Shadow Court Magician Chapter 81: Cocktails and Sour

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 I lead a group of elven warriors and old and new Doll warriors.


 When I organize them, I ask their names and ages, and the average age is more than 60.



 The average age was over 60. The elven warriors were much older, but the Doll warriors were also quite old.



“The Dolls have always been a battle tribe. They stay young for a long time in order to keep their bodies fit for battle. In other words, a person who looks old is probably a really old man.”



 This was Chloe’s explanation, but I wondered if that meant she was older than she looked.



 When asked,



“It’s a secret!” (Chloe)



 Pointing her index finger at her lips.


 It’s very cute, but I don’t have time to admire it.


 For the time being, I arranged the new and old soldiers in an alternating pattern, so that they would complement each other. The new soldiers have more energy, so I give them more rations. In return, the old soldiers take care of the new soldiers.



 This was a good idea for the same race, but the elves and the Dolls did not get along well with each other.



 The elves and the Dolls did not get along well, and they fought each other every time.


 First of all, the elves complained about the Dolls who ate only meat.


 Meat is not tasty. It stinks. They eat so much meat that they have body odor. They are becoming rowdier.



 It is true that meat-eaters tend to smell bad, but it seems like an accusation. The Dolls also made an accusation.


 They eat mushrooms all the time. They are so uptight. The amount of mushrooms they eat is too much. There are no calories in them.


 Chloe offered some wisdom as I tried to think of a solution.



“Why don’t we make a fusion menu of mushroom and meat?” (Chloe)


“You want to grab them by the stomach?”


“That is right.” (Chloe)


“Eculate also liked meat too. So, if we make soup stock with meat and a pot with mushrooms as the main ingredient, they might like it.”



 But for that—



“We need the power of a good cook.”



 Chloe smiled brightly.



“I’m not being boastful, but I’m a person who loves cooking. I also cook at the Princess’s mansion, and I’m good at cooking for a large group.” (Chloe)



 By the way, she continues with.



“Her Highness’ cooking skills are also quite good. I taught her how.” (Chloe)



 Sicily responds to those words.



“Yes. Chloe was very rigorously trained me. When we have guests who are religious and do not eat meat, we cook fish. She knows how to prepare a full course without using any meat, and she knows how to make delicious soup stock.” (Sicily)


“She will be a good bride. What about it, Leon-sama, what do you think about the Princess?” (Chloe)


“One per family, a princess, and a refrigerator sound like a good idea. However, for now, I’d rather have a dish that reconciles the Elves and the Dolls rather than thinking of getting married.”



 Sicily and Chloe nod with a smile.



“Of course, Leon-sama.” (Sicily)



 Her smile was as pretty as a blooming flower.





 After that, Sicily and I devise a recipe together and develop a menu that will satisfy the Doll and Elves at the same time.



 During the march, we taught it to the Transportation Corps and served it to everyone.


 The mushroom casserole we devised quickly became a hit with the soldiers.



 Usually, soldiers who don’t take seconds take seconds, and some even asked for the risotto to be made from the liquid left in the pot.



 It’s was a great success.



“But it’s strange that just eating delicious food had such an effect.” (Chloe)



 Chloe cocked her head in wonder.


 I explained.



“There’s a saying, ‘people who eat from the same pot are friends’. Even if we speak different languages and cultures, there are many things we can understand if we eat the same food and drink the same wine.”



 When I say that, I have the recruit bring a barrel.



“Do elves enjoy alcohol?”


“The Dolls like to drink strong liquor, while the Elves don’t drink much. But that doesn’t mean elves don’t enjoy a drink.” (Chloe)



 I instructed him to mix the Doll’s liquor with water. I told him to add a squeeze of lemon juice to it.



“It looks like juice.” (Chloe)


“That’s right. It’s called a cocktail sour.”



 In a world different from this one, this kind of drink is popular among women and those who are not strong drinkers.


 It was the perfect drink for an elf who was not used to drinking.



 The sour was delicious, and they drank more and more of it, their cheeks turning crimson.


 Then, the Doll tribe also felt good that they liked the sake of their tribe, and they started to drink sake together.


 They may not be able to sing shoulder to shoulder with each other, but they still look straight at each other’s eyes.



 At least they wouldn’t be dragging each other down in battle.


 I thought this, and with no worries, I had the Elves and the Dolls join together.



“As expected of Leon-sama. You’ve already captured their hearts.” (Sicily)


“I haven’t completely captured their hearts yet, but at least they won’t revolt.”



 I looked at them again.


 They all looked good.



“As expected, the mercenary race Dolls and the elves, the guardian of the forest. They are all in good shape.”



 Having confidence in the state of the warriors, I set out on our marching route.


 Pointing to the map, I said,



“Based on the scouts’ reports and the damage caused by the ogre, the ogre’s nest is probably in this rock cave.”


“That seems right.” (Sicily)



 Sicily agrees.



“We can easily get to this point with the help of the elves. The only problem is how to lure them out of their lair.”


“The dens are dark and narrow, and since we are in enemy territory, they have the advantage.” (Sicily)


“Eventually, we want to lure them out and onto the lake where the Eculate is waiting for us.”


“I’m sure Leon-sama can easily accomplish this.” (Sicily)


“Well, it won’t be without a plan.”



 Sicily smiles when I said that, but she looks a little worried.



“What’s wrong? Princess, are you still worried?”


“No way, I have full confidence in Leon-sama, not Leon-sama, but Chloe.” (Sicily)




“Yes. She’s not looking too good.” (Sicily)


“Is that so? She looks the same as usual…”



 I looked at the maid, who was working quickly and preparing food for the soldiers. There is nothing unusual about her. She seems to be rather lively.


 But to the princess, she looks different. I guess there are changes that only those who have lived together for many years can understand.


 I trust Sicily because I knew all about my ignorance and the incomprehension of a woman’s heart.



 As we marched, I decided to ask Chloe about the reason for her melancholy.

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