Otherworld Company Chapter 23.3: The Code of Hammurabi said, Return Work for Work, and in Recompense, Return the same, or so it Says (Evil Laugh)

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Hearing about a company that I would describe as a swamp rather than a rough patch in society may have shattered his hopes for the future.


Masaru, I’m sorry, to be honest.



“What kind of profession should I strive for?” (Masaru)


((Full-time househusband?)) (Kaido & Jiro)



At the predictable question, I immediately thought of a career. I was about to say something like that, but I kept my mouth shut and held it back.


Somehow, I think Kaido is thinking the same thing.


I have a feeling that’s the case.



“Masaru should be my wife, that you should!!!” (Minami)


“”To be devoured by a NEET?”” (Kaido & Masaru)


“I’m working, that I am!” (Minami)


“I hope it stays that way.” (Jiro)



This time, it came out of my mouth.


To be honest, I can’t imagine Masaru and Minami ever leaving each other.


I have this idea in my mind that no matter what happens in reality, the two of them will end up together where they belong.


That’s why I just said what came naturally to me.


It may have been a strange phrase from a financial point of view, but I don’t think it was strange in terms of atmosphere.


I think it’s the fact that they both know that I’m not serious, even though they are complaining about it.


Minami, who sees Masaru heading off to the kitchen as it is, stops typing and turns around complaining at us.



“I’m being treated badly, that I am.” (Minami)


“Isn’t it the same as always?” (Masaru)


“Masaru!?” (Minami)


“Or do you want Leader to behave like that character in that otome game you’re playing?” (Masaru)


“…gave me goosebumps, that it did!?” (Minami)


“”Do you hate it that much!?”” (Kaido & Jiro)



But that soon turned into a conversation like that of a married couple, where one is in the kitchen and the other is in the living room.


The last line Minami said was terrible.



“No, I thought the leader was a wild character, that I thought it was possible, but the attack from Suela crossed my mind.” (Minami)


“Oh, that’s why.” (Masaru)



That makes sense.


Goosebumps are goosebumps, but goosebumps from fear…


I’ll have to be careful too.



“What’s wrong with me?” (Kaido)


“It’s just impossible.” (Minami)


“That’s a bit of a slap in the face, isn’t it?” (Kaido)



Kaido, sorry.



“No, I’m sorry but it’s better to stay as it is, that it does.” (Minami)


“Isn’t that right? Here’s some cocoa. Leader and Senior Kaido are okay with coffee, right?” (Masaru)


“Thanks.” (Jiro)


“Am I that kind of a character?” (Kaido)



After handing the cocoa to the childishly happy Minami, I accepted the coffee on the tray offered to me.



“Minami, where’s your report?” (Jiro)


“Hmm? The only thing left to do is to check for typos, that I will. If you print it out, it will be quite a sizeable amount, that it is.” (Minami)


“I’ll take it in digital format, so you can take this. I’ll check the typos on my end, so please transfer them to a USB memory stick.” (Jiro)


“Understood, that it is.” (Minami)


“We spent a lot of time.” (Masaru)


“Yeah, I’m done for today. I’m going to take tomorrow and the next day off.” (Jiro)


“Fufu, it is a foolish question to ask me, that it is! You have a hundred and eight ways to spend your time, that you do! Rest is the best, that it is!” (Minami)


“Well, I have assignments and Minami to take care of.” (Masaru)


“I am–” (Kaido)


“Don’t spend too much money at the facility back there.” (Jiro)


“I know!” (Kaido)



As expected, Kaido got hooked on the back facility after it was opened to him.


Fighting stimulates the survival instinct.


It was explained to me that this is why such facilities are necessary.


He earned a considerable amount of money in two weeks, so he doesn’t have to worry about debt, but he has to be careful not to spend too much because it will be a problem later on.



“We’re done for the day.” (Jiro)


“I’m tired.” (Kaido)


“I’m tired, that I am.” (Minami)


“Thank you for your hard work.” (Masaru)



Everyone leaves the party room to spend their time on their own schedule.



“Well, should I do a little overtime?” (Jiro)



I stayed behind to look over the report Minami had made for me, checking for typos and errors.



“Oh, all I have to do is give this to Suela and I’m done.” (Jiro)



I can see the smirk on his face.


But not yet, not yet.


I’ll wait and celebrate until I see the results.



“I’ll wait for the results.” (Jiro)



With the USB memory stick containing the report in my hand, I too left the party room.





Side Raidou (Kio)



I feel very good now.



“He’s got some interesting ideas.” (Kio)



I’m not in the company, nor in the dungeon.


I’m in my home on a continent that exists between dimensions.


I liked the idea of a Japanese samurai house at first sight and had the giants build it for me, but it fits me better than I expected.


I’m sitting in one of the rooms, looking over the documents that Evia gave me.


If my subordinates see me like this, they’ll be surprised.


I hadn’t intended to look at this piece of paper at first either.


I didn’t want to accept it, thinking it would be the same old thing anyway.



“Take a look this time, you’ll see something interesting.” (Evia)



I saw Jiro’s name in the author section and took it.



“Well, it looks like I was wrong, president.” (Kio)



Putting human hands in the dungeon.


At first, I wasn’t keen on the idea.


I helped because the General told me to.


That’s all.


The other Generals must be in a similar state of mind.


There was a guy with a backbone like Jiro, so maybe I and No Life were still good.


But what about the other guys?



“Kukuku, It’s no use thinking about it.” (Kio)



Now I have to think of a way to turn this piece of paper into reality.


No matter how much the Demon King’s Army pays based on accomplishments, it is not possible to take this position with just the power.


The general will be the one who has both the skills and the talent to be the best.



“Father, your magical power is leaking outside, the gale was so strong I almost fell into the pond.” (Kio’s Daughter)


“Oh? I’m sorry, are you okay?” (Kio)



Apparently, I was so excited about what was to come that I let my magic leak out.


A sliding door?


The paper door opens to reveal my daughter in her kimono.


She nodded her head in reply, much like my wife.



“Father, what’s that?” (Kio’s Daughter)


“Ah? Work, work.” (Kio)


“How rare.” (Kio’s Daughter)


“Oh! That’s right.” (Kio)


“Still.” (Kio’s Daughter)


“Hmm?” (Kio)


“Father looks very happy.” (Kio’s Daughter)


“Oh, it looks like something fun will happen.” (Kio)


“Is it fun? Is that the human you told me about before?” (Kio’s Daughter)


“Oh! He’s got something interesting to tell us, and I think I’ll be drinking better than usual today!” (Kio)


“…Is Jiro strong?” (Kio’s Daughter)


“What? Ina, are you interested in Jiro?” (Kio)


“… Yeah, I want to fight if I’m strong.” (Kio’s Daughter => Ina)



Oops, I did something I don’t usually do and it got to my daughter.


Ina has my blood in her veins and she’s strong.


Well, she’s still not as strong as me!


But she’s still strong enough to overpower most people.


And so are the rest of my children.


I guess that’s why.


My children, including Ina, have no interest in the weak.


They think that humans are twisted and must be crushed.


That’s not wrong, but on the other hand, it’s not true.


Strong or weak, they are not a monolith, they are individuals.



“Wait?” (Kio)


“Father?” (Ina)


“Ina, you want to fight Jiro?” (Kio)


“If possible?” (Ina)


“Yeah, I’m sure he’d be a good match for you.” (Kio)



Jiro would be a great teaching tool to learn more.


From what I’ve seen, Ina is a better fighter than him.


But if it’s spirit you’re after, he’s got the edge.


Jiro’s real-world experience will also be a teaching tool for Ina’s growth.


There’s a saying in this country that you can kill two birds with one stone.


Besides, my instincts are telling me that this is going to be interesting.


It’s going to be interesting.


Today’s drink is going to be really good.



“……hmm.” (Kio)


“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it too.” (Ina)



Now, I’m going to clean up Jiro’s business and make arrangements to have him fight my daughter.



Side END





“Waa!?” (Jiro)


“What happened? Jiro.” (Suela)


“No, suddenly I felt a chill.” (Jiro)


“Do you have a cold?” (Suela)


“Can I even catch a cold even if I am strengthened by the magic crest?” (Jiro)


“Yes, your immunity has been enhanced, but it’s not absolute.” (Suela)


“I see.” (Jiro)


“You’ve been overexerting yourself lately. Let’s take it easy today.” (Suela)


“I’d like to say so, but it’s a little chilly today. I think I’ll warm up and go to bed, Suela.” (Jiro)


“…Yes, please come.” (Suela)



I have recently come to understand the classification of bad premonitions, and my intuition tells me that there is something dangerous happening.


I suddenly felt it on the bed and looked around, but nothing happened. I’m just tired from work.


For now, I’ll just surrender myself to the warmth of my girlfriend Suela.



Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Unmarried – Suela Handelberg

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Eight (General Class)

Job Title: Warrior


Note for the Day

Human beings can take any action if they want to.

Yeah, there’s no way I’m going to let those people who are mocking me overtake me.

Just keep looking down.

Next time you’ll have to look up (grin).



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