Black Cat Chapter 222: First Glimpse of the World (Part 1) (Caballero)

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A/N: This is what happened to Caballero, the former Anti Noble Faction.



~Caballero’s Perspective~



 For the first time in my life, I worked out physically.


 I had seen a large-bodied race of people working out, but I had never thought of trying it myself.



 No matter how hard I trained, there was no way a catkin could compete with other races in terms of strength.


 I felt that if it was useless to train, it would be a waste of time to train.



 However, losing one arm and one leg, I couldn’t do anything but move at a sluggish pace, clinging to my cane.


 I don’t think I will ever be able to run as fast as I did before I lost my leg, but I started working out so that I can at least walk as fast as other people and move at least as fast as I can.



 Inside our hideout, I put my hands on the wall and repeatedly made squats and push-ups.


 Until then, my weight had been supported by both legs, but now I was supporting it with just my left leg, so after twenty repetitions my legs started to shake, and after forty repetitions I was no longer able to stand up.



“Damn, this is what happens just by me crouching and standing up…” (Caballero)



 I lie down on the floor and massage my trembling legs.


 The old men in the pioneer village were complaining about their backs and knees hurting, but now I’m even trembling harder.



 While lying on the floor, I try to raise my upper body with only my right arm.


 I was on the floor not only on my knees but also on my thighs, but after ten repetitions of getting down and up, my arm began to tremble.



 Things aren’t going the way I want them to at all, and I’m getting frustrated and angry, but I can’t think of any other good ideas.


 The next day, I couldn’t move my arms and legs anymore, because they hurt just by bending and stretching.



“How pathetic, why did I have to be born a catkin…” (Caballero)



 In a fit of anger, I slammed my cane against the wall, and it broke in two.



“Dammit…” (Caballero)



 I was horrified as I tried to throw away the remaining cane in my hand.


 Now that I was inside the hideout, I could get a piece of wood to rebuild the cane, but if this were in the city or in the middle of a grassy field, I would have to crawl back to get around.



 When I still had my limbs, I would have been able to throw a tantrum and feel self-loathing when I made a mistake, but with my body, it could have been fatal if I did something dumb.



“No good, I need to stay calm, or I won’t survive…” (Caballero)



 As I used my knife to carve a piece of wood and remake my walking stick, I decided to change myself.


 Until now, I have lived my life swallowing my anger at being treated unfairly.



 But when I joined the Anti Noble Faction and discovered that it was okay to vent the frustration, then I discovered that there were catkins who were active as adventurers, then I ate an orc’s heart and my magical power increased, then I became able to defeat even goblins… and so I probably couldn’t control myself.



“Calm down. You’ve got power, but it is not overwhelming… Don’t get carried away… Act calmly…” (Caballero)



 I worked out, practiced magic, and at night I slept in a wooden box in the hideout, fastening the lid with string.


 This is a precaution in case monsters were to enter the hideout.



 During the daytime, I would use magic to kill the small goblins and kobolds that appeared near their hideout to obtain magic stones, and then eat their stinky, tasteless meat to sustain my life.


 It seems that it is not only my imagination that my body gains strength when I eat meat.



 Once I had accumulated ten magic stones, I decided to leave the hideout.


 I had almost no food left, so I decided to register as an adventurer with the guild and sell the magic stones for money.



 Once I had my guild card and gold, I would set out for Lagart territory.


 Of course, I am anxious, but I am also hopeful.



 My fur color changed, and I have lost one arm and one leg, so they won’t think I’m the one who attacked the nobles.


 I will bring down the hammer on the nobleman who left Count Grobrus to prey on us, and on the black catkin adventurers who wag his tail for them.



 I am willing to stab them in the back if that is what it takes.


 I packed the magic stones I had gathered into a cloth bag from our hideout and set out for the adventurers’ Guild in the village of Kaya.



 Kaya Village is a collection point for the grain harvested in the Grobrus area, and from here it is transported to various locations.


 The cargo being transported means that there is work to be done to protect it, and the adventurers’ guild in Kaya is said to be the largest in the territory.



 I had heard that the guild was crowded in the morning and evening, so I chose a time a little before noon, but people were coming and going without pause.


 I stepped inside the guild, careful not to get kicked out, but those who noticed me scowled and avoided me.



 Some of them even clicked their tongues out at me, which immediately made me feel unwelcome.


 I was at a loss in front of the counter, not knowing where to line up, when a smirking man approached me.



 The man, a deerkin with a slender sword at his waist, was about twice as tall as I was.


 He was in his mid-twenties and looked about the same age as I was.



“Hey, trash. You stink, get out of here.” (Deerkin)



 I could hear chuckles all around me, but I couldn’t go home.


 If I don’t register as an adventurer, I have no way to survive.



 I could not think of the right words to say, so I silently shook my head.


 The deerkin adventurer’s smile faded from his face, and a deep crease appeared between his eyebrows.



“Tsk, don’t bring any trouble here…” (Deerkin)


“Stop that!” (Receptionist)



 Judging by the way he was walking, I knew the adventurer was going to kick me, but a woman in a guild uniform intervened.



“Violence against members of the public will be punished. Are you sure you want to do that?” (Receptionist)


“Tsk, I was just making sure to clean up the trash properly.” (Deerkin)



 The adventurer, perhaps thinking it wasn’t worth it to antagonize the guild staff, left the guild with a few words of excuses.



“I am terribly sorry.” (Receptionist)


“Well… um… you helped me.” (Caballero)



 The rabbitkin staff member asked me with a big smile on her face, even though I was dirty.



“What can I help you with today?” (Receptionist)


“I want to register.” (Caballero)


“Oh, are you registering as an adventurer?” (Receptionist)


“There’s no other way… no other way for me to live.” (Caballero)



 The staff member looked at me with pity for a moment, but then shook her head and bowed slightly.



“Excuse me. I see you’re here to register. Please come this way…” (Receptionist)



 I was shown to a seat at the very end of the counter, where the top was one level lower.


 The other counters were too high for me to see the top of the counter, but here I could do the procedure without having to climb up.



“I’ll be in charge today, my name is Meelis. Please fill out these documents.” (Receptionist => Meelis)


“Ah, writing is…” (Caballero)



 It’s not that I can’t read or write, but I’m not confident because I’m afraid I’ll make mistakes.



“Shall I write for you?” (Meelis)


“Please.” (Caballero)


“Then let us start with your name.” (Meelis)



 When I was asked my name, I was confused for a moment.


 I decided to use an alias, because if I called myself my original name, Caballero, I would not be able to enter the Viscount Lagart’s domain,



“Jello.” (Caballero)


“Mr. Jello, is it?” (Meelis)



 After that, I was asked about my address, age, magical attributes, etc.



“Now, could you please place your hand on this crystal ball?” (Meelis)


“Eh?” (Caballero)



 The crystal ball I placed my hand on emitted a strong red light.



“Amazing… not only do you have a fire attribute, and your magic index is 374.” (Meelies)


“Is that good?” (Caballero)


“That’s about three times the average adult male. Even as an adventurer, that puts you in the higher level.” (Meelis)


“I, I see…” (Caballero)



 I never thought that my magical powers would be ranked among the higher level even as an adventurer, but for the first time in his life, I was recognized as above average, and my cheeks loosened with joy.



“So, Mr. Jello, could you please use this needle to provide a drop of blood?” (Meelis)


“This much?” (Caballero)


“Yes, that’s fine.” (Meelis)



 When Meelis performs some operation, my magic pattern and blood are input and registration is completed, apparently.



“Mr. Jello, I’ll take one silver coin for registering you…” (Meelis)


“I don’t have any money… but I do have magic stones.” (Caballero)



 When I put the bag I was carrying on the counter, Meelis’ eyes widened in shock.



“These are the magic stones of goblins and kobolds. Did Mr. Jello subjugate them?”  (Meelis)


“Yes, is there a problem?” (Caballero)


“No, there isn’t. Do you mind if I bought all these magic stones?” (Meelis)


“Yes, I’ll sell them all.” (Caballero)


“The total comes to one gold coin. Would you like to put it in the bank?” (Meelis)


“Eh……?” (Caballero)



 The Goblin and Kobold magic stones sold for a much higher price than I expected.


 I had never had any gold coins or savings in my life, so I didn’t know what to do.



“I knew it would be inconvenient to have no money on hand, so I left two large silver coins and ten silver coins on hand and deposited the rest, is that alright?” (Meelis)


“S-sure…” (Caballero)



 Meelis efficiently processed my savings and put a large silver coins and silver coins into a leather bag.



“This completes the registration process, but do you have a moment, Mr. Jello?” (Meelis)


“I have time…” (Caballero)


“Then please come over here.” (Meelis)



 Meelis took me to the bathing area.



“This is?” (Caballero)


“Here’s soap. If you add a little water to this powder it will foam, so please wash your body with that. Use this brush to wash your back well, and then rinse with water. I’ve prepared some cloths here to dry your body with and some clothes to change into, so please dry yourself off thoroughly before changing.” (Meelis)


“Why… why are you even bothering doing this? Is it out of pity?” (Caballero)


“No, Mr. Jello, you have completed your registration and are now an adventurer belonging to this guild. Our job as staff is to maintain the quality of the adventurers who belong to this guild.” (Meelis)


“Are you going to clean up the trash?” (Caballero)


“No. It’s to stop people from calling anyone trash.” (Meelis)



 Having my twisted words and rejecting with a straight look, I was reminded of my own inferiority complex.



“What should I do after I get changed?” (Caballero)


“I’ll be at the counter. I will give you your money and card.” (Meelis)


“I understand.” (Caballero)



I knew that if I continued to act any more twistedly, I would only end up looking more pathetic, so I decided to obediently wash my body as I was told.



T/N: Come on Caballero. This is a hand you can grab on to. Take it and change then go and pay for your crimes. Nyango will be so proud if you become a model for criminals who changed their lives.

Good thing you didn’t hurt Nyango. I would have lost all sympathy to give.




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