Drawn Mochi Volume 6 Chapter 7.1: Forest, Village, And Wall*6

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 When I woke up, it was morning.


 I heard a little bird chirping. And the usual “cawing” call. It seems that the giant bird is in good spirits again today.





“What day is it now!?” (Tougo)



 The fact that I’m in a hammock before I know it means that someone has carried me there! And since I didn’t notice, I was probably sleeping! Maybe I ran out of magic!


 When I woke up in a hurry, I found myself surrounded by horses. Ah, the usual…


 I ran through the horses to the house, ran in through the front door… and right there I bumped into Laocles. His thick pectoral muscles slammed into me and I ended up on my butt.



“…Have you woken up?” (Laocles)


“Yep. Um, how many days did I sleep?” (Tougo)


“Three and a half days.” (Laocles)



 Laocles, on the other hand, who had been hit by me, had not moved an inch, said as he helped me to my feet,


 I see. Three and a half days. That means I’m not as tired! Oh…



“I was surprised. The wall came out of nowhere. The farmers were in a panic.” (Laocles)


“Ah, now that I think about it, I didn’t tell them… I wonder if they’re okay.” (Tougo)


“There were no injuries. However, even if they were shocked.” (Laocles)



 I see. Well, I guess so, I thought as I stood on my own two feet…and then I felt hungry. Seeing my face like that, Laocles seemed to sense my hunger and said with a funny smile.



“…Eat something. Even when you ran out of magic, you hadn’t eaten anything for three and a half days.” (Laocles)


“Yes. I will.” (Tougo)



 Urged by Laocles, I head to the living room. There, on a plate were pancakes that Ange had apparently made with the fairies.



“Ah! Brother Tougo!” (Ange)



 Angel’s face lit up when she saw me… and she held out the plate of pancakes to me.



“Here you go!” (Ange)


“All of this for me?” (Tougo)



 I don’t think she was expecting me to get up, so I think this was probably for someone else…



“It’s okay, Brother Tougo, just eat. The fairies are still cooking…” (Ange)



 …When I looked, the fairies were frying and stacking pancakes in the kitchen, frying and stacking them to form a tower of pancakes. From there, Lian takes some pancakes and Ange pours something like honey on top. The newly arranged plate was presented to Laocles.


 The pancakes are a little small. It’s about the size of my palm. I think this is the limit to which fairies can still flip them.


 The fluffy pancakes are drizzled with something like honey, but… for honey, the scent is a little different, or rather the sweetness is refreshing…



“…is it delicious?” (Ange)


“Yep. It’s really delicious.” (Tougo)



 The syrup soaks into the fluffy pancakes and is very delicious. …However, I don’t know the true identity of this syrup. Seeing me looked confused, Ange, a little shy told me.



“I heard that the fairies make it from the flower nectar they had collected.” (Ange)



 …Fairies do bee-like things. I see. I did not know that.


 The flower nectar collected by fairies is viscous, refreshingly sweet, and has a wonderful fragrance. What a luxurious taste. This is a magnificent breakfast.



 After eating the pancakes made by the fairy, I decided to have a cup of tea, but I found crystal fruits on the windowsill. I think Ryuu probably gave it to the bird and the bird brought it to the windowsill. …I looked out the window and there was the bird looking at me with its eyes tightly fixed on the window. Yeah, I was not surprised…


 …While being watched over by the bird, I listen to Laocles and Ms. Croix talk about the wall.



“Well, it seems like Fay and the others are a little busy right now. Because a wall appeared all of a sudden.” (Croix)



 First of all, I feel sorry for Fay when Ms. Croix told me that. …Yes, I think it’s necessary, but I felt bad for Fay.



“The farmers were also confused. They started saying, ‘Maybe the spirit is angry because we planted a field near the forest.’… Well, that cannot be, the spirit was the one who created the field. Well, I wouldn’t have even thought that was the case.” (Laocles)



Yep… I’m not angry, on the contrary, I’m the type of person who wants a farm to be built. But it seems difficult to convey my thoughts.



“Well, on the other hand, it has helped to put the forest as a source of awe. The inviolability of the forest will be protected. It proves that the forest is not silent.” (Croix)



 It would be nice if the forest and humans could get along, but I guess that would be difficult. …Then maybe it would be better to separate them with a wall from the beginning so that they have a comfortable distance between each other.



 …The farmers had built a small shrine that day. And there, there were small offerings… freshly picked fruits, bread baked with flour bought from the town of Redgarde, a small bottle of wine, and other such things.


 I took them secretly while no one was around and ate them with the bird. It was delicious. The bird seemed to like the aroma of the freshly baked bread. Yep, I like bread, too.


 However, when I tried drinking wine, I felt hot, weak, and sleepy, and just fell asleep. When I woke up, the bird was also sleeping next to me. Apparently, both me and the bird are weak to alcohol.


 And when Laocles found out that I had been drinking, he got a little angry with me. No, but it was offered to me, and I thought it would be rude not to drink…


 …In the end, I decided to tell the villagers, “You shouldn’t give alcohol to the spirit.” After that, they started offering water and juice, so I enjoyed it as well. I’m so happy.


 I was so happy that I put flowers on the ground to thank them. I also mixed a little juice of the tree’s fruit with the water that flowed out toward the field. I hope it will be used as fertilizer for the fields.



 …Thus, the wall that suddenly appeared became a bit of a hot topic.


 Not only were the farmers surprised, but also people who passed by the forest going from town to town noticed something strange about the forest. From there, the story spread. In this way, the story of the “sudden creation of the wall” in the forest spread…


 …So, tourists came out to look at the wall.



“I never thought it would become a tourist attraction.” (Tougo)




I had intended for it to become a transportation hub, and I also thought it would be great if a town could be built around the forest. However, I never expected that the wall would become a tourist attraction!



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