Black Cat Chapter 101: Communication?

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 The pottery workshop carriage returned to the town of Ibouro and went straight to the guild.


 In front of the guild, Naebro went up to the coachman’s seat and took the reins, and Ivor said he was going to report with us.



“Three orcs and a herd of more than 20 goblins… an unexpectedly large number.” (Ivor)



 Along with reporting the completion of today’s escort, we would let them know that the number of monsters had increased and warn them to be careful so that no one would be injured in the clay pit tomorrow or later.


 I accompany the three from Trackers in their report.


 Fortunately, it was Jessica who was in charge of receiving Trackers’ requests, so she was able to complete my report with me.



“Then Mr. Nyango came in to support you, right?” (Jessica)


“I mean, I just backed up Bellucci a little and chased the goblins.” (Nyango)



 Personally, I didn’t want Trackers’ evaluation to go down, so I intended to appeal that I wasn’t working much, but it didn’t work with Ms. Jessica, the guild employee.



“*Sigh*… Mr. Nyango, there are only a handful of people in Ibouro who can accurately chase twenty or more goblins from such a distance. I know there were far more, and I won’t lower Trackers’ evaluation, so it’s okay.” (Jessica)



 That’s fine then, but you don’t have to look at me with such a confounded look.


 Ivor also gave the three from Trackers credit for doing a good job, and they were paid a bonus for preventing unexpected monsters.



“There seem to be a lot of monsters this season, so I know it will be difficult for you guys to take on requests on your own, but please hone your skills and take requests as our escorts again.” (Ivor)


“Yes, thank you very much!” (Karlot)



 We were able to complete the escort without anyone getting hurt, and the three of the, who worked so hard were properly recognized, so that settles the matter.


 After the report, Karlot, who had received the reward, invited me to the tavern.



“Nyango, we’re going to have a small celebration, do you want to join us?” (Karlot)


“I can join you?” (Nyango)


“Of course. You saved us and especially Bellucci, let me buy you a drink.” (Karlot)


“Okay—” (Nyango)



 Before I could finish and say, “Let’s go…,” I heard a seductive voice in my ear.



“Alright~ let’s go.” (Leila)


“Meooow……Ms. Leila.” (Nyango)



 I wondered how in the world she can creep up on me from behind and pick me up again by surprise.



“I can join you, right?” (Leila)


“”“Of course!””” (Trackers)



 The three from Trackers answered in unison with big smiles on their faces.


 Well then, so your intention is to offer me as a sacrifice and get closer to Ms. Leila, huh?



“Ms. Leila, I’ve been out and about all day, and I’m covered in dust, and I must really smell.” (Nyango)


“Well, I’ll give you a good bath later.” (Leila)


“That means I have to wash you too, right?” (Nyango)


“That’s right. Every. Corner.” (Leila)


“*Sigh*…I understand.” (Nyango)



 With no Shure around, I don’t think I can escape, so I’ll be the sacrifice so the three from Trackers will have a good time.


 I mean, I am bending backward for everyone else, huh??



 That’s right if even I put up with it, everyone will just settle down…



“Yummeow! What is this? Crispy batter, tender and creamy inside, yummeow!” (Nyango)



 As usual, my seat is on Ms. Leila’s lap, and I’m being fed food with an “aah”.


 The fried food was hot and freshly fried, but Ms. Leila made sure it was cooled down by blowing it for me.



“Guess what it is?” (Leila)


“Hmm… what could it be, fish milt?” (Nyango)


“It’s fried sheep.” (Leila)


“Eh, sheep, how? Sheep… Sheep… no way, brains?” (Nyango)


“Correct, do you not like it?” (Leila)


“Yummeow, we took its life to become food, so I have to eat it properly. Fried sheep’s brains, yummeow!” (Nyango)



 It was my first time eating it, but it had no smell, and the balance with the herbs mixed in the batter was perfect, yummeow!


 I have never had this dish in Atsuka village, but I heard it is not uncommon in Ibouro.



 As we head into winter, Atsuka village will have more snow days, and we will have to make do with the food we have stored up until spring.


 When I told him that it was not unusual for my family to share a slice of salted fish and a small potato with the rest of the family, I pulled them back and said,



“No, after I became able to use magic, I caught Forest Mouse and fish, and our diet became better.” (Nyango)


“Nyango must have had a hard time… Yes, ahhh…” (Leila)


“No, it’s normal in Atsuka… Ahhh… Yummeow! What is this, tender, crunchy, yummeow!” (Nyango)


“That’s stewed orc ears.” (Leila)


“Yummeow! Orc ears are yummeow!” (Nyango)



 I talked to the three from Trackers, and they told me that food is normally available in Ibouro, even in winter, although the number of vegetables and fish is pricier.


 Well, my family was poor, but it seems that the food situation in Atsuka village was also poor.



 Now that I have joined Chariot, I can earn a lot of money, which was unthinkable when I was in the village, and I will bring money to my parents’ house before the village is closed off because of the snow.


 If I just want to bring money, I can go there with my off-road bike, but in Atsuka village, even if I have money, things to buy are scarce, so I will have to bring them souvenirs.


 It might be a good idea to rent Chariot’s wagon and pay Gad a daily allowance to go to the village.


 If I take my brother with me and show that he is doing well, my mother will be relieved.



 If I go back to the village, I should also bring some souvenirs for Grandma Carisa and Mr. Zeol.


 I should also discuss this with my brother back at the base.



“Hey, Nyango. Why did you go to the request with these three today?” (Leila)


“That’s… because I messed up a bit…” (Nyango)


“Speaking of which, it looks like the guild didn’t give you a reward when you went with us.” (Karlot)



 The three from Trackers seemed to be wondering why I hadn’t received any reward, and they were insisting on knowing the story, but I shouldn’t honestly tell them that I broke the iron target.


 I thought of a suitable reason… but Ms. Leila pursued the truth from me.



“Hmm, what did you actually do? Tell me honestly.” (Leila)




 Ah, ah, your voice… against my ears, don’t scratch my ears…



“Well, I destroyed a target in the shooting range…” (Nyango)


“What, if that’s the extent of it, you should have just paid for a similar straw man.” (Karlot)



 Naebro nodded at Karlot’s words, but Bellucci stared at me with his eyes wide open.



“If it wasn’t a straw doll, I wonder what Nyango destroyed…” (Leila)



 Oh, oooh…… Ms. Leila, you’re fingers…


 After being told by Bellucci, who had come out of his freeze, that what I was using was an iron target, this time Karlot and Naebro froze.



 No, I wonder if Ms. Leila is stroking my throat and astonished at my half-liquefied state.



“Hey, Nyango, what of magic did you use?” (Leila)


“That’s, I’ll tell you later…” (Nyango)


“Oh, a secret between just the two of us? That’s fine.” (Leila)



 No, it’s not a secret between the two of us since I’ve already told Ms. Jessica, but I’ve already lost all strength from my body, and I don’t have the energy to deny it.



“Nyango… I thought you looked a little cool when you were standing on the hood of the carriage and giving us instructions…” (Kalot)


“Yeah, there’s none of that here…” (Bellucci)



 Hey, no, neither Karlot nor Bellucci has ever tasted Ms. Leila’s betting technique, so they can still say that, but they’re really going to be a puddle once they have a taste.



“Now, Nyango, what would you like next?” (Leila)


“Mi, milk…” (Nyango)



 My throat is getting parched, so I need a drink.



“Eh, why is Ms. Leila drinking… mew…” (Nyangfo)



 Mouth-to-mouth with Ms. Leila… I do enjoy watching the reactions from the three from Trackers.


 However, the aura of curses pouring down from the seats around us is extraordinary.



“I’ll kill you, pussycat, I’ll kill you someday…” (Jealous Adventurer)


“But if I hug that pussycat, I’m indirectly hugging Ms. Leila, aren’t I?” (Jealous Adventurer)


“I see. If I kiss that pussycat…” (Jealous Weirdo Adventurer)



 No, no, no, please don’t even pursue those disturbing thoughts.


 I have no taste for cuddling and kissing macho adventurers.



“Do you want more?” (Leila)


“Umm, I can drink the rest on my own…” (Nyango)


“Nyango isn’t being spoiled anymore…” (Leila)


“Eh, no… mew…” (Nyango)



 Even without Shure, isn’t this a little overkill, Ms. Leila?


 I mean, I’m sure this story will be passed on to Shure along with some exaggerations.



 If I don’t get my brother’s coat and tail fluffier soon, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.



 I mean, I feel that my chastity is in crisis…





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