Otherworld Company Chapter 18.3: There is Someone like a Mascot roaming the Company… However

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“Minami, stay behind Masaru, Kaido stays in the middle, I will serve as the vanguard.” (Jiro)



 It’s a simple formation, but I think it’s appropriate for now.


 There are four of us, but only two fighters, me and Kaido.


 However, the other three didn’t hear my instructions.



“Move! This is now a dungeon!” (Jiro)



 The instructions sounded like I am yelling at them, but I can’t help it.


 As a person who has experienced a dungeon, a moment’s carelessness can be fatal.


 I knew that, and that’s why I took action.


 The three of them reacted with a jolt and began to move, but their movements were slow.


 But it’s better that they are moving.


 The enemy will soon emerge from behind the smoke.


 The pounding of my heartbeat echoes in my ears.


 At any rate, the opponent is a monster that has escaped from the laboratory, probably someone I’ve never faced before.


 The mere fact that it was an unknown enemy made my body tense up.


 My mind wished I had a little more experience, but it was better that my body was not stiff.


 Finally, I see my opponent.



“… What?” (Jiro)



 But in an instant, my tension was released.



“Is that an SD Sentai Robot?” (Kaido) [T/N: Something like Gundam SD. Think chibi Gundams but it could also be chibi Zords from Power Rangers, Voltes V, etc.]


“It looks like a Mascot.” (Masaru)


“It’s a bit surreal, that it is.” (Minami)



 I was expecting to see a big monster, but I was taken aback by a two-headed, very cute Sentai robot that looked like it could have come out of any Japanese toy series.


 The color of the body and limbs were different, perhaps to match the Sentai style, and the robot looked like something that could be combined with a hero, but the face was very cute and the body was round.


 Its footsteps are light and it walks slowly.


 I felt weak, wondering how I could have felt threatened by such a thing.


 Suela was in quite a panic, so the tension was more than double the usual feeling, so the pressure was even more than double.



In the meantime, we should leave the training room so as not to provoke them—” (Jiro)



 I couldn’t tell it to get out.


 The moment the toy sword appeared in the right hand of the Mascot-like golem, I definitely felt it.


 Killing intent.


“Avoid it!” (Jiro)



 I shouted as quickly as I could.


 It was at the same time that I turned my body to the right.


 In the edge of my field of vision, I saw the mascot-like golem leaping with no preliminary stance, leaving an afterimage.


 The golem that jumped intuitively after figuring out our plan based on its momentum and murderous intent to jump over me. So, I strengthened my body.



“Ou!!!” (Jiro)



 I heard my teeth grinding.


 I put effort into my legs just as much as I clenched my teeth, and in one step I rushed forwards with the momentum to break through force.


 I ran by Kaido’s side and arrived at my destination in front of Minami and Masaru.


 I feel the heat on the soles of my feet as it rubbed against the floor, which felt strained after suddenly stopping my movement, but it will be even more troublesome if I didn’t.


 If I have time to worry about such things, I should instead devote everything to thinking and adjusting my stance.


 I can only barely intercept the attack.


 It’s clear that I don’t have the window to swing an attack.


 All I can do is accept it.



“Don’t break!” (Jiro)



 At the same time as holding the blade upwards as if passing on my wish to the Mineral Tree, I feel a tremendous force and wind pressure.


 My arms, my shoulders, my hips, and my knees creaked, sounding like they are about to break.


 Perhaps because I let the shock pass to the floor, there are cracks running around my feet.


 It split the floor showing that it was quite the heavyweight, contrary to its Mascot-like appearance.



“F*cking annoyance!” (Jiro)



 When I looked up, I was greeted by its cute face with the same facial expression, I couldn’t mistake it as such, especially with the killing intent emanating from it.


 Even if I put all my strength into pushing it back, our strengths are at a draw, no I’m slightly on the losing side.


 As I tried to push him away, I was silently pushed harder and harder, and the Mineral Tree gradually approached my body.


“Orrrrraaaaaahhhh!” (Jiro)


“Stop!” (Kaido)



 Kaido’s screamed and I noticed that the golem’s murderous intent deviate but only for a bit.


 I was screaming before I understood what was happening, but I can’t do anything when I am forced by the weight.


 One of its heavy arms mercilessly swung to Kaido, who was slashing at it from behind like a backhand slap.



“Kaido!?” (Jiro)



 Even if his durability is increased by the Magic Crest, the way he received the attack is bad.


 Kaido, who was directly hit with a full-powered killing attack, bounced several times and landed from a distance.


 Kaido lay there unmoving.



“Aaaaaarrrrgghhhh!!!” (Jiro)



 I screamed from the bottom of his abdomen and forcibly flicked the golem’s sword in one of its hands, cutting into its torso, but only left a slight scratch and some sparks.



“Masaru! Kaido’s treatment!” (Jiro)


“Eh, oh, eh.” (Masaru)



 I know it’s a drop on a scorching pan.


 I don’t think that Masaru’s healing magic can do anything too severe but heal scratches at best.


 It would be different if I could hand over the potion on my waist, but I’m glaring at the current cause of the situation. I can’t do that either.


 But it’s better than not doing anything.


 What we need now is for Masaru to do something than not do anything.



“Masaru, excuse me but we have to move. If we don’t move, it will be bad, truly.” (Minami)



 Minami is calling for Masaru as she shook his shoulders.


 Masaru’s head is overwhelmed because of the series of events that transpired, from the time when Kaido was blown away till receiving that blow.


 She hasn’t received a decent answer, but Minami is desperately trying to make him move.


 To be honest, it was a happy miscalculation for Minami to be able to move in such a situation.


 Even if it’s a survival instinct, I want her to stay away from me, even if it’s just a little bit, now that I can’t afford to fight while protecting her.


 Masaru, who stood up as his arm was pulled, headed toward Kaido, and the golem reacted to this.



“Don’t look away from me!” (Jiro)



 I’ll step in and I won’t let it do anything.


 Rather than parrying, I slashed at it with my full strength.


 My Mineral Tree could only scratch it at scatter sparks.


 But the golem’s murderous intent was now directed at me, the biggest threat.



“Suu, Hiiiiiyaaaa!!” (Jiro)



 I screamed shaking off the murderous intent.


 That is the signal to the beginning of the fight.


 The Mineral Tree was swung and it hit it over and over, but the attacks are met by my opponent’s sword.


 There is no time, no leeway for me, who is clearly exposed to the murderous intent that is different from the instructors.



“Kaido!” (Masaru)


“Wake up! Please do! You won’t wake up if you fall asleep, truly!” (Minami)



 My colleagues are behind me, and I’m the only one who can break through the current situation.



“*cough* *cough*, I can’t afford to lose here!” (Kaido)



 Like a switch being flipped, I was fully focused on the battle


 I feel like I’m going to get addicted to this clicking, no, this thumping feeling, as I keep pouring magical power into the Magic Crest like sending fuel to an engine.


 The oxygen in my blood is replenished with magical power, and the Mineral Tree is shaking as I am pushed to the limit from the oxygen-depriving movement.


 But I don’t even think about leaving any gap. I will be attacking at full power but,


 So hard.


 That was the response I got.


 It’s probably scratched, but I can’t imagine cutting it.


 I succeeded in parrying the sword with the first swing and slashing at it with the second swing, but there was no damage.


 Contrary to its soft Mascot-like appearance, it is as hard as armor made from some special alloy.


 I want to call this a nightmare, but I know that even if I say that, the current situation will not change.



“Aaaarggghhh!” (Jiro)



 I have no intention of giving up.


 So, I took an offensive stance to show my intention.


 If the slash is not good, I will bash it, if the bash is not enough, I will pierce it, and if it is still not enough… Well, the Mineral Tree is sturdy, so I continue attacking and defending, as long as I leave it fully occupied.



“Leader! Kaido—!” (Minami)



 There is a slight feeling of dissonance in my concentration.


 Forcibly parrying the sword to make some distance, I see the person who screamed my name.


 In a short time with my enhanced sight, Minami, who looked on the verge of crying, shouted at me and I caught the appearance of Masaru desperately casting recovery magic.


 There was not enough time.


 The blow that Kaido received was more serious than I had expected.


 I have seen enough from their reaction to infer such a situation.



“Masaru just continue treatment as it is !!” (Jiro)



 I just have to deal with it.


 Turning my head and swung the Mineral Tree.


 Somehow, I try to think of a way to break through. Still, I can only bring everything to a draw.


 I use my mind in a way that reminds me of the busy season when work is piling up.


 I can’t find a way.


 Then what would I do?


 Kaido is in a dangerous situation as it is.


 What is the only way for me to help?


 Prolong his life with the potion on his waist.


 The act of tying the pieces together a plan while thinking about the steps one by one, fighting like walking a tightrope.


 My instincts set off alarm bells, the current situation could go bad at any moment, and the desire to escape is suppressed by reason, and I decided to stay there.


 And I make a decision.


 Impossible, unreasonable, and reckless


 Any of these words would have been appropriate for my actions.


 I tried to manage the situation while I have two hands full but still needed an extra hand.


 The moment I flicked my opponent’s sword, I let go of my two-handed grip on the mineral tree and quickly pulled out a spare dagger.


 Then cut the strap of my waist pouch.


 That was all I could do.



“Nuguga !?” (Jiro)



 The price was one arm, and there was no way the other side would let me get away with such a blatant opening.


 In the first place, its sword is swung with one hand and one of its hands is always free. There is a way to attack because a hand that can be used to attack is free and there is a gap to attack, so there is no reason not to attack.


 I receive the fist approaching from the left side with my left arm, not with a mineral tree.


 The horrifying sensations and pain of my bones breaking run into my head.


 Losing one arm is not just a matter of halving my attack power.


 And I know that it’s a fatal choice.


 It would be foolish to give up my only means of recovery.





“Leader!?” (Minami)


“Minami! Run!” (Jiro)



 Still, I have no choice but to do it.


 I’m used to ignoring the pain.


 Thinking moves faster and faster than in agony.


 From now on, my head will specialize in pushing the opponent out of the potion that has fallen from the waist.


 I can’t afford to listen to Minami’s screams.


 While shaking my broken left arm, I swung the Mineral Tree with one hand and bend both feet like a whip ready to attack.


 If it’s not powerful, use more moves. If it’s less powerful, aim for the vital points.


 Aim for the joints, eyes, neck, and other vulnerable points.


 Hit, hit, hit, connect, and leave no room for error.


 Push back, push forward, and make your opponent feel threatened.


 Slowly and steadily, you push back and gradually change your position.


 It’s a good idea to keep your eyes peeled for any signs of trouble.



“Minami!?” (Masaru)



 The cry of Masaru sounds like they are in a different place.



“Let me go!” (Minami)



 The golem was responding to Minami’s actions, so I attacked faster with each swing.


 It’s said that raindrops can pierce stone


 I keep moving while hoping that each blow will be the one to defeat the opponent.



“Leader! It’s okay!” (Minami)



 And I succeeded in making it ignore Minami.


 With this, as long as I hold on until Suela comes



“!?” (Jiro)



 Then there’s a slight crack.


 And then something appeared


 The golem’s chest, with the deformed mouth of the dragon with its mouth open, there was a slight delay in my response to the light.


 Even though the Mineral Tree is used as a shield, the Mineral Tree was able to repel the heat and shock waves.





“Leader!?” (Minami)


“Mr. Jiro!?” (Masaru)



 I feel something hot in my stomach.



“Gofu!” (Jiro)



 And something red left my lips.


 No, I know what it is.


 It’s the golem’s sword stuck in my stomach, and blood coming out of my mouth.


 I’m dead.


 Yes, I understand.


 This damage is fatal to my non-Magical Body.


 My field of vision is now beginning to blur.


 But it’s strange.


 Even though I’m dying, I don’t have any desire to die.





“Run, A, Way…”



 Grabbing the handle of the sword with what little remaining force I have.


 In order to gain even a little more time, I concentrate the remaining power on my right hand to see if I can release any power that I do not know whether it is in me or not.


 I squeeze out a faint whisper that cannot be heard.


 But I still did so.


 Maybe it was because I knew on my deathbed that I wouldn’t make it, or maybe it was for some other reason, or I could have chosen to let them go.


 My eyelids slowly fall.


 This must be the last time I see them.


 I’m sure I wouldn’t have regretted my choice.



“What are you doing?” (Voice)



 I felt like I heard someone’s voice at the end.



T/N: We all know this isn’t the end, but Mother F*cker.

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