Metro Labyrinth Chapter 152: Tamiko’s Determination

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 Sect Leader talked that there are two people.



“…what do you mean?” (Shuu)



 Koyuki, who calls herself the substitute Sect Leader, apologetically casts her eyes down as if she realizes that the questions are flooding my mind.



“As you all know… The history of Carbuncles has been spun with repeated tragedies. The ‘Demon War’, in which we were begged to join the ‘People of the Thread’ and as a result suffered many casualties, and the epidemic that took the lives of more than 500 of our people…” (Koyuki)


“The government of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government was of great help to us at that time. They dispatched just a few medics to help us.” (Huri)


“At the time, anti-government terrorist attacks were frequent in many parts of the country. They must have had their hands full and thought we furballs were fine enough.” (Alf)



 Huri and Alf muttered sarcastically. Suddenly, Utsuki’s face turns stern as if she is a different person, but as soon as their eyes meet, her expression returns to its former smugness.



“Unbeknownst to others, a few years after the plague was over, the village faced another crisis… And at that time, the person who extended a helping hand…” (Koyuki)


“The real Sect Leader.” (Shuu)


“This shrine–was prepared with respect for the person who stayed in the village. The Sect Leader is watching over this village from the shadows.” (Koyuki)


“That’s what the description in the second letter to the chieftain said, ‘Sect Leader, the true guardian of the village,’ and that is what he meant. No wonder the village chiefs were in such a hurry to get rid of us.” (Yoshitsune)



 When Yoshitsune looked at them with a harsh look, the old man duo frowned resentfully.



“By the way, why did Ms. Koyuki call herself the Sect Leader?” (Shuu)


“…Sect Leader has circumstances that must be kept from the world… At first, it was a secret that was kept strictly within the village, but neither the mouths of men nor the mouths of carbuncles could keep it secret. However, at some point, its existence leaked out to the outside world…” (Koyuki)


“I see. The fake Sect Leader was made up as a substitute for those who wanted to pry into the matter so that they would not be able to get to the real one.” (Shuu)


“That’s right. It seems that the annual Tree Festival was originally intended to advertise the ‘Fake Sect Leader’. Now it’s more of a mere entertainment for the villagers.” (Koyuki)


“Even so, you are very careful to use [Oblivion] to those who get too close to the secret. …it seems like you put a lot of thought into it.” (Shuu)



 Certainly, even if it was their benefactor, but to hide just a single person.



“It is our race’s mission to protect the Sect Leader… I have been taught that since I was a child. I was given this role by my predecessor, who was ill at the time because I happened to manifest [Oblivion] when I was a child.” (Koyuki)


“You were a young genius carbuncle.” (Shuu)


“Not the best, though, squeak.” (Tamiko)



 Tamiko snorted silently.



“I’m sorry, but you didn’t tell me the important part.” (Kure)



 Kure raised his hand.



“Who is the ‘real Sect Leader’? It’s been more than 30 years since the series of terrorist attacks happened, and they saved a whole town at that time and are still alive, so they don’t seem to be a normal person.” (Kure)



 His profile is like a cat glaring at its prey. His main interest is in the hidden person, whether they are strong or not.



 Koyuki looked back at Huri and Alf. The old man duo frowned, then nodded gravely.



“…I’m sure you’ll understand when you see them in person.” (Koyuki)



 Shuu’s thoughts were the same as Kure’s. He is sure that the person is not an ordinary person. Otherwise, the governor of Tokyo wouldn’t have sent a letter in such a roundabout way.




(That means…) (Shuu)


(The governor must know who that person is.) (Shuu)



 Regardless of the question of why and how.



 A bigwig who has been hiding from the public for more than 30 years–when you hear it like that, it’s not surprising that the pretender, is fresh in the people’s mind.



(No way.) (Shuu)


(This time, the real one, a surviving “Master Threadweaver”?) (Shuu)



“So—” said Yoshitsune. “I’d like to meet them right away, where are they now?”



 With the palm of her hand, Koyuki pointed to the tatami where me and the others were sitting.



“…in the far depths of the earth from here.” (Koyuki)


“Eh?” (Yoshitsune)


“A metro that is a hidden metro, different from the metro used by the people of the village. Sect Leader is deep within.” (Koyuki)





 Koyuki and the other members of the village had two conditions for gaining an audience with the real Sect Leader.



 The first was to limit the number of people, preferably just two.



“It would be a different story if you could open the envelope right here and now.” (Wanda)



 At Diana’s suggestion, Yoshitsune immediately shook his head.



“The person to whom the letter is addressed will be the first to read it. I’m told that the contents are some kind of request letter, but that’s all I can tell.” (Yoshitsune)


“If that’s the case, it’s even more so. We can’t bring you all together.” (Wanda)



 It’s clear that this quest isn’t about harming the Sect Leader, but it can’t be helped because of what happened yesterday.



 And another condition—an Abe Shuu is forced to participate.



“Huh? Why me?” (Shuu)


“Well…” (Koyuki)



 Koyuki hesitated and stuttered.



“Actually, I showed Sect Leader a newspaper that had Mr. Abe in it before, and they seemed very interested in you… So, I thought it would be presumptuous of me, but I thought they might be interested in meeting Mr. Abe…” (Koyuki)


“I see…” (Shuu)



 You never know where or how the media will exert its influence.



“Koyuki was also really interested in you,” said Utsuki. “You are a bit different from the other hunters, an ally of all Carbuncles, and a harmless mob-faced virgin… Thanks to you, Koyuki is willing to listen to me, so thank you nyan!”



 She tilts her head and strikes a Maneki-neko pose. Tamiko wraps around her neck when Koyuki looks at her.



 Anyway, since I was confirmed, so there was still two people left.


 I thought that Yoshitsune, the messenger, would of course accompany me–



“Right, this is the third letter.” (Yoshitsune)



 He gently handed over the envelope.



“Huh? Could it be that you’re not going?” (Yoshitsune)


“Well, as expected, His Excellency the Governor is an amazing person.” (Yoshitsune)





 Yoshitsune shrugged his head as if to say, “You’re there.”



“His Excellency… He expected this to happen, that Mr. Abe and Ms. Tamiko will be able to unlock the tightly closed secrets of the Carbuncle tribe. Mr. Abe will surely find the ‘real Sect Leader’.” (Yoshitsune)


“Really?” (Shuu)



 A battle-hardened big-time politician who looks like a shota but is nearly 120 years old. However, I wonder if it’s going to be like that, “I didn’t see it all!”



“I am not worried about entrusting Abe-san with the sleeve. That is also his will.” (Yoshitsune)


“What do you mean?” (Shuu)



 Yoshitsune bites his lip slightly and smiles a little embarrassed.



“There are some circumstances… You-see-I-can-not-go-to-the-met-ro–” (Yoshitsune)



 It was decided that Yoshitsune would not participate, so we decided to choose two again.



“Yes, yes, yes! Of course I’m going! After all, this is an achievement!” (Sou)



 As if to cut in Noa and Kure, raised their hands, and Utsuki jumped up and down in a full-on celebration pose.



“Why are you being so aggressive this time, Utsuki?” (Shuu)



 The loli was motioning for me to come near. I brought my face closer while being cautious that she might use [Charm].



“In the first place, why do you think I bothered to follow you to such a rural area? Did you really believe that I was just here to see the sights for the purpose of picking up guys? Well, you’re half right.” (Sou)


“Then…” (Shuu)


“It’s hard for me too, since I have a strong master who is harsh and demanding… You understand what I’m saying, right?” (Sou)



 So that’s how it is.



 The fact that she knew the secret of the village from the beginning, and that she stepped into it alone, was probably because of the knowledge from Utsuki’s master, the Beast King Satou.



 The traveling shark is searching for some answers lurking in this country. As expected, he knows something about the secrets of this village.



“Well, I haven’t heard everything, and my master doesn’t know everything either.” (Sou)


“…Oh, what is it? When that person helped us–” (Shuu)


“Hey, are you done yet?” (Wanda)



 It was Diana who interrupted our conversation. Now that I notice, she’s always carrying a backpack.



“Ah, Kinami and I will accompany you. I can’t leave Lady Koyuki to you guys, and in the unlikely event that you try to do something to our Sect Leader… You understand, right?” (Wanda)



 The woman smiles with a sharp glint in her eyes and even looks as if she is hoping for that moment to come.



“There are almost no dangerous beasts on the floor where the Sect Leader is located. It will take about half a day to get there. And those who remain here should follow the instructions of the security team. We can’t have any troublemakers.” (Wanda)


“If you want, you can help us with our work. Hahahahaha!” (Butler)



 Sudou’s voice is loud. But it’s a good baritone voice.



“–Ah, well about that… I know Tamiko might not understand–” (Sou)


“I am not going, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Oh, it looks like she’s not going–huh?” (Shuu)



 Tamiko seems to have moved over Noa’s head.



“Aren’t you going with me?” (Shuu)


“…I have something to do here, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“Something to do?” (Shuu)



 She stepped down from Noa and moved far away from everyone. I sat down across from her.



“Yesterday… I was talking to Dad for a while, squeka.” (Tamiko)


“Yeah, you were talking before we split up.” (Shuu)


“Dad doesn’t really hate Abeshuu, squeak… He’s still worried about every human hunter’s skill since Usuikatsuo brought Mom with him, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“I see.” (Shuu)




 I had a vague idea of it, and I know how it feels.




“But more than that… he said he didn’t want me to do anything dangerous, squeak, that I was his daughter, and that’s why he wanted me to stop, squeak…” (Tamiko)


“Yes.” (Shuu)


“Even though I’m the strongest, squeak… Even if I can one shot a demon, squeak…” (Tamiko)


“Yeah, sure.” (Shuu)



 Anyway, it’s only natural for Tarochi to not want his daughter to be in danger. Even more so if she is the only remnant left behind by his beloved wife.



 Quit being a hunter, and stay in this village, as father and daughter.


 I knew that this might be the happiest moment for Tamiko.





“…Tamiko, what do you want to do?” (Shuu)


“I want…” (Tamiko)



 Tamiko gripped the furn on her stomach tightly and looked up.



“I am… Sugamo’s hunter, squeak. Abeshuu’s partner, squeak.” (Tamiko)



 Looking at her powerful expression.



“I’m going to stay here and work for Sado, and show my love and determination to my dad!” (Tamiko)


 I listen to her determination and her wishes.


 While holding back the burning behind my eyes.


 I sniffed on one and smiled to cover it up.



“…yeah. Then that’s your job this time.” (Shuu)


“Sqeak!” (Tamiko)



 We bumped our fists.


 Then placed their fists against each other, like that unforgettable day.



“Let’s do our best together, partner.” (Shuu)


“Heh! Before Abeshuu comes back, I’ll have Sado’s underlings call me chief, squeak!” (Tamiko)






~3rd Person Perspective~



“…they’re gone, sis.” (Noa)


“…squeak…” (Tamiko)



 As Shuu and the others left for the inner room that leads to the hidden metro. Tamiko and Noa see him off and stare at the open door for a while.



“—well.” (Butler)



 Sudou looks around at the people who remained.



“Captain Wanda and the others will be back… Tomorrow at the earliest. For now, let’s have you come to our office. If you don’t mind terrible tea, I’ll treat you.” (Butler)


“You said you wanted to us to help with your work,” said Yoshitsune. “Is there anything we can do?”


“I don’t like sitting around all day,” Kure said. “I’ll go along with the training of your members.”


“Haha, thank you very much. If it is people as skilled as you guys, I’d like to take them around to hunt bandits, but it’s not a job I ask a guest to do.” (Butler)


“It’s fine if that’s what it is.” (Yoshitsune)


“Bandit or punching bag is good.” (Kure)


“Haha, as expected of you guys.” (Butler)



 Outside the shrine, it is a little dark in the shadow of the sacred tree, but beyond the shade of the tree, there is a clear sky without a cloud. It was going to be hot today.



“I’m going to take care of all of you! I will even protect you, Sado, squeak!” (Tamiko)



 Tamiko puffed her chest out over Noah’s head.




“Fufu, that’s Ms. Tamiko,” said Aomoto. “I understand how much you care about your hometown, but don’t over do it.”


“Shaaa! If it even excites me then they did something big, squeak!” (Tamiko)



 A few hours after this.


 Tamiko meets a man who comes to the village and makes her do the fastest horizontal jump in the history of squirrel life.



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