Otherworld Company Chapter 14.2: To Teach a Job, You Must Experience and Learn It Yourself

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“…would it be faster to show you?”



Then this is would be faster.



“That is not corrective, so give it a try and you’ll see why I scouted you.”


“? …!?” (Student)


“Do you see something like smoke? That’s the magical power that comes out of the pendant on my chest.”



When he heard the word “magic”, he took off his glasses and put them back on, reacting a little like a customer in front of a magic trick.



“For the time being, if you give it to someone who doesn’t have the ability, it just looks like normal glasses.”


“…” (Student)



I add an explanation, but he doesn’t look at me the way I imagine he would.


The two most common predictions I had were that he would be surprised or that he would be suspicious.


However, contrary to my expectation, he was staring at the glasses with a serious expression.



“Is there a hidden mechanism?” (Student)


“In this case, it would be better to answer that there is some kind of magical mechanism. In simple terms, the glasses and the pendant are like batteries that can store and use magic power.”



Is this what it means to lose track of the flow of events, or am I supposed to be worried for this innocent boy?


What I’m saying is true to the extent that I’m allowed to say it.


I don’t know everything about the company or even the Demon King’s army, but I’ve been working there for a few months now, and I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t some kind of dream or trick.


If they say it’s not true, it’s not just a new kind of scam.


It would mean that I’m insane to have bought into the reality of a grand delusion.



“Anyway, can I have my glasses back, please? It’s just a prototype.”


“Oh, here.” (Student)



I put on the glasses and saw that they were working fine.



“You can see that you have the aptitude to accept magic power. I’ve been walking around all day and I’ve never found anyone with an aptitude for it. You’re the only one I could find. Do you understand why I’ve recruited you?”


“…for the time being.” (Student)



He seems to be a boy who thinks about things more deeply than I thought.


I’m worried that he might fall victim to some really weird religious group.



“You don’t have to think too much about it. Work is not something you do unwillingly. There are some people who continue to do unpleasant work out of a sense of duty, but these are few and far between. If you want to, or dare I say it in practical terms, work at something you don’t like, it can be annoying for both you and the people around you. It may seem strange to ask you to do this, but our job is quite unusual. Take your time to think about it, and if you think it’s impossible, then it’s better to just forget about it.”


“I got it.” (Student)


“Well, thank you for listening to me. It’s late today. You should go home now. I’ve left you my contact information so you can call me if you need anything.”


“Okay.” (Student)



Slowly, the boy who had been thinking about something else while listening to me walked through the park after dark.


As if to see him off, I stayed there, feeling tired from the sales tone I hadn’t heard in a long time, and turned my shoulders to relax my stiff body.



“I’m not sure if kids today are as serious as him. Isn’t there a smoking area nearby?”



I took out my cigarette, but then I remembered that this was a non-smoking area and there was no smoking area nearby, so I reluctantly put it back.



“I got a hit, but the odds were about 50-50, maybe less.”



It was my first time scouting, and I had a lot of things to reflect on in our conversation, which made me wonder if this was a good idea.


In addition to that, I was left with a skeptical feeling as to whether or not I had a good response or not.


I would be happy if he came.


That’s the extent of what I could expect, I thought to myself.



“What I’m wondering is, what was he thinking along the way?”



I was impressed by how his mood completely changed when he saw the magic power after I lent him these glasses.


At first, I thought he had encountered the unknown, understood that this was reality, and was wondering what to make of it, but as we talked, he seemed to be thinking in a different direction, and one step further.


But there was no way for me to confirm that.


If I had any way to read people’s minds, I would have led a different life.



“Well, we’ll meet again if there’s a chance. I should go home for now.”



It was late today and considering my plans for tomorrow, I wouldn’t be able to scout any further.


It might be more efficient to start at this time of night, but I’ll check that out next time.


I have a lot more to think about.


I have to prepare a manual based on my findings from this latest recruitment, buy supplies and equipment for future missions, prepare a schedule and report, prepare training materials for Kaido, coordinate the training schedule with the instructors, maintain the equipment. There is also my main fieldwork as a dungeon tester and then there is the fieldwork of scouting for new members, which I did today.


Just by thinking about it, I can see that I have a lot of paperwork to do.


And then there’s my current department, or should I say the team in this case.


I’m the only one on the team, and I have to do all of this by myself.



“My head hurts”



I wish I could just dismiss it as being challenging, but I feel like I’m short-handed.



“If only Kaido would become a regular at least.”



I remembered my junior colleague, who had flown beautifully into the air at the hands of the instructors today.


In terms of ability, Kaido is at the beginning of his training, at the level of a novice.


It’s a shame to expect that from a junior who is still learning the ropes and making mistakes.


It will take more time for us to challenge the dungeon together.


I understand that I’m begging for things that are not there, but I’m still begging for things to be done a little bit faster.



“One day off a week for a while, huh?”



On the other hand, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that my work-brain understands that I have to do something about it.


To be honest, I had more time to spare when I was working as a solo act before I got the job as a recruiter.


I was able to have more private time than I do now.


However, when I was solo, I had my own problems.


It’s not that I felt limited in my ability to tackle dungeons, but I felt the inefficiency firsthand, and that’s why I’m here today.


I am in this situation because I was attempting to solve it.


First of all, I can’t start complaining about my actions.


All I have to do is to work hard and take care of the tasks in front of me one by one.


The point is.



“It’s always the same.”



The words naturally came out from my heart through my mouth and I walked back to the dormitory.


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