Otherworld Company Chapter 72: Trouble Must Be Dealt With As Soon As Possible

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Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Has Girlfriends

Girlfriend(s): Suela Handelberg & Memoria Tris

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Eight (General Class)

Job Title: Warrior



Actions must be taken quickly, but not without careful thought.


In order to take the most appropriate action based on the information given to me, my body, apart from my thoughts, I quickly put on the magical equipment that has been prepared, and one piece after another, I finished my preparations for going out.


On the other hand, in my mind, I am sorting out the current situation and deciding on my future actions.


I really didn’t foresee anything bad happening on this business trip.


The only thing I enjoyed in this trip was the coffee shop date with Memoria.


The same goes for this case.


“Divine Weapons” or god-made weapons on RPGs, which are weapons that you can get at the end of the game.


If you want to make one that bears the name of a god, you will certainly need the appropriate materials.


However, I would like to say loudly that we should not bother to involve the inhabitants of other worlds.


Do they think it’s okay if they don’t find out?


If that is the case, I would like to go all out and crush the person who planned this.


However, I had no idea that everything had become so complicated.


At first, I thought that there would be some trouble, but as soon as I opened the box and saw what was inside, it told me that this country’s plan could not be stopped and that negotiations were already impossible.


Looking back, I wonder what a waste of time I had. Even if I had approached them as a country to return the students, they would have only bought time and in the meantime, they would have advanced their own agenda.


Even if Japan were to become an enemy, they are so bold as to say that it would not be a problem if they had the weapons.


I have no idea how powerful these weapons actually are, but I am sure they have enough influence to decide the outcome of this war.


I am not as good as this, but I have more than enough magical power to be a step behind the heroes.


I am a candidate for a weapon.


If I go to the negotiating table without thinking, it will be a delicious development for them with me showing up along with the Magic and Mineral Tree, like a duck bringing leeks and oil to cook myself with. [T/N: This was supposed to be a pun, but I can’t translate it in English without losing the joke.]


Since they’ve also prepared the means to deceive me by using [Face Stripping], a strong-arm strategy is definitely an option.


I am reminded of a watershed collapsing on a quiet settlement.


If they were going to return the Heroes and make things easy for us, they would have stopped making weapons or taken some other action.


But contrary to that, Amelia was caught and disappeared from the public eye.



“Well, it’s going to be all right somehow.” (Jiro)



I’d rather be optimistic than pessimistic when in a bad situation.


In my words, I was at ease, but in my mind, I was calculating and drafting my plan as if I was moving an abacus.


As I do this, my leather shoes pound on the cobblestones, echoing through the streets of the morning market.


Well, let’s make the first move.



“Come in, are you having your usual red one?” (Stall Owner)


“No, I’m not in the mood today, I’d like something yellow and sour.” (Jiro)


“Oh, Brother is quite the connoisseur.” (Stall Owner)


“I’m in the mood for that today. I heard this is good for waking up.” (Jiro)


“Hey now, how many do you want?” (Stall Owner)


“I want to say all of them, but I can’t eat all of them. Can I have two?” (Jiro)


“Oh yeah, it’s three copper coins. Come and buy some more new fruits if you like them, Brother.” (Stall Owner)


“Yeah, I’ll drop by again.” (Jiro)



When I stopped and look at the items on display at the fruit stall that line the morning market, the stall owner offered me an apple-like fruit as if they know what I am looking for.


This ordinary looking fruit stall is actually run by a liaison officer who belongs to the Demon King’s Army.


It’s not like only demons belong to the Demon King’s army.


Looking at it as a whole, there aren’t many, but there are still quite a few people like Barth who belong to the Demon King’s Army.


And if you want to hide a tree, hide it in the forest; if you want to hide a person, hide him among people.


The majority of these people are intelligence agents rather than military forces.


There are some exceptions, but most of them have infiltrated enemy territory.


If that is their home base, it would be strange if they did not have one or two of their personnel infiltrate the city.


Well, this is the second time we’ve met and talked, the first time when I let them know my face with the code that Barth gave me, and the second time now that I’m showing them what I’m doing.


This conversation is not just a conversation.


The “red fruit” is, as usual, a standby order.


“Not in the mood” is a change of action order.


“Yellow and sour” is one of the pre-determined plans.


The other two signs are red and green.


Red is an attack, green is a retreat, and yellow is a kidnapping.


The word “connoisseur” on the part of the stall owner confirms that it is as planned, and the word “mood” affirms it.


“Awake” refers to the students who are being celebrated as heroes, and the next number is how many people will be kidnapped.


When I answered “all of them”, I meant “all of them” of course.


“I can’t eat all of them” means that if it’s impossible, it’s fine to do what is possible. Also, it is not worth exposing the organization at this point.


And the last “new fruit” means reinforcements.


This morning’s mouse has been assigned to the liaison, and the action instructions have arrived at Memoria.


After confirming that, I walked down the street of the morning market towards the church with the fruit in hand.



“This is refreshing.” (Jiro)



I peel and eat the fruit, which is slightly sweeter than a lemon, as I walk.


To be honest, eating one fruit wakes me up and refreshes me.


I don’t feel like eating another one, or rather, I don’t have to eat the other one.



“I’ll give you one, kid.” (Jiro)


“Are you sure?” (Kid)


“Yeah, I’m more awake than I thought.” (Jiro)


“Sure, thank you.” (Kid)



I made a gesture of contemplating before handing the fruit to the street urchin on the side of the road as if I had stumbled upon him by accident.


I then casually hold a piece of paper in my hand and let the child run down the alleyway.



“Two people?” (Jiro)



I didn’t think I’d be able to keep them completely off my radar, but I’m not as successful as I thought I would be.


One went to track the kid, the other to contact him.


Well, as it turns out, I should see it as a bit of a bite to the disturbance.


As someone who is being watched every step of the way, I want to remove as many restrictions on my behavior as possible.


The boy from earlier is also a distraction prepared by the liaison.


Of course, I made many preparations so that there would be no danger.


And with this, the other side knows I’m trying to pass some kind of information.



“Next.” (Jiro)



I want to make two or three more moves before I get to the church.


I let out a chuckle, thinking that I’ve gone from being a salaryman to looking like I’m in a spy movie, and thinking that I’ve had a hard time getting the signal information into my head, I make one move after another, usually in between with shopping at the store.


Meanwhile, the watchers behind me were changing personnel incessantly.


Thinking it must be hard work, I glance at the beggar sitting on the side of the road for the last time.


He leans against the wall and does nothing but hang a sign around his neck asking for money.



“White, I understand.” (Jiro)



I check the color of the string around his neck, mumble so that no one hears me, and realize that I am ready for action in the city.


I was not just waiting in vain at the inn.


I had made preparations to be ready to move if something happened.


That is why we can act quickly.


I had done all I could do.


I tightened my loosened tie and headed for the church.


I had originally planned to go near the church, so it would not take that long.


Five minutes’ walk would bring me to the plaza, and another five minutes to the entrance to the cathedral.



“Hello, I’m here for the Bishop, is the bishop here?” (Jiro)


“You are?” (Soldier)



I felt like I was entering the castle of the Demon King, even though I was in the cathedral.


Is it the Demon King’s Vanguard that I’m going to talk to now?


I am careful not to make jokes about that, and when I called out to the soldiers standing at the entrance, they will probably receive a notification.


I did not miss the sharp look in the soldier’s eyes for a moment, but nothing happened and he went to check the situation, saying the standard phrase, “Please wait for a moment.” (Jiro)


This time, without waiting too long, the soldier led the way and let me through.



“Is there anything that happened, for you to come over here?” (Bishop)


“I’m sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering how things were progressing since I had been waiting for you for so long and had not heard from you. I also heard some disturbing news, so I came to confirm it.” (Jiro)


“I am sorry to keep you waiting, but this is an important matter that will affect the nation, so we cannot reach a conclusion so quickly. I hope you will understand that. Now, what is this disturbing news you speak of, Jiro?” (Bishop)



And this raccoon dog bishop is the same as ever.


The bishop appeared with a priest in the same room where I had been ushered in before.


Even though I told him to quickly return the heroes in a distant manner, he avoided stating that they had preparations to do as well.


This is to be expected.


It was not a bad move, but it was not the best one.


The roll of the dice also turned out to be a half-assed roll of the dice.


It would have been nice if it had been even slightly better, but the result was it rolled differently.



“Yes, we gathered a fair amount of information when we crossed the world beforehand, and we heard glimpses of it here and there.” (Jiro)



I have to break the pattern.


Pleasantries are a waste of time.


I quickly cut to the chase.



“Could you tell me how you would use the Mineral Ores in this world just before the war begins?” (Jiro)


“…Where did you hear about that?” (Bishop)



The bishop’s mood changed.


It is a natural reaction to be asked who put it in or where is the source of the information.


First, I poked around in the bushes, but all I could tell was that there was something there, just a rustling and a shaking of the bushes.


It could be a raccoon, a snake, or something more vicious.



“Well, is the distance of our relationship close enough for me to tell you that?” (Jiro)


“Hahaha, I can’t tell you about it either, because it’s a state secret.” (Bishop)


“Yes, it can’t be helped if it’s a national secret.” (Jiro)


“Yes, I’m sorry.” (Bishop)



I did not know what was going to come out of it, but I could not deny it for the time being.


Well, they think the country is working behind me.


They might have thought I would have said something after they had backed me up.



“It can’t be helped… normally I would just say, “I understand,” and get it over with. Unfortunately, that is not the case this time.” (Jiro)


“…But there’s nothing I can say more, you know?” (Bishop)



This time I will wrap around you like a serpent.



“Well, then let me cut to the chase. Well, then, let me put it this way, actually, I also have a Mineral Tree.” (Jiro)



The bishop shows no change in his words or expression.


But sometimes, silence can be quite the eloquent speaker.


It is good that you are silent, Bishop, but you should be more careful about the color of your eyes.


Silence is neither denial nor affirmation.


But even if you are vague with your words, the mood of your eyes speaks for itself.


My guess is correct.



“A Mineral Tree has several characteristics. One, it grows by acquiring magical power. Two, it grows as a weapon if you use it as a weapon.” (Jiro)



The bishop’s gaze grew stronger as I counted each additional finger.



“And we don’t know if the tree will be dull or a great sword as it grows. It is said that the method of its growth is still unknown. But there are exceptions. I wonder if you know of such an exception, Bishop?” (Jiro)



The air in this room is no longer one of disquiet.


I’m asking him to confirm that he knows, but in my mind, he’s already made his decision.



“Third, if you give the Mineral Tree a high density of magical power, you can create a powerful weapon. You now have heroes and Mineral Trees. Now, have you understood what I want to say?” (Jiro)



Without giving him a chance to open his mouth, I shook him all at once.


I would not let them spin a word of denial.



“Let me ask you again. What are you doing ‘underground’ with the Mineral Trees?” (Jiro)



I felt as if I had hit some kind of switch the moment I said these words.


The door opened wildly with a slam and a knight entered.


I had expected and hoped for this outcome, but when it came down to it, I was indeed nervous.


I wondered why a former businessman was doing this, but I thought that I had become a part of this industry when I thought this tension was enjoyable.



“Just for the record, do you understand the weight of your actions?” (Bishop)


“Of course.” (Jiro)


“Is that so.” (Bishop)



I wonder what their confidence is, even though they were confidently antagonizing an unknown country, albeit from a different world.


The knight reacts when I reached into my coat pocket.



“Just a cigarette.” (Jiro)



Without worrying about such things, I take one out of the box and light it with a lighter.


It’s an action that makes them think I was taking it easy.



“Let me come back to what I just said, do you understand the weight of your actions?” (Bishop)


“Oh, I understand. Anyway, In your mind I’ll be used as a material for [Face Stripping], and after replacing me, you’ll get some appropriate information and hopefully establish diplomatic relations.” (Jiro)


“You’re quite dangerous. Get him!” (Bishop)


“Give me a break.” (Jiro)



I guess I was right.


If this was the correct answer to the quiz, I would be somewhat pleased, but unfortunately, I have experienced firsthand how troublesome it can be to get hold of information about a country, so there is no joy in it for me.


Even while I was thinking about such thoughts, a knight was making a move to capture me.


If I am captured, the bishop in front of me will be able to take my place.


Then it will be exposed that I have connections with the demon king’s army.


Wow, if I fail, the Supervisor will kill me.


I don’t intend to fail, though.



“Hey, Bishop.” (Jiro)



With a cigarette on my lips, I punch the knight for the time being.


Compared to the instructors, the overwhelmingly slow movement makes it enough for me to handle it with plenty of leeway.


After many provocations, did they finally get their hands on it?


Well, now comes the crucial moment.


I wanted to get this over with and get back to Japan.



“Are you ready to be crushed?” (Jiro)



To do so, let’s first break the foundation of this plan.



Jiro Tanaka: 28 years old – Has Girlfriends

Girlfriend(s): Suela Handelberg (Dark Elf) & Memoria Tris (Vampire)

Occupation: Dungeon Tester (Regular Employee)

Magical Aptitude: Eight (General Class)

Job Title: Warrior


Note for the Day

The longer you delay in dealing with problems, the worse it gets (true story)


A/N: That’s all for this time.

The battle part is finally in, and it is going to unfold at once starting now.


Thank you for your continued support of this series.



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