Reincarnated Aristocrat Chapter 269: Recovery

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 The detoxification was successful and my strength, which had dropped, was almost back to normal.



 I am in my teens now, and my strength returned fairly quickly. If I had been in my thirties or something and had been poisoned, I might never have regained my strength.



 I had to take a leave of absence from the meeting, but I am scheduled to return the day after tomorrow. The meeting itself will go on without a hitch without me, but as the head of the Louvent family, I still need to be there.



“Um, Ars… are you really okay…?” (Lithia)



 Lithia seemed very worried about whether I had really succeeded in detoxifying the poison.



“Oh, as you can see, it’s fine now.” (Ars)


“I-it’s true… no, I’m sorry. I know it’s been a long time since you’ve received the detoxification magic and I know the symptoms haven’t recurred, but I’m still worried that they might recur again…” (Lithia)



 Since I had not been cured for long, Lithia seemed to be in doubt as to whether I was really cured.


 That’s how worried she got.


 Well, there is still a fear of recurrence because there is no way to test whether it has really been detoxified, but I would like to think that if nothing has happened for a week, it’s okay.


 If the poison is still in my body, I would not be surprised if I have some symptoms in a week.



“It’s okay. Charlotte has used a lot of ether to detoxify it. It won’t happen again.” (Ars)



 I said so as not to make Lithia uneasy.



“Y-you’re right… I shouldn’t be so anxious all the time, but…” (Lithia)



 It seemed that her anxiety wasn’t going to be resolved so easily, and Lithia’s expression didn’t brighten.


 I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if time solves this.



“I’m sure you’ll be back at the conference the day after tomorrow, right? Will you take a good rest today and tomorrow?” (Lithia)


“Yeah… Oh, no, I have things to do.” (Ars)


“What is it?” (Lithia)


“I think I’ll go visit my father’s grave. He has helped me a lot.” (Ars)



 I still clearly remember the time when I was left with only my soul, even now that the detoxification was complete.


 Without my father’s words, I would not have been able to come back to life. I must thank him again.


 My father’s soul was probably reincarnated as another human being like I was in my previous life, so even if I visited his grave, my words might not reach him, but I still wanted to do it.



“I don’t mind visiting the grave… but what do you mean when you say you were helped to father-in-law?” (Lithia)


“Well, well… I know this might be hard to believe, but…” (Ars)



 I explained to Lithia the conversation I had had with my father.



“So that’s what happened… Father-in-law has been watching over Ars all this time… I mean… even if it was only your spirit, doesn’t that mean you were really on the verge of dying!?” (Lithia)



 Lithia said with a pale face.



“Eh…? Well, I suppose that’s true… Father helped me out there… My soul entered my body properly, so I’m alive…” (Ars)


“Well, I should be grateful for that…” (Lithia)



 It seemed that Lithia believed the outlandish story, but it seemed that this caused unnecessary worry.



“May I come with you to visit the grave?” (Lithia)


“The grave is a little far away, is that okay?” (Ars)


“No problem at all!” (Lithia)


“Then let’s go together.” (Ars)



 There was no reason for me to turn down Lithia’s offer, so I accepted.



 My father’s grave is not in Canale but in Lamberk.


 When I became mayor, there was talk of moving his grave to the area around Canale, but I decided to leave it in Lamberk, the place he was most familiar with. I always went to Lamberk to visit my father’s grave on the anniversary of his death.



“Then let’s get ready to go.” (Ars)


“Yes!” (Lithia)



 I decided to go visit the grave with Lithia.





“Brother and sister! Let’s play… huh? Are you going somewhere?” (Claus)



 As I was getting ready to go out, Claus came into the room looking cheerful. Ren and their pet Rio followed them.



“Oh, I’m just going to visit Father’s grave.” (Ars)


“Visiting Father’s grave? We’ll go too!” (Claus)


“Brother, sister, can we go?” (Ren)



 Claus and Ren asked.



“Fufu, that’s right. Let’s all go.” (Lithia)



 Lithia replied with a smile.



“”Yay!”” (Claus & Ren)



 Claus, Ren, and Rio also decided to join us.



 Of course, there must be a bodyguard.


 I asked Braham and Zat to be our guards.



 After getting ready, we headed to my father’s grave in Lamberk.





 A few hours after leaving Canale Castle.


 Lamberk is close by, so we arrived there that same day.



 I feel like I haven’t been to Lamberk in a long time.


 Well, it had been poisoned for a long time, and even before the poisoning I had been busy, so I did not have many chances to go there.



 The grave was built near Lamberk Mansion.


 It had been a long time since I had visited there.



“Well, it’s nice to have a drink while leaving the work to my subordinates. It’s so relaxing, it’s paradise!” (Mireille)



 Mireille was seen drinking in broad daylight.


 At the Khmer Fort, Mireille was preparing to take command of the battle, but with the withdrawal of Sights forces, she returned to her original duties as chief of Lamberk.


 Judging from the situation, she doesn’t seem to be doing her job properly.



“Mireille. If you slack off too much, I’ll replace you with a different chief.” (Ars)


“What? Oh, it’s you, lad! I’m not slacking off or anything. I was just working until a while ago and I’m on my break now!” (Mireille)


“I heard your mutterings just now.” (Ars)


“Uh… I understand. I’ll do it seriously, starting tomorrow.” (Mireille)


“Starting today.” (Ars)


“Yes, yes.” (Mireille)



 She replied nonchalantly. Was it a mistake to leave it to Mireille after all?



“By the way, why are you in Lamberk, boy?” (Mireille)


“I came to visit the grave.” (Ars)


“Again, why?” (Mireille)



 I explained to Mireille what had happened when I had spoken to my father as a spirit.



“Hmm, well, strange things happen, don’t they?” (Mireille)



 Mireille reacted as if she didn’t know whether to believe me or not.



“I never talked to Loy’s father directly, but I did see him once. He had a terrible look in his eyes, so I didn’t talk to him because I didn’t want to get too close.” (Mireille)


“My father said something similar. He said that Mireille used to have an unapproachable air about her.” (Ars)


“Huh? That’s not true. I know I was a bit edgy in the past, but I was a beautiful girl who would turn heads when I walked down the street.” (Mireille)



 Mireille seemed quite dissatisfied.



“I’m going to go to the mansion to do my work. I’m not going to skip work in the mansion or anything.” (Mireille)




 Saying that, Mireille returned to the mansion.


 I guess she’s just planning to slack off.



“She’s the same as always…” (Lithia)



 Lithia looks dumbfounded.



 Then we arrived at my father’s grave.



“Father, I’m here!” (Claus)


“Ren! We have to bring flowers!” (Ren)



 Claus who was innocently having fun was scolded by Ren.



 Standing in front of the grave



 –Thank you, Father. I will continue to do my best as the head of the Louvent family.



 I vowed to myself.



“Father-in-law passed away early, didn’t he…?” (Lithia)


“That’s right…” (Ars)


“Please live a long life, Ars.” (Lithia)


“Yes, I will definitely live a long life. I will never die before Lithia.” (Ars)



 I declared.



 Afterwards, we spent a relaxing day at the Lamberk mansion, before returning to Canale Castle the next day. 



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