Metro Labyrinth Chapter 109.i.1: ” The World’s Most Reckless Challenge!”

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3rd Person Perspective



 Grand Tournament is about to begin.



 The rattling carriage moves forward, swaying at a steady rhythm.



(Right…) (Unknown)



 He looks out from the hot and humid back of the wagon and tries to dry his sweat by catching a slight breeze.



“–Well, I really want to replace my carriage with a Wanyuudou car. Recently, quite a few people in the same industry have switched to that.” (Kawahara)



 Kawahara, a merchant, a small, chubby man who was driving a horse drawn carriage, turned around and spoke to me. He looks like he is in his mid-fifties, and although his appearance is a little tired, he still looks like he is in the prime of his career. His partially bald head reflected the sunlight at the end of the rainy season.



“Well, if I had to buy a Wanyuudou car, it would cost twice as much as a horse-drawn carriage. But a wheeled cart is more maneuverable and easier to manage than a horse-drawn cart,” he said. They will eat eggshells, banana peels, and anything else they can get their hands on, and they don’t mind being treated roughly. They’re a Metro Beast, after all.” (Kawahara)


“Really?” (Unknown)


“But you know… my boss won’t let me. I know how he feels, but I’ve had to get used to it. I understand how you feel, but once you get used to it, even that human-faced starfish starts to look cute. Konno, my business rival, names each and every one of his Wanyuudou. ‘Chappie is in good spirits today.’ ‘Is Hachitaro in a bad mood?’ ‘Come on, let’s have some dried fish.’” (Kawahara)


“I hope they’ll come up with a carriage that doesn’t shake too much, whether it’s a horse-drawn carriage or a Wanyuudou car.” (Unknown)



 He was not accustomed to riding in a vehicle. Partly because of the heat, he is getting dizzy.



“Haha, I’m sorry. We’ll be at Sugamo in another hour, so please bear with me a little longer.” (Kawahara)



 They soon joined the main road and began to see other carriages in front and behind them. Some stop by the side of the road to give their horses water.



 The Sugamo Founding Festival is only a few days away. The people lined up here are tourists and the merchants who cater to them. The road running through the forest is already bustling with people as if it were a fair.



“Oops, I take back what I said before. It’s going to be a while before we get into the city. There are checkpoints.” (Kawahara)


“I guess that’s to be expected.” (Unknown)


“If you go alone, you might get there first if you get off and walk…” (Kawahara)


“No… I’m not in a hurry. I’ll be happy to join you.” (Unknown)


“That’s right. Today’s job is to get my lifesaver eat a lot of delicious food. I’ve come this far and I’m not going to say, “Do what you want”, Boss will be unhappy with me.” (Kawahara)


“Haha, thank you very much.” (Unknown)



 A few hours earlier, Kawahara’s wagon had come across a group of wild thieves.



 Although there were confirmed cases of banditry in the vicinity of Sugamo a few months ago, the central of New Tokyo considered the place to be a safe area. The fact that the bandits had attacked in broad daylight in the central area of New Tokyo was quite a surprise.



 Surrounded by ostrich-riding thieves and realizing that there was nowhere to run, Kawahara stopped his horse immediately and could only plead for his life. Then he passed by and said,



“No hard feelings, huh?” (Unknown)



 With that, he rushed out and killed half of them, including the boss-like man, using only a knife and his physical strength. He shot the other half in the back with a hypha bullet as they fled like spiders. In less than a minute, he had annihilated a group of more than a dozen bandits.



 He looked back with a friendly smile, “Are you all right?” Kawahara, who had wet his pants just a little bit, only smiled back at him.



“The guy I told you about earlier, Kono, who is also a business rival of mine, was attacked by a bandit the other day. Like you, he was rescued by a passing hunter.” (Kawahara)


“Wow, he’s a lucky guy.” (Unknown)


“I never thought that I would be in the same situation and be saved in the same way. Was it because of my good deeds, or was it the blessing of the ‘God of Threadweavers’? I also heard that the Founder will be at the next festival.” (Kawahara)


“Ahaha, I guess so.” (Unknown)



 He gave a suitable nod and returned a smile,



(Huh, strange.) (Unknown)


(Maybe I’m just being paranoid.) (Unknown)



 That’s what he thinks.


 A few hours later, the north gate of Sugamo finally comes into view. In front of the bridge over the moat, a military police officer stops passersby and carriages to check their identities and to examine their baggage.



“Hello, Mr. Kawahara.” (Guard)


“Oh, it looks busy.” (Kawahara)



 Naturally, the local guards seemed to know the merchant. They were pretty much chatting with each other.



“Yes, yes, I finally got mine too. There were some bandits on the road southeast of Itabashi.” (Kawahara )


“Huh!? Are you alright!?” (Guard)


“I thought it was finally my time to pay my tribute, but… A hunter from saved me just in time. He had come with me as an escort because he had something to do with Sugamo.” (Kawahara)



 The eyes of the local guards turned to him.



“Excuse me, but are you a hunter?” (Guard)


“Oh, yes.” (Unknown)


“Do you have your ID card?” (Guard)



 He takes it from his pocket.



“…Suginami Tribe’s Mr. Takagi…?” (Guard)


“Yes.” (Unknown => Takagi)



 The guard’s eyes darted back and forth between him and the identification card.



“Oh, I’m sorry, it doesn’t come with a picture of your face like Sugamo’s, does it?” (Guard)


“No, it’s still rare in other cities to have a photo of your face. But…” (Takagi)


“Excuse me, but your face is a little familiar.” (Guard)


“What?” (Takagi)


“What’s wrong?” (Kawahara)



 When Kawahara asked, the military police made eye contact and smiled wryly. Take out a piece of paper from his pocket.



“A while ago, there was a wanted list of people who are known to have done something wrong in this area. We haven’t been informed of the details either, but… I just thought the description of this person and your Mr. Takagi looked a little like each other…” (Guard)



 The wanted list had a face of a man in his thirties or forties wearing black glasses. His name is Kawataro.



“Oh…” He smiled wryly. “It’s true that we do look a little like each other, his hair a little different, though.” (Takagi)


“Really?” Kawahara shook his head. “He has a face that you can find anywhere, and he probably doesn’t wear those mobster-like glasses. This person saved my life, and he’s got an ID, so there’s no way he’s a dangerous person.”



 He checked his luggage just to be sure, but there was nothing in it that looked dangerous. Takagi was then shown to the gate and told, “Sorry for the wait, welcome to Sugamo.”


 Once through the gate and into the city, he exits the carriage without being noticed by Kawahara.



 The city was already bustling with activity as if a festival had already begun. Merchants are running around carrying large loads of goods to prepare their stalls, craftsmen are decorating street lamps and trees, and children are running around with grilled skewers and candy in their hands. Everyone looks hectic, happy, and joyful. He doesn’t see what he’s looking for.



 He moves swiftly through the school-of-fish-like crowd, oblivious to his presence. He enters a park close to the center of town. It is an empty area, cut off from the buildings that line the street.



 He sat down on a suitable bench while looking at the children playing and kicking the ball. Freed from the crowds, his dizziness has finally subsided, and he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.



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