Black Cat Chapter 90: Call from the Guild Master

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 The guild card that my brother had registered with his spare money was mixed up with the debt contract.


 Since he will be living at Chariot’s base for the time being, he heads to the guild to change his registered information.



“Nyango, it’s embarrassing, so please do something…” (Fawkes)


“You’re getting martial arts training, give up.” (Nyango)



 After the morning practice was over, Shure washed my brother whole and I dried him with warm air.


 When I said I was going to the guild, Shure, who insisted on accompanying me, was holding my brother.



 I could see the pathetic expression on my brother’s face as I walked high on [Step] so as not to get kicked off by people on the street.


 At this rate, I’m sure he’ll get jealous stares from adventurers who don’t meet many women, but, well, good luck with that.



 Since I visited at a different time, the guild’s morning rush hour had already passed.


 As we headed for the counter, Ms. Jessica spotted us and stood up to greet us.



“Good morning, Mr. Nyango. I heard you were very active yesterday.” (Jessica)


“No, it just so happened that the odds were in my favor.” (Nyango)


“No, of course not. Nyango is super talented…” (Shure)


“Yes, of course, I know that.” (Jessica)


“Yeah, that’s good…” (Shure)



 I mean, I don’t know why Shure is so proud…



“Mr. Nyango, do you have a few minutes after this?” (Jessica)


“No, you are not allowed to flirt with Nyango…” (Shure)



 So why does Shure answer… Is she really asking me out on a date?



“No, it’s not me, it’s the Guild Master who wants to meet you…” (Jessica)


“The Guild Master?” (Nyango)


“Yes… Could you meet him?” (Jessica)



 Shure, who had unintentionally looked at me even though she was the one who had done it, had a reluctant expression on her face for some reason.



“He’s not a bad person, but he’s… bothersome…” (Shure)


“‘Yes, I think I understand somewhat from what you just said. Ms. Jessica, what does the Guild Master want from me?” (Nyango)


“He said he wanted to hear the details of yesterday’s incident… but I believe that was just a front and he wanted to see Mr. Nyango since you were interesting…” (Jessica)


“Eh… Are you sure?” (Nyango)



 Shure nodded many times confirming Ms. Jessica’s words.


 That said, since he’s the person who manages the Ibouro guild, it’s best not to sour his mood.



“Well, I don’t have anything particular to do today, so that’s fine. But first, I would like to ask you to change my brother’s registration information.” (Nyango)


“Is this person Mr. Nyango’s older brother?” (Jessica)


“Yes, he will be living with us at Chariot’s base…” (Nyango)


“Excuse me. I’d like to see your guild card, please.” (Jessica)



 The brother, who had just registered and had yet to accomplish any requests, was of course an F rank, and his attribute was earth.


 I thought he was indifferent because he didn’t know anything about my magic, but when I thought about it, I didn’t know anything about his attribute either.



 If it were fire or water, it would still be useful, but the earth attribute is a very simple attribute.


 If he were a big man like Gad, he would be able to use earth-attribute magic to gain a foothold and show his strength as a vanguard, but as a catkin, no matter how strong his foothold is, he will end up being thrown.



 I have never seen my brother use magic, and since he is a catkin, his magic index must not be high.


 I thought magic would help my brother in his search for a job, but it seems a little out of the question.



 I’ll have to discuss this with my brother, but I may have to feed him goblin hearts in some cases.


 I wanted to bring Shure and Brother to the meeting with the Guild Master, but Ms. Jessica said it was just me.



“I’ll take care of Fawkes…” (Shure)


“Thank you.” (Nyango)


“Nyango…” (Fawkes)



 My brother looked at me as if he wanted help, probably because he had been washed thoroughly after morning practice, but I decided to be kind here and let Shure take care of him.


 Then I walked to the guild’s second floor with Ms. Jessica leading the way.



 On the way to the Guild Master’s room, Ms. Jessica asked me about my [Step].



“Mr. Nyango, doesn’t using that magic ever tire you out?” (Jessica)


“This? I use it on a daily basis, and the only area that is hardened is where my feet are, so I don’t feel tired or anything.” (Nyango)



 [Step] continue to be upgraded and improved day by day, so that they now only hardened to about the same size as the shape of my foot.


 [Step] can be activated without conscious thought anymore, and there is absolutely no worry about missing a step.



 Even if I was asked to run 100 meters above the ground as fast as I could, it would be a piece of cake now.


 So, I am thinking about flying soon.



 I have flown with a hang-glider before when I ate a goblin heart, but that was a fool’s errand, almost suicidal due to its momentum.


 Now that I have the propulsive power of the wind magic circle, I am thinking of a way to fly all the way back to the village of Atsuka.



 However, since flying is always accompanied by crashes, I plan to conduct experiments after taking sufficient safety measures.


 Ibouro’s Guild Master’s office was located at the far end of the second floor.



 Ms. Jessica knocked on the heavily constructed door and called out.



“It’s Jessica. I brought Mr. Nyango.” (Jessica)


“Come in…” (Guild Master)



 From the other side of the door came a reply in a deep, mellifluous manly voice.


 I thought it was indeed strange to meet him in mid-air, so I lowered [Step] so that it touched the floor, and I dove through the door that Jessica opened for me.



“Excuse me…” (Nyango)


“Hello, you must be Nyango. I’m Cordobas, the Guild Master.” (Cordobas)



 The Guild Master of Ibouro is a blond lionkin with tousled hair and the appearance of a king of beasts.


 It seems that he is slightly over 180 centimeters tall, and you can tell that he is not an ordinary person just by the way he stands up from his chair and walks.



“Nice to meet you, I’m Nyango, a D-rank.” (Nyango)



 His right hand is as thick as a glove, indicating that he is not a person who has been working at a desk for a long time.



“Well, sit down and make yourself comfortable. Jessica, get us some tea.” (Cordobas)



 He speaks softly, but his resonant, low voice adds weight to his words.



“I’ve heard of your exploits so far, starting with the subjugation of the Bronze Wolf. Yes, I have seen your match with Bode. The guild is truly grateful to have a promising young adventurer like Nyango on board.” (Cordobas)


“No, I am just a young adventurer who has just begun his career.” (Nyango)


“The guild is very grateful to have a young adventurer like Nyango, who is just starting out as an adventurer. From watching you, those of the same age group are inspired to do the same. It is essential for the guild as a whole to have someone like Nyango to raise the level of the guild.” (Cordobas)


“I don’t think I’m such a big deal, but I’m glad I’m being of service.” (Nyango)


“Now then, can you tell me about yesterday’s commotion? For the time being, we have received reports from the soldiers who are guarding the school, but please tell me about the event as someone who was actually there.” (Cordobas)


“I understand. It all started the night before last with a person who came back from the slums…” (Nyango)



 Concealing the fact that the source of the information was my brother, I told him about the discussions at Chariot’s base, the notification to Professor Mendez, and what happened after the raid started, chronologically.


 The Guild Master stopped at various points and asked for more detailed explanations, but since I was not able to see the whole picture, there were some questions that I could not answer.



 In the middle of his explanation, the Guild Master got up from his seat and brought out a metal cylinder that was on his desk.



“The magic gun they were using, what do you think of it?” (Cordobas)


“I’m not sure how I should feel about it, but yesterday is the first time I’ve seen a magic gun… And it looks a bit shabbier than I thought it should be.” (Nyangop)


“Hahaha… shabby, it’s definitely shabby. I tried shooting it at the guild’s training ground, but it didn’t even have half the power of a decent magic gun. Besides, it is an inferior product that will eventually explode if you keep using it.” (Cordobas)


“E-explosion… the magic gun itself is going to explode?” (Nyango)


“Yes, there is a possibility that the magic circle will break, and the gun will stop working, but it is more likely that it will go out of control and explode.” (Cordobas)


“So is it a prototype or something?” (Nyango)


“Hmm, it seems like it’s from someone with a decent brain. Well, this is probably a prototype in the process of making a decent magic gun. If we look down on it as an inferior product with no power, a new one with improved performance will eventually come out. And they will be available in large quantities at a much lower price than the magic guns we have seen so far.” (Cordobas)



 Having memories of a previous life in Japan, I am familiar with the process of transition to mass production.


 If more powerful guns are made in large quantities and spread throughout the underworld, the world will become a dangerous place.



“But why are you telling me this?” (Nyango)


“A connection.” (Cordobas)


“Connection… is that it?” (Nyango)


“You heard about the attack from the man you rescued, and when you went to report it, you got involved… This is the one that was at the scene. So you have a connection with this magic gun.

I don’t know if it will be a connection or a rotten relationship, but sooner or later you will run into this magic gun, or something related to this magic gun again. So I have a story to tell you. If your gut tells you something, let me know. It’s a nasty thing to have this on the loose.” (Cordobas)


“I understand. If I overhear anything that concerns this, I’ll come and let you know.” (Nyango)


“Thank you, Nyango.” (Cordobas)




 The Guild Master pinned me with his glowing eyes and fierce bestial grin.





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