Black Cat Chapter 104: Village Event

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 The morning after returning home, Shure and I joined the goblin nest subjugation.


 Last year, I was not part of the group, but rather a liaison to inform the village of any unforeseen events that might occur.



 I mean, I’m going to show Mr. Zeol how much I’ve grown in the past year since I left the village and have been active in Ibouro.


 I’ve been working hard since this morning to show him how good I am, but the eyes of the old men in the village are glued to Shure.



 She is a rare female adventurer from Ibouro and also a B-ranked adventurer, so it is no wonder they are so interested.


 She is also quite good-looking and stylish, the type of person you don’t see in the village.



 I proceed about three meters high on [Step], keeping a wary eye on my surroundings and occasionally observing the old men, their completely lost in rubbernecking.


 I hope they don’t get into trouble with their wives later, but if they do, I hope it will be after I leave for Ibouro.



 Today, the subjugation will be carried out at the place I scouted before leaving the village.


 There is a stream nearby and many walnut trees that bear fruit in the fall, so the goblins used this cave as a den last year.



 I thought that if goblins build nests here every year, we should block the cave, but looking for a group that you don’t know where they are and going to a place where you are sure they are, is a different effort.


 This cave is a goblin vacation house, so to speak.



 About fifty meters before the cave, in the shade of a rock, Mr. Zeol, who was walking in the lead, gave the signal to stop.


 Sure enough, there were two goblins sitting at the entrance of the cave, acting as guards.



“Mr. Zeol. Is it okay if I scout the inside of the cave for a moment?” (Nyango)


“Hou, you become able to do such tricks?” (Zeol)


“Naturally, Nyango is super talented.” (Shure)



 The old men of the village are looking at Shure who boasts my accomplishments.


 The old men probably think they know me better than she knows me.



“15, 16… 29, 30, 31. If we count the guards, there are 33.” (Nyango)


“Hmm, that’s a little more this year. Well, what we do is the same…” (Zeol)



 The subjugation of the goblin’s nest is first opened by Mr. Zeol throwing a short spear to kill the guards, then smoking out the cave, and then the old men waiting at the entrance will defeat the goblins coming out with their spears.



“Mr. Zeol. Is it okay for me to kill the guards?” (Nyango)


“The goblins in the nest will come out, so can you finish them off without making a sound?” (Zeol)


“Probably… even if they shout out loud, I won’t let anyone escape from the cave.” (Nyango)


“If you can do it without letting the goblins in there escape, go for it.” (Zeol)


“Understood. Then… [Lightning].” (Nyango)



 The goblin on guard stretched his body in boredom.


 There, I deployed a powerful lightning magic circle.



“Giiii…” (Goblin)



 The electrocuted goblin screamed for a moment, stiffened violently, and stopped moving.


 The exit was sealed with [Shield] just in case, but the goblins inside didn’t seem to notice.



“Nyango, what did you do?” (Zeol)


“I defeated it by paralyzing it with my newly learned lightning magic circle, but please make sure to kill it just in case.” (Nyango)


“Okay. Let’s go…” (Zeol)



 At Mr. Zeol’s signal, the group approached the cave, their footsteps silent.


 Mr. Zeol stabbed the fallen goblin with his spear and ordered the old men of the village to smoke the cave.



“Mr. Zeol, is it okay if I drive them out as well?” (Nyango)


“I don’t mind, how are you going to drive them out?” (Zeol)


“I’m going to burn them from the back of the cave.” (Nyango)



 I already know the shape of the cave with my detection particles, and I’m ready to launch a massive fire magic circle at the very back.



“Then I’ll hunt them down…” (Shure)


“You alone?” (Zeol)


“Yes, this is my first joint work with Nyango…” (Shure)


“We’ve already teamed up at parties many times, haven’t we?” (Nyango)


“Yes, we’ve done it many times in parties, but it’s just us two now…” (Shure)


“Okay, well, I’ll need you guys to cover for her in case she misses one.” (Nyango)


“Muu, Nyango is such a tease…” (Shure)



 Last night, Shure washed Mother and Sister with the soap she brought with her, let me dry them fluffy with the void magic dryer, and she slept with them in her arms.


 The futon would have overflowed, so I temporarily laid out a carpet in the back room that I had bought to put in front of the fireplace, on which Shure, my mother, and my sister spent the night in.



 Both my mother and sister looked extremely annoyed, but since Shure was my colleague and a bit tough-looking, they gave up and let Shure do what she wanted.


 I guess she had recharged her vitamin catkin, so let’s give her a workout.



 Shure, standing at the entrance, nodded toward me and I triggered a huge [Burner] at the back of the cave.



“Gigyaaaa…” (Goblins)



 Startled by the flames and heat that suddenly erupted, panicked goblins rushed out the cave.


 Shure, standing in front of the entrance, hid her presence, and killing intent, fade away, as if there was only a black shadow there.



 The goblin that had leapt out of the dark cave into the bright outdoors might not have been able to recognize Shure’s figure.


 Shure swayed, sliding between the goblins and swinging her dagger like a dancing fan.



 The goblin that ran past Shure stopped, startled by the sight of the old men holding spears, then fell to the ground, blood gushing from its neck.


 The goblin ran out of the cave and collapsed dead between Shure and the old men, never to get up again.



 It took less than 10 minutes for the 31 goblins nestled in the cave to be subjugated.


 Shure returned at a leisurely pace, blood flicked away before wiping her dagger back into the scabbard at her waist.



“What a surprise. Is there really no turn for us?” (Old Man)


“I don’t know how she managed to get rid of the goblins, but that young lady is amazing.” (Old Man)


“I wonder if all B-rank adventurers are that good…” (Old Man)



 As I gathered up fallen leaves and firewood and began to build a fire, the old men began to talk about the skill and sharpness of Shure’s daggers.



“Ora, you guys. Start cleaning up immediately. If we finish early, we’ll clean up another place.” (Zeol)



 With a pat on the back from Mr. Zeol, the old men in the village began to dispose of the goblin corpses.


 Those with earth attributes dug a big hole and piled up firewood in it.



 After removing the magic stones, the goblin’s corpse will be piled up on firewood and set on fire later.


 I also wrapped myself in a protective suit with void attributes and helped take out the magic stones.



 Thanks to our split work, it took less than an hour to remove all the magic stones.


 After that, we will burn the corpses and bury them in the ground, but we don’t have enough firepower for the incineration.



 So, I surrounded the area around the burning goblin corpses with a void magic wall and attached a chimney and air ducts.


 On top of that, I stacked fire magic circles and wind magic circles and activated a high-powered [Burner].



“Woah, Nyango, are you the one doing that?” (Zeol)


“Yes, this will finish burning them faster.” (Nyango)



 With a gurgling sound, the flames circulated and reduced the goblin corpses to ash.


 The chimney for the discharge was built high so that the flames would not erupt and spread to the surrounding forest.



 I imagined a crematorium kiln, but the temperature seemed to be higher than expected, and in no time at all the goblins were turned into black charcoal, which was further burned and drifted out of the chimney as white smoke.


 The kiln is made of void attribute and is transparent, so you can see the inside of the kiln, which is quite gruesome.



 Well, it can be fixed by not looking at it, but it’s my first time and I don’t know what will happen, so I need to keep an eye on it.


 After an hour, the goblins were reduced to white bones and ashes. Once I burn them to this level, I don’t have to worry about attracting other monsters.



 While I incinerated the bodies, those who could use earth magic dug up the soil around the area where the goblins had been dismantled to remove the smell of blood, while others sprinkled the cave with wormwood powder to repel monsters.


 The ashes and bones of the incinerated goblins were buried in the ground by those who could use earth magic.



“All right, after a short rest, we will head for the next nest.” (Zeol)



 After a lunch break, we headed to another cave.


 This cave was inhabited by a group of kobolds.



“Nyango, how many are there?” (Zeol)


“14, 15… There are 17 in the cave. And…” (Nyango)


“Oh, they must be the ones that were out hunting, hmmm… seven more.”



 While I was observing the cave where the Kobolds were nesting from a short distance away, a group of them returned, apparently having killed a deer.



“What are we going to do? Mr. Zeol.” (Nyango)


“When they return, the guards will move inside. Then we will approach them.” (Zeol)



 When the group that had gone hunting entered the cave, I sealed the entrance with [Shield].



“Nyango, I need you to drive them out again. You guys get ready, it’s our turn to show our skills.” (Zeol)



 This time it was not Shure, but the old men of the village who surrounded the cave exit with spears at the ready.


 They were all used to taking down Kobolds and were eager to show Shure how good they are, so I knew they would be fine, but I had to control the Kobolds so they wouldn’t move too quickly and start flying off.



“Then let’s get started!” (Zeol)


“Yeah, now!” (Nyango)



 I could hear the panicked cries of the Kobolds as I fired up a massive [Burner] at the back of the cave.



“Gauu!” (Kobold)


“Kiyii, Kiyii, Kiyii…” (Kobold)



 Kobolds in video games and cartoons are often portrayed as lovable, but the real Kobolds are nothing but fanged beasts.


 When I set up a funnel using [Shield] at the exit of the cave, the speed at which the kobolds came out of the cave dropped dramatically, and the number of kobolds was at a pace that the old men could take them down with ease.



“Here we go!” (Old Men)


“Leave it to me!” (Old Men)


“Uraaaa!” (Old Men)





 In about 40 minutes, we had successfully killed a pack of 24 Kobolds.


 After removing the magic stones, disposing of the corpses, and cleaning the cave, we returned to the village after the western sky had turned red.





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