All-rounder Healer Chapter 282: MND

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“Phew~” (Rook)



 I returned to my room at the inn and plopped down on my bed.


 When I first came to this town, I was a little worried that I would be bored if I stayed here all winter, but somehow, I got a lot of things to do and became extremely busy.



“I wonder if this is what is making me happy…?” (Rook)


“Kyu?” (Shion)



 Shion was staring at my face, looking confused.


 Well, it’s better than a boring life.



“But recovery magic?” (Rook)



 I never thought I’d be teaching people recovery magic …….


 I hadn’t thought about that.


 I was suddenly told to teach someone…



“Oh! I’m sure there are experts out there! After all, the best cake is from the person that makes it, right?” (Rook)



 So, the next day.


 I went to Stella Church in the morning to talk to the priest.



“Good morning.” (Rook)


“Good morning. Will you be praying this morning today?” (Priest)


“That’s one thing, but there’s something I’d like to consult the priest. Actually, I also have the light attribute, but I’m a little lost as to how I should practice recovery magic. …If possible, I was wondering if you could tell me what kind of practice you do in your church.” (Rook)


“Hmmm.” (Priest)



 I didn’t talk about Elena for now.



“Yes. First of all, pray to the gods from the bottom of your heart.” (Priest)


“Yes.” (Rook)



 I had imagined that he would talk about that.



“Don’t let your mind be disturbed, just pray with a clear mind. Don’t let your mind be disturbed by the noises from the outside.” (Priest)



 From outside the church, I can hear the rough breathing of adventurers coming from outside the church.


 It’s been a busy morning for them.



“…you mean them?” (Rook)


“…well, that’s right. Don’t let them disturb your mind. Train your mind and offer your prayers. If you do, Lady Tessretia will surely respond.” (Priest)


“Train your mind…” (Rook)


“If your prayers are heard, recovery magic will naturally become stronger.” (Priest)



 After praying in the church, I thanked the priest and left the church.



“Prayer, huh?” (Rook)



 I crossed my arms and think.


 Well, not only in this world, but many religions are like that, right? It is important to get rid of evil thoughts or troubles in prayer, and a strong mind is necessary to do so. It’s a spiritual concept.


 But in this world, it seems that magic exists, there are supernatural beings and items, and the gods are more closely involved. It seems to me that this involves more physical and concrete techniques and experiences rather than spiritual and abstract things.


 Is it important to pray to the gods? Or is it important to train the mind?



“Mind… Wait a second.” (Rook)



 I pulled out a bundle of notes from my magic bag and searched for notes I wrote when I first came to this world.



“Yes! Um, MND said, ‘Mind aptitude. Affects magical power, spiritual power, magic defense, recovery magic, etc.’…” (Rook)



 Before coming to this world, explanation of the parameter values seen in the white place. The words that were written in the “MND” section. This memo, which I copied while remembering it, did indeed say, “Affects recovery magic, etc.”



“Could it be that the if MND is low recovery magic cannot be used properly?” (Rook)



 I think it might be. This is it.


 MND is supposed to be “Mind”. Because her mind is weak, the power of recovery magic does not increase.


 I think of Elena.


 I have only met her for a short time, but I have the impression that she is always timid, always clutching the arm or cuff of Marisa next to her, and she doesn’t seem to have a strong mind. [T/N: I think it Should be MEN for Mentality like in Grandia II.]


 Next, I checked the PIE section.



“PIE is ‘Aptitude for piety. Affects various resistance, magic success rate, auxiliary magic, etc.'” (Rook)



 There is no mention of recovery magic here. Of course, there is the word “etc.” at the end, so there may be other influences besides what is written here.


 In other words, PIE–faith has almost no effect on recovery magic. It is a plausible hypothesis.


 If that is the case, then MND is important for recovery magic, and praying itself has little to do with it.



“If that’s the case, will training your mind improve your recovery magic?” (Rook)



 Is it that simple?


 No. Even if it were, how should I train her mind?


 Thinking things over, I went to the Adventurers’ Guild to see if there were any recovery requests, and then returned to the inn.



You’re up early today, aren’t you?” (Brydon)


“I thought I’d go back to my room and do some thinking.” (Rook)


“Oh, you’re talking like a scholar, aren’t you?” (Brydon)


“…I’m thinking about something that might be harder than being a scholar.” (Rook)


“I see, I see.” (Brydon)



 I greeted Mr. Brydon at the reception desk and entered the room.


 I put my luggage and Shion on the bed and sat cross-legged on the bed.


 The thing is, I can’t think of any other method at the moment, I’ll think about it a little bit based on this hypothesis.



“For now, I’ll start with Mind Unification, okay?” (Rook)



 In most martial arts dojos, including our dojo, there is time for Mind Unification.


 After that, we start training, and after the training is over, we calm down our minds by practicing Mind Unification. It was like a rule and became a routine, so even now, when I do physical exercises, I somehow do Mind Unification.


 I don’t know if Mind Unification can train the mind, but I am sure that it is one way to achieve a focused mind.



“For now, I’ll try various methods that I know, and let her do what seems good.” (Rook)



 Let’s start with Mind Unification and try it a little myself.


 Closing my eyes and folding my hands lightly in front of my stomach.


 I inhale and exhale heavily, and at the same time, let go of any thoughts in my head.


 I inhale and exhale again. Again, take a deep breath in and out.


 Relax while continuing to take deep breaths. As the noise around me faded and my mind became more focused, I began to feel the magical power in my TanDen, which I had never felt before on earth.


 I still cannot get used to this sensation, which I have never felt on Earth. Perhaps because I am not used to it, my consciousness is pulled in that direction.


 Somehow, I tried to slowly rotate the magic power in my TanDen. Then the magic power began to rotate irregularly, unsteadily, and slowly. I add pressure to it and try to make it rotate the way I want it to. Then, the force was suddenly released as if I had grabbed a ball with an oily hand, and the movement became erratic again.


 I try applying pressure again to correct it. Failure. Again. Failure–



“Kyu.” (Shion)


“Hmm?” (Rook)



 Before I knew it, Shion was on my lap and was tapping my face with his front paw.



“Hm~? Oh! Is it already lunchtime?” (Rook)


“Kyu.” (Shion)



 It seemed that a long time had passed there while I was concentrating.



  I was so focused on playing with the magic inside my body that I think I ended up going in a different direction than the original Mind Unification, but… well, it’s okay. I was able to relax and focus.






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