Dream Life Vol 3 Chapter 40.1: “Ball: Part 2”

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 I led Liddy, who was wearing a pure white dress, towards the table where Beatrice was waiting.


 However, there was something strange about the atmosphere there. As they approached, Dan was desperately trying to stop the young nobleman.


 The young nobleman was dressed in luxurious clothes with many threads of gold and silver, and had a gaudy, thin rapier hanging from his waist. He was a handsome man with a helmet hanging from his waist, and although he looked a little older than me, I could see a glimpse of arrogance in his expression. And he must have been quite drunk, not only his face but his neck was bright red.



“Did something happen?” (Zack)



 When I said that, Dan looked slightly relieved,



“This gentleman came to ask Ms. Beatrice… um, he wishes to approach. Well…” (Dan)



 The man interrupted Dan’s words.



“T-this beastfolk give ‘er ta meh! I-I heard tha’ she iz yah mistress…” (Drunk)



 From his slurred words, I realized that this young man was Jonas, the eldest son of the Marquis Seawell family.


 Beatrice showed a puzzled expression because of the high status of the other party. If this were an adventurer or a mercenary, she would have solved the problem with her fists, but she didn’t know what to do because she thought it would cause trouble for us, the Lockharts. Perhaps that is why she looked relieved as soon as she saw my face.



(He was a drunk of the worst kind. But let alone me, I can’t listen to him insulting Beatrice…) (Zack)



“She’s my fiance. I won’t forgive any more of your insults.” (Zack)



 I put murderous intent into my lowered voice and shot it at Jonas. However, he was completely drunk and couldn’t feel my murderous intent. He started mocking my words.



“Ya wan’t forgive meh… wat can a sec’nd son of a knight do ta meh… Ya wan’t forgive meh? …kakaka!” (Drunk => Jonas)



 Although he is drunk, he appears to be quite the criminal.


 It is true that normally a knight class could do almost nothing against the eldest son of a marquis.


 The imperial law states that if you are knighted, you can, by design, challenge a higher-ranking nobleman to a duel. However, this requires permission from the emperor. In other words, if the emperor does not give permission, it is as if nothing can be done.


 The emperor would probably not issue such a permit because he needs the support of the high-ranking nobles to maintain his power. Of course, he might use it if he is the opponent in a power struggle, but even then, if the opponent is a powerful noble, they might strike back. So, even if they use it as a threat, it is unlikely that they would actually give permission.


 Whether this is the reason or not, there are rumors that the high nobility in the capital behave arrogantly toward the knightly class and the commoners. Although it is not known to what extent this is true, it is said that they do whatever they want, for example, forcibly taking the wives of knights as mistresses and forcibly taking the daughters of knights and commoners who work in the imperial palace in their hands. It is probably not unrelated to the fact that Harrison Gunnel, who was an accomplished knight, was betrayed by a high-ranking noble, and that Desmond Gateskell, who excelled at the Imperial Academy of Advanced Studies, was unable to obtain a government position in the imperial capital.


 This time, we are dealing with a second son who is neither a knight nor his legitimate son. From their point of view, the second son of a knight’s family is insignificant.



 It is not as if the guests invited by the Frontier Count were mixed with such people, but it seems that there are people who have been already corrupted by such people.



 However, even if the second son of an ordinary knight can’t do anything about it, I am not without the means to retaliate. Of course, I do not intend to actively use the blacksmith guild, but if the other party is using their power as a cover, I have no choice but to counter attack.



“A fiancée? Takin’ a beastfolk az a wife… Hick, havin’ a lowly beastfolk az a wife… wut an idiot…” (Jonas)



 I ignored Jonas, who was still giggling, and asked Dan to go find the squire of the Seawell family. I quickly nodded and loudly shouted, “The Squire of the Seawells…!” I shouted as I began to make my way around the hall.



 The musicians did not know what to do because of this commotion and had stopped playing. This meant that they could not dance, and many of the invited guests, who were being shown the unpleasant commotion, scowled.


 There was a mass of anger beside me as well.


Liddy whispered, “Maybe I should just blow it off. It would be refreshing,” she said, raising her beautifully shaped eyebrows and looking as if she were about to cast the spell of the [Air Hammer].


 I nudge her lightly with my elbow and tell her, “No, you can’t do that.” I tell her in a whisper. She huffed disapprovingly, but she didn’t cast a spell.



“You seem to be a little drunk. Why don’t you go back to your room as soon as possible?” (Zack)



 I said, and he said something more, but I could no longer understand what he was saying because of my slurred speech. I guess it was a good thing I couldn’t hear him, because he probably said something that would have made me want to punch him.


 Beatrice makes an apologetic face as she looks at the screaming Jonas.



“I’m sorry. The ball is ruined because of me.” (Beatrice)



 Hearing those words, I firmly said, “It’s not Beatrice’s fault.” I was also a little drunk and indescribably angry at Jonas for ruining the moment.


 “This drunk…” I said as I approached him to grab his chest.


 At that moment, Dan came running in at the perfect time.



“I-I’m here, I found the Seawell family… Your Excellency, about your son.” (Dan)



 Behind him was the Marquis Seawell himself. He was in his mid-thirties, and when we greeted each other at a banquet, he treated us normally, and I didn’t have a bad impression of him.


 I knelt down on one knee and bowed my head, while Liddy gracefully lifted her skirt and pulled one leg back, bowing.



“Sir Zacharias, my son has caused you trouble. Please, allow me to apologize for this drunken incident.” (Seawell)



 The marquis bowed his head deeply as he said this. I was surprised at this behavior, which was unbecoming of a high-ranking nobleman, and could only say hurriedly, “Please raise your head.”



“I will make this fool apologize to you and your fiancé tomorrow. I will make sure to apologize in the name of the Marquis of Seawell. Will you please offer him forgiveness?” (Seawell)



 I glanced at Beatrice. She was also surprised that a Marquis bowed her head, but when I gave her a signal with my eyes, she responded with her eyes that it was enough.



“I guess he’s not used to drinking that much. If Sir Jonas promises to never touch my fiancé, I’ll just excuse it as a drunken mishap.” (Zack)



 The Marquis looked slightly relieved and gave a small nod.



“I am glad to hear you say so. But even if you have had too much to drink, there are some things you can do and some things you can’t do. If my son ever causes trouble for you again, he will be disinherited. A fool who endangers the marquisate is not qualified to bear the family name.” (Seawell)



 I was again struck dumb by his words. The Marquis of Seawell is a famous family that is related to the current emperor. The disinheritance of thre heir of a marquisate is a very serious matter politically. It was not possible that the reason for this was that he had made a pass at the fiancée of the second son of a knight in a drunken mishap.


 Perhaps this question evident on my face, but the marquis began to speak with a serious expression on his face.




“You underestimate your own value. If you were to get seriously angry and move the Blacksmith’s Guild… That is right if you were to command all the dwarves in the imperial city of Primus…” (Seawell)



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