Black Cat Chapter 203: Until We Meet Again

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 After lunch, I thought about leaving the academy and returning to the Lagart family mansion, but a thought occurred to me and I headed south.


 I turned my attention to the training ground for apprentice knights.



 I thought I had already said goodbye to Horacio and his roommates on the day we walked around the city, eating and shopping and sightseeing, but when I realized that we were leaving the city tomorrow, I wanted to see him again.


 Adventurers and knights are not the safest of professions.



 Before the “Nest Leaving Ceremony”, I had never seen people die, but the subjugation of the Bronze Wolf, the subjugation of the Wyvern, the attack on Flos Village, the attack the other day… I saw many people die. I’ve witnessed it all.


 I myself was attacked by kobolds, the wyvern, and the Anti Noble Faction.



 There is no guarantee that we won’t be attacked on our way back to Ibouro, and even Horacio, an apprentice, has a non-zero chance of being attacked if he goes to the field.


 If possible, I would like to say goodbye to each other after we both grow old and become grandfathers, but even if that doesn’t happen, I don’t want to leave any regrets.



 I wanted Horacio to see me in this knight’s uniform, inaugurated as an honorary knight, even if it was only for a glance.


 Just as there was an entrance ceremony at the academy, there seemed to be an induction ceremony at the knight’s apprentice training facility.



 The knight apprentices are those who have been recognized for their high level of magic power at the “Nest Leaving Ceremony” in various places, so unlike the academy, this one seemed to be crowded with people, similar to every other year.


 It seems that relatives of the chosen ones gathered from towns close to the Royal Capital to see them make their grand entrance, and there were many people near the gate of the training center.



 I was about to walk up to the reception desk, thinking that if an induction ceremony had been held, there would be no training today and I might be able to meet Horacio more easily than I thought, when a line of cavalrymen appeared from inside.


 The wave of people split to the left and right, and the one who emerged, rocking on the back of a sturdy-looking warhorse, was the Knight Commander, dressed in a dark red knight’s outfit with gold ornaments.



 I had sent him a thank-you note for bringing me back from the entrance hall of the Royal Castle, but I wanted to thank him in person.


 As I stepped out of the crowd, which was divided into left and right, the Knight Commander stopped his horse in front of me.



“Sir Ambris, thank you very much for your help the other day.” (Nyango)


“No, no, Sir Elmer saved my son’s life, that much is a small price to pay. Have you come all the way to thank me?” (Ambris)


“No, my childhood friend from Atsuka Village is here, and I wanted to visit him before I leave the Royal Capital tomorrow.” (Nyango)


“That’s right, knights and adventurers are both dangerous jobs. I hope you will meet him when you can.” (Ambris)


“Yes, thank you.” (Nyango)



 The knight commander instructed a soldier at the reception desk to escort me to Horacio’s place.


 The soldier who guided me, a dogkin, asked me to shake his hand.



 Many of the soldiers working in the Royal Capital came to the Royal Capital as apprentice knights and were hired as soldiers after they had been rejected.


 Although their path as knights had been cut off, they still had a chance to be inaugurated as honorary knights if they made contributions, but very few of them were actually inaugurated, and to be honest, they were about to give up.



“Hearing of Sir Elmer’s success has restored hope to all of us. Thank you.” (Dogkin)



 The dogkin soldier is also practicing magic again, starting from the basics.


 I felt a little sorry that I had become an honorary knight in such a way, as if leapfrogging past those who were making such steady efforts.



 The further I went into the training ground, the more I began to attract stares from people around me, and I began to hear words like “Indestructible” and “Magic Gunner.


 I was somewhat embarrassed, but I felt that it was wrong to greet them so I followed the soldier who was guiding me with my chest out.



 The building where Horacio and the others were living was a one-story barracks without a hint of decoration, and was deserted, although I expected to see some burly older brothers hanging around inside.


 The training itself seemed to be closed, but most of the trainees were out practicing on their own.



“Apprentice Horacio conducting independent training at the shooting range!” (Horacio)



 Apprentices are said to leave their dormitories after declaring where they are doing what they are doing, except on holidays.


 There is a running track that is designed to be a field to train their legs and hips, a fighting area, a strength training area, a swimming area, and a shooting range.



 The first three years of training at the training camp are said to be devoted to physical training.


 On the way to the shooting range, I was allowed to take a peek at the other training facilities, where the trainees were very serious.



 Those who were fighting in the fighting arena were also impressive in their speed and power, although their movements were crude.


 Compared to Mr. Zeol and Shure, the quality of movement may be a notch or two below, but there is a fear that if you get hit once, it won’t just be a bruise.



“What do you think? Would you like to join?” (Dogkin)


“It’s outrageous, I am on my knight uniform given to me by His Majesty, so I’ll refrain from dirtying it.” (Nyango)


“Forgive me, you are a magician, Sir Elmer.” (Dogkin)


“No, no…” (Nyango)



 Apparently, people think I can’t fight physically, but I’m confident that if I use my physical strength, I’ll be able to put up a fight that’s more than equal.


 However, I would like to have a few days to reduce my weight.



 The shooting range where Horacio was supposed to be conducting voluntary training was built underground at the back of the premises.


 It was about 20 meters underground, 80 meters wide, and 300 meters deep.



 The reason why it was built underground was to prevent stray bullets from accidentally flying into people’s places, and many trainees were silently shooting magic.


 What was interesting was that a fire-attribute person and a water-attribute person were teaming up and shooting magic at the same target alternately.



 They were cooling the target with water because even an iron target would not be able to withstand the heat after endlessly alterenating shooting fire magic and water magic.


 Although it was a voluntary training, a knight acting as an instructor was teaching at the shooting range.



 It is said that this is to avoid causing a commotion, such as hot-headed apprentices shooting magic at each other, which could lead to a major accident if their hands get out of control.


 Before I could find Horacio, I was spotted by the instructor who was teaching him.



“You must be Sir Nyango Elmer. What brings you to this dreary place?” (Instructor)



 I am not sure why, but I sense hostility in the words of the knight acting as an instructor.



“Please excuse me while I’m training. A childhood friend of mine from my hometown is here as an apprentice, and I wanted to meet him before I leave the capital tomorrow, that is why I came here.” (Nyango)


“Huh, childhood friend…” (Instructor)



 I feel like the instructor’s hostility has eased a little because I bowed my head and greeted him.


 Then, before I knew it, the trainees had stopped when they heard the exchange between me and the instructor.



“Who is Sir Elmer’s childhood friend?” (Instructor)


“Yes, Sir! It’s me!” (Horacio)



 The voice that answered the instructor’s call was so stern and firm that I couldn’t believe it belonged to Horacio.



“Come here and state your name.” (Instructor)


“Yes Sir, I’m Horacio, and I’m a third-year apprentice starting today, Sir!” (Horacio)


“Okay, Horacio. Show Sir Elmer the result of your daily accomplishments!” (Instructor)


“Sir, yes, Sir!” (Horacio)



 He nodded vigorously at me and showed his back to me, raising his right hand in a broad gesture toward the target.



“Wind!” (Horacio)



 When Horacio swung down his right arm vigorously, the steel target, which was set up about 200 meters away, shook with a loud bang.


 Considering the distance to the target, the speed of the wind attack magic must be considerable.



“Continue, fire ten times!” (Instructor)


“Yes Sir! Wind, wind, wind, wind…” (Horacio)



 Each time Horacio swung his right arm, the iron target made a loud noise and trembled, as if it were about to be blown away.



“Sir Elmer, what is the matter?” (Instructor)


“Eh… ah, this is…” (Nyango)



 I was crying without even realizing it.


 The other day when we met again, I was surprised to see how much his body had grown, but seeing him firing off a series of attack magic at a level that would undoubtedly rank him at the top of the Ibouro guild, I was happy to see how much Horacio had grown.



“I’m sorry… I’m just so happy…” (Nyango)


“Horacio, you have permission for a conversation with Sir Elmer at standby!” (Instructor)


“Sir, thank you, Sir!” (Horacio)



 As I was wiping my eyes, embarrassed by the tears I had shed, Horacio walked up to me and lifted me up.



“Come on, I’m not a child…” (Nyango)


“Nyango, have you seen my magic?” (Horacio)


“Ah, I saw it properly, you did your best, didn’t you?” (Nyango)


“Yeah, I’m not good at fighting, running, or swimming, so I worked hard on magic.” (Horacio)


“I see, but if it’s you, Horacio, you’ll be even stronger. You’ll be better at fighting, running, and swimming.” (Nyango)


“Nyango…” (Horacio)


“I’ll leave the capital tomorrow and return to Ibouro. After that, I’ll go back to Atsuka Village, so I’ll tell Horacio’s parents that you’ve been doing well.” (Nyango)


“Nyango… we’ll see each other again, right?” (Horacio)


“Idiot, it’s expected. Horacio and I will be bragging about each other after we become old men. Until then, do your best, accomplish a lot, and stay healthy.” (Nyango)


“Yeah, I promise.” (Horacio)


“All right, Horacio, now I’m going to show a magic I’m proud of, so don’t miss it and keep your eyes wide open.” (Nyango)



 I asked Horacio to take me down and asked the knight who acted as an instructor.



“Excuse me, but do you mind if I break that target?” (Nyango)


“Huh, would you like to show off your skills as the ‘Magic Gunner’? That target is specially made with Engraving Magic that makes it resistant to magic attacks. If it can be broken, you can break it.” (Instructor)


“What’s behind the target?” (Nyango)


“Huh? What’s behind the target…?” (Instructor)


“Yes, I thought the back area should be durable if it were to break through.” (Nyango)


“Haha, it’s impossible to break through, but there are three thick walls made of clay, and beyond that there is a steel wall twice as thick as the target. There is no need to worry about the training ground breaking or collapsing, so you can fire your magic as hasrd as you like.” (Instructor)



 As for me, I checked just to be sure, but it seems I’ve offended the instructor.



“Nyango…” (Horacio)


“Why are you looking so worried? Just take a good look. Just like Horacio, I’ll do a single shot followed by ten rapid shots…” (Nyango)


“Okay…” (Horacio)



 Since Horacio was showing me the best he could do at the moment, I had no choice but to respond with mty best.



“Here I go!” (Nyango)



 The attack, a strengthened version of the magic circle that had finished off the wyvern, left a heavy thud shot through the center of the iron target, blowing away the earthen wall behind it.






 When the immediate next ten shots were also fired in a barrage, the iron target was shredded to pieces.


 When the reverberations of the attack subsided, the underground firing range became as quiet as if it had been covered by snow.



“Did you see, Horacio? This is my attack magic.” (Nyango)


“It’s… amazing, Nyango! Amazing, amazing, amazing!” (Horacio)


“Whoa, idiot, put me down…” (Nyango)


“Amazing, amazing, Nyango you’re amazing!” (Horacio)



 I was being held up by Horacio and swung around in a very high position, while the instructor froze with his mouth gaping open.


 Of course, you said I could break it if I could, so please take responsibility for the rest.



 After this, Horacio’s peers, who had finished their voluntary training, asked me a lot of questions in the cafeteria, and then they decided to return to the Lagart family compound.


 Horacio came to see me off at the gate of the training center.



“Then stay well, Horacio.” (Nyango)


“Yeah, I’ll definitely become a knight and catch up to you, Nyango.” (Horacio)


“Then next time we meet, we’ll both be knights.” (Nyango)


“Yes, Nyango should be doing well. Let’s go out together again.” (Horacio)


“Ah, instead of that, please be able to guide me properly next time.” (Nyango)


“Okay. I’ll go find some delicious restaurants.” (Horacio)


“Yeah, that’s a promise.” (Nyango)


“Yeah, promise.” (Horacio)



 After shaking hands with Horacio, I started walking toward the Lagart family mansion.


 No matter how many times I looked back on the way, Horacio continued to wave at me from the gate. 




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