Metro Labyrinth Chapter 109.i.2: ” The World’s Most Reckless Challenge!”

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3rd Person Perspective



  Once through the gate and into the city, he exits the carriage without being noticed by Kawahara.



 The city was already bustling with activity as if a festival had already begun. Merchants are running around carrying large loads of goods to prepare their stalls, craftsmen are decorating street lamps and trees, and children are running around with grilled skewers and candy in their hands. Everyone looks hectic, happy, and joyful. He doesn’t see what he’s looking for.



 He moves swiftly through the school-of-fish-like crowd, oblivious to his presence. He enters a park close to the center of town. It is an empty area, cut off from the buildings that line the street.



 He sat down on a suitable bench while looking at the children playing and kicking the ball. Freed from the crowds, his dizziness has finally subsided, and he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.



 There is a playground in the corner of the square. There is a seesaw and a swing. And there is a row of raised scaffolding like mushrooms. You can jump across the tops of them.



(I wonder what the name of that one was?) (Unknown)



 When he was a child, he used to watch from afar as other children my age played on them. After he left his hometown—there was something similar in that village.



 A girl about five years old is trying to jump. She is doing well halfway through, but she reaches a distance that she can’t reach even if she stretches her legs, and even though she tries to jump, she fails and falls down. A woman who seems to be her mother runs up to the child who is half-crying while smiling wryly.



 He realizes that he too is smiling a small smile.


 After realizing this, he smiles to himself again.



“—Hey. You’re late, Deputy Commander.” (Unknown)



 Sitting next to him is the man to whom he has – albeit tentatively – handed over his position as commander.



“Please stop, Commander. I’m supposed to be Takagi of Suginami here.” (Takagi)


“Takagi? Oh, is that your fake identity?” (Unknown => Commander)



 He-Kawataro handed over the ID he had borrowed from a corpse in a metro somewhere several years ago. The commander quickly glanced at it and chuckled, “Kuku”.



“What’s wrong?” (Takagi => Kawataro)


“…It’s nothing. Torasuke Takagi.” (Commander)



 Kawataro tilted his head, not understanding the meaning.



“Kawataro of Kappabashi, it’s a gold-colored kappa statue in Asakusa. A kappa was said to have lived in the Sumida River in the Edo period and helped with the creation of the river to repay the people who saved its life. Over there they treated them like a lucky mascot rather than a mischievous youkai.” (Commander)


“Huh?” (Kawataro)


“On the other hand, Toranosuke Takagi was a warrior in the Miyazaki region of Hyuga Province in Kyushu who had an anecdote about killing a yokai. There are paintings of him diving into the water and catching a kappa. It was a little funny to see him all alone with a yokai picture scroll like that.” (Commander)


“Huh?” (Kawataro)


“Well, I got all that from Wikipurio. I remember it all very well, such useless knowledge.” (Commander)



 Kawataro had no idea what was going on. The man often brought up such stories. This was long before Kawataro was born, long before the current country was born when this country was called Japan.



 The Asakusa mentioned earlier is probably different from Kawataro’s hometown of Asakusa. The name Kawataro, which he chose after being chased from that town, has nothing to do with being a kappa or the old tale. It is an ironic coincidence that it is the exact opposite of a mascot from Kitcho [T/N: Restaurant chain.].



“So, how did you get in so easily?” (Commander)


“Well… I had heard about the checkpoint beforehand. I had to kill some thugs and ingratiate a merchant to me, the old man was a nice guy, so I managed to get in. I was a little scared because the warrant was pretty similar to me.” (Kawataro)



 It was most likely the work of those guys who had escaped from the Rikugi Metro. It was a good thing I took off my trademark sunglasses from the Metro.



“Hyahaha, frankly, that made me laugh.” (Commander)


“It wasn’t even a few years ago, but hey, it was drawn like that.” (Kawataro)


“Well, it’s not even a portrait, let alone a photograph. With so many people coming and going, there’s no way you can identify a person with just a caricature like that. In an age without surveillance cameras or facial recognition systems, it’s just like in a spy movie where a terrorist gets into an event.” (Commander)



 He still has no idea what the commander is talking about. It’s not like the commander is asking for understanding either, so it’s fine to laugh vaguely.



“Anyway, you’re being threatened, aren’t you?” (Commander)


“Of course, they would. After all, I’ve made such a disturbing move around the neighborhood before an important festival. It’s like asking to get our faces.” (Kawataro)



 He didn’t have to take the risk of sneaking in by climbing a wall under the cover of night. For an event as important as this, they would be on high alert day and night.



“Well, it was correct that I didn’t ask you to be a courier. It would have been even more suspicious if you had been carrying such a suspicious-looking item.” (Commander)



 The commander then went through their bag. What they took out was a rough, blue-black, palm-sized sphere.


 Kawataro knows what it is. Perhaps that is why it seems to be pulsating in the hand of the commander as he gazes at it.



 “Kuku”, The leader laughs. His crescent eyes are fixed on the children running around the park, and the corners of his mouth are lifted up as if to slice his cheeks into bright red.



“…If I release this here now… It’s going to be really fun…” (Commander)



 When Kawataro realized it, the core of his body was trembling.


 Kawataro desperately tries not to show it, but instead puts a frivolous smile on his face and holds the commander’s hand.



“…Not yet, Commander. The fireworks haven’t gone off, and the special guest hasn’t arrived yet.” (Commander)



 Like a balloon on the verge of bursting, the color of the Commander’s madness subsides. Or maybe he’s just making it look like it’s settled.



“Oh yeah, there’s one more thing I wanted to show you.” (Commander)



 He puts the sphere back in his bag and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper instead.


 Kawataro takes it and looks at it, wrinkling it out.



  The black-and-white printout listed the matchups for the Grand Tournament, which was to be held in three days. The paper lists seven matchups, with exaggerated titles or catchy phrases.



“…kuku.” (Commander)



 The final match, which will be the main match, will be the last match of the tournament. The “Holy Silver Puppeteer” will be facing a young hunter from Sugamo. A name and photo are prominently displayed under a pop-up sign that reads, “Sugamo’s Golden Rookie”, the World’s Most Reckless Challenger! The expression on his face as he strikes a fighting pose with his fists clenched is interesting because it oozes a sense of abandon rather than enthusiasm for taking on the legend.



“…If you take a picture with such a rough image quality, the dull face looks even duller… ‘Slime Killer'” (Kawataro)


“Huh? It’s getting interesting, isn’t it?” (Commander)



 The commander is also very excited. He gets up from the bench and stretches out.



“Well, I’m going to sleep for a while, it’s the f-o-u-n-d-i-n-g festival and it has been years since I’ve seen their faces… I’m looking forward to it.” (Commander)



 Singing in an out-of-tempo tune, the commander headed out to leave. Kawataro follows behind their back swaying in a good mood.



“…it’s finally time, huh?” (Kawataro)



 After leaving the park, KLawataro turned his attention once again to the central area of Sugamo City. The city of Sugamo has a lot of elegant buildings that he has never seen before even in Asakusa.



 Sugamo City Hall, the City Council building, the mayor’s mansion, and the state guest house.


 He looked at them as if he were shooting at them and flicking a finger in his chest. The moment when the white bullet will be released is just around the corner.



“…looking forward to it, huh…?” (Kawataro)



 He murmured so as if to persuade himself before turning on his heels.



Trick or treat. He felt like saying.



A/N: The intermission is a bit after in chronological order. The main story rewinds a little and starts with the story of Shuu and the others.



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