Otherworld Company Chapter 42.1: From One or Two Stacks of Work…

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Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Unmarried

Girlfriend(s): Suela Handelberg & Memoria Tris

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Eight (General Class)

Job Title: Warrior



“Oh, is this okay?” (Hanz)


“Yeah, but we’re not making any money after all.” (Jiro)


“Oh, it’s rare to receive big purchases since your Mineral Tree.” (Hanz)



It seems that weapon shops that only testers usually visit are deserted, and there are several other weapon shops in the area.


The number of people entering the store seems to be a blessing in the desert.


In such a desert-like situation, it is not a blessed rain, but contributions to sales could still amount to some drinking water.


That is why I can make such a request.


It is important for a member of society to make a connection with others.


A few minutes after entering the store, I received a massive trapezoidal twin shield that I could feel in my hand, which was taken from the back of the store, from Hanz, a giantess I am familiar with.



“And what kind of windfall is it to let me have you use prototype shield, anyway? Before, you said you wouldn’t use one unless I could guarantee its safety.” (Hanz)


“Well, the main thing is that I’m trying to cut costs, and as you can imagine, I don’t have the money to pay for anyone but my party.” (Jiro)


“Oh, really? But anyway, you’ve been the talk of the town lately, haven’t you?” (Hanz)


“Talk of the town?” (Jiro)



Hanz, who smiled cackling that the prototype was not going to harm anyone, changed the subject as if she suddenly remembered.


I wonder if gossip is something that a business owner should be aware of.


I have been doing my job seriously, and I don’t remember treating the members of the Demon King’s army in a strange or terrible way.


I don’t think it’s a bad thing to hear rumors, but it’s an occupational hazard of my former job that negative thoughts come to me first.


Now I have a few things in mind…



“Oh, yeah, you’re the first human to hold a position in the Demon King’s army.” (Hanz)


“I am… the first?” (Jiro)


“Obviously, the Demon King’s army has been at war with humans. Most of us hate humans. Haven’t you heard that the Demon King pushed for the inclusion of testers this time?” (Hanz)


“Speaking of…”



It is easy to forget this due to the rather friendly members of the company, but if I think about it, it is certainly true.


Suela told me about this when I joined the company.


And the emergency drills, it was based on the actual factions within the Demon King’s Army that actually exist in the present.


The Demon King’s army is not a monolith.


A collection of diverse thoughts gather.


The President, who looks like a ball of charisma, squeezes it down into a single entity.


The breakdown of factions is as follows: the moderate faction, which is willing to use human beings to gather individuals with the qualities of heroes to fight against the heroes; the neutral faction, which is waiting to see how things will go; and the hardliner faction, which wants to use humans as slaves and crush other humans. All of the factions are looking at humans as tools rather than cooperating with each other, but because the president was a moderate, he settled the company into the form it has today.



“Hey, brother.” (Hanz)


“Hmm?” (Jiro)


“Is there something you like, brother?” (Hanz)


“Stop it, I can’t see.” (Jiro)


“You’re checking the products behind me, what the hell do you think I’m talking about?” (Hanz)


“Well, I’m looking for a spare weapon, oh, the Mineral Tree is suddenly heavy!?” (Jiro)


“Oh! This guy is amazing, it’s rare for a Mineral Tree to develop a will!” (Hanz)


“Is this really the time to be talking about that!?” (Jiro)



Well, so much for escaping reality.


My original plan was to come here to get Nanase’s shield like this, but on the way, I felt a gaze from somewhere.


I have always felt someone observing me, or a few people, but I don’t really feel eyes evaluating me but are instead just watching me.


The only information I could sense was that there was a certain number of people, one person as far as I could tell, following me around.


I adjust my posture so that I don’t get a sprain from the load caused by the sudden increase in weight behind me and the sensation of having my magic power sucked out of me.


If my status were lower, I’d definitely hurt my back.


I never thought that the day would come, when I would do something that could be seen by someone as cheating, especially with me just searching for a spare weapon, but I’ll let my mind escape from reality and end it here for now.


We were talking facing each other at the counter, and I casually took another long look at the shiny silver sword blade behind the counter.


From the other side, I must look like a customer who is wondering whether to buy or not.


What my magic-enhanced eyesight sees is what appears to be a person quietly timing his entrance and trying to take a peek. This behavior alone is enough to declare that something suspicious is going on.


It only smells like trouble.



“So… Hanz, do you have any debt?” (Jiro)


“Rest assured, the debt collectors for giants don’t come to collect in such a sloppy way.” (Hanz)


“What do you mean?” (Jiro)


“They go in fully armed and equipped.” (Hanz)


“The last resort is introduced early, huh.” (Jiro)


“The last resort is something else, you see.” (Hanz)


“I don’t even want to imagine.” (Jiro)



I hate to admit it, but it still sounds like I’m what that tracker is after.


If this were a beautiful woman or something, I would casually call out to her, but I can’t even get a chance to talk to her when she is so covered by her outer garment that I can’t even recognize her.



“I think you know, but if you have a problem near the store, why don’t you use them as a test dummy for my prototypes?” (Hanz)


“By the way, what kind of prototypes are you working on?” (Jiro)


“Humans are into beauty these days, aren’t they? I’ve developed a wand that makes your skin as supple as a baby’s just by holding it.” (Hanz)


“What are the drawbacks?” (Jiro)


“In addition to being unable to disarm, your ability to think becomes comparable to that of a baby.” (Hanz)


“Okay, I’ll try not to bother your store.” (Jiro)



What is so sad that someone might equip themselves with such a deadly cursed armament?


Moreover, it is fatal that it does not even function as a weapon.


If she were to make something serious, it would probably be good products.





“Do you think they noticed?” (Jiro)


“I don’t think so? If they don’t know that you’re aware of them, they’ll run away or come forward, right?” (Hanz)


“Probably, Hanz, are they one of your acquaintances?” (Jiro)


“I don’t know any giants that small. Even my three-year-old nephew is bigger than that.” (Hanz)


“It’s the kind of height that would drive a short guy crazy if he heard about it.” (Jiro)



I wonder what he wants from me, that guy. It’s too lousy for someone tailing me, and first of all, I don’t have a stomachache from being stared at, at least not at the moment.


If I had to think of something, it would be someone with a relationship with either Suela or Memoria, but I don’t think the employees of this company have enough time to waste time on such a trivial matter.



“Hey, do you have any weapons on hand that could make them confess?” (Jiro)


“I’ve got a dagger that makes you blabber on and on about everything. Instead, in three seconds, your mouth will be wrecked.” (Hanz)


“Adjust the moving speed of the mouth.” (Jiro)


“It can’t be helped, it’s a weapon that accelerates the speed of someone’s perception and senses.” (Hanz)


“Oh, you accelerate so much that they can’t decide if they shouldn’t talk?” (Jiro)


“Oh, it’s quite a masterpiece, isn’t it? Would you like one?” (Hanz)


“Please refrain from even asking, the Mineral Tree will get jealous.” (Jiro)



Thinking that the disadvantages and advantages of the equipment are still out of balance, I check behind me using the sword again, but unfortunately, they are still there.


I don’t think they would answer me honestly if I spoke to them.


I’m not sure if I should ask the supervisor or Suela to deal with it.


Should I have reported it in the meantime?


I am not sure that this is the time to make a decision.



“Even if I keep thinking about it, I won’t be able to decide, I’ll just go home and drink beer.” (Jiro)


“I can’t wait to go home and have some Fire liquor with my mom’s homemade snacks.” (Hanz)


“I have to work.” (Jiro)


“I’m still working.” (Hanz)



At any rate, my business is done.


I had no reason to stay longer, so I left the store with the shield under my arm.


I was careful when I left the store, but they did nothing.


However, their gaze didn’t waver.


There is no reason for me to be targeted, but it might be because of the common sense of this fantasy world.


The streets of the shopping district where I walk, making sure to not walk too fast, or look different from my usual attitude.


I did not enter all the stores.


I do not know the faces of all the shopkeepers.


That information of not knowing the unknown makes me wary.




“Hey.” (Voice)



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