Metro Labyrinth Chapter 121: [Indestructible Sword]

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~3rd Person Perspective~



 The founder of the Kure-style Life or Death Technique and father of Kure Izuho, Kure Hijiki, used to say, “Martial arts are for the weak.”



 As a shield to save the weak and as a spear to threaten the strong, one should train in these martial arts. …His philosophy is a sound argument that traces the history of the martial arts culture of mankind, and has been supported by some people, especially the [Peasants]. However, in the Senju Tribe, where strength is often sought not as a means to an end but as an end in itself, it was more often snickered at as an “empty title” or “nostalgic idealism of the weak.”



 In fact, it originated from the desire of Hijiki. Because he, too, was one of the weak – “Peasant”.



 The Kure style of fighting, advocated by Eric, Izuho’s grandfather, was an all-rounder martial artist that included striking techniques and weaponry. When he realized that his eldest son, Hijiki, was not capable of practicing it, he had him turned away from the martial arts at an early age and adopted an orphan he had picked up from somewhere else.



 While secretly jealous of and hating his adopted brother, who was the heir to his father’s favor (though in reality it was not such a simple thing), Hijiki nevertheless continued to search for his own path in martial arts.



 As both man and beast are living creatures, there are always gaps and weaknesses in their physical structure. In order to overcome these weaknesses with a minimum of force, a technical system centered on grappling techniques was established as the core of Kure-style Life or Death Technique.



 He left his father and opened a dojo in a corner of Senju. I knew that it would take many years to perfect both the technique and the theory, and he was also concerned that it would end up being a pipe dream. At that time, the dojo was more of a “self-defense technique for the weak”, but it gradually began to attract more and more students, especially from the [Peasants] who were fond of it.



 Eventually, he and his wife, a childhood friend, had a son, whom they named Izuho. They named him Izuho, and he was born a level 10 [Fighter] – with dazzling talent, even for a child of his own, Hijiki thought with a wry smile.



(I’m sure this child will be able to take the path I could never take.) (Hijiki)


(He will be able to reproduce my philosophy at a higher level.) (Hijiki)



 While watching over Izuho’s development, Hijiki also worked even harder to manage the dojo. Those few years were probably the most fulfilling years of Hijiki’s life.



 But it did not last long. Hijiki fell ill.



 His body could no longer move as he wished, and he could no longer stand in the dojo. The dojo was originally a small one, but it lost its liveliness as if it had never existed. The fire that Hijiki had spent more than a decade protecting was about to be completely extinguished.



“–I will take the child. I will raise him to be a fine martial artist, as the third generation of the Kure-style martial arts.” (Eric)



 The one who reached out to him was his father, Eric, who was supposed to have severed ties with him.





 The red and blue curves of Kure’s bare upper body run like blood vessels. It was a sign of the activation of [Herculean Strength] and [Instant Response].


  In addition, a film of mycelium covers the top of his body. [White Armor]—armor of hard mycelium that covers from the upper arms to the thighs.


 The monster of Senju, transformed into his foreign form, opens his bloodshot eyes, lowers his body, and takes a stance.



“Positions, ready… Start!!” (Referee)



 The fan is swung down, and the gong rang.



 At the same time, Kure leaps forward. He leaps forward, low and sharp like a ferocious feline beast.


 Yoshitsune also takes a step forward. Holding the wooden sword in his hands in the upper position, he swings it straight down without killing his thrusting power.



 To dive into the bosom of an opponent with a weapon requires more than speed – it requires judgment and courage.



“–!” (Kure)



 That split-second decision brings Kure’s body to a halt just in time. The tip of the wooden sword grazes the masked man’s forehead. It was an attack that exceeded the speed he had guessed from the initial movement.



(If I had stepped in a few more centimeters.) (Kure)


(I would have ended up with a direct hit to the head.) (Kure)



 Kure forced his center of gravity, which had been lowered backward, to the side, rolling to the side, and dodged the side cleave Yoshitsune’s follow-up attack.



 –It’s a strange sword stroke. It was different from any opponent he had fought before.



 There is almost no sense of power in his appearance.


 The movement is minimal, as if it has been thoroughly stripped down to the bare essentials.


 The acceleration of the tip of the sword is completed the moment it starts moving.


 The slash comes at you without any preliminary movement. No advance prediction can be made, no rhythm can be measured.



(This is.) (Kure)


(The most powerful swordsmanship in New Tokyo.) (Kure)



 Kure, who has devoted nearly 20 years to the martial arts, understands. It is a level of perfection that is out of the ordinary.


 And perhaps, even with this, he has not yet reached his full potential.



“Kuh!” (Kure)



 His eyes widen and his whole-body senses the presence. He keeps moving his legs.


 Even so, he is still doing all he can to avoid it. It’s not enough to get near him.


 The tip of the slash grazes his exposed arm and the [White Armor]. Flesh is gouged, his armor is cut, and blood flies.



“—right.” (Kure)



 The ability to learn is the quintessence of Kure Izuho.


 The trajectory is understood. Speed measured. Timing corrected.



“I’ve already seen it.” (Kure)



 The hand swung the sword up and to match the swing down and restrain the opponent’s wrist. He grabbed his wrist–no, just before that Yoshitsune landed a front kick. It’s not a blow that kicks to damage the body, but a kick that pushes the opponent away.



 As soon as Kure stepped back after absorbing the kick, Yoshitsune drew his wooden sword and put it under his left armpit. He holds the handle with one right hand, and his left hand is attached to the blade to act as a scabbard.



(–a quick slash.) (Kure)



 The tip of the slash is released so that it draws a straight line instead of an arc, and is sucked into Kure’s right side.



 “Bog!” and a dull sound is heard. Both recognize it directly from the point of contact. From the hand gripping the hilt, from the side where the ribs were cracked.



 In that instant, Yoshitsune’s eyes widen – pieces of the shattered wooden sword are flying in the air.


 A gap of less than a tenth of a second. In that time, Kure is entangled in his right arm.



 The arm is reflexively pulled back, but Kure stretches it out with a backward roll. The contact is instantaneous, and that is enough.



 “Crack!” the bone in his elbow breaks with a snap. Feeling it, he lands on his feet and simultaneously jumps backward on all four feet.



 distance between the two. Kure, who was crouching down on his side, and Yoshitsune, who had his unnaturally bent right arm hanging loosely, both of them stared at each other without taking their eyes off of each other.



“…the moment the wooden sword hit you directly, but you snapped it between your arms… you’re the first person to match such a trick with one of my swings.” (Yoshitsune)


“Well, in exchange for my rib. So, is one of your arms a bonus?” (Kure)



 Kure said it lightly, but in reality, he just barely did it. If her had not been prepared to take the blow beforehand, he would have been deprived of the power to fight back. The fact that the arm was taken was a fluke, or perhaps a stroke of luck.



“It wasn’t something that would break easily… Oh, I don’t mean my arm, but the wooden sword. It’s a top-quality piece carved out of the sword tree Masamune.” (Yoshitsune)


“Well, it did something bad.” (Kure)



 The hard hypha armor, [White Armor], on the right side is shattered like an eggshell. The degree of tingling pain indicated that two or three ribs had been fractured.


  He knew that from the beginning. But—




“But–it’s actually different, isn’t it?” (Kure)


“Eh?” (Yoshitsune)


“You said I was looking down on you, but you came in with that tree branch. Now who was the one making the fool of the other?” (Kure)



 Yoshitsune glanced at the remains of the wooden sword on the ground and chuckled.



“It’s a weapon meant for that, and it wasn’t my intention.” (Yoshitsune)


“Use it, a hypha weapon. You’re a [Holy Knight], aren’t you? You can bring out a sword or whatever, you can even use all your hypha balls and spores. On top of that, If I don’t overpower you with that, there’s no point in me standing here.” (Kure)



 They stare at each other while measuring the other. Yoshitsune sighed.



“…I didn’t want to use it but I knew it wouldn’t be enough for this match.” (Yoshitsune)



 Extend his left hand forward. From Yoshitsune’s palm, hypha grows and takes shape.


 A single sword that draws a gentle curve. [Katana]— The color of the blade is different. It is a shiny black iron color.



“—[Indestructible Sword], so named. It’s my unique skill.” (Yoshitsune)



 Yoshitsune kicked a piece of the wooden sword. The black sword flew straight up and at the same time, the black sword ran with a crack. The black sword, which Kure had used all his strength to break, easily cut him without any resistance.



“It is literally a sword that can never be broken. Even when I fought with my brother’s [Light Blade] and the beloved sword of the governor of Tokyo, not even a single dent appeared.” (Yoshitsune)



 Kure has heard that the Governor’s favorite sword is made of the strongest metal, Hihirokane. So, this sword is stronger than that one.


 From the dull, glittering blade, and from the way he held it, Kure was convinced that it wasn’t a false threat. As a warrior he trembled.



“I like that… it’s so overwhelming…!” (Kure)



 He rips off his mask and throws it away. His red hair spills out, exposing his handsome face. The audience was even more excited.



“Show me more of your power.” (Kure)


“…If you want to see mine… then show me yours, Mr. Kure.” (Yoshitsune)


“…I see, you are…” (Kure)



 Seeing his slightly exasperated expression, Kure finally guesses. The thoughts hidden inside the genius young man in front of him.



“All that you have, unbound by any beliefs—” (Yoshitsune)



 With his broken right arm dangling, Yoshitsune holds his left arm in the upper position.



“—Kure Izuho, I’ll defeat you.” (Yoshitsune)



 Kure takes an even lower stance and rushes forward like a cannonball.



 The decisive moment would come a few minutes later.



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