Dream Life Chapter 36.2: “The Forest”

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 After three days of practice, Hector gives us permission to go to the west forest, which is relatively safe.


 We entered the forest with Hector, Guy, and Will.


 I put on a leather hat and carried a small backpack with a canteen and other supplies, and a dagger on my hip. Basically, I was not going to fight, so I was only wearing it for the sake of being a man of a knight’s house.



 When it was time to leave, Dan and Mel shouted that they were going with me, but their fathers, Hector and Guy, drove them back and they were steadfast.


 I made a mental note to follow up with them tomorrow, and I left Castle Hill following the three adults.



 After leaving Castle Hill, we headed straight down south and continued on the road that runs along the south side of West Hill. We crossed a bridge over the Finn River and then to the West Forest.


 We departed at 8:00 a.m. and arrived at the forest in about 20 minutes.



 The purpose of the three of us today is to scout the West Forest.


 They regularly look for traces of monsters and try to find out if there are any dangerous monsters approaching the village.


 No dangerous monsters have ever inhabited the West Forest, but animals as small as wolves often enter the forest, so vigilance is essential.



 We have been in the forest for 30 minutes. The undergrowth is tangled around my feet, making it very difficult to walk.


 The adults, who are about 180 centimeters tall, do not seem to have much difficulty, but for me, who am about 130 centimeters tall, it is quite a challenge.



 Guy, who was leading the way, took care of me and slowed down his pace considerably, but even so, it was hard to be alert to my surroundings.


 We meander through the forest in a north-south direction, starting from the east side near the village, and after an hour or so, I start to catch my breath.


 Hector says, “Master Zack, would you like to take a break?”



“Hah, hah, it’s my own selfishness, don’t mind me. I’m just asking you to slow down, hah, hah, that’s enough.” (Zack)



 I say this with rough breathing, so I am not convincing myself and the others.


 Hector also gave a wry smile and we took a short break.



 Sitting on a nearby fallen tree, I gulp water from my canteen and finally catch my breath.


 Looking around, the fresh green of May is dazzling, and the sunlight glints through the young jade-colored leaves. All around me, the sounds of birdsong and insects echoed in the air, and I could almost call it peace itself.



 After a five-minute break, we set off again.


 Gradually, the forest deepens, and large oak trees stand out among the vegetation. At the base of the oak trees, mossy rocks are covered with grass with tiny flowers.



 In my previous life, I longed to travel and witness the beauty of nature such as the Shirakami Mountains and Yakushima Island.


 And here before my eyes is a wilderness that rivals them. My heart was filled with emotion, but my excitement was quickly dampened by Guy’s words.



“These are wolf tracks. A pack of Forest Wolves… about twenty of them?” (Guy)



 I involuntarily put my hand on the dagger at my waist and looked around.


 In front of me, Guy was observing the tracks. Then he looks up and asks Hector for his opinion.



“I think they’re pretty new, what do you think?” (Guy)


“I think it’s pretty new. I’d say three days. Will, you should take a look.” (Hector)



 Will, a former farmer, is inexperienced in the forest, so he is guided by Hector and Guy, who are veterans.


 I peered at the footprints from Will’s side as if peering into the forest.


 The footprints looked like a dog’s, about ten centimeters long, but they were wider and larger than I had expected.



I muttered unconsciously, “How big is a Forest Wolf?” Guy, who had heard this, told me.



“At this paw size… it’s about 70 centimeters tall at the head and about 1.3 meters from the head to the base of the tail.” (Guy)



 Guy explained, showing me the size of the animal with his hands.



(Is it about the size of a Siberian husky? Maybe a little bigger than that… Isn’t twenty heads pretty bad?) (Zack)



 When I was thinking about that, Guy laughed and said,



“Well, it’s about two times smaller than a Gray Wolf. If they are about twenty, there’s no problem because we can defeat it with us squires alone.” (Guy)


(Is that so? There are only six squires in our company, including these three Walt, Nicholas, and Enos. Can each one of them handle three alone?) (Zack)



 Hector laughed as if my concern was evident on my face.



“Even the three of us can take down this many. There is nothing to worry about.” (Hector)



 I managed to loosen my expression and nodded, “Okay.”


 Guy took the lead and we followed the trail, but the wolves’ tracks led directly into the North Forest.



“I will change our plans and enter the North Forest. I don’t think there is any danger, but the forest will be deeper than before, so if you get tired, just let me know anytime.”



 I nodded to Hector and he followed the wolves’ tracks again.



 We continued north through the forest for two hours but gave up the chase when we entered Mount Schiehallion, a small mountain to the north.



“We’re behind the mountain, so they must have just wandered off in search of food. It’s a little early, but let’s have lunch here.” ()



 We had lunch at a place where a huge tree with a trunk diameter of over one meter had fallen.


 The tree fell during a storm three years ago, leaving a patch of sky in the deep forest. Under the bright sun, I eat a sandwich of grilled salted pork sandwiched between bread baked by Molly.



 The fat from the pork spreads in my mouth, adding flavor to the crusty bread.


 Finally, he finishes off his simple lunch with a baked pastry kneaded with honey.


 I exhale and look up at the sky to see a small bird, like a clouded sparrow, soaring through the air.



(It’s so peaceful. It is just like a picnic with Mel and the others.) (Zack)



 As I looked around thinking this, I saw Hector holding up his bow.


 I almost raised my voice, but when I looked beyond his gaze, I saw a brown rabbit grazing about 30 meters away.



 Hector quietly aimed and without warning fired an arrow.


 The air shrieked a rustle, soon followed by a thud and a mournful whine.



 Will quickly approaches and retrieves the rabbit.


 Hector’s arrow had successfully pierced the rabbit’s flank and it was already dead. Will immediately begins draining the blood, and the rabbit’s brown fur turns red.



“Brilliant! A single shot from that distance? That’s impressive.” (Zack)



 Hector bows lightly in my praise and shows me the rabbit Will has brought.


 In my previous life, my father hunted as a hobby. Well, it wasn’t so much a hobby as a way of going along with an executive’s hobby, but I had followed him many times when I was in elementary school, and I had seen him bleed pheasants and ducks many times. And it was mine and my brother’s job to pick off the feathers of the birds we caught, so I have no aversion to these things.


 The rabbit is still a little lean, but it’s a pretty big one and should be a good side dish for tomorrow.



(The heart and liver are good. It’s a little smelly, but when you pour a sauce made from blood, red wine, and stock, it goes perfectly with a dark red wine like Schiller…) (Zack)



 I almost drooled and forced myself to pull my consciousness away from the rabbit.



 We head back to the woods to the west, and at about 2:00 p.m., we head out to the road.



“We are going back today. If you can move this much, you should be able to keep up with us, so I’ll report that to Master Govan.” (Hector)



 With Hector’s approval, we headed back to the village in a buoyant mood.


 On the way back to the village, I spot a wood pigeon perched on a tree branch. I told the three of them that I would shoot it down with magic, and Hector laughed and said, “Go ahead, do your best.”



 He seemed to think it was impossible because the distance was more than 30 meters and the tree branches would get in the way of a direct shot.


 I took it as a challenge to me and decided to aim with my specialty, the magic swallow-wing blade [Swallow Cutter].



“O Wentus, God of Wind, who commands all the winds in the world. Grant mine thy swallow-winged blade that dances in the heavens, I offer the power of mine life to thee as payment. Come forth! Swallow-winged blade, Swallow Cutter.” (Zack)




 I still don’t like chuunibyou spells, but if I don’t chant this, the amount of magic MP usage will change by about double.


 The transparent swallow I released flew as if crawling on the ground, and at once turned to rise right under the wood pigeon. The careless pigeon tried to fly away in a panic, but it was decapitated by the spread wings of the Swallow Cutter and fell, spewing blood.


 Hector and the others stared at the scene with stunned expressions.



“…Master Zack, what is that magic you just did? Suddenly, the movement changed…” (Hector)


“Swallow Cutter, you know like a swallow. They can move like them too. Guy, Sharon can use this spell too.” (Zack)



 When I said that, Guy was stunned even more than Hector.


 Later, while walking, I talked to Guy and found out that he had heard from Liddy that Sharon could now use magic, but he hadn’t heard exactly how much magic she could use, and at best she can brighten a room or move the wind. It seems that he thought that she wouldn’t even cause a problem.



 I returned to the mansion around 4:00 p.m. to participate in the evening training.


 As expected, my legs were sore from walking nearly 10 kilometers through the forest, but this was no reason to take a break from training.



 The next day, Mel and the others were also allowed to go to the forest.


 As I had hoped, the magic demonstration had worked, and Sharon, who had no skill with a sword, was allowed to accompany us.



(Sharon would not have been able to go to the forest if I hadn’t done that. I felt sorry for her, and I thought that if I showed a bit of flair, Hector and Guy would be convinced, but I really got what I wanted…) (Zack)



A/N: Next will be the day of the Zack Quartet’s Forest debut.

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