Metro Labyrinth Chapter 98.2: Boss Met

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“If you become a Named Hunter, you can get a reward or a nickname for defeating the Named beast.” (Sou)



 For example, the hunter who killed a mutant Leviathan (a giant carnivorous hippopotamus) that appeared in the waters around Tokyo Bay is known as the “Sea Devil Killer”. This is probably more a matter of honor or romance than of practical benefit.



 By the way, me, who subjugated the Satan Slime, didn’t receive either of them. It will still take a long time to confirm whether it was actually subjugated, and it may not be confirmed in the first place. Well, it’s strange to be called a “Slime Slayer”.


 What’s even more disappointing is that, being a boss in the depths of an unpopular metro, it was of low importance to subjugate and did not even have a bounty on its head. Too bad.



“If Mr. Abe could defeat the mutant here, I would you. They said it was a foe worthy of a name.” (Sou)


“No, I don’t need a title.” (Shuu)


“‘Baphomet Slayer’… No, it’s too simple. How about ‘Sacrifice Devouring Absolute Black Goat, Nightmare Burier Genocider?’” (Sou)


“What is that Chuuni!?” (Shuu)



 Even if you don’t actually defeat a Named metro beast, if you become a master or reach a certain level, or if you are recognized by others, you can get a title on your own. Giran’s “Pervert Wolf,” “King Slayer Silver Wolf,” and there is “Shooting Willow” the No. 1 hunter of Sugamo, Shimoyanagi.


 Someone will probably give me a title as well, and if it spreads publicly, it will become a de facto nickname. If it were to include “virgin,” where would I direct my anger?



 Anyway, Utsuki really wants to have us kill the mutated individual. I understand that she wants to take revenge on behalf of her comrades, but for me, the safety of Tamiko and I comes first. My priority is to do my job. I’m not going to overdo it.



“Hmm. I don’t know if it’s a rice ball or a smart rice ball, but I’m going to make it rust on my teeth, squeak!” (Tamiko)


“I’m counting on you, ‘The Fruit of the Abyss, the Acorn-Muncher, the Cheek Bag Eater’.” (Shuu)





 The place is not as big as the 31st floor of Ouji Metro, but it is still quite spacious.


 It takes about an hour to reach the center of the floor, although it is difficult to go straight because the buildings are crowded and the passageways are flooded in some places.



 Since entering, no suspicious presences have appeared in the range of [Sensory Spores], but Tamiko still seems to sense something unusual, and keeps tilting her head.



“…Abeshuu stop, squeak!” (Tamiko)



 I stopped Utsuki, climbed up on the roof of a nearby building, and looked around.



 —there it was.



 The place is a circular plaza. The colorful cobblestones are arranged in a precise geometric pattern. Surrounding them, six large stone statues of human figures stand on the circumference of the circle. Their backs are turned to the center, as if they are on the lookout for intruding foreign enemies.


 There are the Baphomets. Five in total.



“…why are they there…” (Sou)



 Utsuki mutters.



“…I guess that means they came up the stairs?” (Sou)



 She bit her lip. I don’t dare to say anything, either. But—



“I wonder if they have been following Utsukisou, squeak.” (Tamiko)


“You don’t say.” (Shuu)



 The four of them are not so different from the ones we’ve seen so far. The four are not so different from the previous ones, only a little taller, stouter, and with slightly darker fur.



 However—the individual at the center of the group is clearly different. It is almost as if it were a different creature.


 It was two or three heads taller than the others around it. It was about three meters taller than an ogre.


 None of the undernourished impressions of the baphomets so far are present. Every fingertip, every tip of its sharp horns, every hair on its body is full of energy. Even more than a slender muscular upper body, it has an extremely thick lower body that professional baseball scouts would never leave unrecruited.


 It also has wings on its back reminiscent of bats. This is the very image of a Baphomet.



 It was obvious at first glance, and it was impossible not to recognize it.


 That is the mutant that devoured the colony and destroyed the strike team.



“Tamiko.” (Shuu)


“The ones around it are about 30, squeak. But…” (Tamiko)



 A pause for breath, and then a small chortle.



“That… the guy in the middle is about 63.” (Tamiko)


“I see.” (Shuu)



 There seems to be no difference in the master class evaluation of Utsuki.


 But—I felt it with my own skin.


 In terms of numbers, it is at a lower level than me. But still—I can feel it.


 I felt a sense of intimidation that approaches that of Satan Slime.


 A sense of presence that is second to none, even among the boss golems of Ouji.


 It has something that cannot be measured by its level.



(Hey… it’s more than I imagined.) (Shuu)



 If it was only level 60, I would have thought that I could quickly hunt it down with all my might. But seeing the real thing like this… I understand that it will not be that easy.



(Its entourage is also quite troublesome.) (Shuu)


(I feel like the boss is a melee fighter just by looking at it) (Shuu)


(If its entourage has long-range Fungal Skills or something, it would be very troublesome.) (Shuu)



 Should I start a fight, or should I retreat before the opponent notices?


 I glanced at Utsuki and saw that she was pale and trembling. Is the trauma of the annihilation coming back to her?



(She can’t fight at this rate.) (Shuu)


(At least I should let her escape—) (Shuu)



“—Pigya!” (Tamiko)



 Suddenly, Tamiko cowered, holding her ears.



“Tamiko, what’s wrong?” (Shuu)


“…I’m sorry, there’s a sound squeak.” (Tamiko)


“A sound?” (Shuu)


“A beeping out, I want to cover my ears…” (Tamiko)



 Sadly, I heard nothing. Looking at Utsuki’s puzzled face, she must be the same.


 Was it just her imagination, or did a sound that only Tamiko could hear came?



“—Oh no.” (Shuu)



 A shiver runs down my spine, and I turned around in a panic.


 Baphomet and the others are looking at us. Their eyes, with their pupils, turned sideways, are staring up at him.


 —They noticed us.



“Ms. Utsuki, run away—” (Shuu)



 In the blink of an eye, the entourage leap. They are right in front of my party.


 At the same time, I jumped out and create [War Hammer] in both hands in mid-air.



“Hah!” (Shuu)



 With a short exhale, the hammers roared, knocking away the two that have entered the fight.


 The remaining two were right in front of me, and just as I was about to kick them out of the way, the two shadows became huge…


 No, no. They accelerated and closed the distance in an instant.


 I quickly crossed my [War Hammer] to guard myself, but since I was in the air, I couldn’t hold my ground and was knocked down to the cobblestone pavement with them.



(…what now?) (Shuu)



 I think as I quickly adjust my posture.


 The two following animals suddenly accelerate. In the air, without wings.


 Moreover, those two animals also fell without being able to land satisfactorily. The two animals, which were soaking wet, were screaming angrily as they got up.



(—that guy.) (Shuu)



 Looking back, I see the boss Baphomet smugly slumped over with a smug look on his face. He is dripping with drool, and his hot breath is coming out as steam.



“Abeshuu!” (Tamiko)



 Tamiko cries from above behind me.



“Tamiko! Protect Ms. Utsuki!” (Shuu)



 Shouting without looking back, I took a deep breath.


 About ten meters away was Boss Baphomet, or Boss Met for short.


 The ones that I hit seem to receive non-fatal attacks, and they are getting up and surrounding me, the four Weak Mets.



“…I have to do it.” (Shuu)



 There was no longer any chance for escape. I can’t run away.


 I put strength into my hand holding the [War Hammer]. The white pattern is covered with a bluish-white light.


 Concentrating on my back. Arms extend from the shoulder blades.



“…are you ready?” (Shuu)



 The Baphomets are slowly approaching. My strength and presence should have been transmitted even without using [Beast Repellent], but he couldn’t sense his intention to retreat.


 Is it because they are confident that they can win? Or is it a desire to satisfy their hunger? Or is it their instinct to fight?



 A hated enemy who killed thirty of my colleagues.


 —Why is it that I don’t see them as “the enemy”?


 Is it because I don’t know them? Or maybe it is because I have not witnessed it.



 Either way, they have their justice. They have the will to live. They have the determination and strength to defeat those who threaten them.


 What we see before us is not evil. It is a beast brimming with danger, a threat that must be eliminated. That is all.



 So, as always, I declare,



“—No hard feelings.”



 Before, after, and always after becoming a hunter, it’s the same. This is fighting for survival and profit, that’s all. 



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