Drawn Mochi Volume 5 Chapter 20: Indigo World

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“Well, you’ve laid the foundation, haven’t you?” (Fay)



 When I consulted Fay, I received such an answer.



“Foundation?” (Tougo)


“That’s right. Without a home, you can’t go on adventures, can you?” (Fay)



 …I feel like Teacher said something similar before.



 Maybe I have a floating island inside me.


 It is me. It is my place created by me, which only I know, and it is also my own self. That’s how I feel.


 I, who cannot belong anywhere, am floating around, but that is not, by any means, a bad thing.


 Solitude is easy. I don’t need to be understood by anyone, I don’t need to be hurt by anyone, but… I think it was necessary for me to be alive.


 So, I am a floating island. I’m a floating island, floating away, and yet no one would be bothered if I drifted away anyway.


 …However, before I knew it, I felt like a floating island that was no longer floating in the sky, but instead floating in a lake.


 The water has been taking me in comfortably and sometimes amuses me by making waves. It also protects the floating island and says, “You can float here.”


 Then, once I realized that the floating island was floating above the water, I could see the wide, wide land around the lake. …I can see more, I can see things, and I want to go on an adventure.


 Maybe this is what Fay means when she says, “The foundation has been laid.”


 I have a sense that I am here, and I have a sense that it is okay to be here. It’s a strange feeling, but I can’t help but feel that way.



“Does that mean Tougo has gotten used to this world?” (Fay)



 Let’s see… yep. I think so. I have already gotten used to this world. I’m enjoying living in the forest, and I’m familiar with the fact that the mochi I draw become rice cakes. …Also, I’ve gotten used to people being strangely kind to me.


 Fay is cheerful and refreshing and takes care of strange people like me, and Laocles is calm and quickly guides me when I’m in trouble.


 Ms. Croix has a lot of things that I don’t know, and she teaches me a lot. I wonder what Lian and Ange are like… Still, I’m glad that they genuinely seem to like me. I am happy when I see them working and enjoying it even while they are small. And Lila is someone who sees the same things as me, but from a different perspective than me. That’s why she can teach me so many things.


 …Everyone is kind. Not only are the people kind, but the bird and horses are also kind, and even the Pipe Fox, Houou, and Ryuu are really kind.


 Getting used to that… it’s a little scary. I know that when you go from a warm place to a cold place, you feel even colder. I already know that it’s very painful to lose something you once loved.


 I wonder what will happen to me if the water in the lake where the floating island is floating disappears completely. Will I go back to being a floating island floating in the air again? Or will I spend the rest of my life lying at the bottom of the lake?


 …No. Let’s not think about it. I don’t want to think about losing something important anymore.


 Let’s just think about the fact that I am supported right here, right now.


 Let’s think about what might happen someday. And then… I just have to do my best to prevent whatever may come my way. Hide them or protect them…



“I mean, you’ve changed quite a bit, haven’t you?” (Fay)


“……eh?” (Tougo)



 I was a little surprised when Fay suddenly said that to me.



“W-what?” (Tougo)


“Hmm? …your face?” (Fay)



 My face……? Huh, has my face changed? I haven’t had any plastic surgery or anything, you know…?



“You’re happy, aren’t you? You’re smiling more than when we first met.” (Fay)



“When I first saw you, you looked sullen.” (Fay)


“…I can’t see my own face, so I don’t really know.” (Tougo)


“Huh? That’s right. Well, you were doing it. How should I describe it, you were, fluffy… I mean, it’s like when you are painting, you smile a lot and sparkle.” (Fay)



 Fay says reminiscing. …Come to think of it, it’s been almost a year since I met him. Time moved fast, didn’t it?


 I may have certainly changed a lot since I first met Fay.


 When I first came to this world, I painted pictures thinking that as long as I painted alone, I wouldn’t bother anyone. But now, I am allowed to paint, and if anything, asked to do so. …It’s a tremendous change. I’m sure to be “smiling and sparkling”.



“I noticed that Tougo smiles when he touches something he likes. Like a picture or a piece of bread with ham and cheese. Now, you’re smiling even when you’re not drawing or eating bread, even when you’re with me, Laocles, Ms. Croix, Lian and Ange, Lila or… well, the horses and bird and others, you know?”



 …I wonder if I am really doing that. Am I smiling that much? I thought I was rather expressionless, but… I see. Have I changed that much?



“I’m happy about that! I’m happy that you like me, and I’m also happy that you started to smile about other things!” (Fay)


“…thank you.” (Tougo)



 Somehow, I have mixed feelings about it being said to me personally. I feel like it’s a little embarrassing. …Maybe I should be a little more relaxed.



“The point is, we and this forest have become your home, right? So, you can go on adventures in peace, right? Isn’t that a good thing?” (Fay)



 …However, when Fay says that to me, I can’t help but nod, even though I feel extremely embarrassed.


 That’s it. I am now able to go on an adventure. I want to try different things and go to different places.


 That’s because I have a proper home. Instead of being a floating island drifting in the air, I became massive and supported by gentle water, and the surrounding land became visible.


 If it’s true… maybe this is a good thing.



“…Ah, I guess I am at Maslow’s third level.” (Tougo)


“Huh? What’s that?” (Fay)



 As I was thinking about it, the words suddenly came out and Fay responded, so I briefly explained the theory of Maslow’s Five Hierarchy of Needs.


 And once again, I ponder about it myself.


 The third level of Maslow’s Five Hierarchy of Needs theory. When the level of Love and Belonging is satisfied, it changes to the level of satisfying self-esteem, and when it is recognized, it becomes a desire for self-actualization.


 I now belong to this world, and then, uh… I, um, love and belonging, I received it. I’m very grateful, sorry, and a little embarrassed.


 Maybe that’s why. So, I wanted recognition, and I wanted to put my paintings in a museum for someone who would look at them and like them.


 …And now that I’m a little satisfied with that, I feel like I want to do a lot of different things.


 Oh well. So that’s what that was about. I’m satisfied with my state of being, and I’m starting to enjoy living even more.


 I see. If it takes evaluation and, you know, love, to become like this… then sure, I guess it does. I’m in a great place right now.


 …I never imagined that it would be like this to belong to someone, be loved, and even be appreciated. It tickles, it’s warm… it makes me feel amazing. So much so. I feel more energetic than ever before.


 Yep. Yes, I am. I’m very energetic. I want to go on adventures. I want to try all kinds of things. Not just painting, but all kinds of things. I have never been so happy to see such a wide world.


 …This is because the foundation has been created.


 Levels one to four were completed. Because I have a home to go to.



“…Fay.” (Tougo)


“Hmm? What is it?” (Fay)



 When I looked up at Fay’s face, he was smiling at me. It feels a little embarrassing seeing that face, but I think it’s important to say it.



“Um, thank you.” (Tougo)



 I couldn’t say the specifics. There’s no limit to what I can say, and I don’t have the skill to put it into words. I don’t have the confidence to say, “Someday, I want to give back what I received.”


 I don’t think I can give it back yet, because I’ve just received it. Surely. …So, I can’t say this yet.


 …But Fay smiled and patted my head.



“Oh! That’s good! …I’m looking forward to the future! I am expecting more from you!” (Fay)



 Maybe it got through. It wasn’t all of it, but even just a few pieces conveyed something. That makes me happy, and I can’t help but grin a little.



“Alright, good, Tougo. Just keep smiling like that!” (Fay)


“Yep……” (Tougo)



 Even if I didn’t want to smile, I would have done it anyway, because I have a place to go back to, I have support here, and that’s why I’m able to go on adventures. …which is really fun!



 That night, I just made a list of all the different things I wanted to do.


 I want to go to different places and paint. I want to paint pictures of people and things.


 I also want to do sculpture. I’m a little interested in design. I want to try it. Also, textiles. Lila does indigo dyeing, so I’m interested in that too.


 I also want to do crafts. Even if it’s not even art. I just want to keep polishing a piece of wood until it becomes sooth and round, or a metal plate until it becomes a mirror. It might also be fun to make my own writing and drawing materials. I know bamboo pens exist. I’ll try to make one.


 And then, the first step toward it… is magic painting.



 I have something I want to draw.


 It’s a big, grand painting… like the murals in the Royal Castle.


 I want to paint something like that.


 However, I don’t know if I can draw anything in front of a wall. I would have to start with architecture, because I would have to prepare the wall in the first place.


 Fortunately, buildings appear when I draw them. But then I have to think about what kind of building to create, and what design it has.


And above all, the mural to be painted on it! Oh, what shall I paint? If I could paint a big, grand picture on a wide, wide wall… there are so many things I want to paint, I can’t help it!


 …In the end, I could hardly sleep that day.


 There were so many things I wanted to do, so many things I wanted to make, so many places I wanted to visit, that one night was not enough.


 When I looked out the window and saw that it was almost dawn, I hurriedly crawled into bed…


 …the view outside the window was like that, like it was painted only in shades of indigo. The sky is indigo, and the shadows of the grass and trees are indigo, almost black. The sky is slightly white, and the edges of the sky are a pale indigo, and the objects illuminated by the light appear to be slightly tinted. …That’s the view. It looks like I painted it with the paints Lila gave me.



“That’s a nice view.” (Tougo)



 Looking at the beautifully colored scenery, I started to get excited again.


 …Indigo is the color of the world that is about to begin. That’s how it felt.



“So, I’d like you to teach me magic painting in earnest soon…” (Tougo)



 the next day. Naturally, I was feeling sleep deprived. But for now, I’ll consult Lila. To take the first step, I must first practice magic painting in earnest.





“Eh, are you okay? Magic painting uses a lot of magic power, you know?” (Lila)



 Lila said that… and looked into my face with concern.



“Well, you can’t overdo it, okay? It’s the same with magic power, but it also uses physical strength. I guess it’s because you have to concentrate hard. Once I draw even one small canvas, it got to the point where I don’t want to move anymore. Well, if you draw a large picture, you won’t be able to paint magic paintings for several days… You’ll use up your physical strength doing farming, right? Is it okay to use your magic and physical strength after that?” (Lila)



 …I see.


Maybe it’s no good…



T/N: Ha! As if Tougo will lack magic power. He’s the new Forest Spirit. I doubt he’d be tired after painting giant murals. I hope Tougo leaves a lot of otherworlders speechless with his art.



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