Otherworld Company Chapter 182: Even If You Think It Is Not Helpful, There Are Things To Look At.

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 Time flies by as we play cards, starting with old maid, then speed, and when we get used to it, millionaires and sevens.


 The time passes quickly.



“Is it that time already?” (Jiro)



 The time for fun passes in the blink of an eye.


 Everyone looks out the window, playing cards in hand, and sees the players entering the hall.



“The second round will be more spectacular than the first round, that it will be. What do you think about that, that you do, Kitamiya?” (Minami)


“…If you think about it simply, it’s a battle between victors, so wouldn’t it be more powerful than before? Depending on the compatibility, it might end in no time.” (Karen)



 Each of them put their cards on the table and moved to the spectator’s seat by the window.


 The cards for the first game of the second round, familiar to each other, stand the lizardman, a candidate for chief, and the demon seen in the next game.


 Both have won their first-round matches, and the battle is expected to be more intense than the previous one.


 However, despite the fact that I was looking forward to such a battle, I was watching them with a somewhat cold gaze.


 The match began, with the lizardman wielding a large spear and making full use of a large shield, and a demon, an anomalous magical swordsman with a sword in one hand and a staff in the other.


 It can be said that the battle between the two is a spectacular fight, but perhaps because it is after a fierce battle, it feels somewhat unsatisfying.


 I was watching the fight quietly in contrast to Kaido, Minami, and Amelia, who were looking at the battle with excitement and somberness.



“Oh, the lizardman won again, didn’t he?” (Kaido)


“Yes! But it was a shame for the demon too.” (Amelia)



 The Lizardmen won the game by showing a stable fight by focusing on defense, although they did not have as much leeway as before.


 Kaido, Amelia, and the others, as well as the others, are having a good enough time.


 And the way of fighting, which we don’t have, is also a good reference for future dungeon attacks.


 For me personally, there were many situations where I found it helpful to learn how to stand up, how to use magic, how it reflected on me, and how to make countermeasures for the situation.


 The following battle of strength between a giant and a beastman, the next battle of the hard outer skin of a muscular man, and the swordsmanship of a skeleton in splendid armor.


 A battle in the air between a harpy with wings on their arms was finished off by a dark elf using a spirit in the form of a frog.


 All of them were highly skilled and worth seeing, and as a fighter, they were all good and exciting.


 It was not only this one room that was excited, the audience in the arena was also very excited.



“…” (Jiro)



 As the match progresses in my calmly watching mind, something is gradually building up inside me.


 The supervisor told me to watch carefully, and I can see the wall that I will have to overcome in the future being fought against.


 I was half-excited and half-terrified by what I was about to see.



“Next?” (Jiro)



 The match went smoothly, and a few matches later, Carter again finished off his opponent in the blink of an eye.


 The next fight was the one I had to sit out because of an injury.


 While I was being treated, the dragonman finished the first round, and the problem child that the supervisor had told me to watch carefully finally showed his true colors.


 He is just walking leisurely, but his appearance gives off an overwhelming sense of devastating skill, different from the one I felt at Carter’s time.


 A one-eyed dragonman with a large scar over his right eye, and old scars on his scales.


 Despite the great visual disadvantage of his one-eyed nature, his standing posture is clad with such composure that one would think that he is in no hurry.


 Perhaps his strength is conveyed in his opponent’s expression, but his opponent’s expression is not good.



“Kaido.” (Jiro)


“What is it?” (Kaido)


“What kind of fight did that dragon man put up in the first round?” (Jiro)


“…they did not fight.” (Kaido)


“What?” (Jiro)


“That wasn’t a fight. It was just a single punch to the stomach of a giant larger than himself, and that was it. It was just a process. That’s how it was.” (Kaido)



 Contrary to his opponent, a female warrior called Lamia, who had the lower half of a snake, the dragonman Land Basalunte was cackling with boredom.


 The atmosphere was out of place, different from mine as a human.


 Unlike the others who were proud to be here and were ready to fight with dignity, he had a criminal-like air, as if he was just here to fight, regardless of the prestige of this place.


 It was because I saw him standing like that that I checked the details of the first match with Kaido before the match began. As I expected from the way I saw him, that dragonman was not fighting a proper match.


 The supervisor described Basalunte as a battle maniac.


 Perhaps that is why he seeks fights with the strong and shows no interest in fighting with the weak.


 And his strength, he said, was comparable to that of a general.


 He was waiting for the match to begin, looking bored, as if he had just glanced at the female warrior, the lamia, while she was making her entrance, and was aware of his strength.


 The female warrior, who holds her spear in frustration at this attitude, is determined.



“…” (Jiro)



 That expression looks familiar.


 After all, that’s the expression I had on my face just moments ago.


 If I’m going to lose without being able to do anything, I’ll at least try to land a lot of hits on the opponent.


 I could see that kind of determination.


 I feel bad for her, but I feel that it’s impossible.


 It was because Kizan suppressed his arrogance and rough temper, which could be called the true nature of an ogre, that I was able to retaliate and win against Kizan.


 But what if Basalunte is the opponent?


 I quickly switched Lamia’s position with mine in my mind and looked for a chance to win.



“…impossible.” (Jiro)



 No matter how low I estimate the possibility, I can’t imagine a way to win.


 Basalunte doesn’t fight with the weak.


 He doesn’t hate to fight with them, he just doesn’t fight with them because they are a pain in the ass and a waste of time.


 If she had some ability, that dragonman might have played, but that lamia has not reached his standard.


 So, no fighting spirit, no hesitation, no killing intent.



“Woah.” (Kaido)


“Another blow.” (Jiro)



 Deal with the opponent.


 Because I thought so, I did not miss Basalunte’s move.


 In time with the referee’s call, the female Lamia warrior crawled on the ground and approached Basalunte at high speed.


 The speed was not that of a serpent undulating forward, but rather, it was smoothly slipping and advancing the shortest distance at the fastest speed so that there was no friction there.


 With such a high-speed movement, she threw out a spear with all her might, but the opponent didn’t even feel the need to dodge, as he was able to catch the spear in his body and stop the blow without the tip of the spear piercing.


 As if it were a matter of course, he slowly raised his fist so that everyone could see it, as if the spear was not there.


 A sound reached my ears as if a meteorite had hit the ground.


 The victim of the sound, the lamia, bent her long, huge body into a spring and was blown sideways and buried in the wall as if gravity didn’t matter.


 After a few seconds of silence, a piece of the wall falls to the ground, and the Lamia is buried against the wall of the coliseum, following gravity, her long body slides off the wall and throws herself to the ground.


 Kitamiya and Masaru shouted and the judges rushed to check on her condition, but it was obvious that Lamia’s female warrior was unconscious with her eyes glazed over.


 Victory is declared for Basalunte, and the quiet space suddenly becomes noisy with cheers.


 However, the winner did not give any fan service, such as waving to the audience, and Basalunte walked out to leave the venue with a pout as if he was not even interested in having won.



“Oh, isn’t he looking at me?” (Jiro)


“He’s watching you.” (Kaido)


“He’s watching you, that he is.” (Minami)



 For some reason, he stopped mid-way and looked in my direction, or rather, at me.


 Even though the distance was more than a hundred meters, their gazes met.


 Since my body was strengthened with the magic crest in the first place, I could see him from this distance.


 So, I don’t think it’s me being overly self-conscious or a misunderstanding.


 He looked at me with a lack of motivation, but something in his eyes.


 Then, Basalunte moved his index finger in a “come at me” gesture.


 The audience thought it was some kind of performance and began to murmur, but then Basalunte left the venue without further incident.



“Provocation, huh?” (Jiro)


“That’s what it looked like.” (Memoria)


“Just as I thought?” (Jiro)


“Yes, did you do anything, Mr. Jiro?” (Memoria)


“Was it because of me?” (Jiro)



 Memoria, who was sitting next to me, also took Basalunte’s behavior as a provocation, just like me, and checked to see if I had done something wrong.


 However, I feel bad for Memoria, but I have no idea.



“Mr. Jiro seems to be getting into a lot of trouble lately, so I wondered if I had done something to that gentleman.” (Memoria)


“Hey, don’t make it sound like I am getting into a commotion because I am me. I’m sorry, but I don’t have any idea. I sometimes get involved myself, but I’ve never met that guy before.” (Jiro)



 I know the Ogre Yakuza and the Skeleton Gentleman, but I don’t have that many acquaintances with dragonman.


 And as far as I remember, I’ve never met a dragonman covered in scars like that.


 …Maybe even a distant relative of dragonman was blown away?



“I think Jiro should be a little more self-effacing about jumping into the fray.” (Memoria)



 I think back to my past battle with the dragonman, but the more I dig into it, the more possibilities emerge, and I can even imagine a scenario to the point where I can’t deny it.



“…I’m doing the right thing though.” (Jiro)


“Leader is loved by the god of chaos, he is sure to be involved in more commotion in the future, that he is. In this way, that is, in terms of stories, that it is.” (Minami)


“Aren’t you trying to put me in the same category as another wild protagonist?” (Jiro)


“Am I wrong, that am I?” (Minami)


“I’d like to say ‘no’, that’s what I would want.” (Jiro)



 Whenever I get involved in some kind of disturbance, I have a reason, but I can only reply to Suela, who smiles and cautions me, that I will be careful or do my best to handle the situation.


 I can’t use the word “never” in this company, where anything can happen.



“For the sake of our unborn child, I would pray for you.” (Suela)


“So, are you able to exorcise the god of chaos?” (Jiro)



 But considering the fact that my child is about to be born, I can’t say that I’ll be good.


 I had to do what I could to avoid the situation if not absolutely avoid it.



“In that case, for the time being, I would start by not leaving this room and ignoring the provocations that were made earlier.” (Jiro)



 I had a feeling that something might happen if I left the room, so for the time being, I quietly watched the competition go on.



Note for the Day

Avoid danger, avoid danger.



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