’d like to ask you why I’m the one who has to wake you up in the morning and make your breakfast and lunch.” (Masaru)


“Excuse me you forgot dinner.” (Minami)


“Oh, I forgot I clean and wash too, so what if I’m gone?” (Masaru)


“I wonder… I’ll starve.” (Minami)


“You can also clean! Find work!” (Masaru)


“But I refuse! I don’t want to work! I don’t want to work unless I find an interesting job!” (Minami)


“Don’t overestimate your worth in society!” (Masaru)


“That’s not what a high school student should say, you know?” (Minami)


“That’s not what a college student who is about to enter society and work should say, you know?” (Masaru)



The words “work” that came out of Masaru’s mouth reminded me of the words that my parents had always said to me.


I’m not sure what enjoyment there is in living like this, but you should live so that you can properly face the world.


As soon as I remembered the words, they began to play over and over in my head like a chant.


The warm feeling I had just had suddenly turned cold and uncomfortable.


Even though I shook my head and tried to get rid of it, it never seemed to go away.


My throat begins to choke as if cold chains are binding me tightly.


A heavy pressure.


It’s something I’ve been feeling lately that I can’t avoid living with.


Is it really necessary to live with such a feeling?



If it’s necessary, then why don’t I just ask myself, “What kind of work does Minami want to do?” (Jiro)



“???” (Minami)



However, the voice that echoed only left a depressing silence.



“…That’s right.” (Minami)



I deliberately relaxed my words to forget what I was trying to think about.


Masaru, who looks at me while he was drinking tea, looks at me like he is about to say something.



“I’m sure a fantasy world would be fun, truly.” (Minami)


“Fantasy, like a game?” (Masaru)


I’d like to have a job where there’s magic and non-human elves and beastmen with beast ears and dangerous creatures to fight, truly.” (Minami)


“Don’t bring up an imaginary job, that’s not based in reality.” (Masaru)



I know that.


I know that’s not true, but that’s what I thought of when I was asked what I wanted to do.


I couldn’t picture myself as an office worker, a nursery teacher, a nurse, or any other realistic job that people would want to do.



“I’m sorry I’m just saying what I want.” (Minami)



That’s all.



“I thought you’d be a game creator because you like games.” (Masaru)


“I’m the one who wants to play games on the consumer side, and it seems to be a hassle to make my own.” (Minami)


“Why not? You’re good at drawing, aren’t you?” (Masaru)


“I’m sorry those are my hobbies—I don’t want to work-” (Minami)


“You have to settle on something soon you know?” (Jiro)



That’s it.


That’s all there is to it. That’s why I get involved with the few people who don’t cause me pain and just coast through life.


I can’t find any meaning in such things, so how am I supposed to live?


I am not filled with a sense of justice like in the game, nor am I motivated by any impulse, but I can clearly see a future in which a reclusive NEET will be born if things continue as they are.


Maybe that’s why I want this ordinary conversation to continue forever.


I don’t want it to change.


Is it selfish of me to hope so?



“I want dessert.” (Minami)


“Anyway, go take a bath. I’ll serve it to you after I wash the dishes.” (Masaru)


“My childhood friend is a pain.” (Minami)


“Who is a pain.” (Masaru)



So I’ll pretend I didn’t see it.


The look of my childhood friend who brought back a leaflet from the Employment Security Office that he would have shown to me while cleaning the tableware.



“Masaru—Where are the bath towels?” (Minami)


“I’ve already put it out, get in immediately.” (Masaru)


“What if we go together–” (Minami)


“Why do you want me to enter!?” (Masaru)



Another Side END



Shiretoko Minami: 19 years old – Single – No boyfriend – Has a Guardian (childhood friend)

Magical Aptitude: Unknown

Job Title: Undecided


Note of the Day



I’ll take tomorrow seriously!

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