Black Cat Chapter 150: Super Vibrating Blade

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 When they saw Chariot’s carriage returning to the town of Ibouro, all the people on the street turned their heads.


 This was a natural reaction since the carriage was carrying a Rock Turtle as big as a small sedan.



 We entered the guild through the back gate, and then took the carriage to the purchasing area. Laius and Shure headed to report on the completion of the request, while Gad, Serge, and I remained at the purchasing area.


 Normally, I would follow along with the report, but today I can’t leave Rock Turtle because I’m attaching a weight reduction magic circle to it.



“You’ve brought down something outrageous again.” (Bearkin)



 A burly old bearkin wearing a long leather apron looked at Rock Turtle and said to Serge.



“How’s it going, Lowell? I’ll give you a good price for it, look at the shell, not even burned.” (Serge)


“Well, I’ll give you a fair price for it, but… Does this wound come through the back?” (Bearkin => Lowell)


“Oh, yes. It’s coming from the side of the neck, out the hind leg.” (Serge)


“I’ll have to check and see what condition the magic stone is in before I can make an assessment.” (Lowell)


“Well, I’ll help you unload it, so you can get it out of there and assess it.” (Serge)


“You… Don’t say it so easily. How long do you think it takes just to split the shell open from the top and bottom?” (Lowell)


“Then, shouldn’t you start early?” (Serge)


“Well… I’ll gather a cart and some men, so wait a minute.” (Lowell)



 Lowell the bearkin seems to be the chief of the guild’s dismantling division.


 Lowell returned with four large carts for transportation and about ten of his subordinates.



“Okay, let us take it down. It’s heavy, so be careful. One-two… Huh?” (Lowell)


“What’s this, Chief? It’s not heavy at all, ain’t it?” (Dismantler)


“Maybe the shell is hollow.” (Dismantler)


“No, no, that’s strange. No matter how you look at it, it shouldn’t be this light.” (Lowell)



 Of course, it is because it has a weight reduction magic circle attached to it.


 It probably weighed about a quarter of what it should have.



 Once the Rock Turtle was settled on the carts, Serge gave the signal.



“Nyango, you can release it now.” (Serge)


“Got it.” (Nyango)



 As soon as the weight reduction magic circle was released, the carts made a creaking sound.



“Woah, what’s going on? What is this, Serge?” (Lowell)


“Our very talented member had cast a weight-reducing spell on it.” (Serge)


“Seriously… I don’t think the carts will break. Hey, let’s move it quickly.” (Lowell)



 After dropping off the Rock Turtle, Gad heads back to the base with the carriage.


 My brother and Miriam went home in the carriage together to take care of the horses.



 As Rock Turtle was carried to the dismantling are by a 10-man team, a line of onlookers formed behind.


 The dismantling area, located behind the guild, has a large window so that visitors can watch the dismantling from the outside.



 When a rare monster like a Rock Turtle is brought into the guild, the guild aims to show the dismantling process so that adventurers can understand its weaknesses.


 Since Serge and I were representatives of the party that brought the Rock Turtle, we were allowed to enter the dismantling area.



 After setting up the Rock Turtle at the dismantling site, Lowell first brought out a heavy-duty-looking machete and hammer.



“When dismantling a turtle-type monster, the first thing you do is separate the shell into upper and lower parts. …Well, let’s give it a try.” (Lowell)



 Lowell seemed to intend to split the side of the shell from the base of the front leg to the base of the hind leg.


 He placed the machete on the front side of the hind leg shell and began banging it with a hammer, but the blade of the machete didn’t seem to be making any progress.



 Bam, bam, bam… Lowell swung the big hammer with his log-like arms, but the shell didn’t seem to be cracking as it should.



“Damn, it’s so hard. Go, go, go!”  (Lowlell)



 Even though Lowell swung the hammer about a hundred times, the rock turtle’s shell was only cracked by about 15 centimeters.


 In addition to its hardness, the rock turtle seems to have the properties of polycarbonate.



 Even though it is freezing cold today, beads of sweat are still beading Lowell’s forehead, trickling down his cheeks and dripping from the tip of his chin.


 With a shell nearly ten centimeters thick and three and a half meters long, it was a daunting task.



“Hey, try sawing in from the front.” (Lowel)


“Yes!” (Dismantler)



 A young cowman in charge of dismantling the cattle began cutting them with a saw, but he, too, did not seem to be making as much progress as thought.



“Hey, this is going to take until midnight.” (Dismantler)


“Stop your whining, you’re dampening my mood!” (Lowell)



 Lowell seems to be frustrated by the slow progress of the work, though he continues to swing the hammer.



“Serge, I’ll try to help out.” (Nyango)


“You say you’re going to help… Is it some kind of new magic circle?” (Serge)


“Yeah, well…” (Nyango)



 With Serge, I walked over to the other side of the room where Lowell and the others were working and tried out the new magic circle.



“Okay then, [Super Vibrating Blade].” (Nyango)



 I had almost given up on the super vibrating blade, but a change of ideas led to the creation of a prototype.


 In order to increase the frequency of the oscillation magic circle, it is necessary to increase its thickness.



 Since a blade of such thickness to achieve super-vibration would not be usable, it was made into a spear-like shape by incorporating it into the handle.


 If I combine a vibrating element that vibrates at 30,000 times per second with a carbide-like blade compressed to its limit, I get…



“Oh, what’s going on, Nyango?” (Serge)


“I’ll explain later… I’ll try cutting it now.” (Nyango)



 It doesn’t cut like butter, but the super vibrating blade cuts through the Rock Turtle’s shell like a spoon through clay.


 In the process, I changed blades twice and was able to cut one side in about ten minutes.



“That’s unbelievable… What’s going on, Serge?!” (Lowell)


“There’s no way I can explain it if you asked me. Ask Nyango. Hey Nyango.” (Serge)



 Surrounded by burly men in charge of dismantling, I explained the super vibrating blades while demonstrating on the other side that remained.



“Then, if I have a magic tool shop make the same thing you are making with void magic, I will be able to cut through hard shells and bones, right?” (Lowell)


“Hmm… Theoretically yes, but I wonder if it can be made…” (Nyango)



 A super vibrating magic circle is like making a Kintaro candy with a vibrating magic circle. [T/N: Kintaro Ame or Kintaro candy is a hard candy with an image on the cross section. Doesn’t have to be, Kintaro, the folk hero.]


 Can we make a magic circle with complex patterns in the shape of a long tube?



 In my previous life, in Japan, there would be a way to do it using a 3D printer, but I feel like it would be difficult to do it manually.



“I see… It’s the magic tool shops who make the tools. They will make it if it’s worth the money, and the harder the request, the more stubborn they are. Well, I’ll just ask.” (Lowell)



 It seems that the Caritalan Trading Company is about to receive a troublesome request, but it’s not my fault, promise.


 Now that the shell was separated into upper and lower sections, the dismantling of the Rock Turtle could begin in earnest.



 Four people wielding knives, scraping off the stuck flesh and peeling off the shell.


 Once the shell was removed, all that remained was the meat and organs, which were being cut into smaller and smaller pieces until finally the part with the magic stone came into view.



“Good for you, Serge. It almost didn’t make it.” (Lowell)



 It was fortunate that the hunting ground where I killed the rock turtle was gently sloping down toward the pond, and my blow had barely grazed the upper side of the organ that contained the magic stone.



“Shell, magic stone, meat, liver… Chariot is going to make a killing.” (Lowell)


“It’s definitely because of the amazing Lord Nyango.” (Serge)


“Serge, can you eat Rock Turtles?” (Nyango)


“Of course. It’s peak delicious. You’ll have a great time at the party tonight.” (Serge)


“Seriously!? Meyeah! let’s finish the assessment quickly and then go back to the base and change clothes.” (Nyango)


“Wait, wait, don’t rush. The Rock Turtle can’t run away anymore.” (Serge)



 Serge says so, but in order to avenge the Malurs, I will have to eat it. [T/N: Nyango the Glutton.]



“Nyango, Rock Turtles make for delicious stews.” (Serge)


“Stew!” (Nyango)


“That’s right, stewed. Rock turtle simmered until it becomes soft is the best.” (Serge)


“Stewed… Soft… The best…” (Nyango)


“So, I’ll need you to hold on until tonight.” (Serge)


“Nyuuuuu… I understand.” (Nyango)



 If it’s yummeow, I have no choice, if it’s the best, I have to put up with it.


 I’m a mature adventurer, so I can properly hold out until tonight. [T/N: Riiight~]



 The Rock Turtle is cut into pieces, placed on a scale, weighed, and temporarily stored in the guild’s refrigerator.


 The amount that will be paid is calculated by multiplying a predetermined price by the weight, based on the condition of the turtle at this point.



 The value of the shell as a material is also calculated, taking into account its size, thickness, damage, and other factors.


 In the end, the price of the Rock Turtle was almost five times that of a Black Orc.



 After all, it seems that the shell is highly valuable as a material for armor.


 It is said that if the shell is processed and inscribed with magic circles such as anti-physical and anti-magic magic circles, shields can be made that are less than half the weight of iron shields, but have the equal or greater strength.



“Don’t you think Gad would want one?” (Nyango)


“I don’t think he would want it. When you hit a man with a shield, the heavier the shield is, the tougher it will be.” (Serge)


“I see… If it’s just armor, the lighter the better, but if you think of it as a weapon, then it needs to be heavy too.” (Nyango)


“That’s the thing. Now, let’s go back to the base and take a break. Aren’t you tired from using magic all day?” (Serge)


“It’s true that I’m a little tired, but… Rock Turtle stew is waiting for me.” (Nyango)


“Alright, alright, so go take a bath and then get some sleep. It won’t run away, so it’s going to be alright.” (Serge)



 Serge says dismissively, but it’s not every day you can get a Rock Turtle, and I can’t let it get away.



 Praying that we could eat the stew safely, I returned to the base with Serge, who was beaming at the high valuation.




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