Otherworld Company Chapter 46.2: If Pushing Doesn’t Work, Pull Back, That’s The Trick to Opening It

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“Wow, you even make it bright even at night here.” (Suela)


“Isn’t the company bright at night?” (Jiro)


“The atmosphere here is different.” (Suela)


“I guess so.” (Jiro)



It’s where I’ve always been.


I know it gets crowded at night during the festival, and I have an idea of several nearby parking lots that would be empty.


We arrived at our destination shrine in no time.


Since the festival started in the evening, many people were enjoying the festivities at the food stalls along the path to the shrine.


This is a summer tradition that I have often seen since I moved to this area, but it has been quite a while since I became a working adult and visited the shrine in this way.


As we climb the steps of the shrine, she sees a different scene that stirs the air, and she joyfully pulls away from me and enters the crowd.


I wondered if the scenery becomes so different just by having Suela with me instead of being alone.


I had thought that all festivals were similar in style, but today, it was different.



“I’ve learned a lot about it from documents, but it’s different in person, isn’t it?” (Suela)


“Really?” (Jiro)


“Yes, I didn’t think it was so amazing.” (Suela)


“The guy at the stall was pretty flustered, though.” (Jiro)


“Oh, dear, it was because I was speaking Japanese so well.” (Suela)


“Hahaha!” (Jiro)


“Jiro laughed but didn’t do anything.” (Suela)


“Sorry, I’m really sorry.” (Jiro)



The first thing Suela bought was cotton candy, a familiar item from the food stalls.


The cotton candy was familiar to her but had never seen it in person. She was surprised and excited to see the process of making cotton candy and tried to buy some, but the owner, who looked saw her as a foreign woman from every angle, was in a hurry to use English, and Suela, who was speaking in Japanese, couldn’t hold a conversation with him.


The owner tried to use English, but Suela was trying to speak Japanese. I couldn’t hold back my laughter, which made the owner calm down, but it was rather endearing that he was a little embarrassed, giving her a larger piece of cotton candy, and shyly telling her not to tell.


With cotton candy in hand, I slowly made my way around the stalls and entered the one that interested Suela.



“Oh, what is that?” (Suela)


“That shooting game?” (Jiro)


“Is it a ‘target practice’ and is that a gun, do you aim at the items using that? I think it would destroy the products.” (Suela)


“It’s not the real thing, it’s just a toy, why don’t we try it?” (Jiro)


“Yes!” (Suela)



The setup is much more impressive than when I was a kid, but the basic principles are the same.


Setting the cork in the barrel and firing it with compressed air.


No change there.


I pay the fee for two to a young man who is admiring Suela, probably a part-timer at the stall. Then, he hurriedly pulls out the corks.


But I don’t miss the fact that he intentionally puts one more bullet in Suela’s side.


I feel it’s silly to be upset about it, so I distract myself by explaining to Suela how to do it, while also demonstrating one shot.



“Do you need me to explain?” (Stall Guy)


“Can you help teach me Jiro.” (Suela)


“Oh, put the cork here, aim and shoot.” (Jiro)



Suela’s gesture of brushing off the young man’s attempt to start a conversation, left me feeling confident, instead chose to ask me to help her. Digging up my memories from before and I pull the trigger, making a small pop. Then, the sound of lemon candy falling echoes as the targets collapsed.



“It’s like that.” (Jiro)


“I see.” (Suela)


“Don’t lean too much, or your kimono might slip.” (Jiro)


“I got it.” (Suela)



Whether it was the result of her daily training or her enhanced senses, I was quite shocked that she hit every target smoothly, I stopped the young man’s attempt to peek at Suela and kept my tongue clicking within. I set my sights on the next target with Suela.



“Hmm, I would definitely hit them if I use a bow.” (Suela)


“If that happens, this store will be closed down, but Suela has never used a gun before, so it can’t be helped.” (Jiro)


“Sorry.” (Jiro)



I can’t help but laugh at Suela’s furrowed brow, she might have enjoyed the experience but was dissatisfied with the outcome.


While I was gradually increasing the level of items I was shooting for based on my senses, Suela’s style was to go for what she liked from the start.


I took my first shot at a lemonade snack, followed by a slightly larger snack, and with my last shot after spending two bullets, I got a stuffed bear, which I thought would be a souvenir for Memoria.


On the other hand, Suela consumed all of her six remaining bullets and ended up getting only a lemonade candy from the last bullet that ricocheted back.



“Would you like to do it again?” (Jiro)


“I guess so, let’s do another round, and more come back later when we have time.” (Suela)


“I got it.” (Jiro)



Naturally, Suela hugged my arm, and we start walking.


I’ve heard that Dark Elves are very single-minded, but after seeing her draw a line between some men so far, I can only say that it’s now all men.


The eyes of all the men at the festival have been on Suela since a few minutes ago, but she ignores all of their glances.


She had a couple of words of conversation with the first cotton candy shop owner, but if the pattern is like the young man who just came in, she instantly distances herself from them.


What man wouldn’t be happy there?


I’m a little embarrassed too, but I can’t help but want to keep this up forever.


I guess what she said earlier also means that she wants to have fun, but there is no need to go that far.


After that, we continued to have fun.


Even now, she was puzzled at first by the thinness of the paper goldfish scoop, but in the second round, she surprised the owner by using her natural dexterity to get a large number of goldfish.



“Well, Sis is amazing. Did you practice somewhere?” (Stall Owner)


“No, I just got the hang of it.” (Suela)


“Big sister is amazing! Please, how can I get better!” (Boy)


“Please, teach me too!” (Girl)



Her good-natured personality attracted children to her, and her good looks also made it impossible for her not to attract attention from the people around her.



“You’re quite popular.” (Jiro)


“Are you jealous?” (Suela)


“Oh, I’m feeling jealous and lonely.” (Jiro)


“Hmm.” (Suela)



I tell Suela with a little bit of hones feelings mixed in, and she says she’s sorry and asks the kids to give her some space.



“Brother, if Big Sister goes this far, you can’t look uncool.” (Boy)


“I’m a bit clumsy though.” (Girl)



I don’t need to ask her what her intentions are.


I’m not as good at dexterous things just as I look, but I’m sure I can at least catch one of them.


I slowly crouch down, pay the money and receive the scoops.


Paying a little more, I also get one for Suela and the children.



“You know what you’re doing, right?” (Jiro)


“Woah! Brother is super generous!” (Boy)


“Thank you!” (Girl)



Perhaps it was because Suela was with me, but it was somewhat unnerving to hear the child thank me in such a straightforward manner.


The boy was quick to try his hand, the girl took her time to observe the goldfish, and when I handed the goldfish to Suela, she began to tell the girl how she found the trick.


Then I teach the boy tricks.


I gently scoop up one of the fish and hand him the slightly damp paper scoop.


I give him a few tips and some demonstration


The assurance that he can do it makes him listen to me more attentively.


Everyone in the company should emulate the boy’s behavior, hoping that the others would be just as honest.


The boy now begins to observe carefully.


Then, perhaps thinking he is at the right moment, he moves his hand a little faster and scoops up the goldfish he is aiming for.



“Cool! I did it, big brother.” (Boy)



The scoop breaks but the goldfish he was looking for was there, in the small container.



“Good job.” (Jiro)


“Thanks!” (Boy)



Now that this one was done, I looked at Suela and saw that the girl had apparently done well, too.


She was thanking Suela.



“Big brother, it’s about time for fireworks, you know?” (Boy)


“Is it that late already?” (Jiro)



I don’t say out loud that I made a mistake, but the shopkeeper who looked at his watch told me to look at my watch too, and it seems that more time has passed than I thought.


In ten minutes, the fireworks would start.


If it were true, I would have moved a little earlier to secure a good spot, but at this time of night, it would be difficult to do so.


It seems I was more into it than I thought.


What should I do?


The good spots were probably already occupied.


Watching fireworks in a crowd is a bit uncomfortable.


As I was pondering whether I should watch the fireworks from a distance, I felt the hem of my shirt being pulled downwards.


I was so brought into focus that I looked down and saw…



“Does big brother also want to see the fireworks?” (Boy)


“Yeah.” (Jiro)


“I’ve got a great spot for that!” (Boy)



Apparently, I had a little more luck today.


It seems that he is going to tell me about their hidden spots for firework watching that go to every year, he’s probably just a good boy or he’s thanking me for the goldfish.



“Is it okay?” (Jiro)


“It’s okay, I feel like there are a lot of eyes here.” (Suela)



Although it is rare for a foreigner to be seen around, Suela is also gorgeous.


She would not feel comfortable watching fireworks among the men who are more numerous than before.


If this is the case, then I will trust the child’s words and follow him.


It seemed to be located behind the shrine and was slightly elevated.


It was in the opposite direction from the fireworks site, and although there were a few people around, it was definitely more empty than the festival site.


There were some benches and empty seats.



“Here we are, big brother!” (Boy)


“Which way can we see the fireworks?” (Jiro)


“Over there!” (Boy)



I look in the direction he points.


And at the same time, flowers bloom in the night sky.


Perfect timing.



“Pretty.” (Suela)


“Wow, I haven’t seen them in a long time.” (Jiro)



The boy and girl’s excited air doesn’t bother us either.


Suela was so fascinated by the fireworks she was seeing for the first time that she couldn’t take her eyes off the night sky.


She gently grabbed my arm, but I didn’t let go of her hand and we continued to watch together for a while.


I suddenly realized that I had been so busy with work recently that I hadn’t had a chance to make time for this.


I guess I didn’t have much time to spare.


Perhaps I was uncharacteristically nervous about being selected for a new position.


But I felt that I was loosened up by the fireworks that went off one by one.



“Thank you, Suela.” (Jiro)


“Did you say something?” (Suela)


“No, nothing.” (Jiro)



I am sure she heard my words of gratitude to her, even though they were lost in the sound of the fireworks.


Tomorrow, I might have to work again, but I felt like I could handle it.



Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Unmarried

Girlfriend(s): Suela Handelberg (Dark Elf) & Memoria Tris (Vampire)

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Eight (General Class)

Job Title: Warrior


Note for the Day

A change of pace sometimes is necessary, right?


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