Otherworld Company Chapter 2.2: New Employee Training has Started

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Morning of the 4th day of training.

In the tiered classroom, which rises higher the further back you go, like a university lecture hall, I alternated between looking at the materials and my notes, summarizing the main points, and looking at my classmates from the back of the room in between.

The first thing I can say is that they are all young.

There was no one who looked older than me, at least not in appearance.

Most of them were in their early twenties or twenties to thirties. Well, it was no surprise that they were all young since they were required to have combat skills.

In addition, the number of members was much smaller than the number of people that had been recruited.

Less than half, or even a third, of the seats in the lecture hall, which was originally supposed to be used by a hundred people, were occupied.

However, to my surprise, there was almost no difference in the ratio of male to female students.

To add to that, there were no minors.

Well, of course.

No matter how good the pay is and the work environment is good, parents of minors will not give their permission if their lives are in danger.

Well, in some cases, they might give permission, but that would be the exception.

The recruitment guidelines included minors, but this is not a manga or a video game.

It seems that the dream of students fighting each other is not so easy to realize even in fantasy.

“The fantasy is right in front of us.” (Jiro)

I nodded in an unconscious whisper because I was seated in the last row.

Standing at the podium was another dark elf man, different from Suela, who was also handsome and looked good in his lab coat.

The female testers all had a twinkle in their eyes and took the lecture seriously, while only 30% of the male testers took it seriously, and the rest were half-heartedly listening to the lecture, looking uninterested.

“There are two main types of dungeon monsters.” (Lecturer)

Well, I’m the one in that 30%.

No matter how much the person in charge of teaching me is handsome and popular with women, it’s just too stupid to weigh my life with my envy.

Well, as expected, when you’re 30 years old and you don’t have a girlfriend, you’re ready to give up to a certain extent.

I looked at my peers in disgust as I scribbled down what I thought was important on the monitor in my notebook.

Of course, I didn’t forget to put a highlighter on the document as well.

Soul and Blood. A Soul is a monster formed only by magic power. In general, the creatures that roam the dungeons are souls. They are characterized by the fact that they do not bleed when attacked and injured, but instead are flooded with magic particles, and when defeated, their corpses disappear without leaving any part of them.” (Lecturer)

I read what was written in the document, and at the same time, I also learned what the Dark Elf, my teacher, wrote.

“It’s not that there are no differences between individuals, but there are no major differences in ability. If you have the knowledge and skills, it’s not impossible to defeat them. Instead, it has less impact on the Magic Crest and there are fewer materials to obtain.” (Lecturer)

In summary, a mass-produced monster with no corpse left behind.

“The one to watch out for is the Blood. The number of individuals is small, but it boasts specs that are three to ten times greater than the souls of every race.” (Lecturer)

Blood, as far as I can see from the materials, it’s a monster that literally sheds blood if it’s hurt, and leaves a corpse if it’s defeated.

It’s a unique monster, so to speak.

“You guys aren’t used to the dungeon yet. If you meet one, I recommend you to run away and not overdo it.” (Lecturer)

The dark elf teacher’s words were met with a few reactions of disagreement.

The strength is several times greater than that of a soul, and fighting them requires more risk and experience, but the magic power and special materials that are not found in souls can be obtained in return.

It’s either the low-risk, low-reward of Souls or the high-risk, high-reward of Bloods.

I’m sure there are some who would choose the latter.

Especially if it’s about strengthening.

Then a Magic Crest evolves.

No, it may be better to call it optimization.

It seems that it takes time for the external pathways from the crest on the surface to seep into the body, and it takes energy to accelerate the process.

The only way to make up for this is to fight with monsters.

Just by moving your body, you can optimize your Magic Crest, but the quality is low and difficult to increase.

On the other hand, in addition to optimizing the battle with monsters, if you defeat them, they will give you an element called magical power that will improve the quality of the Magic Crest.

It’s perfect for me, who is thirty years old, it will help me increase my salary in addition to helping me grow.

“It’s easy to tell them apart. Some characteristics always appear based on the individual soul.” (Jiro)

The Demon race and monsters tend to want to show off their strength.

This is reflected in Blood’s unique claws, skin tone, and weapons, which make them unique.

“That’s all for today. After having lunch, we will move to the afternoon training.” (Lecturer)

The time is already near noon, and the lecture ended about five minutes earlier, it was good timing.

“And I will collect the Job-Type Survey tomorrow. Don’t forget to bring it with you, as it will be used to distribute your initial equipment.” (Lecturer)

In the end, the handsome dark elf left the lecture room, leaving a parting message and handouts.

When I stretched out from my focus, I could feel my bones popping and my stiff muscles relaxing.

And all around him, people were talking about the handsome dark elf’s last-minute handouts.

“What kind of job do you want?” (Random Employee)

“Hmm? I’m thinking magician.” (Random Employee)

“What? You too?” (Random Employee)

“It seems scary to fight in the front lines.” (Random Employee)

“That’s right.” (Random Employee)

As I listened to the conversations, there was no one wanting the vanguard job, as I stood up and passed by.

No one wants to talk to me.

If I meet their eyes, they will give me a soft bow, but that’s it.

“I wonder if that’s the generation gap.” (Jiro)

Seeing their reaction, I think that I have grown old.

After all, I was the oldest of the hired workers.

To be honest, I don’t know how to talk to them, and they don’t think there’s much merit in getting along with me when my physical growth is already going downhill.

Or so I heard them say.

So, congratulations!

“So, the “30-year-old guy” was born.” (Jiro)

It’s not congratulatory, but it’s a relief.

“Vanguards are not popular.” (Jiro)

I switched my thoughts to a positive one and moved to a corner of the cafeteria, where I ate a bowl of fried rice and looked at a form that looked like a career choice survey.

On the large frame at the top, there are three types of occupations: vanguard, ranger, and rearguard.

However, it doesn’t mean that you will receive any special skills just because you choose one of these professions. It will simply affect the distribution of the initial equipment prepared for your desired profession. Also some lectures on basic strategies.

“Well, people are people, I’m just me.” (Jiro)

I write down the job I’ve been thinking about these past few days, and then just focus on my lunch.

I had to eat well in order to be ready for the afternoon.

“Meeeeeeeeennggggg!” (Jiro)

My stomach is distended while I screamed, and the word “Mercy” has completely lost meaning over the last three days.

Always receiving full physical support from my Magic Crest, the state of being able to move to the point of absurdity, if not easily, and the feeling of seriously fighting reminds me of my younger days.

“Duruuuuuuu!!” (Jiro)

I forced myself to change the momentum of my swing and connect with the body cleave, but I only heard a light thud, like wood hitting wood.

“If you show your back, I will attack. Please remember.” (Suela)

There was no time to say I understood.

I threw myself down to follow the cool, clear voice’s advice and rolled forward, hearing a swish of air as if something was passing over my back.

“Stand up quickly. The more you sit, the easier you are to target.” (Suela)

“Trukyiiiiiiiiii!” (Jiro)

“The decision to fight back while on the ground is excellent, but a rash attack against a superior opponent will not work, let alone one of the same rank.” (Suela)

Let your body react before you think.

“Koteeeeeeeeeee !!!” (Jiro)

“Be sure to keep your posture when attacking.” (Suela)

Suela’s wand accurately and quickly deflected the wooden sword that I swung down toward her wrist as if there was no feint stab in her eyes from the beginning.

“Otherwise, a series of strikes will just be a useless move that saps your energy. Then, you have to take care of yourself after the attack.” (Suela)

Since she has a rearguard position, there is no odd movement.

As you can see, the only thing she can do with her cane is to smoothly thrust so that I can barely react. Still, I put a lot of effort into moving my body and jumping up.

“Gu!” (Jiro)

I choke for a moment, but that’s it.

It hurts a lot, but it’s not so bad that I can’t move.

I admire myself for having developed such a high tolerance for pain in the past few days.

“Guuhaa!” (Jiro)

Unfortunately, I couldn’t do that.

“It may be that you are trying to kill the impact, but you should consider your opponent’s attack power before making such a decision. Otherwise, the act of killing the impact by jumping is only recommended to be used in very open areas.” (Suela)

Yes, I know.

But the place I was standing on should have been at least 20 meters away from the wall that I still somewhat hit.

“Especially in a dungeon with many closed spaces, or in an area with many cliffs where there is a high possibility of falling, your previous action will definitely be fatal.” (Suela)

“S-strict.” (Jiro)

“It’s for your survival.” (Suela)

“That’s right.” (Jiro)

Suela blew me away, but she didn’t change her expression, walked up, and touched my body.

The warmth of a woman’s skin is slightly warm, and it makes me throb with a different kind of pain.

My body splutters slightly at the sensation.

“…? Excuse me, are you hurt?” (Suela)

“No.” (Jiro)

“I’m just embarrassed,” I said, neither inappropriately nor in a shameful way.

“It’s just a bruise. Do you want me to use healing magic?” (Suela)

“No, only for broken bones and such.” (Jiro)

“Sure, healing magic hinders growth, but it’s only Durability. I don’t recommend overdoing it.” (Suela)

“If you’re a vanguard, durability is essential, and now it hurts your body, but it doesn’t feel overwhelming, so I’m fine.” (Jiro)

I stood up, brushing the end of the cane that was held out to me with the palm of my hand. I turned my head, then I turned my shoulders and lifted my legs, and a slight ache came from every part of my body.

But, that’s it.

It doesn’t feel like a bone is broken. There’s no blood coming out. If I leave it alone, the heat in my body will mask the pain.

“And I’m good at adjusting Suela, so I’m grateful that it doesn’t hurt in weird areas.” (Jiro)

If this were to hurt my joints, or if I were to lose my grip on the wooden sword, or if I were to be bludgeoned in the head, it would indeed be bad, but that has not happened so far

“I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but the difference in ability between you and me right now is about the size of a baby and a Wyvern. That gives me quite a bit of leeway to do what I’m doing now.” (Suela)

It wasn’t just a matter of twisting the baby’s hand.

“Is there such a difference?” (Jiro)

“Yes, by the way, the difference between me and a General is about the same, you know?” (Suela)

Even Suela says that an exponential difference in power is only happening with her, right?

“By the way, what is the difference between a General and the Demon King?” (Jiro)

“I’m sure they’ll be able to get a hit with a bunch of generals, but it’s only going to be a scratch?” (Suela)

To be honest, I can’t imagine how strong they are.

“Am I less than an ant for the Demon King?” (Jiro)

“In terms of combat ability… probably a microorganism.” (Suela)

On the contrary, if there is such a difference, I will have to give up.

Finally, when the pain begins to subside and I stand up, I accept Suela’s invitation to take a break obediently.

To be honest, I was standing there with a man’s pride in front of a beautiful woman, so I moved to the edge and took off my helmet.

“Puu. Is a hero someone who can beat or match a Demon King, isn’t he from the same Earth as me?” (Jiro)

“Yes, more specifically, 16 to 19 years old is the average age of heroes.” (Suela)

“What happened to modern high schoolers?” (Jiro)

Although I should have been released from the cramped feeling, the fantasy circumstances she reveals gave me a strange feeling.

I’ve never seen or heard of such a crazy high school student before.

In the first place, if there were such a high school student, there’s no way it wouldn’t be publicized.

In other words.

“Fantasy scary yeah.” (Jiro)

“Even if you say that you have the magical power of the shogun, it feels like you need more steps before reaching that level.” (Suela)

“I don’t really feel it at all.” (Jiro)

Suela tells me, who is in a position to know the results of the first physical measurements taken after joining the company. She then offered me a sports drink that was magically ordered with a little embarrassed laugh.

“Thank you, but magical aptitude eight, do I really have that ability?” (Jiro)

“It will be a long time before you can really feel it. Only truly abnormal beings with magical aptitude ten can really feel that they are strong from the start.” (Suela)

Suela feels somehow looks at me, unconvinced by her words, but there is no need for her to do anything else.

I drained the bottle in one gulp to moisten my throat and thought about my actual specs.

Although I don’t feel it at all, it means that I have enough potential that I can reverse the position I was in earlier in the battle if I train every year in the future.

“Most people are good at first and have only goblin-like fighting ability, but if you are a goblin now, you will not be left behind. If you are lucky, you can hit the orcs head-on.” (Suela)

“Is that amazing?” (Jiro)

Perhaps it was because I had been completely beaten to a pulp for the past few days, but I thought I was going to be ripped to shreds and told that I was no better than a goblin now.

But Suela gave me a much higher rating than I expected.

“Yes, in a one-on-one situation, there is no doubt in my mind. But there are not many people who are isolated in a dungeon. It can be an opportunity for the brave to take advantage of.” (Suela)

“What?” (Jiro)

“If you’re in a position to do so, you’ll be able to… lose within ten seconds if you don’t give them an opening, and within three if you do.” (Suela)

However, it does not betray the impression that I am capable of doing her job well.

My pride was quickly scraped off.

If I was told that I would die implicitly, I would have only one or two strong hits, no, one hit, but I would stand up, but I’m not young enough to get angry until I try and know.

“How strong could I be?” (Jiro)

If you ask me how strong I need to be, I’d rather play it safe and avoid the risk of danger.

“To the extent that you can defeat a hero.” (Suela)

“I don’t have to fight, right?” (Jiro)

“I’m assuming it’s a dungeon against the heroes. You need to be strong enough to do that.” (Suela)

“I see.” (Jiro)

I knew this from the beginning when it was presented to me.

Creating an anti-hero dungeon, I undertook that job.

“If I do one more, let’s finish today. So, let’s get a little serious, so please inform me in advance.” (Suela)

“?” (Jiro)

When I heard that the break was over and that it was almost over, it was reason enough to get fired up.

I put on my mask and listened.

“The job request form should be collected tomorrow morning, so future afternoon training may change in some cases.” (Suela)

“Is Suela’s occupation a magician?” (Jiro)

“Yes, so if we don’t have enough hands, I’ll have to go there.” (Suela)

Then, I can be confident that the person in charge will definitely change by looking at the conversations this morning and the surroundings.

As they say, a rice cake is made by a rice cake maker, but the type of work I wanted and the type of work she has were not even close.

I tied the last string tightly as if to brace myself and stood up, wooden sword in hand.

“I understand. Then please one more.” (Jiro)

“I won’t use magic, but I’ll show you a magician’s melee combat ability.” (Suela)

I was disappointed that my training with such a beautiful woman was coming to an end, but I decided to stick it out as long as I could and faced her in the middle of the training area.

I’ll just say that I showed the best persistence ever, but the result was the same: I was beaten up.

The bottom line, is fantasy mages are not half bad.

Jiro Tanaka – 28 years old – Single – No Girlfriend – Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Eight (General Class)


Strength 13 Strength 25

Durability 10 Durability 30

Agility 12 Agility 17

Endurance 8 (-5) Endurance 19 (-5)

Dexterity 15 Dexterity 21

Knowledge 30 Knowledge 31

Intuition 5 Intuition 6

Luck 5 Luck 5

Magic 40 Magic 40


Nicotine Addiction


Lung Contamination

Daily Note:

I have been trained and beaten to a pulp by a dark elf magician.



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