Black Cat Chapter 207: The Man Who Never Grows Up

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 As I was walking out of the research building toward the school gate, I met a group of students returning to the dormitory after classes.


 Among them was a female bearkin student who approached me at a trot. It was Olivier.



“Mr. Nyango, your left eye…” (Olivier)


“Yes, I’ve made accomplishments in the royal capital. As a reward, I was healed.” (Nyango)


“Good, I am really glad…” (Olivier)


“Woah, hey… Olivier.” (Nyango)



 Olivier picked me up in the middle of the hallway leading back from the school building to the student dormitory.


 There are students around me who are heading to the student dormitory just like Olivier, so I stand out and feel embarrassed.



“What are you doing, Nyango! You bastard, get away from Olivier!” (Miguel)


“I’m not doing anything, I’m the one being held. Look closely, Miguel.” (Nyango)


“Noisy, quickly… what happened to your left eye?!” (Miguel)


“I received treatment in the Royal Capital, do you have any complaints?” (Nyango)


“Sure I have. Once your eye is healed, give me back the flour I gave you!” (Miguel)


“What are you talking about? That was something I received as a token of gratitude for saving a pitiful child who was crying out and was about to be eaten by kobolds. Moreover, it was the village chief who gave me the flour in the first place, and you just brought it to me. You didn’t give it to me.” (Nyango)



 I was discussing the possibility of creating a new industry in Atsuka village with the village chief until just now, and now the grandson of the current village chief, who may become the village chief in the future, is telling me this… It really makes my head hurt.



“Noisy! You dare speak to me with that mouth. Lower your head until it touches the ground and start greeting me again! You stupid cat!” (Miguel)



 The village chief seemed to think that he would become a little more decent once he entered the school and started living in the dormitory, but after a year, he still looks like he has made negligible change.



“*Sigh* …even after going to Ibouro’s academy you haven’t changed at all. Olivier, please put me down.” (Nyango)


“Alright……” (Olivier)



 I patted Olivier on the shoulder and asked her to put me down, but Miguel gritted his teeth showing that he didn’t like the way Olivier was obeying me.


 Thanks to Miguel’s ranting, the students are gathering around us.



“This bastard… don’t get carried away.” (Miguel)


“In the first place, I am someone who has already left Atsuka Village and moved to Ibouro. There is no reason for you to criticize me.” (Nyango)


“Shut up, I’m the man who will become the village chief of Atsuka in the future.” (Miguel)


“You can still not be the future chief, right? Oh right, I went to the capital and met Horacio.” (Nyango)


“What…” (Miguel)



 At the mention of Horacio’s name, Miguel’s body trembled.



“He was just as rugged as Professor Mendez, and he able to shoot powerful wind magic.” (Nyango)


“Well, so what…?” (Miguel)


“He was blessed with my roommates in the order, and everyone was encouraging each other and doing their best, so I think he’ll be able to become a knight without any problems.” (Nyango)



 When Miguel was in Atsuka Village, he and his entourage bullied Horacio, which is an easy thing because he was timid.


 Hearing that Horacio is working hard as a knight apprentice, Miguel’s fire immediately cooled.



“Whatever, even if Horacio becomes a knight, Nyango, it has nothing to do with you. You need to change your language toward me!!” (Miguel)


“You’re the one who needs to change your language, Miguel.” (Nyango)


“What is this… huh?” (Miguel)



 When I took out my guild card from my pocket, Miguel had a confused look on his face.



“Miguel, do you know which emblem has the winged lion?” (Nyango)


“It is the Royal Crest.” (Miguel)


“That’s right, this guild card is only given to those whose achievements have been recognized by the Royal Family.” (Nyango)



 Seeing the Royal Crest on my card, the students who had gathered began to make noise.



“Uh, that’s a lie! There’s no way you would be recognized by the royal family, you’re a swindler!” (Miguel)


“Are you an idiot? Forging a guild card is a serious offense, and using the Royal Crest without permission is even worse. I wouldn’t go to the trouble of making such a dangerous item and showing it off, would I?” (Nyango)


“Uh, shut up!” (Miguel)


“Miguel, do you understand what the letter A here means?” (Nyango)


“Uh, that’s a lie… I’m sure it’s a lie…” (Miguel)


“Miguel, do you understand the meaning of the name Nyango Elmer written here?” (Nyango)



 It’s been about a week since we returned from the Royal Capital to Ibouro, and although it’s still not too hot to be sweating, Miguel is sweating profusely, even though the Huleys are past their flowering period.


 I thought it was an overly informative card when I picked it up at the guild in the Royal Capital, but it seems to be useful.



“What’s the matter, Miguel? If you don’t understand, I’ll tell you. This is the proof that I, who protected Princess Elmerine without inflicting letting a single scratch reach her when the venue of the ‘Nest Leaving Ceremony in the Royal Capital was attacked, was inaugurated as an honorary knight by His Majesty the King, received the family name of Elmer and was promoted to an A-rank adventurer!” (Nyango)


“Don’t be ridiculous… how can I trust such a tall tale?” (Miguel)


“Are you sure you’re saying that? Denying this card means denying not only the guild’s system but also His Majesty’s actions.” (Nyango)



 Miguel is trembling and shaking, turning red, turning blue, and changing color like a traffic light.


 I think he is going to collapse if I push him any further, so I’m going to give him a break.



“Miguel, from now on, you are prohibited from calling me Nyango. When you call me, call me Sir Elmer. Do you understand?” (Nyango)



 Miguel opened his mouth but just nodded silently.



“The only reason you could be so arrogant is because you are the grandson of the village chief, and you haven’t accomplished anything on your own. If you are angry with me and want to get back at me, work hard and accomplish something on your own. If you have time to pick a fight with me, work on improving yourself.” (Nyango)



 I waved my hand like shooing away a stray dog, and Miguel clenched his hands tightly, stumbled past me, and after five or six steps, he ran off.


 Tears of unbearable frustration were falling from his eyes.



 As Miguel started to run, the students around us all burst into laughter.



“Hahahaha… Well, you just had to run away without saying anything back.” (Spectators)


“It’s uncool, ‘I’m the village chief’s grandson!’… ahahahaha!” (Spectators)



 When I saw them pointing at Miguel’s back and laughing loudly, I was getting angry that I had put Miguel through it.



“Shut up! Don’t insult someone from my hometown!”



 I yelled at them as loudly as I could, and the students who had gathered around pulled back their laughter.


 Those who had been yelled at might think it was unreasonable, but I was still too angry not to say something.



 When I looked around with a glare in my eyes, the students who were laughing out loud averted their gaze and scurried back to the student dormitory.



“Um…Sir Elmer, I apologize for my actions earlier.” (Olivier)



 Olivier called out to me, her head drooping.



“Olivier, you don’t have to worry about calling me Mr. Nyango like you always have. I did this because, no matter how much time passes, Miguel hasn’t gotten over his childish self, so I just put a little fire on his butt.” (Nyango)


“Mr. Nyango, you’re so kind.” (Olivier)


“I’m not kind. I made Miguel cry.” (Nyango)


“But you got angry when Miguel was laughed at, right?” (Olivier)


“That’s just because I was angry because it seemed like Atsuka Village was being made fun of.” (Nyango)


“Is that so?” (Olivier)


“That’s right.” (Nyango)


“Hehe, Mr. Nyango is kind as expected.” (Olivier)



 I was so angry that I just let my emotions get the better of myself and yelled at all the onlookers, but if that’s what Olivier thinks, then that’s what I’ll say.


“Hey, Olivier.” (Nyango)


“What is it, Mr. Nyango?” (Olivier)


“If you don’t mind just a little bit, but could you please give Miguel ab ti of your time?” (Nyango)


“Okay, but… what should I do?” (Olivier)


“I’d like you to tell him clearly when he’s making wrong decisions, and give him a little praise when he does well. I know it’s unreasonable to ask Olivier to do something like this, but…” (Nyango)


“It’s alright. If Mr. Nyango asks, I’ll be happy to do it. In return…” (Olivier)


“I-in return?” (Nyango)


“Would you please take me to a delicious cake store again?” (Olivier)


“I understand. I’ll be busy for a while, but when I can get some time off, we’ll go together.” (Nyango)


“Yay! That’s a promise.” (Olivier)


“Ah, but how should I contact Olivier?” (Nyango)


“After class, I always return to the dormitory, so please send a message to me through the reception.” (Olivier)


“Okay, then excuse me, please take care of Miguel.” (Nyango)


“Yes, it is a promise.” (Olivier)


“Yes, I also promise.” (Nyango)



 Miguel will probably just fight back if I say anything to him, and on the other hand, I’m worried about the future of Atsuka Village as it is now, so I’m sorry, but I’m going to ask Olivier to step up for me.


I’m helping you even with this, so you should grow up a little.



T/N: Go Miguel! Wake up and become a better character. Show some character growth. You’re still young and very capable of great growth.




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